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There have been 163 items by yodamus (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#973029 10 year anniversary!

Posted by yodamus on 05 December 2016 - 16:18 in General Discussion

thanks for the cake to all the cows..10 years is a feat to be proud of  :)

#971064 Oidhche Shamhna V

Posted by yodamus on 29 October 2016 - 17:11 in General Discussion

nice post skull..not smoking anything.. i just believe he actually works for hcs...always on their side of everything and all the rest of us players are the dumbo's,  and get our posts rippped to shreds by these hcs player/employees....the number is way to high...way way way too high..and i can not come up with a reason for this..except maybe they dont want us to reach ruby..

#970945 Comments on "List of Daily Quests"

Posted by yodamus on 28 October 2016 - 16:24 in General Discussion

I wonder about the quest since I have not seen it and I have not read anybody doing the daily quest posted previously.  The question I have is doing the invent daily quest does it go to the daily quest award and tick only on daily quest medal only or does it go towards inventing experience and tick for inventing medal.   :huh:



inventing medal ???  i dont see an inventing medal on my profile...wish there was one.. the inventing dq's are not nearly as hard as they look..but to that note..; current stam rewards are by far the least wanted..i can see where someone would not want to do it..

#970919 bizarre disappearing act of my log and items

Posted by yodamus on 28 October 2016 - 14:41 in General Discussion

just about as bizarre..is that i posted this at 20:13...at 20:57 all those messages about ah were back and my items were back in my mailbox...all good...just some strange sun spot blimp on my messages and mailbox....thxs for reply bg..you can lock this up or remove it to get it out of the way

#970892 bizarre disappearing act of my log and items

Posted by yodamus on 27 October 2016 - 20:13 in General Discussion

hello bg..not sure if anything can be done..not sure what just happened for that matter


..but i just logged in and went to my log...i see my messages telling me about items that did not sell in ah...and some arena messages..i go to arena for a second..and come back to my log and all those "did not sell" in ah messages were gone..and my mailbox empty ? ..those auctions had just ended today..bizarre..not overly worried..nothing expensive..more curious as to what could have happened..?

#970820 Caching Failure - Apologies for any inconvenience! [Error: 2]

Posted by yodamus on 26 October 2016 - 17:27 in General Discussion

not sure if this is related...i am trying to walk 1200 tiles and cant do it...take a few steps...lag..then the dreaded "cannot move more than 1 space at a time..get rubberbanded back many steps.....refresh page and i lose many walked tiles....walked about 2000 tiles and have credit for 931 of them...this is not good

#970681 List of Daily Quests

Posted by yodamus on 21 October 2016 - 15:23 in General Discussion

Daily Quest
[ Legendary ]
Invent 150 items
0 / 150
Gain +1,938 Current Stamina
Time Remaining: Like Forever

Wow! I can't even wrap my head around this.

BG changed the spawning of the permanent LEs to satisfy players wanting to do that Legendary DQ. What is the chance BG can or will change the drop rate on Rats? So we can make 150 Pick Axes ;)

wow..i thought my 60 invents was tough..150 yikes..but possible..will take you some time..i did deathspinner amulets..much easier than pickaxes..

#970644 New Daily Quest Suggestion Thread

Posted by yodamus on 20 October 2016 - 15:08 in General Discussion

That could certainly work. Would we want a minimum spend? So people don't simply scavenge with a single gold?

that could be how you do it..spend x gold scavenging.... then players could decides how to go from there..

#970640 New Daily Quest Suggestion Thread

Posted by yodamus on 20 October 2016 - 14:47 in General Discussion

looked over the game..could not think of too many ways to do daily quests- 


scavenge x times... is all i can think of that i have not seen suggested..

#970482 List of Daily Quests

Posted by yodamus on 17 October 2016 - 17:02 in General Discussion

I posted and then went and looked, honestly I thought they'd have been more of them. Hadn't been to their realms since they switched them from a SE to an LE. Thought when they did that they might have made a few more of them spawn and made the instant.


Honestly I doubt this DQ is even possible outside of an event. Perhaps Hoof will be able to condition them to only appear in the pool of available quests when an event is active. Have them be conditional on a variable flicked on when an LE event is launched.

i agree..i tried to do it..but they do not respawn fast enough..unable to do dq today :( ...some of these need to be adjusted..i guess this is why this is a good thread to explain what dq's are possible and which ones are not...over time, i am sure cows will get this right..so far..really like the new and improved dq's..

#970478 List of Daily Quests

Posted by yodamus on 17 October 2016 - 16:16 in General Discussion

Minotaur of the Lost (Legendary)

Leghra Deathspinner Queen (Legendary)


Didn't we already have a talk about the DQ's a few days ago? :P

yes...but do they respawn fast enough..i knew they were there..but if it takes a few minutes to respawn..could make killing 600 of them kinda hard..

#970472 List of Daily Quests

Posted by yodamus on 17 October 2016 - 14:30 in General Discussion

hmmmm..not quite sure how i am to do this one> chompers just went back into hiding..i know a few legends are always out..but do they respawn enough to do this dq..


 Legendary ]
Defeat 600 Legendary creatures
0 / 600
Gain +1 Combat Sets

#970315 Game Update v2.92

Posted by yodamus on 14 October 2016 - 15:27 in General Discussion

wow..did it...600 stam, 50 minutes later..glad there is a such thing as "extract all"..for me worth the great amount of alleg tokens..thxs bg and hoof for a challenge..


Rare ]
Invent 60 items
60 / 60
Gain +210 Allegiance Tokens

#970312 Game Update v2.92

Posted by yodamus on 14 October 2016 - 14:34 in General Discussion

Deathspinner stuff is easy to make, that whole place is actually really good for the DQ's.

thxs..forgot about that place..used to make armors for ah long time ago..60 in a day might still take me some time and stam..i am doing it...16 so far in about 20 minutes..learning to use exactor and invents..this actually can and will be done..thxs again doom

#970309 Game Update v2.92

Posted by yodamus on 14 October 2016 - 14:18 in General Discussion

wow..they already had one of my ideas in place...lol...but holy cow !! is this even possible ???


Rare ]
Invent 60 items
0 / 60
Gain +210 Allegiance Tokens
Time Remaining:
i like the reward..and it does belong in rare cat..but can i do this..any hints anyone..?..i looked over my list of over 200 recipes...i see nothing that i could even think about inventing 20 times much less 60 times..yikes....might want to cut back the amount on this one..bg and hoof..
edit: now that i am doing it..it is about right..tough but possible..good for a rare dq...keep as is..hr long dq

#970239 Game Update v2.92

Posted by yodamus on 13 October 2016 - 18:39 in General Discussion

That falls under the common kill x mobs y times don't you think?

no..regular mobs..are found always where they can easily be hunted and daily done..se's are not always going to be where they should be at the time a person is hunting for them.....are not easily found..therefore,  daily not as easily done..there is your difference..

#970235 Game Update v2.92

Posted by yodamus on 13 October 2016 - 18:32 in General Discussion

you forgot one..kill x se's ...but really how many viable different ways could this be done..if you can think of more tell them


my only suggestions- invent x times, craft x times, hell forge x times, scavenge x times


i think they have done a great job on the types...the rewards were not quite up to par..and they have now taken care of that...all good on the daily quests...i am ready for the daily events (competition)...great work cows..

#970232 Game Update v2.91

Posted by yodamus on 13 October 2016 - 18:22 in General Discussion

The Loyalty Reward will be staying.

excellent..thxs bg....those that dont want them....send them to me..good for keys..good for global pots..good for new and lower level players...one mans trash , another mans treasure....1000 tokens for crystal chest key is a lot better than 50 fsps or 10 mil in gold..

#970206 Game Update v2.91

Posted by yodamus on 13 October 2016 - 14:29 in General Discussion

one big step in the right direction- all rewards are now very good..alleg tokens are quite welcome by me..for those that find lots of chests..those keys are very important..reserve stam..awesome..big current stam..very good..have not seen the other types of rewards or quests.. but seems a great improvement has happened... this will help the game..get daily events (competitions) going and more steps in the right direction will happen...great work cows..

#969110 really bad lag..how am i to play

Posted by yodamus on 19 September 2016 - 15:51 in General Discussion

all i know..is that the game in unplayable..takes way to log to move..cant hunt..cant do my dq..i give up.. now you claim the lag is on my end.

#969108 really bad lag..how am i to play

Posted by yodamus on 19 September 2016 - 15:15 in General Discussion

hello..cows..last few days have been really bad on the lag..today the worst..i have dq of kill 3 se's...kinda hard to do when i move 1 space...watch the icon spin and spin saying moving for 10 secs or more.. ...then it may finally move or not..then get the "cannot move more than 1 space at a time"..which then rubber bands me for a few minutes, and sends me back many steps..


.how do you expect someone to play your game like this ?

#968801 Zorgrom vs Shroud IV

Posted by yodamus on 14 September 2016 - 15:09 in General Discussion

we did it because we got more points per kill one gave 5 points 1 gave 2 points

yep..that combined with bad potions..= epic failure this global......lower kills to 1 per..and the total will drop bigtime..and they did....oh well..bet that halloween global will make it to ruby..

#968589 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by yodamus on 10 September 2016 - 19:08 in General Discussion

wow..the hardcore pvers just dont get it...this is a global for all to try and participate...this is not to replace regular pvp.. you are not going to get any kind of mass participation if xp loss is included..plain and simple....how did i know the hardcore pvpers would disagree with this idea...there is no compromise at all with them on xp loss...sigh..round and round we go again..this is why so many good ideas fall apart..somehow the few get their way..and hoof and bg stick with the few....again sigh..at least you tried leo..i for one, really appreciate the effort..

#968564 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by yodamus on 10 September 2016 - 15:45 in General Discussion

i gave you a like,  due to the great effort , time and thoughtfulness on your idea...a huge part of your idea is great..matter a fact nearly all of it is great..especially the no xp loss part- if you want the global community to join in- this is an absolute must...but watch how many will disagree..still to this day i dont understand the demand for xp loss...since that is what has held pvp back for years..great effort ..keep up the good work leo...i would join in on this global with your ideas..

#968544 Game Update 2.9 - Daily Quests!

Posted by yodamus on 10 September 2016 - 14:23 in General Discussion

i have one similiar- travel 400 tiles,  gain +125 in current stam..while i can see where many see this is bad and negative., all someone has to do is something small,  to walk 400 tiles and get back 125...most huge stam bank should care less about a small loss..newer players are going to be doing something, moving,  so it will be a bonus to them....if hunting..this is a bonus..if hunting se or elites or titans or globals....again a bonus


..if someone is doing nothing and does not  like quest because they lose stam overall..all i can say  is "why??" are they not doing anything in the game?..never heard of playing a game and doing nothing ?  waiting for stam refill ? so they lose a little bit if they went out and did a little hunt on something, gain something in the game and get a little something back....at least they played the game and did something..


with all that said..- the + current stamina rewards may need to be taken out..due to the preceived  look of negative loss of stam..


so far i have done all my dq's ..and plan on doing all of them on days i can play....i have yet to see one i would not do..i am playing the game..so to me it is a bonus..

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