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#930052 12People in a group

Posted by dragon1234 on 27 April 2015 - 20:20 in Bug Reports

Thanks for reporting this, we'll have a fix in the next update.


Its quite useful for having alt log in and buff and then log off. Doesnt seem all that exploitable...

#922910 Aquamarines/Tourmalines & other Gem ideas

Posted by dragon1234 on 09 March 2015 - 21:07 in Suggestions

For accuracy to mean something would mean they have to overhaul how accuracy works over a distance. Currently it seem like accuracy works the same if you are on top of the target or a few yards away. Dodge and accuracy should work in conjunction w/ one another. The farther away you are from the aggressor the lower the chance of accuracy and the higher the chance of dodge. 


A bandage to make it at least a little bit viable would be to attach some crit% to howlite so that it behaves like focus and maybe it will be of some use for fighting WB and other higher level creatures.  

#918717 bring life back to the game

Posted by dragon1234 on 09 February 2015 - 10:59 in General Discussion

Havent played in a few years but this has been a problem for a long, long time. Ill chime in w/ my idea anyways since it was a big part of my life for the ~6 years that I played. 


 Im not sure if the new stuff is still the generic 160/160 current/max durability, but for the longest time, starting @ around lv 500 or so every new equipment had 160/160 durability. New crystalline equipments were coming in @(200/200 i think) such a high durability and combine with Unbreakable, they hang around a long time.


If the problem is as simple as supply and demand, then I propose the following: Change the way max durability works. Max durability should drop by a certain amount(1-5 common-legendary) every x repair(or every x current durability). This will mirror how things works in real life. If you buy a brand new car, everything in it is brand new. This is when its at it's highest durability. As you continue to use it, its begin to take on damages (current durability). Once it incurs enough damages, you bring it to a shop for repairs. The repair works but the mechanics can never get it back to its factory condition (new max durability). The more you use the car the more it fails, eventually it get to a state where it becomes impossible to repair and you salvage it (0 max durability). 


Epic and crystalline should probably be treated separately(or not). 


This will serve as another method of removing supply from a saturated market, and will probably create a new market for max durability items (a la crystalline items). Who knows, maybe drops from creatures can have variable max durability too, limiting the supplies even more. 


Its probably too late for a game like FS(8+ years is pretty remarkable for a game like this), but maybe in the future when HCS make another FS clone it could be useful in some way. 

#895791 [STEAM] related suggestion.

Posted by dragon1234 on 22 October 2014 - 06:48 in Suggestions

IMO that is like 2 years worth of development...especially with the way things are going now. 

#883633 Things to be done..

Posted by dragon1234 on 04 August 2014 - 07:10 in Suggestions

In my opinion, this all boils down to HCS decision on PvP. I just don't get why the dev would shy away from PvP (which is voluntary) and focus on more of a dungeon type based games. Hell even in FS, their most successful game, PvP is a joke.  


Even the most basic tournament setup(1v1 ELO/weekly) can alleviate the pressure for contents. Releasing 5 new levels of content shouldn't have people complaining a month after it comes out. PvP has the most potential to be a content multiplier out of any other aspects of this game. It is why the wilderness in RS was so popular and, in my opinion, allowed it to grow as a game. Hell release a new cache of equipment every couple weeks or so in different aspects of the games and watch as people line up to do them to try and compete in PvP. 


I've written a lot on this subject when I was actively playing and I still see that PvP is still abysmal. I want HCS to succeed, but Ive been pretty sad wit the direction of this game. How the hell did Mount became a priority Ill never know. Anyways here is what I think HCS should focus on in order of importance.


1. Hardware Rendering

2. PvP, at least a basic tournament

3. Guild/AH 

4. Skill Balance/Gem Balance

5. Make every items of type rare or better have some randomized stats. 

#883177 Texas Hold Em Tournaments Dailies and Weeklies

Posted by dragon1234 on 01 August 2014 - 04:44 in Suggestions

I vaguely remember them saying they dont have a gambling license or something when they removed the lottery from FS. Texas hold'em doesnt really fit in much with the theme of this game anyways. 

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