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#991803 Tiered Steamwork Cuirasses

Posted by Lahona on 08 May 2018 - 06:23 in General Discussion

 The Steamwork just made a lot (most) of the Epic Armors significantly worse. +5 Stam gain at that level is pretty crazy, considering that Epic Armors with almost 4 times it's level requirement only have +3~.


It could be seen as a chance (for those that can afford it) for lower levels to get a small boost towards EOC with a faster stam gain.

#991197 Thieves in the Night Global(GE Idea)

Posted by Lahona on 10 April 2018 - 12:35 in General Discussion

I feel the events we have are fine as they are.  I'd much rather have something to hunt that gives gold to maintain guild structures.

#991194 Thieves in the Night Global(GE Idea)

Posted by Lahona on 10 April 2018 - 11:13 in General Discussion

I had not thought of doing so, no. Not sure what would get people hitting it. I wouldn't want a high level potion nor would I wanna see it flood the game.

~ Grim

How about better frag stashes?  Maybe include SE frags from the common critter.

#990992 Lv Up Points

Posted by Lahona on 29 March 2018 - 04:53 in General Discussion

Is everyone trying to add just 1 (one) level-up point at a time?


You cannot allocate more than one at a time unless you have 10 (ten) or more to allocate.


(Might be helpful if this was stated on the level-up page.)

#990991 Fallen Sword App Beta (v0.2.0)

Posted by Lahona on 29 March 2018 - 04:47 in General Discussion

Grendeldog, I'm fairly certain it was decided that a second character would not be allowed. 


That said, if the app (when finished with all current FS features) was launched on a completely separate server where all players start from new, with no upgrades or previous donations, and no interaction possible between the browser version and the app version, then maybe a second account would be possible.  This would certainly help pad out the numbers as there is sure to be a lot that would like a second go at the game, and experienced players in the mix would be able to help the newcomers understand the complexity of the game. 


I rather doubt there would be many that would like an enforced restart in the browser version to accommodate new app players, as for many that would equate to a lot of wasted investment in both time and real money :(


For players that are already confined to their 'phones or tablets the app would need to be released without a return to the start for the current servers as well.

#990563 Get log in

Posted by Lahona on 05 March 2018 - 03:59 in General Discussion


Time 03:58 GMT

#990451 Game Update v2.945

Posted by Lahona on 28 February 2018 - 11:45 in General Discussion

Which link isn't working correctly sorry?






The 1st of these links is the FSP MP after adding a request (the 2nd link) , accessed by clicking either of the 'requests' links on the same page.


The second link is accessed by clicking on the 'View my requests' button.

#990304 Guild buff packages in ranges

Posted by Lahona on 21 February 2018 - 02:46 in General Discussion

............im talking about saving time on buffing, preferably on an incoming GVG......the only way i can do it now is put them in numerical order. then quickly type each name as fast as i can hoping i spell names correctly.  im not even talking about a guild mass buff page either... if i want to buff all my level 900s AND my level 800s...do you know how long its going to take me to type in all their names??  i want to be able to just hit  800-999 and all my guildies come up on the buff screen, i "X" out my inactives and chose my buffs. click and am done...not type each name one by one.  if you are the kind of person who goes to each player one by one...looking at their gear, then buffing one at a time..going on to the next one...when time is of the importance....this idea is not for you.


You could type the names you need in your notepad, correctly formatted, and save it.  Edit as and when necessary.


When needed pull up the buff screen and copy / paste the list you want to it.

#989931 Broken Top 100 List

Posted by Lahona on 06 February 2018 - 08:59 in General Discussion

Mine is broken too.


There are only seven top 250 bounty hunters.

#989463 Darksun Reborn VIII

Posted by Lahona on 16 January 2018 - 01:12 in General Discussion

BG wasn't in all Monday.  Zue was.

#988952 The Flight of Dragons!

Posted by Lahona on 28 December 2017 - 02:52 in General Discussion

Slightly concerned on how Spinasentis lays those eggs.


it wouldn't be a problem, so long as it's not breach :o

#988915 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by Lahona on 27 December 2017 - 03:55 in General Discussion

No, no, no, no, NO!


Making fsp is not the be all and end all of this game.  Nor is titan hunting, leveling, pvp, gvg or anything else.


Time you respected that we all have our own priorities and do not need schooling by you.


(Sorry BG, off topic)

#988912 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by Lahona on 27 December 2017 - 03:51 in General Discussion

I do NOT disrespect donators to the game. 


I have been a major donator in the past and may be again.  ATM I have no (ZERO) income, so am living off savings. Since every time I get close to drawing a pension our government changes the rules for retirement dates, so I have no idea how long my savings will have to last, therefore gaming is not a priority spend atm.

#988907 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by Lahona on 27 December 2017 - 03:32 in General Discussion

Teleport 200 should be made available via composing.  That way those that cannot (or will not) pay to win can still have a chance against those that throw money at the game.




-1 That would make it way too easy to get a buff that is overpowered at that level. You can still buy it via FSP from the AH



If teleport200 is too high powered for everyone to have then it is too high powered for anyone to have and should be removed from the game.


Edit:  " Teleport200 pots in AH atm and 266 players online.  Hardly available to all, and as Penny says below the price is 3-400 fsp, not 150.

#988902 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by Lahona on 27 December 2017 - 03:06 in General Discussion

I think we'd all like to know if getting the item for 1st place, whilst not getting 50%+ of the kills, is a bug that is getting exploited while the cows are on holiday for nearly 2 weeks.


I'd like to know if the sack you just earned EP with personal kills was bound?  And what is the personal cooldown?


I think that maybe the new system is ok, BUT:  I think personal cooldowns for seasonal titans should be extended to the entire season.  ie only one personal seasonal epic can be earned for each titan.  If this was the case then personal tkp should also be accumulated.  Come to think of it -- all titans should only allow 1 personal secure else the market for epics will be down to gold sales very soon.


Teleport 200 should be made available via composing.  That way those that cannot (or will not) pay to win can still have a chance against those that throw money at the game.

#988824 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by Lahona on 24 December 2017 - 20:05 in General Discussion

  Quest Hunter At skill level 50+ grants 2x the kills towards quest requirements.. At level 100+ 3x, and at level 150+ 4x.


Titan Doubler At skill level 50+, 2x Stamina usage in combat against a Titan would kill it twice. At level 100+ 3x, and at level 150+ 4x


Both skills need multiples of 50 - so I don't think i did solve it :(

#988822 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by Lahona on 24 December 2017 - 19:50 in General Discussion

Cramble, was your quest hunter level 200?  If it was then the numbers are correct -- you would have been getting 5 times your kills with QH200 ie 112  actual kills, and 4 times your kills with titan doubler 150/175 ie 4 x 112 = 448.

#988164 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Lahona on 09 December 2017 - 17:53 in General Discussion

 No one "appears" to be questioning the offer.


Your 9/13 for/against is still meaningless (not "clear" at all).

#988158 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by Lahona on 09 December 2017 - 17:28 in General Discussion



Your analysis is too flawed to be mean anything.


Most of the game players do not post in the forum for many reasons, among them:


They do not read the forum


They have read one or more posts that echo their thoughts so don't want to repeat them


They do not like being ridiculed for voicing their thoughts / concerns


They go to Facebook for game info (also not a good sampling place as many do not go to FB)


They do not use English as a 1st language and are embarrassed to post (props to those that do try)


Edit:  Josh were you reading my post as I typed it?

#987553 Guild store Item Repair Button

Posted by Lahona on 24 November 2017 - 23:00 in General Discussion

Could  "Repair" be added to the right click menu for a store item?

#987552 Rise of the Wraiths XIV

Posted by Lahona on 24 November 2017 - 22:57 in General Discussion

I still don't understand this sentence. "The Elemental Wraiths have arisen from the Light only knows where." :)


try it like this:


The Elemental Wraiths have arisen, the Light only knows where from.

#986490 PvP GvG band

Posted by Lahona on 23 October 2017 - 01:35 in General Discussion

(Speaking as a NON PvPer)


I feel any changes to PvP / GvG should be made before the app is released. 


This will allow the (more) experienced FS community to iron out any bugs before introducing anything radical  to a new audience.


I personally think Seasons, as it ended up should be tried again, with all the rules clearly stated.  Had it originally been introduced in it's final form I'm sure it would have been a success.

#985948 FSH & Firefox 56.0

Posted by Lahona on 12 October 2017 - 20:41 in General Discussion

During my hunt this morning I noticed there were no activated buffs showing in the view combat screen (new map).

#985946 Update v2.94

Posted by Lahona on 12 October 2017 - 20:36 in General Discussion


#985318 Pinata Frenzy XII

Posted by Lahona on 26 September 2017 - 09:33 in General Discussion

The pinatas haven't  been despawned.

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