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#1010208 Proposed RP Packs.

Posted by Leos3000 on 09 January 2024 - 21:03 in General Discussion


Hi there everyone.
Below are augmented versions of the above with RP costs. Still 12 hours duration.
Name: Battle Pack C Cost: 15 RP (Good adjustment, but dont think a lot will use)
Rage 300
Berserk 300
Fortify 300
Name: Power Leveller C Cost: 20 RP (Good adjustment, but dont think a lot will use at these levels (450 is min to apply to masses)
Adept Learner 300
Librarian 300
Doubler 300
Name: Battle Pack D Cost: 30 RP (Good adjustment, but dont think a lot will use)
Death Wish 400
Death Dealer 400
Wither 400
Name: Power Leveller D Cost: 20 RP (Same as C, maybe make this 1 550)
Adept Learner 400
Librarian 400
Doubler 400
Conserve 400
Name: Fortune Pack C Cost: 20 RP (This wont get used if D is available)
Quest Finder 300
Merchant 300
Four Leaf 300
Find Item 300
Treasure Hunter 300
Name: Defense Pack C Cost: 20 RP (Good adjustment)
Fortify 400
Aura of Protection 400
Force Shield 400
Fortitude 400
Name: Fortune Pack D Cost: 25 RP (Good adjustment maybe even a little powerful)
Quest Finder 400
Merchant 400
Four Leaf 400
Find Item 400
Treasure Hunter 400
Name: Defense Pack D Cost: 20 RP (Good adjustment)
Evade 400
Absorb 400
Flinch 400
Rock Skin 400
Here, we have Toreth's suggestions. We've posted them below with possible costs. Additionally, we have noted where certain buffs and potion ideas confict with existing potions from around the game. Those are buffs are unllikely to be put in place.
Name: Enchant Pack Cost: 75 RP (Good adjustment, a bit expensive. If you add epic craft and Epic forge to this I can see a lot of guilds using this for GVG and stam booster near XP events)
Enchant Amulet 200
Enchant Boots 200
Enchant Helmet 200
Enchant Ring 200
Enchant Rune 200
Enchant Shield 200
Enchant Weapon 200
Enchanted Armor200
Iron Fist 200
Name: Titan Pack Cost: 200 RP (Way too expensive for buffs offered below. All of those are easily obtained by casting or composing. Adjust Doubler to 400 LF to 1000 and you may get some use from it. I also agree Teleport 200 should remain in this pack. My reason is Teleport 200 in an RP pack is locked in at 200 (so 25 second cool down) Teleport on a potion and be combined with Distil to make level 230 with no cool down. Therefore potions are still much more powerful and dont lose their use)
Titan Doubler 200
Light Foot 600
Avert Gaze 200
Name: Leveling Pack Cost: 200 RP (Useless for 200 RP)
Stalker 400
Sacrifice 300
Overkill 350
Animal Magnetism 400 - 350
Name: Defense Pack Cost: 200 RP (I think this is overpriced as well, but maybe someone would use?)
Avenger 300
Stalwart Heart 300
Fortitude 200 (300 interferes with Promo and Arena potions.)
Name: Bounty Pack Cost: 200 RP (I think this is overpriced as well, but maybe someone would use?)
Anti Deflect 300 (400 interferes with Promo potions.)
Spell Breaker 250 (Invalidates invented potion?)
Retaliate 300
Undermine 300
Name: Fighter Pack Cost: 125 RP (I think this is overpriced as well, but maybe someone would use?)
Fist Fight 200
Critical Strike 250
Side Step 250
Riposte 200
Sharpen 200
I hope this is all makes sense. We look forward to discussion and feedback plus any suggestions regarding other possible packs.
~ The Fallen Sword Team


#1009892 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by Leos3000 on 26 October 2023 - 17:26 in General Discussion

It takes a ton of stamina and time to find chests. I think finding chests is possibly the hardest thing to do consistently in FS.

1 Unique pot to encourage someone to go around and find more would be:


Lightfoot Pot (2000) or something pretty close to that.


Another could be a higher Titan Doubler (300-400) range


High level Counter Attack (500+)


Invigorate (1000+) 720 min duration (good for offline defense in epics)

#1009886 Realm Chest Update Ideas.

Posted by Leos3000 on 25 October 2023 - 17:52 in General Discussion

Hi there everyone.


We're considering taking some time to create new content for the Realm Chests. The question is, what would we like to see? 


Specific types of Gear? Sets? Sets spread across multiple chests?


Not sure potions work. There'd be demands for them to be more powerful, which is impractical. They really do not need to be more powerful.


Random "Quest Items", specifically for use in future invention recipes? Possibly future Hunted Cow Titan Epics? Could be used for invention of new gear across the game. Arena, PvP, GvG etc.


Frag Stashes in cheaper Chests with large quantities of specific Frags? Like, LARGE quantities.


Your thoughts and suggestions on this matter are most welcome!


~ The Fallen Sword Team


Other than rare potions from the chests as pointed out above (only current useful thing dropped IMO)


It may be good to have components dropped from Chests that can Make a few epic items. My 1st thought would be similar to the original Writhing Ward shield. Need component A,B, and C to make some new epics.


I would say 5-6 total components dropped in chests with 5-15 new epics spread across 50-6000 to invent. Each epic depending on level would need some combo of 2-4 of the components to make.

#1009195 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Leos3000 on 29 March 2023 - 19:00 in General Discussion

If people remember GvG 10+ years ago it was the back bone of this game. Then it was revamped and the game started to die. If the previously mentioned suggestions are put in place the same thing will happen.  The online participation went from 3+k to less than 300. True, many may be using mobile.


NO 1 hour notification....why?  To look up and see "TO ARMS!" is a rush and everyone starts doing their thing to defend.  1 hour will do nothing but prolong the conflict, and will probably not change the outcome.  


The thing that most people are not addressing is the simple fact that currently smaller guilds do not have the capability to compete with a larger guild.  They do not have all the maxed out structures so they don't get the extra bells and whistles, and usually don't have access to free level 200+ buffs or pots. So smaller guilds have to settle for being farmed or pay for the buffs/pots needed to compete so they will be loosing more than just a little gear wear and gold to end up loosing anyway. 


What would be great is to go back to the beginning.  If guilds are involved in a conflict then they should not be able to use buffs over level 175 and the pots should only be from the potion bazar.  You would be able to see who the real GvG'ers are. The 2% rule might even come back to life.


Being rewarded RP is not a good enough incentive for GvG participation. Being given the chance to compete on a more level playing field is  good incentive.


There are Pros and Cons on increasing target ranges. There are levels in this game where the gear is not that good so you have to struggle a bit but someone 50, 100 to 200 levels above you may have the better gear and you're gonna get smacked no matter what you do.  


Just a few thoughts from a throw back.


GVG as far as I know has never been revamped at least for game mechanics. Epics were added as rewards (created some renewed interest) and new buffs and overpowered pots have been introduced to change the dynamic as well.


The thing that I do like from this post is maxing buffs and making gvg competitive for any level of guild/player.


For PVP/GVG the biggest off putting factor can be the amount of high cost pots that may be required to compete with the best. Ultimately it can just be who wants to pop the most Legendary/Global/Donation chests to deter others from even trying to hit them back.


Again I will emphasize if the goal with this thread is to test something "new" to gain renewed interest in the aspect with out sweeping changes it is still missing it so far.


I am not sure if this would take a lot of coding or not? 


I think it would possibly be fun to test a GVG enviornment where only CASTABLE buffs apply to the combats in GVG or Straight cap at lvl 200 for all buffs.


Which ever scenario above is easier to code in. 


I think this opens up GVG to a much wider audience to be competitive with each other. 


It would allow for more variety in sets and hopefully revive other aspects that have probably died in recent years (Elite farming, SE Farming, LE farming, etc) where more items may be sought after to diversify sets. 

#1009128 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Leos3000 on 15 March 2023 - 13:08 in General Discussion

  • Notification System for upcoming conflict

​Just like the Relics, we believe this will give Defending Guilds a chance to prep, and allow Guilds to strategize before the conflict begins. 


There was some talk about how much notice a Guild should be given before a conflict begins. There have been a few suggestions thrown around: 1 hour, 2 hours, though we believe 1 hour will suffice for the trial period.

This preparation time will be separate from the 24hr Conflict Window.


~ Fallen Sword Team



1 other thing to expand on this as there seems to be disparity on the notification and possibly slowing down how people currently GVG.


-Add a New guild Structure (Lookout Tower)


-If the guild does not have this structure they still get the notification, but can be attacked immediately.


-Level 1 gives the guild 30 mins to prepare for incoming attacks (Cost 1,000 gold per hr)


-Level 2 gives the guild 1 Hr to prepare for incoming attacks (Cost 2,500 gold per hr)


-Level 3 gives the guild 2 hrs to prepare for incoming attacks (Cost 5,000 gold per hr)


I dont think any higher levels are needed (maybe not even level 3, but gives some options)


Competitive guilds will use this and guilds that dont care about GVG are ultimately unaffected by the changes.

#1009120 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by Leos3000 on 15 March 2023 - 03:32 in General Discussion

Hello everyone!
Some time back, this forum thread gave us some ideas about what we could do to revitalize GvG. We decided to take some of these on board, and we are thinking about running a trial to see how it goes.
Below are some of the things we will be aiming to implement:

  • Notification System for upcoming conflict

​Just like the Relics, we believe this will give Defending Guilds a chance to prep, and allow Guilds to strategize before the conflict begins. 


There was some talk about how much notice a Guild should be given before a conflict begins. There have been a few suggestions thrown around: 1 hour, 2 hours, though we believe 1 hour will suffice for the trial period.

This preparation time will be separate from the 24hr Conflict Window.

  • Reducing the offline time for AFK targets

The current activity timer is 7 days. We are open to reducing this to 48hrs during the trial period.

  • Guilds must meet the Level Requirement and be over 7 days old to initiate a GvG
  • Expand Level Ranges

Mostly to boost activity in the middle-late ranges. Currently, the plan is to expand these ranges after the trial period.

  • Update RP Packs

Long overdue for some sort of update. We will post again with the proposed change to allow some time for feedback!


As these proposed changes will affect many of you, we urge everyone to give us their thoughts and opinions! 
Thank you!  :)
~ Fallen Sword Team

I like that there is some initial notification.

If your looking to do a trial with something new and new ranges can I make a suggestion on something to try?

1. Elimante ranges all together for gvg hits.
2. The guilds have the option to select who they want to battle in the gvg's
A. Attacking guild gets to set the amount of participants (4 to what ever max is) and choose its attackers
B. Defending guild has the 1 hr before attack starts to choose its defenders (number of defenders is based on number of attackers)
C. If no defenders are choosen targets are generated at random.

Rest of proposal and gvg structure could stay in tact.

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