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#819413 Full Stam RESET - an FSP Upgrade

Posted by MummRa on 11 November 2013 - 19:11 in General Discussion

I don't think this should be implemented.  But if it is.  I think that it should be unavailable during any special event.  XP, Legendary, Season or Global

#819183 Forum problem

Posted by MummRa on 10 November 2013 - 00:00 in General Discussion

yep same problem

#819182 Stamina bug

Posted by MummRa on 09 November 2013 - 23:59 in General Discussion

has to be done.... Justin Timberlake... really?

#819022 Backpack Improvements

Posted by MummRa on 08 November 2013 - 03:02 in General Discussion

Once is possible to select many items, they could allow the option "drink/wear/extract/ all selected".  It would be easier.

pretty sure we can still access quick drink/wear from the helper menu

#818814 Backpack Improvements

Posted by MummRa on 06 November 2013 - 17:10 in General Discussion

will there be a filter for containers?

#818431 Oidhche Shamhna!

Posted by MummRa on 04 November 2013 - 04:58 in General Discussion

Evidently penalising a significant proportion of the game (a whole guild) from taking part in the game is NOT working.

Place cooldown on the players that hunted the titan which caused the cooldown to activate.


I was awaiting a response from HCS, which is why I started my post with Dear HCS, not you giving your opinion and driving players away from the forum.


I vote for a forum cooldown from everyone who slams down an idea before HCS comment on it. We don't want your individual reasons why not, we want HCS to consider all thoughts and ideas.


As I previously mentioned; I do believe this was addressed last year, when the same request was brought up around this time.  Just like it will probably come up again next year, if not sooner (winter seasonal titan)... Which brings to mind another point.  We have a Winter and an Autumn seasonal titan why not a Summer and Spring seasonal?

#818303 Oidhche Shamhna!

Posted by MummRa on 02 November 2013 - 17:09 in General Discussion

Dear HCS,


I was online via phone most of the time the last few days and therefore couldn't join in with the seasonal titans. Now both the Gurgriss and Tommy titans have been secured by my fellow guild mates I am, along with 80 other active players in FFS blocked from taking part in the titan event which I believe finishes in 2 weeks from the start date.


Cooldown on the everyday titans is one thing, even if I personally don't like it, but cooldown on seasonal titans blocks a large proportion of players from taking part in the entire game on offer.


The online players figure ranges from 350 - 800 depending on the time of day, if 80 active players are in FFS and blocked from the event then 10% of the game can't participate in the event, which is a significant amount of the active player base. This is just an example of one guild and as other guilds get a secure then the players who were not online at the right time, with time on their hands to hunt the titans that time are also blocked from the event.


At present three guilds are now on cooldown from the Gurgriss Titan which constitutes *about* 180 ACTIVE players = 22.5% of the active players in the game.


I look forward to hearing back from HCS on their thoughts on this :)

no offense but it seems like every year at this time this request is made.  while I understand your plight, I'd rather see more guilds have a chance at securing the titan. 

#817286 New Rewards chest

Posted by MummRa on 23 October 2013 - 22:14 in General Discussion

Saw it mentioned in passing in another thread and I think its a good idea.  For the next 20% bonus reward, a completely new chest would be interesting.  I know there are a bunch of skills mentioned in the AH (Grants Buff Section) that haven't even been introduced yet.  Maybe a choice of a couple chests that include a few of those buffs?


as for the point of the thread its to get the idea out there and create an open thread for suggestions on new chests.

#816730 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by MummRa on 17 October 2013 - 14:23 in General Discussion

Can you add - Remove Deflect from activating on the Bounty Board


I was just using Anti-Deflect and Sealed (which sometimes activates on Deflect) and I got deflected 9 times. Its just insane.





Way I see it if someone wants deflect on while they are on the BB, thats on them.  They'll just get hit more often

#815755 GvG and New Players.

Posted by MummRa on 10 October 2013 - 01:42 in General Discussion

I definetly think there should be some kind of protection, but the protection I would be looking for hasn't been mentioned.  What if you can only particpate in GvG (ie attack or be a target) if you at least have a Bronze Guild Loyalty Medal.  I know there are "professional GvGers" and "travelers" who may not like this idea.  But anything that has an effect on the guild, I feel should be tied to loyal members.  It only takes 30 days to get the Bronze Medal become a part of a guild before you participate in GvG

#815394 Backpack Backpack .. Yeah!

Posted by MummRa on 08 October 2013 - 01:40 in General Discussion

there a couple of things I would change.


1: Personally I don't like the guild store pop-up feature.  I honestly think the way UFSG is set-up would be ideal.  ie.  once you hit the backpack manage page you can find the item by name, set, stat type, rarity etc.  If not that then maybe the AH  which also gives you the ability to search by the type of item, rarity, craft, hell forge etc.


2: When it comes to the backpack manage page... maybe it would be better to just indicate something is guild locked instead of excluding it. 


3:  From the character page:  I would like to be able to pick the amount shown per page.


4: From the character page:  As has been mentioned I believe here and on the next roadmap- the ability to custom order your backpack.  For example. I would like to keep my offline gear at the front of my "storage" folder at all times. 

#815360 Next Roadmap...

Posted by MummRa on 07 October 2013 - 19:34 in General Discussion

agreed, I haven't looked hard, but when I'm in recuriting moods, the top new player list seems hard to find.  I usually end up keeping the log in screen in another tab to do this.  maybe add top 100 of players joined in the last 30 days as a list?

#815356 Next Roadmap...

Posted by MummRa on 07 October 2013 - 19:28 in General Discussion

I don't agree with the previous guys 80% inactive, but, on the same token, I don't think I'd agree with your definition either.


There's a LOT of guilds holding LONG-TERM inactive players as mules and because of their contributed XP - maybe if a guild has more than 40%-50% inactives then it should no longer show ?


Hoof could just add a 3rd listing to the guild top 250 ? - Already we have listings by "ACTUAL GUILD XP" and "LOCKED GUILD XP" - maybe add "%age ACTIVE" or some other wording.


The top guild listings, whilst historically accurate, don't necessarily reflect a true picture of the top guilds in all cases...

what if once an account goes purple... the contributed xp doesn't count towards the guild xp.  should they come on it automatically reverts back to the guild, but as long as they are inactive it doesn't count towards contributed xp

#815013 Next Roadmap...

Posted by MummRa on 05 October 2013 - 01:43 in General Discussion

But you can buy loyalty, so I was in fact totally correct, furthermore if i have loyalty points why on earth would i spend fsp on a UB190 potion and gamble on finding a distil potion in either the potion bazaar or the AH?? Finally the duration of the loyalty potion is far greater than the Potion of Resilience so it is a hands down winner in the comparison.

what you don't have a steady reserve bank of zombie brews?

#814930 Next Roadmap...

Posted by MummRa on 04 October 2013 - 14:17 in General Discussion

I think it is long overdue to have something to designate who are guild leaders in the various guilds built into the system. We also need to have automatic rank movement based on guild Experience gain with theree being X number of ranks that can be called what each guild wants. The suggestions of ading recognition for GVG, Buffing and other new medals is also a great idea.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Custom Ranks are already in the game.  If a guild wants they can rank someone GvG General. or Recruitment Leader, etc

#814918 As Suggested by Hoof: Official Guild Wars

Posted by MummRa on 04 October 2013 - 13:31 in General Discussion

I just wanted to clarify this not meant to be a change to GvG this is meant to be something other than GvG and additional way to blame the game. 


I'm not trying to fix GvG, I'm trying to create more ways to play the game, more ways to encourage guild pride.

#814835 FS Memes

Posted by MummRa on 04 October 2013 - 02:36 in General Discussion


Alec Trevelyan

#814830 FS Memes

Posted by MummRa on 04 October 2013 - 02:14 in General Discussion

wait a minute... isn't that the winter is coming dude, not boromir?

I thought it was the villian from Goldeneye

#814724 Next Roadmap...

Posted by MummRa on 03 October 2013 - 18:04 in General Discussion

i dont see the teleportation buff working if it were me using it i would use it to get to highest possible level map i can defeat creature to maximize my leveling

You could limit it to a map you have already been on at least once.  Also would need to make any event specific realm exempt from the skill. 

#814674 Next Roadmap...

Posted by MummRa on 03 October 2013 - 12:23 in General Discussion

I would like to suggest some things and will be glad if some of them could be implemented.


1) Fast button to decompose from the world map window, just like the discard button. The autodiscard feature is not always a good option. 


2) Creation of sets of items in order to sell, give, secure trade, etc. Sometimes a single piece does not worth a FSP, but together they would.

5) Creation of shortcuts to use on the world map window for discard and decompose actions, just like the R for repairing the gears.


#814636 Auto Merging

Posted by MummRa on 03 October 2013 - 03:27 in General Discussion

I'm not saying it won't ever happen, but I would want the option to say nah not really interested

#814628 Next Roadmap...

Posted by MummRa on 03 October 2013 - 02:28 in General Discussion



Do you mean the ability to change the order of items in the folders?



Interesting idea, but it would need a lot of thought and discussion - maybe expand the idea and post a new topic on it?


 To point A:  Yes, I want to be able to customize the placement of everything in each of my folders.  Instead of Descending or Acsending order I want customized order.


To point B: http://forums.hunted...showtopic=58876

#814627 As Suggested by Hoof: Official Guild Wars

Posted by MummRa on 03 October 2013 - 02:25 in General Discussion

I'll admit I am not an experienced PvP player, but I understand the appeal and appreciate the skill involved.  To me GvG is boring and probably doesn't satisfy as many players.  My idea presents a guild oriented PvP.  I understnad some of my ideas will be controversial but hope to get a friendly (key word) and constructive (also a key word) discussion going.  If we can figure this out it will add a new element that players will have fun with, and promote guild activity, pride and loyalty.


My idea basically tries to apply the PvP ladder to guilds.  Guild A sends a declaration of Guild War to Guild B.  Guild B can either accept or deny the War.  Once accepted all active members (non-purple dot) become eligible for attack.  For the purposes of the War, I would say GvG Attack Range would be appropriate.  No personal XP will be lost, but each target's XP (contributed to the guild) can be taken (and possibly even partially syphoned).  Therefore Guild XP is up for grabs.  IE this is not an XP Loss Free form of PvP


The war could last a designated amount of time maybe 3, 5 or 7 days.  Each successful attack could be +1 each successful defense could be +2.  Rewards to the winning guild could be automatic RP.  I think this works better than the PvP ladder itself as I don't want to limit Wars to a Guild Level Range. 


This will promote guild activity and guild pride.  It could provide more business for buff sellers as Guilds will look for people to buff them during a War.


And in the end if a guild doesn't want to participate they don't have to. 


I encourage all comments and suggestions, just please don't derail this as I think it could be a fun addition to the game if done right.

#814472 Next Roadmap...

Posted by MummRa on 02 October 2013 - 17:26 in General Discussion

I'm not sure if its feasible or if others would find it useful.  But I have a folder designated as guild storage, if guild locked items are sent to me I would really like for it to automatically go to this folder.

#814272 Next Roadmap...

Posted by MummRa on 02 October 2013 - 01:40 in General Discussion

The thing is, even with Command/Ctrl +F, you still have to go through the items individually... In my guild, that is one heck of  pain because we have like 10 Illuyanka's sets... of which only 2 are FF... So it gets to be a pain going through 30 items just to find the right set to hunt...

Can't be to hard... it is a FSH feature, if I understand what you want correctly.

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