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#989080 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 31 December 2017 - 20:44 in General Discussion

Seems a lot of the complaining is coming from those who had become accustomed to just easily getting the new drops with no real challenge... The system before did not allow for open competition so they just waited a few days and had no competition or very little.
A game with out challenges becomes boring fast, learn to adapt or be patient as next year there will be less competition to make it easier for you.

You try hunting a titan against someone with teleport 200... You will say go get teleport 200... I will say, to succeed, we now need a donation pot.

#989066 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 31 December 2017 - 09:03 in General Discussion

Welp... I give up... I tried and tried and there is just no chance anymore. Game has officially become P2W. I'll be winding down activity. Thank you all for the memories. Good Luck.

#988975 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 28 December 2017 - 21:17 in General Discussion

I have a question for BG or someone who knows: How does this new CD system affect a solo guild? If I secure will it go to guild or to me personally? If I secure, and it goes to guild first, am I then allowed to secure again personally?

Just wondering because after reading this entire forum none of this is made clear.

With the new rules in effect, yes, you can secure twice. Once for guild. Then your guild goes on CD. Once personally but you must secure and you go on personal CD.

#988966 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 28 December 2017 - 16:51 in General Discussion

Yes,, buy a teleport 200 pot,,, hereafter called the potion of win button.
Since I've seen a few things and come to accept this has hit that point where any feedback is going to be ignored and its just going to drag on for pages with EP swearing everyone can participate I'll just bow out here,, dont forget to save up!!! A great special offer for pots of win button will be spamming our logs soon!

This is actually a great point. I went up against several players and initially there was a scrum to fight for the Titan but most give up once they realize one of the hunters has the teleport pot. I keep fighting because it would be so fun to make that player lose a secure (+I’m an idiot) but there is no chance. With pride and High level BM, it gives these teleport pot players free reign to collect multiple epics while guild is on CD. I’m going to experiment with it myself later.

Perhaps an addditional compromise that once your guild is on CD, teleport pots will not work. Grind it out with the regular folk and if you can still secure, you deserve it

#988866 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 26 December 2017 - 09:13 in General Discussion

I'm terrible at titan hunting. I didn't realize just how bad I am until just now, though. I couldn't get to it 1 square away from me, let alone across the map. 


To those players who can get 1K+ kills on this thing for the quest each time....My hat's off to you. You whooped me good. I ended up with 30 kills. This quest may take a while. 

Make sure you don't do an EP move and forget to use Quest Hunter buff... 30 = 120



#988847 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 25 December 2017 - 20:20 in General Discussion

I had assumed the personal cooldowns were made so that those that just wanted to do the quest would not be prevented to do so by a guild cooldown.  Being able to secure a titan on one's own separate from guild seems to be counterproductive.  EP, explain all this to me.    

This is what was demanded by those in bigger guilds. It's a compromise solution. I wasn't very happy initially but at least it's not as bad as no CD at all.

#988845 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 25 December 2017 - 20:03 in General Discussion

The only part im not understanding is the loss of tkp you earned,, there is no precedent in the game for anything like this (edit ok bounty hunting,, theres a place you can work on something and get nothing if you arent #1)  and its actually quite discouraging! 

precedent? It's always been this way for guildless players. HCS has just enabled this function for folks in guild so they could chase titans if they want to. my guilds on CD for a titan but I plan on trying to secure - if not, oh well... lost tkp's.

#988804 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 24 December 2017 - 16:16 in General Discussion

Ok. I misunderstood the original concept (CD) and this seems like a great compromise. Pretty much like if you were guildless. You can still get an epic but you gotta secure.

#988671 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 22 December 2017 - 18:30 in General Discussion

Is only this titan effected? Or did all of the titans have their cooldown changed?

I believe all of the titans. We will soon see... I'm guessing the first 10 secures for highest demand titans go to top 5 guilds

#988659 The Forest of Yule returns!

Posted by yotwehc on 22 December 2017 - 18:04 in General Discussion

Well this is disappointing (regarding CD). we will see how things go but might be time to hangup the stirrups.

#988433 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by yotwehc on 14 December 2017 - 22:14 in General Discussion

Still praying for a 3x someday once more.

Why? Aren’t you at eoc? Lol

#988332 Optimal Hunting Buffs Setup For Double XP!

Posted by yotwehc on 12 December 2017 - 20:53 in General Discussion

If you're looking to burn stam and make some fsp too, ditch the sacrifice buff and go with Merchant(200) and Treasure Hunter(192).



TH192? I’m assuming that’s from something else since buff enhancer doesn’t work on the gold earning buffs.

#988190 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by yotwehc on 10 December 2017 - 00:27 in General Discussion

Now this would be an interesting poll. Of the 8 or 9 that want the delivery, how many are donating?

Of the 13 or so against, how many are donating?


#988093 Double XP Incoming!

Posted by yotwehc on 08 December 2017 - 20:22 in General Discussion

FWIW, (and this from a freeloader who appreciates ALL the donors), I think it would make sense to offer the option of having the payout before the event. If I was in a position to buy, I would be more inclined to donate if I can use it for big events. If I were HCS, it would make most sense to do that as I think it would result in more donations. Just my 0 cents.

#987505 @mention feature on FS forums

Posted by yotwehc on 23 November 2017 - 02:33 in General Discussion

I nominate EpicPiety to seek out and/or create a new FS forum or discord site and include a link to it here

Seek/create, sure.
Admin? Please. NO

#987141 Perhaps game is now ready for this

Posted by yotwehc on 09 November 2017 - 02:39 in General Discussion

I am one of those that learned and used that aspect of sitting on champs as I lose levels however with the advent of DQ, it’s no longer beneficial to sit at the higher level realms.


Posted by yotwehc on 27 October 2017 - 17:35 in Guild Discussion

Wrong forum?

#986612 Fragment Marketplace

Posted by yotwehc on 26 October 2017 - 06:32 in General Discussion

Why not just buy items in the AH? This help the newbs out.


I would be open to a frag store if our fragment storage had a ceiling. Require fsp upgrade to expand how much additional frags we can store. missed opportunity for the cows to make a few extra donations ;-p

#986512 Titan Global Event

Posted by yotwehc on 23 October 2017 - 18:49 in General Discussion

Untitan? ;-p

#986502 PvP GvG band

Posted by yotwehc on 23 October 2017 - 07:10 in General Discussion

First off, I know many other people who are my age, or close to my age and are very into pvp, I doubt I'm an exception, because, like adults, everyone has their own likings, and a game like FS isn't something everyone would like, just like you know young people who would/have laughed at FS, I know older people who did the exact same thing.


And second off, yes, PvP hasn't been touched over the years, I personally took a liking to PvP seasons, but it was then changed back to the old system since the majority of the community didn't like it, this system is now years and years old, however no effort was made to make a new change when the change that was made didn't work out, there were plenty of suggestions, best one being bringing back the old bounty and gold hitting system and keeping pvp seasons, which had very positive feedback from the community, however the decision made was to revert everything back to the original outdated system. Even increasing the +/- 10 level bracket will help to liven pvp a little bit, as well as increasing the +/- 100 level bracket in gvg, speaking of which a new GvG system idea was completely thought of by Ryebred, which received a lot of good feedback, but the HCS said they will look into it after the app is released, my point is that any changes to the pvp system, which are very much needed, MUST be released BEFORE the app is released, because if it is made after then I can guarantee it will cause many new players to give up on the game, I have played apps before, and there have been huge update changes on them just days after I started using them, and I can tell you that these changes have ALWAYS put me off the will to understand how to use the app after I just got used to the old system.


Your last statement of New Earth is completely irrelevant, as this is the Fallen Sword forum, so let's stay on topic.

With the age thing, we can agree to disagree. Just in my experience, I've seen a lot of players come and go. Just saw more youngsters go unfortunately. I've tried promoting FS to real life friends and I've stopped trying with the younger crowd because they literally laugh. lol.


So you contradict yourself a bit. Yes, FS did "touch" pvp but after that huge development investment, had to sadly undo. I'm pretty sure the negative feedback outweighed the positive feedback otherwise why reverse course especially after all the development time? Also recall that FS did implement the smasher medal and had to make changes to that as well due to the major outcry. If you don't consider other play styles, you are doomed for failure.


I'm not against rye's GVG changes. I support it as he actually listened to opposing views and implemented changes that would actually pit real GVG guilds against GVG guilds and provide minimal rewards for farmers. It's a win-win idea. Too bad no one has really come up with something for pvp. Hitting offline targets is like shooting fish in a barrel yet people find this challenging?


As someone else suggested, join the ladder... you got expanded range and actually real challenging targets. increase the level range there... no one else will complain from the non pvp side. good luck.

#986492 PvP GvG band

Posted by yotwehc on 23 October 2017 - 03:43 in General Discussion

This statement, I tend to disagree with, I'm a 19 year old who has been PvPing and GvGing since beginning of 2013, and I'm still very into this aspect of the game, although, due to lack of change, doing so much of these without any updates or changes being made to them will get boring, it will happen to anyone regardless of age, the neglect to update current systems is what makes people so tired of certain things.


People have been asking for a revamp in pvp/gvg for years now and this aspect of the game has never been touched, just a few months ago Ryebred came up with a great idea of making GvGing competitive again but nothing was done about it, if this aspect isn't changed BEFORE the app is released then I can almost guarantee that young people WILL indeed like pvp and gvg but will not stick around in FS because it won't be changed, and they will get bored of the lack of competition, or if it WILL be changed AFTER the app, even more people who will potentially stick around will then be driven away because, lets be honest, who would have the patience to start a game, take so much time to finally understand the aspect most intriguing to them, then have it all completely changed having to understand it all over again? What opinion will that leave on newcomers?

I tend to disagree with this statement ;-p


I daresay, you are more of an exception then the rule. I know a lot of youngsters and they have/would laugh at FS.


"People have been asking for a revamp in pvp/gvg for years now and this aspect of the game has never been touched"

not touched? really?


"I can almost guarantee that young people WILL indeed like pvp and gvg but will not stick around in FS because it won't be changed"

what pvp change are you suggesting?



"who would have the patience to start a game, take so much time to finally understand the aspect most intriguing to them, then have it all completely changed having to understand it all over again?"

Seems contradictory, now suggesting not changing? What exactly should change/stay the same?


I thought PVP in FS was broken. Try playing FS's New Earth game. Has everything most pro pvp people clamor for. Completely open world, no limits pvp.

#986330 PvP GvG band

Posted by yotwehc on 19 October 2017 - 16:00 in General Discussion

People joining the app will like pvp i think. Younger people generally like pvp.

Younger people also have the attention span of my hyperactive dog. Squirrel! Squirrel!
How many young people you know stick with a pvp game for the long haul? Unless they can become OP and rule the game, they won’t stick around. They also love the eye candy and top notch graphics which we don’t have so good luck with that.

By now, we know our demographic and who sticks around. The strength is the social aspect and that some how needs to be leveraged.

#985886 Guild buff market

Posted by yotwehc on 11 October 2017 - 20:30 in General Discussion

Yeah, everybody missed my point.... Suffice it to say not all buffs have such common availability. Some are IMPOSSIBLE to get in ANY potion form and I'll never be a high enough level to buff myself. If it's not available at any price in the buff market, all I have left to do is hope a guildmate is on that has it? Well, people don't stay on 24/7, so I'll be pestering some of you at or near EoC for the rare buff I can't find by any other means....

You could do it like the old days and actually PM people and ask if they have x buff or y buff. Then add them to your ally list so you can ask again when you need it. I have a ton of unallocated points and if there is something unavailable In buff market, I would gladly invest and sell said buffs for a sweet profit ;-)

#985439 Suggested PvP tyranny or mastery event

Posted by yotwehc on 29 September 2017 - 23:45 in General Discussion

Wow! I really like suggestion #1

Only thing I would suggest is somehow weighing players. Quality kills = more points. Not sure how to determine that.

#985432 Tyranny and PvP Mastery Medals

Posted by yotwehc on 29 September 2017 - 21:02 in General Discussion

Seems like this is the place for the "been gone a long time and came back to find this" thread. Any chance this will come back? Seeing that I cant find any progress bar on my page it doesnt bode well. 

Since I was one of those guys who thought we should never have had a seperate ladder can I ask how badly the idea bombed? And how? (my guess is the cries of bunnies became overpowering) Finally after all the trouble, changes(to pvp ladder) and,, well people taking breaks,, how in the hell has a pvp daily quest became a tolerated and normal part of peoples days? 

I am genuinely interested in all of this so please keep it as constructive as possible while remaining frank about it. Id like to see if perhaps I have a solution that can get this back running again since its driving me nuts to have a medal I cant earn that others have.

Just wanted to point out the bunnies are on both sides. I've gotten many angry PM's for posting PVP attacks for simple DQ hits.


As I've said in the past, I don't know how you would crown your self a PVP master hitting bunnies. If you are a true master, you hit the willing... those that fight back. The original system released initially was a free for all on bunnies. They were starting to get it right towards the end but the damage had been done and the outcry was too big that everything was reversed. Too bad.

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