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There have been 23 items by michael65 (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#1008401 Reign of Rosmeriat III

Posted by michael65 on 27 September 2022 - 16:46 in General Discussion

It is very nice GE event, especially with new Titan included in it, i appreciate the good FS team work .

Yes, thanks cows for another GE. Having the new titan available longer than rest of the event is a joy to players.


Thanks to rest of FS community for the competitive top 100 contributors.

#1008377 Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by michael65 on 22 September 2022 - 15:06 in General Discussion

Thanks cows for updated Storybook Forest event. I didn't partake, but enjoyed the event related conversations in global chat.


And thanks for the recent three events over one weekend: global event, double composing, and new recipes.

#1008347 Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by michael65 on 16 September 2022 - 16:31 in General Discussion





Interesting Sets: Wolf 100, granny 400, others?



Questbook - Seasonal, not started,  "story of"

WIKI - Grimmnor 

UFSG -  Quests, keyword: story


Quests uses recipes. Cursed Lute (RARE) is the resource for recipe components dropped by Cursed Bard (Human) in Grimmnor Forest.

Quest item drops may be common to unique.


Possible buffs (in my opinion): AM RF SSI teleport 






#1008043 Rise of the Wraiths XXIV!

Posted by michael65 on 26 July 2022 - 16:15 in General Discussion

Thanks again Cows for the Wraiths event and rewards.


And thanks to the rest of the FS community for completing ruby tier!

#1008042 We Must Be Due Another......

Posted by michael65 on 26 July 2022 - 16:10 in General Discussion

Aside, reviving a dead post.


As to Xanlin-Karthak questline, the Wiki suggest an order is required only. One can follow the questline in the Wiki without doing quests. By following where to go from the quests at one's level, one should be able to navigate the realms. However, commenters in other posts have suggested a roadblock quest does exists. It's unclear if roadblock is part of the questline.




My apologies, very useful thread.


Realm level - Realm name - creature level

   Areas with link to Karthak City WA in orange - can be used for traveling in the WA


951 South Gate 951


951 Merchant Quarter 952


951 Market Square 953


951 City Park 955


951 Alchemist Quarter 956


951 Poor Quarter 957


  958 Guard Quarter 958


951 Harbour 959


951 Temple Quarter 960


951 Necropolis 961


  962 Mausoleum (Dark Realm - may need vision buff) 962


951 Magic Quarter 963


  964 Martial Ward 964


   965 Fort 965


951 North Gate 966


  967 Seastone Keep 967


  968 Seastone Court 968


  969 Seastone Library 969


  970 Furnace Room 970


  971 Volmar Wastes (Karthak Wall) 971


(No quest) assuming no roadblock



#1007986 Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by michael65 on 07 July 2022 - 11:49 in General Discussion

Thank you cows for storybook event with extension and double experience event!


Thanks to the rest of FS community for active participation! Large turnout for double experience event. AH was very active. IMO, a good showing.

#1007884 Storybook Forest Returns!

Posted by michael65 on 24 June 2022 - 15:56 in General Discussion


Storybook Forest returns!!!


Quests! Quests! And More Quests!



Quests have gear like level 100 Wolf shield and amulet, or level 400 granny glasses and gown.



Questbook - seasonal, not started, "story of"

Wiki - Grimmnor

UFSG - Quests, story


Quests uses recipes for creating gear to kill elite creatures. Cursed Lute (RARE) is a resource drop of the Cursed Bard in Grimmnor Forest. Quest item drops may be common to unique.


Suggested buffs (in my opinion): AM RF SSI teleport



#1007764 Pinata Frenzy XXIII

Posted by michael65 on 07 June 2022 - 18:42 in General Discussion

Cows, thanks for the event and reward!


Rest of the FS community, thanks for a competitive top 100 contributors list!

#1007646 New Super Elites Released!

Posted by michael65 on 12 May 2022 - 15:05 in General Discussion


#1007640 Darksun Reborn XV

Posted by michael65 on 11 May 2022 - 13:38 in General Discussion

Again, thank you cows for another Darksun event.


And thanks to the rest of the FS community for again giving a competitive top 100 contributors.


Further, thank you for meeting the event community goal especially the last 12 hours!

#1007606 Legendary Assault!

Posted by michael65 on 02 May 2022 - 20:28 in General Discussion



anyone have the cave and amount for getting a chance at the flask of death?



10k gold ancient cave

Isn't it both caves for 23,000-45,000+ ? That is, the legendaries drop the potions or legendary gear. I could be wrong. What is the right answer?


Purpose: thank you cows for a wonderful event and thank you scavengers for your efforts!

#1007490 Springtime Forest opens!

Posted by michael65 on 20 April 2022 - 10:28 in General Discussion

Please defeat those TITANs with unrealized tkp. When the Easter TITANs go, so does the tkp.


Please correct if I'm wrong.

#1007380 Fallensword VR!

Posted by michael65 on 08 April 2022 - 22:41 in General Discussion



FS info is fed and reorganized. What about wiki? UFSG? Guild web site?

How are other guild members perceived? How to communicate?

How is this run in terms of memory? Processing?

If in VR, then not playing the game?

#1007335 Rise of the Wraiths XXIV

Posted by michael65 on 05 April 2022 - 17:41 in General Discussion

Thank you cows for a wonderful event and reward.


Thanks FS community for competitive top 100 list.

#1007313 Important News regarding the Update

Posted by michael65 on 01 April 2022 - 17:49 in General Discussion

Random Number Generator or chance buffs have been always a part of FS. Replace them with "a sure thing" buffs is easier but can interfere with "it's a game" aspect of FS.


As to Flinch, levellers may not desire change to the buff. Different description for levellers and PvPers might work.


My 2 cents.




Some creatures like champions and elites may require 2+hitting.

Also, enhancements like first strike and hypnosis require 2+hitting.

Given a player's gear and creature to hunt, flinch alone or with other buffs can bring success.

To minimize chance of kill streak loss, I have used flinch.


Edit in response to comment below. Putting response here to avoid burying update post by cows.

[Edit ends]

#1007291 Important News regarding the Update

Posted by michael65 on 31 March 2022 - 16:37 in General Discussion

I'm impressed! Worth the wait!


Keep up the great work!

#1007165 App Update v.1.0.12!

Posted by michael65 on 14 March 2022 - 17:56 in General Discussion

Does FS need 100 stam PvP default?

I don't think so.

My 2 cents.

#1007051 Thieves in the Night III

Posted by michael65 on 01 March 2022 - 12:42 in General Discussion

A wonderful event,

the cows:

brought back an old global event,

followed roadmap in timely manner,

and (in chat) gave explanation as to why event was configured

and the other part of the FS community:

reached 30 mil. especially after last GE 50+ mil.

and a very competitive top 100 list.

Thank you all.

#1007016 Fallen Sword Roadmap (Nov 2021-Feb 2022)

Posted by michael65 on 22 February 2022 - 20:22 in General Discussion

So, is the FS community happy with this?

(BTW, latest roadmap is pinned in general discussion)

#1006797 Zombie Yeomen XV

Posted by michael65 on 01 February 2022 - 16:52 in General Discussion

+1 to the cows for event and reward!

+1 to FS community for 50+ mil count!

#1005861 Smasher medal

Posted by michael65 on 20 October 2021 - 04:30 in General Discussion

Is this ever going to get changed to include normal pvp attacks or those for daily quests?

i hope not

#1005831 About the mailbox situation

Posted by michael65 on 15 October 2021 - 19:55 in General Discussion

new players (bc don't know), some returning players (bc forgot), and some inventors (bc save a step in collecting invented items) may find the mailbox a problem. remember invented items last only an hour.

1. in another post, i don't remember which, some players preferred the bp destination. why they aren't commenting? idk

2. could change time invented items last in mailbox, but some players rely on invented items being removed in an hour as bp/mailbox management.

3. i would prefer choice given to player via preferences.

my belated 2 cents

#1005736 Proposed Loyalty Update III.

Posted by michael65 on 11 October 2021 - 13:49 in General Discussion

as to duration, pls remember use of brewing master will make buff last.

prices seem measured.

my 2 cents

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