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Posted by Crzy on 09 December 2014 - 16:20 in Graphics

I'm still waiting on two Avatars


Current bid: SmokeyJane - 1 FSP



23- crzy-avatar8_zpse67cc96f.png

Current bid: SmokeyJane - 1 FSP I have sent my FSP


Sorry was going off of Roan's post about who sent payments. Sending them to you now in-game and through forums.


Posted by Crzy on 26 November 2014 - 22:36 in Graphics

























#901446 Grand Graphics Tournament 8 - Round 2 theme

Posted by Crzy on 17 November 2014 - 01:29 in Graphics

In the voting thread Roan asked all artists to start making an entry for the next theme. Sounds like it might be a single elimination of whoever has lowest score? Either way, people might drop out and he wants to have an entry from everyone as a backup.

#901445 Old Avatar stuck in arena matches...( help)

Posted by Crzy on 17 November 2014 - 01:27 in Game Help

lol Unintended hilarious picture of the right side avatar looking horrified at your avatar.


Posted by Crzy on 16 November 2014 - 15:40 in Graphics

Guys I don't know if leaving requests here will be a good idea as it will push bids back some pages. However, feel free to PM me directly in game because I will definitely take requests. Or if we have enough people requesting, we could make a dedicated thread for it?


Posted by Crzy on 10 November 2014 - 16:00 in Graphics

We need more art! Last GGT had more than 100 avatars alone. :(

#898023 What's really important in Fallen Sword

Posted by Crzy on 05 November 2014 - 06:38 in General Discussion

The thing that always kept me coming back early on was trying to grow so I could unlock new buffs and better gear. At the time Doubler was new so that was the goal and 200 levels was reachable, even though the last 50 levels were challenging if you couldn't afford Cu Sith(150 fsp for a set back then was quite a bit). Then came Shield Imp and the very challenging Xindy...both were awesome changes because Xind had huge maps with little to no mobs. Most stam was spent just walking trying to find some mobs and that made it challenging so when you finally got out you felt a good accomplishment and relief haha.


Doing those while trying to grow a small and new guild was very fun for me. The friends I made had me coming back daily, even if stam wasn't maxed.


Nowadays we have 2000+ levels and no new buffs after 1600...If I were new and barely starting, I would see that and think to myself "why should I bother?". Now we can just go to the buff market at level 1 and buy anything we need so there's no reason to strive to get better. Need gear? Well join an established guild and they will most likely have everything crafted and forged so that leveling is a breeze. I've had new players join our guild and after chatting with them they told me the game was boring early on because Emissaries and other lvl25 gear made them overpowered. It got to a point where they said they would level without tagged gear and only go in with common gear they find on hunts to make it more challenging.


Ultimately I think those are the major factors for why new players quit early on. No real motivation to keep going and gear/buffs making the game way too easy. Xind isn't even much of a challenge because of high AM and LF pots.


Posted by Crzy on 14 October 2014 - 21:37 in Graphics

I'm in.

#893488 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by Crzy on 10 October 2014 - 00:51 in General Discussion

When this gets implemented can we get a free skill reset so we can remove PVP oriented buffs? I personally don't see a need for Erosion, Shame, Honor, Fist Fight, or Sealed(gvg a little) anymore because people won't bother to buy buffs to protect themselves from PVPers while hunting. You could argue they have use for Bounty Defense but honestly, how many levelers will even bother to bounty anymore with no XP Loss?


Using them for GVG doesn't even have much value until the rewards get revamped.

#893122 GGT - Who wants to participate?

Posted by Crzy on 07 October 2014 - 19:21 in Graphics

The high amount of people is why I joined lol. Will be fun battling so many people.

#893036 GGT - Who wants to participate?

Posted by Crzy on 07 October 2014 - 04:31 in Graphics

I know I won't win but I'll join. Make it an even 20 people lol.

#892802 FINAL SOLUTION for BOTH parties

Posted by Crzy on 04 October 2014 - 23:22 in General Discussion

the main point why xp loss had to be removed was because of bullying and the victims had no way to escape as long as there was xp loss, this system gives them an escape chance and solves the bullying issue


Didn't read the rest of the thread but this part of the OP kind of stuck me as odd...I will simply point to the PVP Protect and XP Lock upgrades to counter your statement of there being no way around bullying.


There's no reason to change the current system that's worked for so long just because a few don't want to pay. If we went with this idea you'd essentially be giving EVERY leveler a free Opt-Out button. Which if I recall correctly, the Devs said will NEVER happen because this was a PVP game. Levelers would all choose the Soft XP option, where they have no XP loss and the PVP XP doesn't matter to them which is the same as a free Opt-out button. There will seriously be no reason to have Protect XP in the game if this goes through.


If anything, PVP needs to have the ranges opened up a little more so people can hit larger ranges in this dwindling player base. Maybe a thief buff added that gives them more gold gained from the hit at the cost of lower XP Loss to the victim.

#890663 what happened to guilds defending their own?

Posted by Crzy on 22 September 2014 - 18:02 in Guild Discussion

Pretty sure I'm probably wrong but I'd blame the epic potions/buffs that were introduced. Back then there were no level 500 Conserves and 1200+ DBLs. Gold was harder to come by and people thought any listing over 100k was overpriced. Back then EXP was also tougher to get so when you got hit and lost 1 million EXP, it meant you had to work to get that back. People actually cared about both more IMO.


Now someone can just throw on some Zombie brewed epic pots and regain any lost exp/gold in a matter of minutes. Couple that with the fact that PVP allies ARE still connected pretty much means most people won't bother. Why delevel party and risk a war where you will be outnumbered and potentially get other guildmates that want no part of it, involved?


Lose-lose situation because in the end the PVPers will still go on with stealing gold if the hunter is careless.

#890573 AotW/SotW - Voting

Posted by Crzy on 22 September 2014 - 10:41 in Graphics

Every single piece entered in these AoTW/SoTW contests will be in the GGT Auction. So start saving your FSP and get ready to bid against all of FS lol.

#890525 AotW/SotW - Voting

Posted by Crzy on 22 September 2014 - 01:32 in Graphics

Since voting is over, can I get critiques on Sig A? I have little experience with them(this was actually my second or third sig ever made so it was bad getting paired against Chagryn haha).


SlntScream, the reason I chose not to blend it in because the render looked like it was in flight going to attack/defend something. Didn't want to make it look grounded but I guess that call worked against me lol.

#890108 SS Gfx Auction House

Posted by Crzy on 18 September 2014 - 12:13 in Graphics

Don't own a piece from you yet. BIN on 6 please. Just my name.

#890098 PvP XP / XP through PvP

Posted by Crzy on 18 September 2014 - 08:32 in General Discussion

Hmm...the way I read the OP was that this was a brand new addition to PVP. One that might get levelers interested in dabbling in the aspect where if they like it enough, they may try the gold theft portion. Normal 100 stams, BB hits, and gold theft aren't being changed so if you have issues with people you still have your normal options of PVP hitting. IMO this change would be the bridge some levelers seem to need to venture out of the 1234r hunting.


Where is the harm in adding another branch to the current PVP system?


As is, those who wanna go full steam and smack hard while getting smacked 'emselves, are getting alienated.


A shame that the Ladder was originally meant to be this but it's strayed from that.

#890083 Freebie Sigs

Posted by Crzy on 18 September 2014 - 03:32 in Graphics

BUMP because we need more artwork from Mini. :P

#889867 PvP XP / XP through PvP

Posted by Crzy on 16 September 2014 - 13:29 in General Discussion

Definitely gives a reason for people bored at EOC to dabble in PVP with little to no consequence. On the rewards aspect, if the rewards aren't bound then you can possibly have friends/allies trading hits like the old GVG system. I know people like to make profit for their efforts but if the market can be manipulated right out the gate, then why bother?


Maybe have the PVP XP hits have 0 range restrictions. So level 60s can take on people at EOC in stam gear. If the rewards are bound anyway. I know one of the major buzz kills of GVG is the fact that it can be hard finding guilds with enough people in range of you, and I'm sure there are PVP ranges that have this same problem.


Perhaps the rewards can be those listed buffs that never made it into the game but are still on the AH search menus. :P Bound potions to get everyone interested in using them.

#888579 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by Crzy on 06 September 2014 - 10:10 in Graphics

Can't believe you guys are still on this lol...anyway...


Here's a challenge for you Eric...go get BigGrim's avatar in-game and do your usual avatar "creation". Wear it after you're done, and we will report the avatar. If BG feels your burn/color screen/smudge/text is a new "creation", you won't get it removed. But if it gets removed that proves our point.


What you'e selling is like image restoration/enhancement. It's not creating anything. Because we're calling you out on it doesn't mean we're jealous like you have it in your mind, we're calling you out on it because it's not creating anything. The Graphics community has always called out text slappers because it's an insult to the artists who actually take time to find and blend resources into a completely new image.


It's just like the "avatar makers" who sell transparent Backgrounds with just a render and some text. That's not art and it's making a mockery out of the artists actually spending time on their pieces.


This might be a horrible analogy but let's take the Mona Lisa as an example. Say Da Vinci spends a good chunk of his life creating it until he gets a perfect image of what's in his mind. He puts it out to the public when it's done and everyone loves it. You come along and darken the blacks, make it a little red filter, put your name on it, then try to say you created something new. This is basically what you're doing with those stocks.


And P.S...just because you've sold "hundreds", it doesn't prove that you're creating new art. The average buyer doesn't know and probably won't care to look up any reversed images. But the people who are in the know(other avy makers) can clearly see what text slappers are doing. Heck even if the buyers did look them up, chances are they'd still buy it because the original stock was already a good pic to begin with.

#888001 Ericborges 6º AVI AH - Im Back !!!

Posted by Crzy on 01 September 2014 - 04:41 in Graphics

Enhancing with a Burn Tool and a few screen-mode images is rather lazy. It's true you are making the original image sharper looking but it's not really a big difference that can warrant 5 fsp. It's a smack in the face to the people like Athdenald, Chagryn, Treefrog, ArtistGorn, etc that take time to really change and edit stocks with effects, C4Ds, filters, lighting, etc to really change it from the original images.


My original post was mainly aimed at the customers that ARE happy with the way the images look. It's their right to see just how much change is being made so that they can bid accordingly. If someone does want to keep buying for 5 fsp and thinks you've changed enough, that's their choice.


And I'll drop it here so no need to make more videos. I understand where you're coming from when you want to preserve and enhance the original stocks.

#887996 Ericborges 6º AVI AH - Im Back !!!

Posted by Crzy on 01 September 2014 - 04:22 in Graphics

So you know how to make real avatars, you just chose to be lazy and not do so for this auction? I understand the idea behind wanting to preserve awesome stocks but if the end work looks nearly identical to the original stock, it's still just a text slap. And IMO you shouldn't charge people 5 fsp BINs for what looks like 2 mins of work.


And I'll give you some recent examples of my work where someone ordered with 3 stocks:











The last one is the only one that comes up with a tineye result because like you, I wanted to preserve the original stock as much as possible since it fit his request so well. But even then, I added effects and made it look like he was bursting out of the ice with a fire hand so that it was still different than the original stock.

#887922 Ericborges 6º AVI AH - Im Back !!!

Posted by Crzy on 31 August 2014 - 17:07 in Graphics

Hate to be the bad guy but text slapping was frowned upon 2 years ago and it's still frowned upon today...Just because you're slapping a generic frame with text, it's still considered text-slapping.








These are just from the random ones I did put into Tineye.

#887457 [BUG] Too much EOCers.

Posted by Crzy on 26 August 2014 - 11:19 in General Discussion

Multis! Ban em!



On topic, hasn't this happened before?

#887236 Guild Quests!

Posted by Crzy on 24 August 2014 - 16:36 in General Discussion

Yes but on on the condition that the quests require X amount of people to do the same objective. That way one person can't just complete the full 100 invents by himself. That's not really promoting guild activity in my book.


Could do guild member tiers like 5-15 member guilds need to have 7 different people complete them. 16-30 guilds need 15 people. 30-50 need 20 people. 51-100+ needs 40(I know a lot of big guilds have mules so having 50 active players might be pushing it).


Might even be able to have it like Player Medals, different tiers where the more you guys complete the better the reward and eventually a guild achievement?

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