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#816187 So long, and thanks for all the...memories

Posted by Cassafras on 13 October 2013 - 19:29 in Graphics



I sorta disappeared after the last GGT. Sorry about that. But worry no more! For I'm officially retiring 'Cassafras' on this date (10/13/13). I know I've generally been on and off, but at this point I'm basically done with Fallensword.


Some of you might ask, "But why?!?!" (or not, just felt like exaggerating). For starters, I haven't touched GIMP in a couple of months so, eh. Next, I've kinda just stopped liking the game in general and really only keep in touch with one person nowadays.


But the biggest reason? I'm currently a senior in high school this year so I'm doing all the fun stuff like applying to colleges, marching band, art projects, and general balancing of my academics and extra-curricular. Basically, my free time is spent goofing off or sleeping...mainly the latter. FS has become a memory in my head.


That doesn't mean I won't forget any of you though! This forum is essentially where I began thinking of my career choices and played a bigger part of my life than many might think. So to all the wonderful artists that have been on here: Thanks.


To my friends/associates/colleagues/pals/however you relate to me: Keep being that awesome bunch of people that I remember. :D


To those that I've never met: Sorry I didn't stay on long enough to greet and meet you! If you've managed to make your way here, I guarantee you'll have a good time.


Well, I suppose that's it. Maybe I'll pop on once in a blue moon just to mess with you guys hehe.


Thanks for four years of fun!~Cassafras



#785133 Hows everyone coping with the new forum look?

Posted by Cassafras on 17 April 2013 - 02:13 in Graphics

Whelp, I just noticed all of this change after getting a 403 error a couple of times since I had the forum bookmarked. Since I just got on, I won't really make an official opinion until some time has passed.


My first impression...I dunno, I kinda liked the more plain background of the original forums. All the pics are kinda distracting now. Was a bit weird making a new account to merge with the FS one, but I guess it makes sense so everyone doesn't have a bunch of accounts floating about. I like the new set up of options for posting, but I do miss some of those smilies.


This guy however is totally me: :ph34r:


I think that's it for now, haven't had much time to poke around. Oh and sorry I really haven't been around. Last marking period just started, still have no idea what schools to look at, and drumline+school=stressful and sleepy me. I haven't even had time to think and make a good graphic since the GGT. I've been sorta thinking more on school art projects instead. I'll be back eventually.

#784501 My gallery

Posted by Cassafras on 13 April 2013 - 11:16 in Graphics

if i could continue uploading there i would and thats all i know :oops:

I've got over 1000 files uploaded to my photobucket with only 23% of my storage used in 3 years. I don't think there's anyway you could have filled up 2 GB that fast.

Try checking your account status Username->User Settings->Account

That should let you check how much storage you used. If there's still a lot of space it might be a problem with how you're uploading or something. Might want to get help from the company support then.

#783277 Freebies for All! (Almost)

Posted by Cassafras on 01 April 2013 - 01:16 in Graphics


I don't get a lot of pop out stuff, nor can I really do it well, so this looks really awesome! Very unique too might I say! Thanks very much Sah :D

#781188 Grand Graphics Tournament 6 Winners

Posted by Cassafras on 12 March 2013 - 02:35 in Graphics

Wow was not expecting that to happen! Congrats to all of us! :lol:

It's perfectly fine with me about the FSP. Quite frankly I just enjoyed competing. Thanks for being a great host Tree!

#780629 Avatar + Signature - CONTEST

Posted by Cassafras on 05 March 2013 - 04:49 in Graphics

Well with a whole month I'll try to get at least one entry in.

Besides, I love LoL renders :D

#780463 GGT 6 Final Round Theme

Posted by Cassafras on 04 March 2013 - 04:20 in Graphics

Should be in before I go to bed tomorrow (go me for cutting it close again)

#780438 Freebies for All! (Almost)

Posted by Cassafras on 03 March 2013 - 23:57 in Graphics

Cassafras - lady stuff

I can only wonder what falls under "lady stuff" :P

Honestly as long as it isn't a pastel pink color I'm okay with anything. And just because I'm female doesn't mean I'm not okay with sigs with guys in them, so don't let that hinder you. :)

#780058 GGT 6 Final Round Theme

Posted by Cassafras on 28 February 2013 - 22:22 in Graphics

I've not got time to compete in this round unfortunately. My laptop broke and my replacement only came on Wednesday and then I'm working nights and I'm away for the weekend.

Since this is the only round where extensions are not allowed, I'm out.

I see no reason not to extend. Besides, I'd much rather compete and earn a place in the top 3 rather than a guaranteed spot.

Of course though, it's really up to Tree.

#779814 GGT 6 Final Round Theme

Posted by Cassafras on 26 February 2013 - 03:20 in Graphics

And I was so excited to sit out and observe :P

Whelp, I'm not dealing with writing an 10 page rough draft anymore..although I just contracted a head cold...

Let's see if this underdog can top herself.

#778236 Free sigs- closed!

Posted by Cassafras on 13 February 2013 - 23:44 in Graphics

Heh, glad you took up the challenge anyway! You can ask me to change the stock next time :P Thank you very much!

#778018 Free sigs- closed!

Posted by Cassafras on 12 February 2013 - 22:15 in Graphics

I'll take one :)

Stock: http://25.media.tumb...dzwio1_1280.jpg
Text:Cassafras, Cassa, or Cass
Subtext: Norman Reedus (if fits)

Would like to see what you can do.

#777831 FIRST digital painting

Posted by Cassafras on 12 February 2013 - 03:36 in Graphics

Man, I've always really wanted to try digital painting, but the closest I've gotten to doing that is really just coloring stuff like my winter GGT entry.

Well there's this too but it's still a WIP. http://i50.tinypic.com/b5obix.png

Besides what the others have said, it would have been nice if there was a definite foreground, middleground, background. It has a very flat appearance as everything seems to be on the same level.

I still like it though, albeit I could go for something with less pink :P

#777828 GGT 6 Round 4 Theme

Posted by Cassafras on 12 February 2013 - 03:26 in Graphics

:shock: Still can't figure out how I managed to get this far heh.

Alright, let's see what I can do with this...

#777234 GFX exchange!! FULL

Posted by Cassafras on 06 February 2013 - 04:53 in Graphics

gambit? :o

Yep! When I was younger a friend of the family had this x-men video game (don't ask me which one) and I had a tendency to play him or Mystique.

Anyways, I thought he looked a bit insane in this render, but then I had some weird idea of adding celtic rune circles. No clue why, I just thought it'd work.

Oh and sorry it came out a little dark Roan. I've had tendencies lately of making really strong lighting so I've been toning it done gradually. Ironically this has been happening with some of my studio class work -_-

#777231 GFX exchange!! FULL

Posted by Cassafras on 06 February 2013 - 04:44 in Graphics

Eh I was going for crazy gambler, but I think I turned it into something else...

Posted Image

I'll make a better one tomorrow :)

#777198 GGT 6 Round 3 Theme

Posted by Cassafras on 06 February 2013 - 00:14 in Graphics

Alright, thanks a lot guys. Sent it in, thanks for understanding. :')

We're such a caring community ain't we? Feel better soon mate!

#777171 GFX exchange!! FULL

Posted by Cassafras on 05 February 2013 - 20:41 in Graphics

Roan-Would love if you could make something based on The Walking Dead (the show not the comic), specifically Daryl Dixon/Norman Reedus. I've been trying to make something myself but haven't been faring well. If it isn't working out, you can do anything else related to Norman Reedus or go with your own instincts on what to make. I'm okay with either gender so don't worry about that :)

#777074 GFX exchange!! FULL

Posted by Cassafras on 05 February 2013 - 03:20 in Graphics

I think I'll have some time :)

#776845 GGT 6 Round 3 Theme

Posted by Cassafras on 03 February 2013 - 20:41 in Graphics

Gimp mask.

I was actually horrified that this is on hottopic.

I had a guess you meant that after reading the quotes a couple times.

I don't even wanna know about that last comment. I already know that store can be cool and terrifying at the same time.

#776791 GGT 6 Round 3 Theme

Posted by Cassafras on 03 February 2013 - 06:02 in Graphics

I am pulling out my whip! :!:

YAY!!! you got the leather ready too?? :?: :?:

This is what I think all GIMP users are like.

Can't figure out whether to be offended or amused...

Got my entry in earlier. Not turned in last minute for once!

#776774 Im need stress relief! Freebies!

Posted by Cassafras on 03 February 2013 - 03:37 in Graphics

I know, not a render, I would love this though if you can do it :)


One or the other
Text: Hatter

Nice sig by the way, but I'll leave it for someone else.

#776746 GGT 6 Round 3 Theme

Posted by Cassafras on 03 February 2013 - 01:05 in Graphics

I always get it in last minute XD Trust me though I am working on it!

#775928 GGT 6 Round 3 Theme

Posted by Cassafras on 29 January 2013 - 23:16 in Graphics

Interesting :D

#775870 Not the GGT Auction.

Posted by Cassafras on 29 January 2013 - 11:27 in Market Place

Totoro Totoro Totoro Totoro Totoro Totoro :D

Obviously you know which one I'd like to BIN hehe.

I'll send you payment when I come home. Currently need to study for midterms -_-

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