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#820831 Fallensword Down again?

Posted by Versair on 17 November 2013 - 23:16 in General Discussion

Hoof you cracked down on that one post where dude was going HAM quick! Like within seconds, it was scary. Hoof sees us when we're naughty, he sees us when we're nice.


If it is a ddos attack I hope you're working with the authorities to have them incarcerated. I think a prison human enema is just what they need.

Ewww!!!!! And on that note I'm off to watch the episode of Arrow I missed. And maybe Burn Notice after that.



#820819 Fallensword Down again?

Posted by Versair on 17 November 2013 - 22:10 in General Discussion

And i own a pikachu :)




#820803 Fallensword Down again?

Posted by Versair on 17 November 2013 - 21:47 in General Discussion



#817979 SO when do we get to combine EPICS?

Posted by Versair on 30 October 2013 - 03:03 in General Discussion

The prices dropped because of the huge supply of them. The supply and demand of those Epics is why the prices are decreasing.


And please don't say that merchants are the only profit-suckers here. Everyone wants a profit.


I agree with you on the first 2 points.


Of course the self-styled merchants weren't the only ones to blame (I gathered up a fair amount of the items in question as well), but many of the same people who have been messaging me in game trying to sell countless numbers of spikes, amulets, and rings were some of the same names on here asking for the Horned Chomper to be released.


People asked for it to be released for profit, HCS gave in and now people feel the supply is too high so they are asking for another way to increase the fsps they can make. I guess I've played other games where people wanted the developers to affect the game economy as little as possible so I just don't understand why people keep asking for HCS to do things that will affect prices. They ask for one thing, they get it, then there's another problem again.

#817964 SO when do we get to combine EPICS?

Posted by Versair on 30 October 2013 - 01:22 in General Discussion

No thank you, people wanting profit is the reason why all these epics are as cheap as they are. Hopefully HCS stops giving in to these "merchants" and their requests.


Not saying you are among that group, but you mentioned price and I don't think the developers should put any time in to purposely manipulating the game market because players have sucked all the profit out a once profitable activity.

#817523 Spine Chomper assault!

Posted by Versair on 26 October 2013 - 03:05 in General Discussion

I know y'all logged in like        ix6C8KHl0jG36.gif




Hahahahahahaha I laugh at your anger. /trolling

#814564 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Versair on 02 October 2013 - 22:11 in General Discussion

Maybe create a thread about this with a poll to see what everyone else thinks about this suggestion? :)

Someone already made a thread with a poll about it months ago (I didn't include the link originally because the title is rather vague). The link: http://forums.hunted...showtopic=56472. The majority supported it and BigGrim came through and blessed the thread as well.


If you still want I can make another thread. Nothing against the OP of that one, but it's not laid out the way I would've done it.

#814281 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Versair on 02 October 2013 - 02:13 in General Discussion

I wouldn't mind seeing bounties removed from hits on the PvP ladder. The collusion is pretty obvious as of now when people work together to delevel you out of the band.


EDIT: Some of these suggestions I would "Like", but they are mixed in with suggestions that I don't care about. Might be a good idea to limit it to one idea per post.

#814280 Next Roadmap...

Posted by Versair on 02 October 2013 - 02:10 in General Discussion

Gold upgrades resetting at 00:00 server time. It was promised to happen after Composing. Link to the thread with overwhelming support: http://forums.hunted...topic=55418&hl=

#814152 name change

Posted by Versair on 01 October 2013 - 07:19 in General Discussion

Every other MMORPG I've ever played allows for it so I don't see why it's an impossible task. Especially considering the rules limit us to one character. Create an upgrade for it and charge an exorbitant amount of FSPs that increase every time you purchase it. I believe in the people in HCS and I know they can do it despite what is said to the contrary. We are patiently waiting for this epic new upgrade.


#812061 Legendary Event!

Posted by Versair on 19 September 2013 - 15:13 in General Discussion

How about.....thanks for the event and have a good week?

#811388 Best / Funniest Potion Name?

Posted by Versair on 13 September 2013 - 05:43 in General Discussion

"Purple Drank" and yes it tastes like purple drink not grape juice. WTF is juice anyway?

#811387 Composing Formulas

Posted by Versair on 13 September 2013 - 05:40 in General Discussion

Savanc's post makes more sense to me (but not complete sense sadly). I think I have a better idea of what is being said now, but what exactly do you mean when you say something like "54 / 54" are you talking about total skill levels with a duration of 54 minutes? Like 18-18-18? Or just simply 1 skill at 54 with a duration of 54? And I don't even know how that works if you are able to use 4 skills or 5 because then do you try to make the levels close to even or what?


Moral of the story is that I'm probably leveling in a very inefficient way. :(

#810675 Composing Formulas

Posted by Versair on 08 September 2013 - 01:05 in General Discussion

May I ask how do you use instant gold correctly besides having the gold on hand and clicking the button? Sadly the rest of the post went over my head so I can't even comment on it.

#810231 Composing!

Posted by Versair on 06 September 2013 - 00:53 in General Discussion

Looks cool so far. But does the duration of a potion affect the XP gained? Like would I be better off making a million Lightfoot 10s with a 30 minute duration or just make one Lightfoot 150+Adept Learner 150 with a duration of 9999 minutes?

#808902 Sure would like to play tonight - Some of the servers on fire or something?

Posted by Versair on 29 August 2013 - 02:29 in General Discussion

The infamous naughty 502 gateway strikes again


#808849 Development Roadmap

Posted by Versair on 28 August 2013 - 21:30 in General Discussion

Composing today? biggrin.png

Oh no Composing today. sad.png Next week it is then, in Hoof we trust.







Don't know how this is related, but I'll allow it. Sure is making me hungry for pancakes though.....


#808119 LEs in Caves and Realms!

Posted by Versair on 23 August 2013 - 18:44 in General Discussion

Gargantuan Phoenix (Legendary)
The Gargantuan Phoenix is usually a rarely seen Beast, prefering to stay away from Mortals. Recently, unknown, though presumably dark, forces have been forcing the great birds out of their lairs. At this injustice, the Phoenix have decided to lay waste to all mortals for their arrogance.
Recommended Level : 1230+
Recommended Gold : 37,000+
This event will be active until 13:oo hours on Tuesday the 27th of August.
~ The Fallen Sword team.





I knew this day would come. The Phoenix has risen from the ashes and now wanders the caves searching for a way out into the sun. Please everyone take all of your gold and murder it before it can do so. Don't worry it will be reborn so you can kill it again and sell me cheap firebird sets and components.


Bless you BigGrim and Hoofmaster, bless all of you good folks at HCS. It's a celebration!!!




In honor of this occasion even I will waste a tiny of amount of gold in the caves.

#807949 What do I want to see in the Scavenging Caves?

Posted by Versair on 22 August 2013 - 21:06 in General Discussion


#807440 Development Roadmap

Posted by Versair on 20 August 2013 - 00:32 in General Discussion

The world chat idea sounds like it could be good. I just don't want to see it filled with people spamming about their auctions, super elite locations they are selling, etc. That's the reason I turned off the FSBox in the first place. Chat moderators might be a good idea.

#807198 What do I want to see in the Scavenging Caves?

Posted by Versair on 19 August 2013 - 10:54 in General Discussion


#807197 Darksun Dragons II

Posted by Versair on 19 August 2013 - 10:52 in General Discussion

Thank you HCS for another global event. People asked for an event so they could make progress on their medals and so it was done.


Looking forward to Composing this week and the based cave event which will have the Gargantuan Phoenix and/or (preferably "and") Su Kellos. In HCS we trust.


#806762 What do I want to see in the Scavenging Caves?

Posted by Versair on 16 August 2013 - 23:19 in General Discussion

Well he didn't say no to a cave event soon nor did he say no to the 2 awesome LEs that I suggested.


Next week will be glorious with Composing coming out (which means they can work on the Gold Upgrades reset at 00:00 server time) and the Scavenging Event featuring one or both of those 2 LEs above.


Viva la HCS!



#806749 Creatures Dropping less Gold...

Posted by Versair on 16 August 2013 - 22:12 in General Discussion

That is strange. Hopefully it's a simple oversight and will be corrected soon.


maybe because you guys at EOC have had about 1500 levels of 300-310 gold? 


#806563 What do I want to see in the Scavenging Caves?

Posted by Versair on 16 August 2013 - 01:53 in General Discussion

We could all make a stand! Threaten BigGrim with a million +1 posts in all topics until he sorts some of the 'cave only' Le's into proper LE's!!


Viva le revolution!!!


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