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Posted by johnagod on 10 November 2020 - 14:59 in General Discussion

Since it was hoof himself that imposed the original punishments, I also have faith that this will be handled in the right manner, regardless of whatever mistakes were made in the interim.  He appeared extremely serious that he would not tolerate cheating of any kind on his game.  That's one of the things that keeps me coming back.


BadPenny you just don't know when to stop typing do you? Those who were found to take advantage of the exploit either got perma-banned or got a one month suspension with upgrades and fsps revoked, myself included. The one month was completed by those suspended and that should have been that. If HCS wanted to perma-ban everyone then that should have been decided a month ago but no they imposed certain punishments which have been completed. If you don't like that then that's your issue, and quite frankly none of your business lol.


And if certain players did not have their upgrades or fsps reverted then that is HCS' fault. They had a whole month to fix this and still it's a complete and utter mess.

#1001678 Legendary Creatures Attack!

Posted by johnagod on 05 October 2020 - 13:52 in General Discussion

No. Never have with an OBVIOUS error before. 


~ Grim


A new concept to LE gear doesn't have to be "an OBVIOUS error" :rolleyes: . It was a good feature which I'm sure many would have been a fan of. Maybe XP gain on a smaller scale (500-1000 for a set bonus) would have been better but hey, no need to be salty LOL.

#1001667 Level 4000 buffs.

Posted by johnagod on 04 October 2020 - 18:09 in General Discussion

I have 395 skill points i can't use on anything where do i put them it says skills points 395 available but no where to put them it feels rigged :(


Try having 2,525 unused  ;)


But yeah some new buffs would certainly be welcomed at this point. Been a long time coming now

#1000061 New Content! 4,401 - 4,450!

Posted by johnagod on 26 March 2020 - 19:06 in General Discussion

Think the 4,402 creature is giving the wrong XP, only getting less than 1 million xp whereas I am getting 70+ million on other level creatures

#999491 Forest of Yule opens!

Posted by johnagod on 21 December 2019 - 16:08 in General Discussion

Cool, thanks! :)


Not sure if there is a starting point for the 4100 quest. Can't see it on the map


Edit: Also the new quests aren't appearing in the quest book

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