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#980344 I have bought huntedcow for $1...

Posted by Removed18058 on 30 April 2017 - 09:21 in Other Games



this guy needs medals his gifs and images always freaking spot on


you are the true mvp this forum needs <3

#978788 Guild Funds

Posted by Removed18058 on 02 April 2017 - 11:55 in Suggestions

you people are given options to prevent these kind of things if you fail to utilize them you are simply retarded 

#977160 Reporting a player

Posted by Removed18058 on 26 February 2017 - 05:18 in General Discussion

having more than one account is against tos


so yea submit a ticket and it should get fixed if correct

#976991 Did i realy do 0 dammage last week?

Posted by Removed18058 on 21 February 2017 - 06:59 in Bug Reports

I would still like to know /\



of ffs i got necrod ...






#976990 Did i realy do 0 dammage last week?

Posted by Removed18058 on 21 February 2017 - 06:58 in Bug Reports

comes from the eldevin top rated



once you hit damage cap wich is 2,147,483,647 due to the usage of the signed 32 bit integer data type (2^31- 1).


it can't get registered anymore and hence your damage stays at 0.



you did the maximum amount of recordable damage no more damage can be logged.

#976616 LV 50 armor/wepons (if it be lv 50)

Posted by Removed18058 on 12 February 2017 - 13:37 in Suggestions

there is also a house with a 2 person bed and sensual pink lights

#976509 LV 50 armor/wepons (if it be lv 50)

Posted by Removed18058 on 10 February 2017 - 14:42 in Suggestions

i agree no story mode, but 


how shall they get a fair play on quest complete? They did story runs that have almost broke the game on gold and relics to the set 


as in ASV ARG ICC its almsot same players all the time, rarly get in  a new team mate. When i tank ASV/ARG/ICC i want RSS in team or i dont tank, and always asking WC (doing PM if like few online)


btw lucky that INF flakes can get from AA on daily crafting quest so that small player who are alone get a chance to get a bigger toy


so i wouldn't be a good enough replacement for rss?


heart = broken

#976405 healer guide and icc guide for dummies

Posted by Removed18058 on 07 February 2017 - 13:25 in General Discussions

bumpedee boop

#976403 LV 50 armor/wepons (if it be lv 50)

Posted by Removed18058 on 07 February 2017 - 13:23 in Suggestions

lvl 50 shouldn't have story mode

#976214 the new lvls for gathering items

Posted by Removed18058 on 02 February 2017 - 06:50 in Bug Reports

like seriously who even gives  a f*** anymore ...

#975958 LV 50 armor/wepons (if it be lv 50)

Posted by Removed18058 on 25 January 2017 - 14:01 in Suggestions

there is plenty of potential.


making supporters have to do half the work will cause an increment of supporter status purchases.


a newbies guidebook that leads them this way a quest that leads people to active guilds. 

also make sure that they get to know about the forums etc etc

fun activity from and with developers within the game itself


since people level ridiculously fast now the faster they get in contact with other people the better 



utilizing guilds etc would be mandatory to get people to mix in etc etc.


a re-release on steam would cause for a decent spike of player activity again there's guilds people will hunt for steam achievments so add some hard to get ones to make sure they get hooked.



i mean it is possible ...

#975947 LV 50 armor/wepons (if it be lv 50)

Posted by Removed18058 on 25 January 2017 - 10:38 in Suggestions

I remember that race, you got the first belt, I got the first armor piece, then eventually (after long ass grinding) first set. Now you guys blink and, hey new armor piece, ahaha.


On the topic though, they mentioned previously, that end game sets would be tiered. If they did that and made the tiers exponentially harder to obtain that could push longevity out for a bit. But if they make it too grindy people will complain and they will probably implement daily armor piece quest again... So they need to find a way to do it well...


my point here was mostly don't make us grind out brainless dead content that is way too easy in order to get top notch stuff.


the best stuff should be hard to achieve and absolutely not something to be gained within an hour or two.



the unity remnant grind the way it was before benevolent dungeoneer also handed them out was better than the way it is now.


people just grind 2 out of 3 bosses now non stop without any form of competition


doom and i would grab a warsin and kill 2 bosses at the same time for the sake of getting kills as fast as possible. 



reliving old content proves little to no purpose in my opinion. 


if they added hard modes to dungeons and gave us excentric rewards that are only cosmetic and for the sake of collecting then i am sure that people would grind it.


dungeon specific vanities booyah what better way to show you mastered a certain dungeon? :P


toss levels up to lvl 50 add some special stuffs and that becomes a worthy grind for those who desire it. but tiered stuff would mean that there would be adding and empowering to what i'd like to call an empty weapon with special slots :P



not mixing in 20 old weapons into one superweapon

#975909 LV 50 armor/wepons (if it be lv 50)

Posted by Removed18058 on 24 January 2017 - 20:01 in Suggestions

remember when you could only get unity remnant from cc bosses?


yea i member i was the first to grind the belt


that took me one day for 25 remnants then people cried cuz too much competition and we got u rems from other stuff


create something highly desired and minimal spawns and the grind will be long no matter what.


toss a single boss out there that drops a remnant with 5% chance that spawns every 3 minutes.


make it some sort of world boss instance so that all participants fighting get a chance at the item make it so we need a ton of these said remnants and make them bound on pickup untill the item has been crafted.


this way everybody will be grinding it like a mad man



think of it as the ultimate world boss.


combined with this world boss that drops these remnants you'd also have the lvl 50 dungeon drateols lab that also drops part of the components needed for the crafted weapon/armour.



i mean there is plenty of ways to implement a lvl 50 endgame.


scribe could be used to add additional perks to weaponry be destroying other pieces of gear for components to create these perks etc etc.


they could take a glance at other succesfull mmorpg's to get ideas for a durable endgame content.


story 2 could be us discovering another plane of the void where we'd have to start all over but for now an endgame for the first part of the story would be a nice finishing touch for the game.



if you look at legacy online a few dedicated players took on development and the playerbase is brimming with life. just ask zorg ... updates work wonders. just make sure to discuss it with the players. 



the current problems right now regarding the dungeons is that it has no diversity at all.


if the entire team would be caught within a web and would have to struggle free to not die etc etc then there would be a wipe instead of a tank constantly making sure he gets attacked by everything at all times dps just doing pew pew and healers just doing heal heal. 


for a reference if i wanted to i could heal icc with my eyes closed. i'd need a regular easymode healer build for it but it would most certainly not be a problem.


i could write out and discuss multiple durable endgame solutions for eldevin where people could have a fun, challenging grind where not everything can be bought right away to actually get people to commit and also create actual challenging boss fights and no more braindead dungeons. 



regarding kidref his idea


i honestly believe that this would be a dumb idea. it's just a grind trough way too easy content and provides absolutely no challenge towards obtaining the item other than just delaying the inevitable by like 5 hours or so?



so in short.


throw out drateols lab. in here upon completions we can chip off/siphon some energy from the blood orb. set amount per completion depending on the amount of time taken untill completion/monsters killed/amount of deaths within the team/team size(team size because attempting this with a 2/3/4 man team should be more rewarding). extra to that we also get decaying relics no daily or weekly quests for extra relics this way becoming a supporter would mean that you can do the further mentionend world boss two times as often compared to non supporters. for the rest overall gold bags for the remainder of the loot a mix of huge ones and large ones.

throw out a new world boss this world boss requires a payment of a certain currency possibly decaying relics.



with the energy we can create an orb of for example blood energyand with the world boss remnants we can create an empty/uncharged weapon that can be charged with said orb to unlock its full potential.


then with the scribe skill for example we can extract the most powerfull components of our infernal/ascended weaponry to unlock full potential (ancient cores ascended power and shadow cores so an ancienct, ascended and shadow component for our lvl 50 weaponry.



boss and dungeon mechanics just need  a next tier of difficulty


so far the worst we got was aoe damage area damage and staying out of range or get popped damage and puddles.



give us stuff like you have been marked by (boss name) activate/cleanse yourself with (certain part of terrain) 


you have been set on fire and start to take increasing damage douse the flames in the pool of water


the boss has jumped up and is ready to plunge down on the terrain clear the area underneath him!


sufficating gas has been released draining your strenght while you remain inside it


make the dps wake up cast serenity move around the area and pay attention



give bosses oneshot potential getting crushed underneath a massive boss made of stone should splat some1 and be a 1 hit ko


make people move  and react to the environment. 



the boss prepares a hail of arrows take cover where a tank uses a level 50 ability raising his shield making the entire team immune to damage for x amount of time and also unable to take action


give glaciate an actual use 


there is so much potential regarding abilities to create massive diversity within pve 


there is so much potential ...


it would be a waste not to dip into the potential

#975713 healer guide and icc guide for dummies

Posted by Removed18058 on 20 January 2017 - 16:24 in General Discussions


#975482 new PVP game idea

Posted by Removed18058 on 16 January 2017 - 21:26 in Suggestions

just let them bring out lvl 50 first ... give us the end of chapter 1 complete the first part of the story give us some sort of endless grind

#974311 IP banned?

Posted by Removed18058 on 22 December 2016 - 15:18 in Other Games

i like the guy

#973032 my glich luck is great

Posted by Removed18058 on 05 December 2016 - 16:23 in Bug Reports

classic glithes :)


not as bad as them bugs :P

#972957 xp toggle mode

Posted by Removed18058 on 04 December 2016 - 11:22 in Suggestions

their latest game update was not that good.


did some exp gain changes without asking the players in a poll about it


now it's all pretty boring.

#972432 Calling all comedians!

Posted by Removed18058 on 25 November 2016 - 06:25 in General Discussion

what's yellow and black and is really spicy?



a wasabee

#972431 eldevin bugs being abused

Posted by Removed18058 on 25 November 2016 - 06:05 in Bug Reports

Nope, the bugs are 90% fixed...



#972403 eldevin bugs being abused

Posted by Removed18058 on 24 November 2016 - 01:32 in Bug Reports

the developers reached out to me provided them details on pretty much every bug i know


hope that it gets fixed

#972364 TA player kill status

Posted by Removed18058 on 22 November 2016 - 21:56 in Suggestions


i was waiting so long for you to show up with this ernzor XD


you never fail to deliver <3

#972356 TA player kill status

Posted by Removed18058 on 22 November 2016 - 20:29 in Suggestions

you made me log in and hope that i find you in ta :P

#972348 TA player kill status

Posted by Removed18058 on 22 November 2016 - 14:47 in Suggestions

This way you don't miss out on it if your not logged in Fiz due to being busy with Stella ;)


stella artois?


lovely lady that is

#972337 TA player kill status

Posted by Removed18058 on 22 November 2016 - 10:29 in Suggestions




thats the reason pvp will be balanced. noone will enter ta with main they will create alts with just dungeon set and small gems. 




pvp is balanced already...



see ta as a lvl 49 playground where we can go and do some pvp battles without risk to test our skills.


there is a beautifull kill 10k players achievment.


to lure people to kill in there is a plasma lord also known as noob trap and there is gathering nodes for the lazy


if you don't like being killed in ta then either gear up and get a build so you can fight and defend yourself


it's a pvp zone


you have no reason to be there if you don't plan to pvp.


punishing those who want to pvp by taking away gear that they worked hard for is plain dumb.

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