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#1009124 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by paingwin on 15 March 2023 - 07:42 in General Discussion

The one thing I see with the reason why GvG isn't popular anymore, or at least is mostly ignored by many, is the ROI. The RP packs are in fact rather pointless these days, (my guild normally only ever uses them during 2x events), and the rp items you can currently obtain, have drastically fallen in tradability and value due to over saturation and power creep. To many, its just not worth the effort of dumping that much stamina, over that long a period(honestly get rid of the standard 2 minute wait between hits, im grown, I got stuff to do), for rp that isnt really going to be used. 



#1009163 Planned GvG Updates

Posted by paingwin on 19 March 2023 - 13:42 in General Discussion

Everyone keeps touching on rewards, but they fail to address the core issue of GvG being a "I wanna farm AFK players who are unprotected." These would assist in doing that. Until the core is repaired, at least some, then the reward structure will do nothing but become stagnant rather quickly even if things are introduced.


"I want new items and new epics." Sure, but have those who've asked for such things taken note of the Epics that are currently in the process of being upgraded? Only 5/21 (or 5/20 if omitting Cobalt Rune due to low level) have been upgraded so far. That's 25% or less of the way done on those upgrades, but they are coming. BG said it was going to take a little while as it has to be done in phases. The impatience and desire for instant gratification is going to run this into the ground before it even has a chance to take off.

While I agree with the fact your making about GvG just basically being a farming aspect of the game, you have to realize 1 key thing. People are not going to participate in something, that doesn't adequately reward them for their efforts. It's just the way people in general work these days. Gone are the vast majority of people who would sit at their computer for hours and hours on end, swapping buffs and gear every 2 minutes, just to force that 1 fateful "unresolved combat" against someone to win a GvG(Yes tlthomasjr I will bring this up every chance I can LOL). "Bragging rights" don't mean a whole lot to most people anymore, which is sad. So yeah, your going to have to come up with a reward system that isn't too broken, and rewards people just enough to get them engaged. Otherwise, it doesn't matter how much thought you put into a system, it will fall flat. I've tried to say this for years but it has continuously fell on deaf ears, and now we are seeing the very results of it. 


Though the epics and stuff made from the rp items are nice, they dont LEAVE once they are here, hence the oversaturation and blah blah blah. Perishable rewards are the simple way to fix this issue, you know, so they have to "keep playing" to get it again. Potions, buffs, guild upgrades, possible player upgrades, and I'm sure others can come up with rewards that don't stick in game. The point is once you reach a certain level of items in the game the portion of the game that provides them will slow drastically. Take the PvP ladder for instance. Once, some of the best PvP based gear came from ladder gained rewards. The ladders were ACTIVE for a bit, then the gear gained from the ladder could shortly be gotten in the AH for a few FSP and the ladder dried up. Except for those going for medals that is.


My point is you talk down to those people speaking about rewards as if it's a bad thing, when in all actuality, it's probably the only thing that will get people interested anymore. But, like I said, the trick is to make the rewards juuuuuust good enough to get people going, and make them non-permanent. (Oh, and make them rewards that can't be obtained, or matched for that matter, from any other aspect of the game) I play a mobile game, and there is a reward you get from playing in the arena that you can only get in the arena, that helps in ALL aspects of the game. Arena never dies.......simple concept

#1009473 Kisoku Anime Avatar Auction

Posted by paingwin on 10 June 2023 - 09:51 in Graphics

#9 bin

#1009424 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by paingwin on 28 May 2023 - 15:49 in Graphics

15 on 1!

#1009430 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by paingwin on 31 May 2023 - 12:37 in Graphics

bin mini pool

#1009097 GvG - The Rejuvenation

Posted by paingwin on 14 March 2023 - 13:27 in General Discussion

My question is, why is this getting a home page shout out, when its been going on 3 months since anyone has commented on it. And, the last comment wasn't even a cow? If you ask me the cows should have started a new thread with their ideas/interpretations and shouted that out instead. Very rarely, more close to never, do player submitted ideas/fixes get implemented without a great set of changes from the cow side. So if you have some plans in mind why not just share those instead of dredging up a thread that most likely will be ignored and die like soooooooooo many others in the past?

#1009402 Trying to compile a community wide consensus......

Posted by paingwin on 23 May 2023 - 12:32 in General Discussion

I'm looking to compile a list of the base-line, average, accepted, prices for farmable items in game. 


Frags- common, rare, elite, etc.





You get the idea, now what I'm asking is what are your normal prices, whether you be buyer, or seller? Once we as a community can kind of establish a baseline for each I will post all of them in my bio for reference. Let the replies COMMENCE!

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