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#914249 (Another) Titan Idea

Posted by douglasj on 08 January 2015 - 19:24 in General Discussion

Sounds good to me. I've never heard of the decay idea and will except it was ruled out for a good reason. But surely I'd rather have the Titan decay out and if it does decay after specified time no one gets the drop. Forcing the 51% guild to clear it. But this idea sounds okay it's just..

A few weeks ago I tried to explain to my brother on how Fs works and what you can do playing it. I then began to realise how complex this game really is. I think this will add to it and make it harder for new starters to get into the game I feel things should be simpler. I don't understand why people must have the game change every few months to keep it interesting. But if this is what people want then sure :)

#912946 Location of spawning of seasonal titans

Posted by douglasj on 31 December 2014 - 06:38 in General Discussion

Yep, happened to me :/ next time just get a low level lightfoot buffs and travel there just to be safe. I had a 600 lightfoot buff on with distil to find I can't reach lestus because 3 years ago I dropped a rune :( I couldn't even do a long quest I had to submit a ticket.

#911311 medal ....

Posted by douglasj on 21 December 2014 - 18:43 in General Discussion

Medals are many months behind. He was in a guild im guessing but been kicked since hes gotten it. 

#910407 Good level for titan hunting

Posted by douglasj on 18 December 2014 - 14:30 in General Discussion

Hello, currently im level 390 i can easily hunt cyclonus and lower without any damage buffs but anything upto Tith Authos with many buffs. 


My damage is around 13,000 with many buffs (SH, Co-Att, EF,EC,EW...etc)


However what is a good range. I dont really want to level to 900+ just to hunt titans so whats a good level.. The higher the better? Around 500?600?

#909732 Santa Claus joins FallenSword!?

Posted by douglasj on 16 December 2014 - 07:35 in General Discussion

Let it slide? No way!
Either the rules are for all of us or I want to know why one/some are over it.

I know I agree. But HCS have changed the rules and must know that *slaps their wrists*

I prefer if people never change the names. Sorry about that guys but I find finding people easier as I've memorised so many names and messing that up would be nightmarish. I don't want that rule in what so ever :/ it's like xbox live as someone changes their gamer tag and unless they tell you who it is, your sat there wondering who the hell that is.

Like I said I agree and an answer should be given. But unless they have a really fair and reasonable answer (doubt it) then people will never forget it a always request for the rules to broken.

#909729 Santa Claus joins FallenSword!?

Posted by douglasj on 16 December 2014 - 07:22 in General Discussion

Yes I know that it should have never happened but it's temp :S but not a good move... Purely as when the next holiday comes around and everyone wants a name change as it's festive ( just like bildor) HCS will disapprove and then they won't have a leg to stand on. But just let it slide I guess.

#905054 Christmas Box 2014

Posted by douglasj on 26 November 2014 - 22:25 in General Discussion

Douglas, the higher the doubler the higher the minimum stam needed to attack.  Those with huge stam banks need it, those with small ones just... don't... like Cy says, that new big doubler needs a lot of minimum stam.  like 10% of what I have.... When I hunt, I generally use a 1200, and my hunt is over fast....  

Yes I know how it works but I'm saying that it is no harm. I don't think I've ever complained about a doubler 750 and wanted a doubler 1000 I can live without the doubler being useful to me. Just I know it will be useful to higher eoc players who will need a high doubler. Like shindrak says you can buy a cheap 750 potion

#905009 Christmas Box 2014

Posted by douglasj on 26 November 2014 - 18:02 in General Discussion

Who thinks higher doublers are pointless. They are highly efficient not only do they speed up a hunt, they save stam. Sometimes when i hunt i find 1-2 creatures on one space with a Level 750 potion its the same as finding 16-36 creatures on the same spot. Means you dont have to move as much

#905008 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by douglasj on 26 November 2014 - 17:58 in General Discussion

Idk why they just make it like GvG, it's a guild achievement, assumed by a cow post somewhere saying they didn't want a solo Titan Leaderboard, ( allows me to assume they want it as a guild activity)


Make it so that it's only possible for one person to get 33% of the 51%, meaning they can only get 16.83% ( for anyone wondering, to calculate, you times the probabilities together, though in this instance, it's the proportion of titan kills) requiring 3 people to get a secure.


Makes teamwork OP. 


Please god no, I would also quit the game. This is not fun or fair. Yes it enforces Guild Titan hunting but would ruin it. I have a guild which titan team consists of me and rarely a few others. I try to go solo as i cant get those 'rare' players to hunt when they are full stam and when the titan spawns. So im forced to solo but i also enjoy spending hours soloing a titan as it gives me a sense of accomplishment. 


So its a big no from me. 

#903539 Make Deflected hits non-bountable

Posted by douglasj on 22 November 2014 - 10:17 in General Discussion

Nope keep it the way it is. If you want to attack someone, then thats the risk. You have wanted to attack someone and failed so therefore you must pay the price. Also stops ninjas attacking you  :ph34r:

#902364 Making Titan Hunting more Popular

Posted by douglasj on 19 November 2014 - 22:22 in General Discussion

As Nagoyaka says. More people, bigger team = quicker secure. As someone else said. You decrease the time/effort then epics are easy. 


Just fix that stupid pop up every 5 seconds and id be happy. If a potion is involved then here my opinion


Titan Magnetism = NO

Titan Doubler = Yes......... BUT there should be 1 level that isnt effected by distil or anything so it merely speeds up the process. Stick the potion in Special and sometimes the potion bazaar (Bound) so then everyone can have it for a set price and its fair.


But i dont want potions just stating ^ just incase a Cow wants a potion. I dont though. I like titan hunting the way it is 

#901699 Simple ideas that will make the game better for everyone

Posted by douglasj on 17 November 2014 - 23:33 in Game Content

No hes saying 5k goes nowhere. It takes about 5k just to solo a low level titan, costing more stamina would be ludicrous. Im trying to raise my stamina ands its costly. Anyways HCS wont allow more stam gain..... asked before and refused. 


As for the prizes i dont think thats a good idea. Everything already has rewards thats why people participate in the first place. Extra prizes is pointless and a big win button which makes the game easier and less fun. Im not the type of person that wants prizes rammed down my throat. I like challenges not win buttons.

#901675 New Seasonal Titan for Christmas?

Posted by douglasj on 17 November 2014 - 21:00 in General Discussion

Skip levels 50-300 there are tons of epics there :)


level 375 Ring   2+ stam gain  60%attack 35% damage 5% max stam

+1 Im all for a ring dropped by a titan. Lets be honest. Lestus is useless for 200+ and the 2 level 200 are ridiculously expensive to make.


Cant say my opinion on others as im not that high of a level and dont know anything about the need for the epics :)

#901674 Update v2.52

Posted by douglasj on 17 November 2014 - 20:50 in General Discussion

Unlikely. Titan Hunting is designed as a Guild Activity.



Okay im not going to pester for an individual list, just asking :) Anyways thanks for the update. Just keep them coming  B)

#901673 Update v2.52

Posted by douglasj on 17 November 2014 - 20:42 in General Discussion

Yup, except the not being a guild activity part, it is an guild activity, with content of titan hunters. We want the invidual titan kill list to match and compare the titan hunters (like we now can with SE hunters), it still won't lessen the aspect being a guild activity.


No i meant, i know its a guild activity so i didnt want anyone telling me it was rolleyes.gif​ 

#901105 Update v2.52

Posted by douglasj on 15 November 2014 - 15:32 in General Discussion

I dont agree with the total kills for all creatures. But you must understand, the same reason the SE has a list there should be one for titans. I wanna see where i play out (Probably not of the list). But then i have a goal to stretch towards. Increase competition.


Dont lecture saying its a guild activity 

#901091 Achievements for [Achievement Hunters]

Posted by douglasj on 15 November 2014 - 13:51 in General Discussion

I like it how it is :) Nice idea but things aren't easily done. Like top 10 is easy....if you choose to level. I titan hunt and try other things. I think they should have achievements to experiment on all aspects. Like (Sorry Penny) Scavenge in the caves x1 and then x20 then attack player x1 then x 20... Basically all aspects. And then make a completed the achievements Medal :3 

#900773 Game Update v2.51

Posted by douglasj on 14 November 2014 - 12:03 in General Discussion

I try not to be negative about to many things. but more helpful and offer solutions. 

Im not bothered about all the stat resets as long as i dont have to see it on my profile. I miss where the current stam used to be and it feels weird. Please make a preference to remove the SE kill log from my profile.


I can understand where most people are upset with the reset but if HCS could have done it i guess they would. Yes there are a medal on each profile so ( I have silver Titan medal so i can safely say i have 10000+ titan kills) but you cant expect HCS to flick threw each profile and update the log, 


As for inactives on the leaderboards, i think they have a right to be there. Such as AmanJaku, when i see there profile i think how they must have been quite the beast back in the day before there inactivity. They have put effort into there rankings and should stick there. Just cause there are stupidly high has no reason to remove them. 

#900349 Movement script Warning (Titan Hunt).

Posted by douglasj on 13 November 2014 - 14:16 in General Discussion

Hmm I too have got this message but couldn't be bothered to say anything. I used to use the auto walk but now I used keys :/ I agree with you penny. I'm not bothered about the functionality of the cool down to attack but more of the stacking message that take ages to disappear. Please remove the message and just make the button not work until the cool down has ended..... Or make it a preference to remove the message

#900226 Please Make this!

Posted by douglasj on 12 November 2014 - 22:55 in General Discussion

Since you can hold 1000's of arrows. There should be low durability (Arrows) on the quiver and once the quiver runs out of durability it completely loses all stats for the bow and quiver unless the quiver is repaired. Make the set fairly powerfull but cost quite a bit to repair.


Would be fun though B)    

#899313 some sort of idea kinda gotta work it out however

Posted by douglasj on 09 November 2014 - 16:31 in General Discussion

Before any new wild concepts are considered I would prefer the developers to concentrate on getting the development roadmap and its contents sorted out. Do we really want them to introduce another new concepts to the game when there are so many aspects of the game which already need attention? My answer is no, I would prefer the cows fixed what is currently broken in the game before adding additional concepts, which have the potential to add additional issues to the game.

 +1 I agree with Davros. I dont want to be the negative guy here but please do continue with working out most the kinks but i stress to any cows looking at this to read the above post again ^ I dont want another aspect of this game adding when there are broken ones. 


Please carry on discussing but please dont force this idea until the game is mostly fixed. 

#897802 Double secure

Posted by douglasj on 04 November 2014 - 08:58 in Accomplishments

I have never secure a Titan before but my first was kraken (easy) but my second was straight after. So I secured two Titans in one sitting :P

I know the days are different but kraken got finished off by another guild quickly and nobody wanted to kill Cyclonus :,(

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#896345 2191 days old and still have not reached Xindroth

Posted by douglasj on 26 October 2014 - 21:23 in Accomplishments

Im level 339 and been playing for 7 years. If you go too fast you'll miss the scenery =) Quite enjoying titan hunting and helping out new comers now =D

#894488 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by douglasj on 14 October 2014 - 23:02 in General Discussion

I am a leveler.  Why should leveler complain, if the rewards from PvP are NOT bound PvPer can sell the rewards.  If they are bound then it will make levers join in to get them or deal with it. But I don't understand why you want them bound?

If potions are bound then there is not massive money making scheme so people have to join if they want them (Increasing pvp) however if somethings bound then levelers wont just 'Deal with it' but moan how they are forced into an aspect of the game. I think new armour using the bound token (The same) and also bound potions. 


But like i said levelers will moan. If the potions are worthless then nobody will play and if they are any good, levelers will complain. So but i do think potions should be added. Maybe the same as the arena potions.... maybe

#894359 'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

Posted by douglasj on 14 October 2014 - 14:50 in General Discussion

Sorry i meant pvp potions as in gloat and honor. I know other buffs as you have meantion, Dc, Smahing hammer, EW and EA are extremely usefull across the board . I just meant PVP orientated potions. 


I dont know what i mean TBH :unsure:  feel im contradicting myself above but its a touchy subject and i feel like i cant say anything without being burnt for my opinion. Personally id prefer potions being bound but i feel levelers will disagree.

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