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#950426 New Arena Sets!

Posted by needgod on 04 October 2015 - 14:57 in General Discussion

Yep, one of the many reasons people don't enjoy the game anymore.. Nothing to work for, nothing needs effort.. Why even have inventing and hunting.. just hand players gear, rather than giving them a game to play.. I remember having to hunt hard for sets I wanted.. Seldom got drops after weeks, but glad when I did...   They should really think about hiring people that understand fun game play, how to make things challenging, and game economy basics..

#945281 Titan Doubler

Posted by needgod on 18 August 2015 - 12:28 in General Discussion

They already crashed the market themselves. Nothing of value anymore. PLayers can't spend time, working on getting items to sell to level up. This is why the fsp flow has stopped. Just join a guild with the gear you need, and you lose the desire to keep playing..


Without items to work for, and profit from, it hurt, (or killed) them game..  I miss hunting things...

#934820 Legendaries return. With new friends!

Posted by needgod on 06 June 2015 - 00:34 in General Discussion

IF I might make a suggestion from a marketing point of view...



The first new SE in Forever, was a nice touch...  But you really need to think this though if you want to make money... Only a few players are above level 2225, so new items won't be useful, except to a few.  


New SE gear is one thing that players spend FSP on, which means cash for you...


You really  need to look at making new SE set at low and mid level players, since these are the levels that buy fsp, and spend money on the game. As well as the sets being useful to thousands of players, rather than a few.. 


That said, just happy to see a new one. I'm sure the 15 guys that can wear a set at that level, will enjoying hunting it..

#917760 bring life back to the game

Posted by needgod on 31 January 2015 - 20:38 in General Discussion

Ok.. Make new gear without the ability to be tagged. I see the point though. They did lower they value with tagging.

#917711 bring life back to the game

Posted by needgod on 31 January 2015 - 14:45 in General Discussion

Players like events. However, nothing in the events we replay is worth the stam to go get it. Nothing made from event is worth making the effort to get because so much is already in the game.


I used to burn every drop of stam I had to get a cool set. (no longer needed)  Often time working up to trade for every fsp to buy what I couldn't get..


No more.. Nothing is new, nothing is needed, nothing to make an effort for.



Each time you have an event, there needs to be a new piece of gear or 2, or potion.. But it needs to be made from a number of different things, harder to get. (part from caves, part from hunting creatures, part from se's, part from loyality or pvp item)   Lower drop rates, invent odds... 


Make new recipies hard to get as well as the parts. Let us work for something. Gives us a reason to be online, make an effort, even buy fsp for stuff we haven't got...



Remember when just a destroyer shield was selling for 50 fsp because so many players needed one? (and bought fsps?)    "Epics" can be bought for less than that know. Most se items can be got for 100 gold.. Current path, every new player coming in gets free epics..

#916682 next cave event

Posted by needgod on 23 January 2015 - 16:27 in General Discussion

I am looking forward to it as well.. I would ask that new potions and gear coming into the game, require inventing.. This would make the invent pots useful, and toss in items from super elites required to make. (not talking about items already in the game, just new creations they come up with)



This could and a boost to several areas of the game at once..

#915937 I murdered a Lori today....

Posted by needgod on 18 January 2015 - 16:24 in General Discussion

I was killing zombies with my blade, and suddenly stumbled across a once proud beast sobbing in a dark corner of the world.. It screamed "Please adventure! Come face me!"   I walked away, not wanting to dirty my blade, but it began sobbing.. "Have pity on me!"       The once proud creature spun a tale of woe, how it used to face adventures who searched for its treasure.. But those days, long gone, had taken its toll on this once proud creature.   It pleaded for death, having starved for weeks, with no adventures thinking it a worth effort..  It offered me a worthless trinket, which I rejected, instead allowing it to die and be buried with such as sad creature...


Someone even told me they didn't know they were still alive because they had not seen a death recorded in weeks..  Funeral services pending upon notifying the Tri, but he hasn't been seen in months...




(BTW, and changes to super elite hunting in the works?)

#915145 Super elites have died....

Posted by needgod on 14 January 2015 - 00:26 in General Discussion

You can't kill super elites for profit..because there's none to be made. Guilds hunt titans for profit, but if your not in a big one that does it, your out...   They are missing a chance to spread out useful things to all players..   Take the new titans this season.. Had their drops been needed to be crafted with se drops, like "20 destroyer helms" or tri armors, then it would have required guilds to hunt those as well....     All new gear or pots should require part of an se drop to create...  Most likely, they will remain not so super elites...

#914331 Super elites have died....

Posted by needgod on 09 January 2015 - 00:11 in General Discussion

Frag pots made se items worthless again... We have all made suggestions in the past, like bound composing pots using se items, upgrading sets (like santork) by using 4-5 of the same items to invent, for a 5-10% stat bonus, and several other suggestions..    Game doesn't need new ses, but rather a use for old ones..   I'd even like to see a rare super super elite creature, that can spawn in any level, and have radomly tuff stats, with unique pot drop chances. (like LB 400, CA 400, nec/holy 400, ect)  (rare to find and drop creature are fun to hunt for)

#913520 Super elites have died....

Posted by needgod on 04 January 2015 - 17:07 in General Discussion

Not super..


Not elite..


Not worth the effort because it's not fun..



Super elite kill logs have gone half a day without a kill, because people walk past them. Gear often won't sell for 1 gold, even if it drops. I remember burning stam every hour trying to find a night branch, or fushi. 



Anything they can do to make this area of the game fun again?  They never went anywhere with upgradable gear, or breaking down drops into unique pots.  


Used to be cool to see the purple splash on the screen, but now needs be disabled or fixed as not to get in the way of titan hunting or leveling..

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