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There have been 76 items by Librian (Search limited from 12-July 23)

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#899913 Regular Avatar Auction!

Posted by Librian on 11 November 2014 - 20:13 in Graphics

1 FSP on each

Thanks! Aded

#899884 [f] drawing your characters

Posted by Librian on 11 November 2014 - 17:09 in Graphics

Hey! Nice drawings mate ;) 

#899685 Erikzzzs GFX - Shop

Posted by Librian on 11 November 2014 - 00:37 in Graphics

Hi this will be a Guild avatar with txt (Happy Thanksgiving Ikoko Knights) Render: http://img11.hosting...ammerOnline.png Thank you


HappyThanksgivingIkokoKnights_zpsa6b604c There you go! :)


Sadchild20141111_zps16baf412.png SadChild amazing render but i didnt do really good job with it :( 

#899440 Regular Avatar Auction!

Posted by Librian on 10 November 2014 - 00:54 in Graphics



5 more avis for sale!!! 

#899220 Keep Graphic Changes?

Posted by Librian on 09 November 2014 - 12:42 in Bug Reports

May be silly question :D But did you try to CTRL + ALT + DEL than turn it off and than turn it back on to see if it works properly? 

#899134 Doing 5 freebies! (Ended) :)

Posted by Librian on 09 November 2014 - 00:05 in Graphics




It says "You are not autorised to use this" Cuz the person that made it dont want that...

Find another render please :)



Sorry about that. How about this one?  







Thank you it looks nice and you did a great job on the others. Waz34 Avi looks the best.


Thanks! :)


Sorry fpr that erik, there you go : http://planetrenders...7530-png.67530/


Np, hope you like it :)






Thanks! :)


Sorry im late on the response. The Avatar looks way better than I thought it was going to be. Great Great work. If you enter the contest I say good luck to you and I hope you win.


it looks way better than you tought? Than you think of me bad :D


And yes i have entered the contest :)


Dont forget to visit my avi shop later guys! ^^ 

#899124 Grand Graphics Tournament 8 - Round 1 theme

Posted by Librian on 08 November 2014 - 23:20 in Graphics

Already gave mine...  :P


Just done mine aswell but i think i failed. :( Good luck to anyone particepating!


How meny rounds there are? Every round one person gets kicked? 

#899115 Grand Graphics Tournament 8 - Round 1 theme

Posted by Librian on 08 November 2014 - 22:22 in Graphics

Wate for me guys! I am entering this shii* ! 

#898721 Doing 5 freebies! (Ended) :)

Posted by Librian on 07 November 2014 - 15:57 in Graphics

Enter the GGT man! 


I did want to enter it but i missed the entery date :( 

#898116 Can anybody make this into an avatar?

Posted by Librian on 05 November 2014 - 15:52 in Graphics

FLAMESORDER10fsp_zps2f5e0a41.png  FLAMESORDER101fsp_zps44bb9a79.png


Well atleast i tryed :D

#898108 Doing 5 freebies! (Ended) :)

Posted by Librian on 05 November 2014 - 15:29 in Graphics

WAZ 34






ROANFREEAVI1_zps5fe88751.png  ROANFREEAVI_zps187f9a99.png  ROANFREEAVI3_zps5830b338.png









When i open your render on Photoshop it crashes it lol, so find another one ;) 

Find another render please :) 




It says "You are not autorised to use this" Cuz the person that made it dont want that...

Find another render please :) 

#897436 Doing 5 freebies! (Ended) :)

Posted by Librian on 02 November 2014 - 17:15 in Graphics

Hey guys! I will do 5 freebies, (Signature or Avatar) so start ordering!

Spots avaliable:


1 SadChild

2 Clock96

3 Roan

4 Waz34


#897306 Erikzzzs GFX - Shop

Posted by Librian on 01 November 2014 - 23:21 in Graphics

Its not what I mean. Maybe I used the wrong word, and wanted to say smaller?
Like Short and Wide

If you could PM me on the forum. I seem to forget about the thread lol


Yeah thats what i was asking you previously on FS cuz i didnt know how u ment it.




Is this any good or you want me to redoit so it all fits in a smaller one? 

#897080 Regular Avatar Auction!

Posted by Librian on 31 October 2014 - 16:02 in Graphics

BIN on 6. Id like a few versions please. one with 999531, one with LES666, one with both. will pay extra for the troubles.



04:38 31/Oct/2014 You sent erikzzzs 5 FallenSword Points


Thanks for buying!

#897078 Erikzzzs GFX - Shop

Posted by Librian on 31 October 2014 - 16:00 in Graphics

Oh ya thats perfect I like the way you fit the quot in there perfect thanks again : )


Thank you! :) 

#897010 Erikzzzs GFX - Shop

Posted by Librian on 31 October 2014 - 04:25 in Graphics

I love the Avatar thank you As for the Sig I also like it a lot I like both the 3rd from the top and the one you like. For the Sig I would like to see one thing changed and one thing added. I would like the Sig to be bigger about the same size as the Sig I have now and could you add on the bottom right side (Pain is all I got and It's all I have to give. So feel my pain and learn what it is to feel alive.) you can use the same font and use a smaller size as long as I can read it that should be fine other than that, the Sig looks great. Ill send payment for both now. Great work


Sorry i totaly forgot about that part... 


Bright letters: 



Not so bright:



It doesnt look exactly the same anymore but i still like it, hope you do aswell :) 

#897002 Regular Avatar Auction!

Posted by Librian on 31 October 2014 - 03:11 in Graphics

Hey all! 


New avatar auction! Happy bidding!


Min bid: 1fsp

BIN: 5fsp


AVI1_zps320b5ef8.png BIN Mumumble 1fsp


AVI4_zpsd104d329.png BIN COMESONS 2fsp


GANGPLANK_zpsc97c38ad.png  BIN Mumumble 1fsp


GANGPLANKICE_zpsea6c320c.png  BIN Mumumble 1fsp


AVI2_zpsedd08f53.png BIN Mumumble 1fsp


AVI3_zpsced699a6.png BIN 999531


ENDS: If you bid on avi and in 5 day time there is noone overbidding it than its urs ;)


Posted by Librian on 30 October 2014 - 23:14 in Graphics

4fsp on 8 :) 

#896966 Erikzzzs GFX - Shop

Posted by Librian on 30 October 2014 - 22:52 in Graphics





Your avi hope you like it. :) 


With your signature it was little harder and took much more time, mostly because i just couldnt chose what is missing, bad or just what text font looks the best so i hope you atleast like one of them :) 










SADCHILDGURLSIGNATURE2name1_zpsacc8548c. Personally i think this is the best one so just tell me your toughts :)




I hope this is what you ment by thinner.




Posted by Librian on 27 October 2014 - 04:56 in Graphics

Calm down Erikzzz. We've had pieces sell for 100fsp + in the GGT before. It's all a matter of opinion. You may think its the worst but someone else thinks it's the best, therefore, throwing big FSP to make sure they get it. If i had all the FSP in the world i would be throwing tons of FSP on those pieces with "P!x3l" as text, those are incredible (but the artist needs to add more male avatar pieces for me)! Thats my opinion, take it or leave it. 


All good man :) Thanks for beeing the only one responding normaly. :) 


Posted by Librian on 26 October 2014 - 21:28 in Graphics

Like Chagryn said, it's not you who's going to pay... And the FSPs will go to the pot for the GGT, so if they want to pay 100 FSPs, let them do, and don't be jealous that is not one of your avatars that goes that high... 


U both really dont read what i write all what i asked is @Whats so speacial in it?@. Why getting mad ? when i ask simple question? Are you 12 or what? 

Well its understandable when it goes for GGT just still wanna know :/ 


Posted by Librian on 26 October 2014 - 19:30 in Graphics

Please don't be negative towards someones hard work. Very immature my friend. Also, your not the one dropping 70 FSP on it so why worry? Respect our bidders. 


I am just interested why is it so speacial, i didnt say its bad, what i sayed was that it was one of the worst in my opinion of his works not that it was bad. Before you say shit to me read what i wrote! 


Posted by Librian on 26 October 2014 - 17:06 in Graphics

70 fsp on avi 15

U fking seriouse? Thats one of the worrst avis in this auction, i dont get wtf is so speacial about it...

#896259 Erikzzzs GFX - Shop

Posted by Librian on 26 October 2014 - 00:06 in Graphics

Can u make me an iphone (dont care which one just one of the newer ones) and have siri saying something like "Hey, iPhone" or something like that with http://8tracks.imgix...rop&w=200&h=200 this as the background (or something like it)





May look simple but took time to make, hope you like it.

#896255 New Logo

Posted by Librian on 25 October 2014 - 23:19 in Graphics

Hey! I do play only FS but if i will have spear time i may make you one for free :) 

Arial | Calibri | Lucida Console | Verdana
Font Size:
9px | 10px | 11px | 12px | 10pt | 12pt