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#991778 Graphics Forums???

Posted by mini100 on 05 May 2018 - 06:11 in Graphics

Hey, checked back in and to my dismay have found this forum dying. It's been a long time coming, but I don't see anyone at all around anymore. I loved this place back when people were posting every day and miss it like crazy. Was wondering if people had any suggestions of new graphic homes to go to??


Basically what I am looking for is a forum people can make and share their signature/avatar like art. I would love if there was some kind of reimbursment for making art (doesn't need to be worth anything but its always more satisfying to be paid). But the most important thing is for a community as good as this community was. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

#987808 Mini100's Pay What You Want Graphics

Posted by mini100 on 03 December 2017 - 21:45 in Graphics

Well heres the first one! Sorry for the delay haha. Said it might be a while  :)



#987807 Everyone Loves free Stuff

Posted by mini100 on 03 December 2017 - 21:14 in Graphics

Hey guys, swinging back through real quick since I got bored. Made this guardians of the galaxy sig if anyone wants it they can feel free to have it. If I come back I probably can change the text but no promises that I'll be around again soon  :) . Anyways just lemme know!


#983884 Mini100's Pay What You Want Graphics

Posted by mini100 on 12 August 2017 - 04:07 in Graphics

Hey I don't think I have anything made by you yet. I'd like to order 2 avatars. One with this and the other I couldn't decide on, so you can choose anything from this page :)


Just SlntScream for text.

Okay may be a bit, leave the country tomorrow morning and things are gonna get hectic for a bit

#983786 Mini100's Pay What You Want Graphics

Posted by mini100 on 10 August 2017 - 07:09 in Graphics

Okay well here was a shot at it. Been a while since I've done an avatar. Always willing to make changes or try again.



#983784 Mini100's Pay What You Want Graphics

Posted by mini100 on 10 August 2017 - 06:01 in Graphics

Hey there I would like to order an avatar please.


I can try provide a theme... I want something on a malevolent theme. So that's something like a dark hooded figure perhaps. He can be a thief, murderer, psychopath or frankly anything that looks inherently dark and evil. I hope this theme is ok for you. Let me know. :)


The text i'd like is Josh1404.


Thank you. :)

Ill do my best to find something  :)  Hopefully get it out tonight

#983744 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 09 August 2017 - 01:44 in Graphics

Also from now on all requests can be taken at the pay what you want graphics shop

#983742 Mini100's Pay What You Want Graphics

Posted by mini100 on 09 August 2017 - 01:30 in Graphics


Welcome to my PWYW Graphics Shop.


Wow long time since I've opened up a shop. Think the last one was back in 2012. Well here wel go then. Here's the deal with PWYW : You do not have to pay me ANYTHING for a graphic I make for you if you don't want / don't have any fsp or gold to spare at the moment. However, if you love the work I do for you, I am happy to take you fsp or gold. So now that we have that clear here are the details for the shop.


Your order should contain a theme/render/image to be used for your avatar or signature. I do avatars, signatures, banners, and matching avatar and signature set. I WILL UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO AN ANIMATED AVATAR. You should also include any text you want on your avatar and signature. I retain the right to refuse any order for any reason or tell you to find another render/theme/image.


As well as this, below is the open market for my art. These are avatars or signatures that I have made for no purpose. Anyone can offer to buy on of these for 0-100 fsps and I will put your name on it and take it off the open market. Note also that some signatures on the open market may be able to be changed into an avatar or a matching sig/avi set. Just let me know if thats what you want and I'll try to make it happen.










WzSP3Jb.png < text by Kisoku




Open Market



1) U5pPmj.png


2) 0zZgZw.png

#983741 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 08 August 2017 - 22:50 in Graphics

Can I get something with an Autumn theme (the season)? I don't have a render, or image simply because I'm terrible at finding them, but if you do end up making it the text should be S1l3ntD34D.

Well I can always try again if you want me to haha.





#983736 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 08 August 2017 - 21:29 in Graphics


I went ahead and did the text like you said, i tried to kind of keep it in your style, i did a couple things to try and bring out the area around the font [Filter, Gradient, Lighting,] That way the font would blend in but not be too lost at the same time. 

Text looks awesome. Great job with it. Much better than I could have ever done. Glad you finished it up.

#983725 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 08 August 2017 - 17:58 in Graphics

Can I get something with an Autumn theme (the season)? I don't have a render, or image simply because I'm terrible at finding them, but if you do end up making it the text should be S1l3ntD34D.

Ill try my best to find something. Hopefully get to this this afternoon

#983724 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 08 August 2017 - 17:57 in Graphics

This might be a higher quality version of it if you want to try, not sure why that first one turned out so bad:




But if you still can't get anything from that, maybe this one?



I used the second one for you.



#983718 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 08 August 2017 - 17:02 in Graphics

Can i by chance Take this one as well? not to be greedy, but i love this image.

I really like the top one, the only thing about the white border is its on the font, as well, and the border porportioning on white is really odd, its different lengths on each side but can't tell with the black one [Might be why]

Yeah of course take that one. I might leave text up to you though if you can do it. I tried for hours last night to put some text on there and failed miserably. As you can see text is sorta my low point

This might be a higher quality version of it if you want to try, not sure why that first one turned out so bad:




But if you still can't get anything from that, maybe this one?



Ill see what I can do

#983675 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 08 August 2017 - 06:12 in Graphics


Here's a render for you, Chester Bennington. 

Theme Linkinpark/tribute 



And i hope you remember me, you and i faced in a signature battle long ago, you were victorious by far. 

Wow its been a long time haha. Name sounded familar to me. Pretty sure the outcome would be pretty different these days. Here you go though. A bit rough I thought. Two different versions because some people hate my white border. Also I can give it another go if you want.





#983673 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 08 August 2017 - 05:08 in Graphics

Hey there, I'm always game for a free sig :)


How does this work for an image?




Just 'Zelkoran' for text please



Hey i'm sorry I've been trying and I just cant do much with that image. I'm happy to try a different one but nothings really turning out decent with that one. A bit too low quality and in general a hard pic to work with.

#983672 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 08 August 2017 - 04:53 in Graphics

Anyone can take this, bit rusty but turned out alright



#983668 Graphics Competition!

Posted by mini100 on 08 August 2017 - 02:25 in Graphics

Im in if I happen to still be around. No idea how much spare time ill have coming up but if I have some / can get photoshop to work on my computer I am 100% in.

#983662 Help me get in the groove/ FREE SIGS

Posted by mini100 on 07 August 2017 - 22:59 in Graphics

Hey guys its been a long time since I've been around here but have a few spare days and would enjoy trying to make some stuff. So if you post a render/image/theme I will do my best to make you a fair to poor signature from it for free if I have the time and inspiration.


Would be awesome to have some material to work with.

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