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#994339 What Level Composing Are You ?

Posted by goolsby7 on 13 October 2018 - 08:11 in General Discussion

I'm still lv 12 XD I'm stingy and just make 20xp pots four at a time XD maybe 3-4 times a day. So I'll probably hit 20 sometime mid next year XD

#997500 View buff pack in players profile bio

Posted by goolsby7 on 26 June 2019 - 17:01 in General Discussion

to somewhat add to this, perhaps the buff market could have it show if they have the buff booster active like they do for extend

#997644 Upcoming Creature XP Changes

Posted by goolsby7 on 04 July 2019 - 16:34 in General Discussion

in response on the SE "loophole"

Exactly. This loophole will be closed.

You can level on normal creatures, same as ever. SEs are not "levelling" creatures.

~ Grim


So, from what ive read, this will effect SE's and champions. Alright, thats all fine and dandy, i never even was aware such a "loophole" existed. and if this applies to regular creatures as well, then that seems kind of like a kick in the arse to someone who (as unlikely as it is) gets bountied by a bunch of people and gets deleveld past the 5lv mark, but hasnt left the zone they last hunted in.


yea, i get thats a pretty specific and silly example, but the point remains.


also, Id have to agree with an earlier post that this was rather sudden. It doesnt really seem like this was a big issue to begin with, and as far as Gexp goes, whats that got to do with anything? the only thing Gexp is good for is the leader boards (not that anyone pays attention to it). the highest level required for anything guild related is 50. 50. so its not like the guild exp has much if anything to do with this.


Granted, all of that aside this wont really effect me much in any way. I rarely get deleveled anymore (bounty system has become a bust long ago) and outside of hunting i do occasionally GVG or titan hunt, a splash of SE hunting for the medal and inventing items. Im just trying to figure out why the sudden change on something that supposedly has been going on for years.

#993667 titan secures - old frail titans

Posted by goolsby7 on 21 August 2018 - 05:21 in General Discussion

For the time being, all we can do is finish them off. U.U

Other then that, think of ways to entice the cowns to implement something we think of lol

#993637 titan secures - old frail titans

Posted by goolsby7 on 19 August 2018 - 23:21 in General Discussion


I LOVE this XD *saves*

#993644 titan secures - old frail titans

Posted by goolsby7 on 20 August 2018 - 01:31 in General Discussion

Though a way to do it would to give every titan a spawn time so say 3-5 days(spawn them less often too), if a guild secures it and it does not die within its time that guild gets its item still, while everyone else on the tail end of that secure would not get any of their tkp unless they finish killing it off.


The first part im all for, but the second part still leaves it to other people to bother clearing it U.U It may fix the market a tad eventually but it doesnt discourage half-attemtps at titans :/

#993651 titan secures - old frail titans

Posted by goolsby7 on 20 August 2018 - 08:31 in General Discussion

No ones ever bothered to kill it more than half to begin with? What's the difference.

This is the biggest thing I myself wanted to address. I think murs idea would be a good incentive to kill off a titan :V or at least a possible incentive lol.

I'm still partial to a kill burn on health rejuve idea as well lol. Make them want to finish a titan off or loose the chance at the item :D would being gback a bit of compettative hunting again :D

#993673 titan secures - old frail titans

Posted by goolsby7 on 21 August 2018 - 10:24 in General Discussion

Well tiered titans do take 32 drops for each tiered item out of the game, Anything done to change the system will always end this way. valueless epics why demand? Perchta is a prime example. and it is not even in oversupply, but the demand is no longer there.

The only thing that fixes demand is player numbers.

And that's on successful invents each time .3. unfortunately it's only a temp solution, if it was implimented. And truthfully more players would only hold true for so long, because eventually it happens again :(

#993646 titan secures - old frail titans

Posted by goolsby7 on 20 August 2018 - 05:38 in General Discussion

I think the main thing about TKP now is that individuals in a guild use it to ear epics over time by building up points from cleanup duty (which I'm kinda doing myself lol)

#993624 titan secures - old frail titans

Posted by goolsby7 on 19 August 2018 - 07:35 in General Discussion

Alrighty! So!




We all love the epics we can win off hunting them, and so we try and secure them.


But then what?


People beat a Titan half to death and then it lays in the dirt for ages until someone takes pity on it and puts it out of its misery....


The elementals i can understand, they don't have a drop and are primarily used for quests (besides the elemental shield blank)... but others like the invisible invader, heck almost all of them, they get secured and just... idle....


they age in their poor frail state until put out of their misery lol.



Now in the long run i know this keeps the epic market a bit more stable, but at the same time, for those wanting to try and secure it for themselves it just means they have to go and clean up someone elses mess :/


Id like to see some kind of reward or benifit for maybe finishing off a titan if your from a different guild if no ones attacked it in X days, or perhaps something to reward players for completely securing it, like a guild medal maybe (say 80% of the kills within a certain time frame that its cleared withing adds towards a guild medal perhaps :o


Just a little late night thinkering before bed XD

#993632 titan secures - old frail titans

Posted by goolsby7 on 19 August 2018 - 22:38 in General Discussion

He's never explained why.

I thiink it would boil down to what happens now but on a much more serious scale. no one would ever bother to kill a titan more then half if they can just wait for it to decay and rot away. Thats kinda how it is now in reality, except they have to wait for other people to finish it off for the TKP.



'nother idea: let them heal 1% for each day of inactivity  :ph34r:


With this, i like it and would like to offer a counter improvement: at rollover each day, rather then just healing 1% it also removes the same amount from successful kills by all current hunters. That would prevent TKP farming on massive scales if something like that did get implemented. :o

#993770 titan secures - old frail titans

Posted by goolsby7 on 28 August 2018 - 12:09 in General Discussion

The only thing that fixes demand is player numbers.


that and forgetting to claim your timed out auctions XD rip at least 3 epics over the years myself alone XD

#997550 Titan Epidemic

Posted by goolsby7 on 30 June 2019 - 05:38 in General Discussion

Yea, i understand that. [insert app statement here], that aside i just get bummed that they just seem like unique gear now lol. Unfortunately i dont see the hunting stopping anytime soon since some are after medals, while others are after the somewhat-still-valuable ones. *chuckles* but really im just beating a dead horse (cow?) at this point probably 

#997548 Titan Epidemic

Posted by goolsby7 on 30 June 2019 - 04:36 in General Discussion

ok, so hear me out.

First, I mean no ill will in any way towards how the titans were updated to allow them to spawn more often. It was a nice change.




Its caused a fairly large flood over time of epics in general. The seasonals are fine, as they hold their value and most arent common, or at least arent super common. Yet.


The problem with the flood is that: A) there are almost 2-3X the number of the epics (for each epic that isnt seasonal or invented) as there are active players at this point. B) Its destroyed pretty much all the value of most epics in the long run. and C) A lot of guilds are probably just building up a pile of "worthless" epics since they cant figure out what to do with them since they dont really sell often.


Granted, this mostly applies to any epics under i'd say... 3-400? most active players at this point are around 5-600+ imo, but i know there are lower level actives out there.


But the sheer amount of epics in general makes them kinda, well, less epic.


What ideas can we come up with to solve this problem? I know in the past people have suggested tier-ing epics, especially since the tiered inferno and steam curiass, but its been shot down repeatedly. and understandably so. but we need some way to recycle all these floating epics, so to speak. i dont really have an idea at the moment but i thought id at least throw this out and see what others might think.

#997534 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 29 June 2019 - 03:47 in General Discussion

maybe the problem is specifically with the 'user log in' to make edits(?)

This is exactly what ive been saying.
from what ive heard, its been a known issue for almost 2 months

#997503 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 26 June 2019 - 20:13 in General Discussion

Is it just me, or is anyone else unable to log into the wiki? i had been planning on going back again to try and do some long awaited work on it now that i have a smidgen of free time, but when i try to log in t cant seem to find the server or some nonsense...

#997515 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 27 June 2019 - 02:21 in General Discussion

That accomplished nothing and if your trying to say something could you just say it.

#997513 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 27 June 2019 - 02:15 in General Discussion

oh I remember my post, but i meant recently. I used to be able to log into the wiki and still edit stuff, but i cant even do that now.

#997518 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 27 June 2019 - 05:42 in General Discussion



so this is what i get when i wait for it to attempt to load in.

#997547 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 30 June 2019 - 04:12 in General Discussion

i do see it as valuable to new players


if i was a new player seeing a broken-image, outdated, lobotomized game wiki...would be a turn-off for me


This was the main reason i wanted to fix it back when i first posted the repair thread. granted i wasn't the most active at doing so but i had life grab hold of me. 


EDIT: also, the UFSG has never had the forget stat bonuses and craft stats for gear, which was always useful for gear in general.

#997659 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 05 July 2019 - 02:03 in General Discussion

I remember first signing up to help test an FS app when the idea was first mentioned by hoof, but it was well after 2012.  Late 2014 or early 2015.  And the first version was about a year in the making... idk what app you're referring to.

same here, took ages to even have a beta to look at, had almost forgotten about it when i got the email XD

#997645 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 04 July 2019 - 16:39 in General Discussion

MediaWiki is simple CMS. Idk how it can be so hard to repair it for devs.

You know the seagulls from finding Nemo? how they're all like "MineMineMineMineMineMineMineMineMine"?


well the cows are like those seagulls, except its "AppAppAppAppAppAppAppApp" XD


That aside, Id have to agree that it isnt hard to fix. but with so little support or apparent want of the wiki anymore they seem to definitely have lowered its priority to somewhere around GVG revamp and arena rework XD

#993689 something about the world map :P

Posted by goolsby7 on 22 August 2018 - 03:27 in Game Content

But there are so many people in the Cathedral that the overlaying characters would make it lag too much to move :P


for instances like this it would just be a single icon :o just a way to say "hey, there's a player here! :D"

#993677 something about the world map :P

Posted by goolsby7 on 21 August 2018 - 19:13 in Game Content

I was running around for a daily quest, moving through tiles, and i happened to come across another player :D thats so rare outside the cathedral or during globals lol.


Then i had a thought.


we have a character we can see in the world map, why not make them visible to everyone on the map similar to a titan? The only exception would be when i titan is visible on the map, but guild mates would still be visible :o it would refresh on character movement or a creature kill :o


just a simple idea that i honestly dont think will go anywhere, but you never know :P

#993679 something about the world map :P

Posted by goolsby7 on 21 August 2018 - 20:49 in Game Content

Asthetics really :0 it would be neat to be able to see other players in a map with you outside of finding then by chance like a chest XD

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