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#993355 New Global Frag Event

Posted by goolsby7 on 06 August 2018 - 17:10 in General Discussion

I like the idea of the required weapon similar in style to say, the spook smasher. Perhaps it could be a set of items such as [cursed muramasa] (weapon), [Wicker of inight] (helm), [Ronins Garb] (armor), but rather then be purchased, you'd have to get the recipes from the brothers and hunt some [cursed scouts] or the like to get a few bits and bobs to make the gear since they would be crystaline themselves (albiet undreakdownable).


It would draw out the event a bit and add a bit of an anoying step sure, but i think it would liven things up as well rather then be a "go kill tons of stuff" or "here, buy this and go kill tons of stuff" lol. not that im saying the current globals are bad, just saying that a slightly newer goal would be cool to see :D


edit: also, he bits and bobs should be bound o3o everyone should earn their reward lol

#993366 New Global Frag Event

Posted by goolsby7 on 07 August 2018 - 03:58 in General Discussion

nice gools :) it would add another element and not make it such a 1 dimensional global per se... 


It would be nice if the items would break in some way so you couldn't necessarily keep them, and maybe because of that it would add more incentive for people to toss them after the event and make them have to reattain them at the next event with full durability. I mean realistically you couldn't use the same armor and weapons in battle over and over again anyways  :P


thats why i figured the crystal rarity would be good, as well as making them tagged to not be available to break down. Also, have them unaffected by unbreakable and give them a durability of maybe 50 or so, and then on top of that, maybe have recipes as well that work similar to the tiered epics, except that it instead increases the max durability :D


This may not be a popular concept since it involves composing and not everyone does it because of the initial grind of leveling it to a point where it is useful, which could be a big reason why it hasn't been brought about  :( The bad thing is you say "global" and everyone usually thinks potions, armor sets, and other items so frag globals always seem take a backseat even more with any kind of new/improved content.


And on the lines of the composing grind while we have Double Composing XP, cant we mix in a X% gold cost reduction event for like 24 hours or so, i think that would help just as much as double xp so people with less gold/fsp could make up some decent ground too. Considering the huge chunk of gold it takes to go through the levels and eventually get level 60 composing whether you go at a slow pace with no instas and little to no changes in your xp per pot, or try to speed it up with instas and constantly increasing your xp per pot when you are able to efficiently it can be costly either way. So that could be more helpful and maybe more appealing to people that dont really try to spend on composing to have something like that.

I could get behind this as well. The double XP events for composing are nice and all, but a reduced gold cost would do effectively the same thing realistically. Perhaps a 24 hour event where your insta-finish is free, but limited in this way.


(60-current composing level)+5=free instant finish available


This would give advantage to lower level composers while giving them some intensive to compose, while still giving higher level composers something as well.

#993370 New Global Frag Event

Posted by goolsby7 on 07 August 2018 - 15:30 in General Discussion


Perhaps a 24 hour event where your insta-finish is free, but limited in this way.


(60-current composing level)+5=free instant finish available


Whoa! No, I do not see that happening.

~ Grim

I can understand your aversion to the idea @Grim, but that's also why i tried to come up with a formula (however pitiful lol) to try and explain the reasoning. There's still the idea of a similar event with reduced costs, which could still help out lower players.

#993446 New Global Frag Event

Posted by goolsby7 on 12 August 2018 - 22:58 in General Discussion

*bumps for relevance and some to get more peoples feedback*

#993447 Level Reset Option (prestige)

Posted by goolsby7 on 12 August 2018 - 23:06 in Game Content

~A couple of things~


First: The OP idea of loosing EVERY upgrade imaginable is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. It has already been said by a few, but why would anyone want to essentially waist their upgrades like that?


BadPenny you would keep your upgrades since you are above level 999.


This actually made me laugh a bit. Sure your suggestion lets people of higher level keep their upgrades, but some people have stayed under LV1K for years because that's where they are comfortable. Its about Time Invested. It took me almost 5 years to hit 15k stamina because (A) I was younger, ( B) I did not have income due to that fact, and © I wanted to Earn my way to the higher amounts of stamina. I spent hours and days farming resources for people, making potions myself to sell, and hunting to make the funds i needed for my upgrades. There is no way in heck i would willingly negate all that work. I was only LV 240-something until early-mid last year.


That being said,


You will have to, regardless, give up lots of gold and likely nine pieces of good equipment.


Even if this did get implemented in any way (highly doubtful to be honest), I don't see the cows making you destroy gear that, again, a player has invested time/gold/real money (via purchased FSP) in obtaining. There would be no real incentive for people to prestige simply due to that one thing. 




Level 1-999 reset would receive the random equipment, but would lose everything else. All equipment in their backpack, allies/enemies, gold, FSP and upgrades would be lost. The cost is 1,000,000 gold.


Level 1,000-1,999 reset would receive the random equipment, and get to keep upgrades, but still lose all gold, FSP, allies/enemies and equipment in their backpack. The cost is 10,000,000 gold.


Level 2,000-2,999 reset would receive the random equipment, and a choice to A. keep their upgrades and all possessions (excluding the destroyed equipment) OR B. the ability to choose what type of equipment will be created. The cost is 100,000,000 gold.


Level 3,000-3,999 reset would receive the random equipment, all upgrades/possessions (excluding the destroyed equipment), and a choice between A. what type of equipment will be generated OR B. the major stat it will (less than randomly) favor. The cost is 1,000,000,000 gold.


Level 4,000-4,999 reset would receive the random equipment, all upgrades/possessions (excluding the destroyed equipment), and a choice between A. having control over the stats and type of the randomly generated equipment OR B. the ability to lower the items level requirement by 1,000. The cost is 10,000,000,000 gold.


The point of all this is to keep the level cap not so bound, and to recycle resources that are currently becoming inflated.

The gold cost in enormous because all the gold being taken out of the system will increase golds worth, and by extension the gold equivalence of FSP.


While I'm all for more gold sinks (helps regulate the fsp market), these are fairly ridiculous at the higher tiers. Gold gain is capped at 310 after 1500-1600 (@Badpenny, you probably know the right levels, im just trying to remember XD), and drops drastically at some point to about 50-60gp a kill later in the game. The point being, these super high costs again dont fit in well, even as a gold sink.


EDIT: found the post i was looking for about gold XD


Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)



Thirdly, and lastly:


Equipment is destroyed to help remove the amount of best-used sets from the system, increasing the demand/supply.


This is what composing is doing, albeit not as well as it was thought probably lol. But trying to do this in general is always hard because of a few reasons. (A) The gear gets farmed so much because people want to try and profit off the items, ( B) because they are some of "the best" sets to be used, they aren't discarded/broken down lightly, and © Even with the merging idea, people would only do so with spares or less valuable gear.



All in all, the idea of some sort or prestige thing isn't a bad idea, but in my personal opinion this just wouldn't be the way to go about it. I've played other games with prestige/reincarnation aspects, but they also have a massively lower level cap which is why the mechanic works so well.

Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


#993457 EOC Bottle-neck

Posted by goolsby7 on 13 August 2018 - 18:55 in Game Content

all EOC players have Higher resources from gold to FSPs to buffs than the lower levels 

This is entirely untrue. case in point:


Gold / Kill peaks at about Level 310 or so - and then drops again twice - once at 1601 (from average 300g / kill with no doubler/mer/th to 250g / kill) and then again at at 1626 (down another 50g / kill to an average of 200g / kill)


yes its an old post, but i've still yet to see anything saying otherwise since then.



Wouldn't a present solution be to massively increase the EXP required to level after a certain point at EoC, allowing longevity of said content? So e.g for the 100 level drop that happened earlier this year for EoC. Idk current stam/level values, so lets just assume.

Pre-EoC (Was EoC before content dropped fully buffed of-course)
Stam/Level value : 1000 

New content/New EoC
Stam/Level value : A lot higher than 1,000 for the current example lets say 10,000

This would increase the length at which content is consumed. So E.g, the new level 100 content would've required at-least 1,000,000 stamina to go through, which would represent nearly a year of stamina generation. Or possibly higher. This gives EoC players something to -hunt for-persay, while also decreasing the speed at which content is consumed.


Now this, im actually quite fond of :o maybe not on such a massive scale, but a large scale maybe :D im only 1099 right now, but i can power my way through a good number of levels when i do hunt both because i use higher level event pots and and my larger pool of stamina. Sure, i'd be disappointed at first if it would take me longer to level, but in the long run i think i'd enjoy that :D

#993458 Guild Store (Actual Store) for Composing

Posted by goolsby7 on 13 August 2018 - 19:22 in Game Content

This sounds pretty solid to me. The only thing would be the invented potions, but that was touched upon with tagging left in place :P



Also the Potion Maker who posts it can enter a dedicated Rank whom below cant take/buy or use the pots... that would be great... like a 1K Stam player using Free Maxed Composed Pots... kind brings me over the wall, not to mention the game doesnt have enough players to kick someone either... it just strains the guild leaders until it leads them to quitting lol


I disagree with this however. The proposal is in favor of something of a shop system, which implies that a guildmate would have to purchase said composing pot. Which, if they are spending their hard earned gold on (or even fsp if that was implemented as well), means that obviously they want it. Just because someone only has 1000 stam shouldn't mean they don't get a chance to use a potion available for purchase like any other guild member. That just seems downright condescending to those players IMO. Sure, the higher level pots take more frags and gold, but that's why the costs can be put in to reflect said usage. Heck, in my guild a lot of us sends as many items we can from our hunts to those that compose to help out with casts and frags even if we aren't using the composing pots lol.

#993459 New Global Frag Event

Posted by goolsby7 on 13 August 2018 - 19:33 in General Discussion

I would likely participate (because that's what I do) but I don't see the need for a concentration on higher fragments (and I am level 60 Composing)


I dont think it necessarily has to be higher frag amounts, but for it to be focused on frag rewards :o We already have plenty of globals in place that give up some pretty good (if not goddly in some cases) potion chests, so some sort of other reward would be good :D Frags would be a good start methinks

#993460 extra character stats

Posted by goolsby7 on 13 August 2018 - 19:44 in Game Content

GvG is and always has been a guild activity.  There's never been any personal tracking outside what those of us who do participate do on our own...   


Lots of things should be addressed for the game, but I'm not sure personal GvG stats are needed.  


Im agreeing with BadPenny on this one, if anything, maybe a preference to show but still i don't think it's necessary really :/

#993465 New Global Frag Event

Posted by goolsby7 on 14 August 2018 - 01:32 in General Discussion

Rise of the Wraiths, Pinata Frenzy are the two global events where the rewards are Frag chests instead of potion chests.


Super Elite - These are maybe the hardest to get I currently have 10,282 which is more than enough for what I make -- the easiest way to get them I think is inventing deathspinner items or buying frag stashes dropped from chests. 



You can cut the frag cost + gold cost a lot by altering the potion to 30 minutes rather than 90 and using brewing master + pride to make the potion last longer -- don't see why you would need a levelling potion to last such a long time, unless you have a lot of stamina, in which case you shouldn't have any problems getting enough frags.



I can see why you suggested the idea because I know a lot of people who are low on the 3 frags you mentioned but I don't see the need for a new global specifically for these frags when there are already in game methods to acquire them.


Honestly i forgot about wraiths and pinatas, but i think that the idea to have the reward to be a specific fragment type rather then a spread would be nice.


on SE frags, the deathspinner is much more viable then chest drops XD purchased or not. 


as far as time, i don't think that's a big factor currently since that was simply just an example potion :o

#993483 New Global Frag Event

Posted by goolsby7 on 14 August 2018 - 20:25 in General Discussion

Tripling the time will triple the gold cost and the frags cost, so it makes a big difference.


That i did not think about. The majority of.. well, all of my pots XD are made super cheep since im just leveling it in my spare time as cheep as i can lol


But even so, sometimes a potion with longer duration can always be useful for a variety of reasons. Sure you can use brew/pride, but sometimes the extra time comes in handy, 'specially if you have over 25kstam and end up having to step away for any reason

#993499 New Global Frag Event

Posted by goolsby7 on 15 August 2018 - 15:06 in General Discussion

It comes down to whether you want to spend a lot of stamina farming items or just do 5k-9k kills and get a chest full of them, imo better for the game if farming was more attractive than being handed everything for little effort.


i can agree with this :o


And as for the other items and stuff, it would potentially be good if the rewards for breaking down forged gear was made to be very enticing, would help incentivise more gears removal lol.


All that aside, we do still need an event with rewards that aren't just godly potions (as much as i love them lol)

#993500 Bound fsp

Posted by goolsby7 on 15 August 2018 - 15:11 in Game Content

Unfortunately, i don't see this happening. as far as incentives for doing the quests, the biggest thing that makes people want to do them is the XP awarded, i myself have been able to gain quite a few levels just retracing and doing ones i've missed XD (and i've done every quest to completion up to my level except "The Circle Of Elements). Some give you some semi-decent gold, and others a few useful things from time to time.


One of the main reasons i don't see them changing rewards is that that would take tons of time, and leave those who've already done the quests without reward.

We also have the medal, which may not be a big incentive but it is there.




Also, even with a few points given to the player at certain levels or level ranges, it would be detrimental to the cows income, another reason i don't see it happening U.U


Dont get me wrong, id like to see more reasons to do quests other then to be a completionist XD

#993502 Potions need a little love

Posted by goolsby7 on 15 August 2018 - 15:40 in Game Content

Alright, so here's my thing:


Composing has killed off a lot of invented potions that were at one time a key part to many players play.

sure there are some potions that still get invented and used, but a great many have become obsolete thanks to composing.


Now before y'all start a witch hunt of "oh you just hate composing because your only level 11 and yada yada yada" I think composing was a nice addition to the game.


But i think some of the buffs that were allowed through it killed off a lot of the old potions made with inventing. A lot of people made their income with it sure, and even i did my own potion selling for a stint. But insert old man voice back in my day (lol) a lot of activity was potions makers searching for farmers. maybe not a ton of the time but it was frequent. It was something to do besides hunt that helped me make some friends and also give me a bit of income.


SO! Id like to propose something that i don't think will happen, but will at least give people something to think about and maybe improve on the idea.


Some new recipes (perhaps dropped by various mobs) that take 2 or more potions (say potion of the bookworm for example) and uses some of the ingredients required to make them, or even other ingredients for that matter, and makes a stronger version with maybe a different name.


For example:

~Potion of the bookworm [librarian 225]

~Required items:

  • Potion bottle (pillar)

  • 1 Jadmare Blossom

  • 3 Trinettle leaf

  • 2 Bloodbloom Root

  • 1 Bloodbloom Flower

There could be a "Potion of the Greater Wurm" [librarian 350]

~Required items:

  • 2 (or three even) Potion of the Bookworm

  • Potion bottle (Cube)

  • 2 grub head

  • 3 Amber essence

  • 1Goobernoob wing

give it say, at 38-40% success rate :o and maybe even have it tagged so that while components can be saved with inventor 2, the potions cannot :o


again just an idea and an example to try and bring back interest in invention potions.

Maybe ill type something up about inventing gear as well XD

#993504 Potions need a little love

Posted by goolsby7 on 15 August 2018 - 16:37 in Game Content


This is the list of invented potions that I'll have a look at in due time.

- Potion of Lesser Death Dealer
- Potion of Lesser Light Foot
- Potion of Lesser Vision
- Potion of Dull Edge
- Jittery Draft
- Deadly Venom and Crippling Poison
- Potion of Waking Hypnotism
- Brew of the Smiths Hammer
- Draft of Amulet Augmentation
- Potion of Bolstered Boots
- Brew of the Reinforced Ring
- Elixir of Rigorous Rune
- Gut Rot Head Splitter

Whether this is a level increase or a reduction or required resources, I'm not sure yet.

~ Grim


As far as those recipes, I think a level increase is the best course, as the main reason (at least for me) that ive never invented them is that their usefulness is fairly moot :o Gut rot i've made/used a good bit, but its also the only enchant helm pot i think. 


I'm glad to see that you've got plans for some of the older small pots though <3

#993506 Potions need a little love

Posted by goolsby7 on 15 August 2018 - 17:32 in Game Content

For sure. Other invented potions that feel underwhelming can be mentioned/brought up too but they are not likely to be brought up to par with composing as it stands now. Remember, a lot of time and gold goes into leveling that up.

~ Grim

oh i agree, they don't compare. True that people spend a lot of time and gold on composing, just feels like potion making is kinda fading away in general. Gear inventing to really. Its rare to find arena rewards in the AH anymore :o used to take a while but they showed up. even regular gear doesn't show up much anymore, just not made as often :o

#993543 Bound fsp

Posted by goolsby7 on 16 August 2018 - 05:19 in Game Content

Oh i can understand, and your heart is in the right place, but i think and im not 100% certain, but this has been brought up a couple times before and been shot down each time, maybe not quest specific but similar ideas.


Maybe they should start focusing on the little guys since the main focus is on eoc anyways.


I fully agree with you, they do need to do more for the younger levels, something to entice them to stay, but they still have to do things for the EOC'ers to from time to time.

#993545 Guild Store (Actual Store) for Composing

Posted by goolsby7 on 16 August 2018 - 05:24 in Game Content

I assume you are right about that. In any case our Target is to limit over use and encourage other guild composers to compose to their guild mates not just the guild founders / leaders...


That makes the assumption that only guild founders/leaders are doing the composing~

#993547 Deflect in Ladder combat

Posted by goolsby7 on 16 August 2018 - 05:28 in Game Content

The other who just wait until he assumes ladder is about to reset then starts attacking isn't as worthy as the one who defended the first spot for too long.


This, i do not believe to be true IMO. That is a valid strategy. Sure, you can endlessly buy/receive buffs and sit on top, or you can bide your time and plot a cunning sneak attack. Either is valid in my eyes. And Deflect is in a way a counter to such a strategy, even with anti-deflect.

#993548 composing - skill tree - eoc content

Posted by goolsby7 on 16 August 2018 - 05:30 in Game Content

Also it will be amazing if we get all power transfer buffs in the Composed Skill tree.

A buff that transfer armor to damage or defense to attack.

Those stuff are pretty tactical and nice to have.


If, and thats a big IF, we get any more buffs added to composing, it may be less than a handful of buffs from the current skill tree, but id rather see new buffs exclusive to composing. and while the buffs you mentioned are indeed useful, we can get them from a good number of global chests at high levels

#993572 Bound fsp

Posted by goolsby7 on 17 August 2018 - 00:22 in Game Content

you have 2500 levels of content ahead of you.


eoc has none.


how much more content do you need? how much more do they have to pay you to play?


Its not about content for us, its about a few things to keep people interested in the early levels so that they don't just get on for two or three days then never again as i've seen happen so much over the years. sure this isn't a game for everyone, but perhaps the mentor system *wink wink Grim nudge nudge* could help out with even if its has a few more bones then it has now XD

#993573 Potions need a little love

Posted by goolsby7 on 17 August 2018 - 00:37 in Game Content

Sure. I've tried a few things to try and bring gear back. Needs more work. However, pushing invented potions buff level above composing is not the way to fix things. It just makes composing less interesting.

~ Grim


Understandable Grim, tis why it was simply just an idea :P I just miss inventing is all :3 most of what i have to look forward to now is arena inventing (gear specifically) but that's so time consuming and even has a smidgen of luck thrown in when the arena is concerned .3. but that's a whole other topic lol.


Another idea that just popped into my head grim:

maybe, maybe, there could be a sort of small npc-sell feature for inventing certain potions?


Hear me out for a second before you crush my wee dreams lol.


an example, say a potion of bookworm with the ingredients above, the bought resources (on 100% extract) come up to about 10k. so say you could sell it to a specific shop somewhere in a realm that would pay you 15k for said potion. [i]if you were successful on extracting the amber plants on your first try this would be a net gain of 5k gold. This isnt a lot, and the extract rates mean its not always a guarantee. take into account stamina usage and extract rates for other resources, and it wouldnt be a massive gold gain, but perhaps a way to get people who dont invent often more into the idea than a daily quest that people spam mystic pickaxes for XD


Now if this idea gets a bit more leeway, the potion prices at the vendor of choice who buys them (or even one of the brothers in the mountains) would reflect on how many components and their rarity, the example above was taking into consideration purchasable plants nothing to pricey,, but enough to be tempting :D


On that note, can we have an inventor medal like composing has TTATT 

#993574 Balancing Arena Spawns

Posted by goolsby7 on 17 August 2018 - 00:46 in General Discussion

Reminiscing in my ole mind of mine i remembered a day when the arena was out of 1200 levels and it was pretty balanced in terms of arenas spawning under 200-300 and 1000-1200. Would it be to much to ask for to guarentee a certain amount of arenas to spawn 500-, 1000-1500, 2000-2500 then 2500-EOC? Anyone else support this? I miss the days of low level arenas... The gear repertoire is the most unique in most all of the levels.




We used to have 50-70 arenas spawned at once with a 1200 level range now we have the same thing with ~4000 level range. the solution might be increasing the number of arena spawns by 3 fold. So instead of 50-60 active arenas have 150-180 active arenas.


I 100% support this!

90% of the arenas that are usually out tend to be in the 1100+ range, and 80% of those are 2k+ (just throwing out guesses here based on what i've seen in the arena).


now i know, Grim, Youll probably say we have the novice arenas. . . but once you have all your combat moves you cant play in there any more lol! Having more chances for lower levels to get into the MAIN arena area would be good for those actual low level players and higher alike! Might even bring some extra value to some of the older low level sets lol. I know my lv 50 setup isnt super cheap, but nor is it expensive :P used to win a good bit of the time with it back when lv 50's showed up XD


Im sure someone will point at my level and say "but you can get into those higher arenas". Yes. Yes i can. BUT the lower level arenas are a lot of fun, you have more gear to think about, you have to think "what if" much more often then "did i have enough attack with my def to still be able to maybe hit someone" lol. sure some people use armor setups in the range i was playing in a few moths agi, but def was more common.


the lower levels were a lot more open to surprise in that sense imo. :P

#993591 Balancing Arena Spawns

Posted by goolsby7 on 17 August 2018 - 22:17 in General Discussion

Arena doesn't increase gold. The gold tournaments sink more overall than they pay out. Increasing gold tournaments in the arena is an effective gold sink.


100% against restraining anyone from entering arenas. This just decreases activity. So many already disillusioned with things at present adding a whole load more people to that isn't wise. Anyone should be able to participate when they wan't to. 


I agree with epic and SS. If the number of arenas was simply increased to match the amount of levels we now have it would be a simple fix. Or just add 20 or 30 more arenas into the game that is specific to 1 - 500. Not replacing any existing range. No need to break what isn't broken. :)


Much here agree with i do.


Perhaps we could have a sort of bracket system in place? Think of it kind of like pvp band in a way. So many arenas for each level range, but without the restrictions. So say, 1-250, 251-500, 501-1000, 1001-2000, 2001-4000 or something like that, so that each range has X arena slots that it can have. would prevent the massive build up of 2k+ arenas that keep a lot of lower levels discouraged (imo)

#993594 Potions need a little love

Posted by goolsby7 on 18 August 2018 - 04:38 in Game Content

Would be great if there was a potion for Rage ... And a higher Inventing Keen Edge Potion. I think Attack stats need an extra buff. It's hard to boost it and Dispel Curse is a Nightmare , not to mention, strategic buffs drains it like NMV and SC X.x


Thats the entire point of those buffs, you even said it was strategic yourself lol. and badpenny is right, we have a high enough KE through composing, we've no real need for a new higher tier invented pot for one.

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