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#998236 relic capture medal

Posted by goolsby7 on 23 July 2019 - 19:42 in General Discussion

To my knowledge, this option does not exist, but has been suggested in the thread about making unwanted Relics "abandonable".


This may have been misinformation on my end, it was definitely a long time ago when i heard it so it may have been a guild rule somewhere lol.



Guild Achievement for successfully attacking a relic would be nice


Introduce new recipes to make elemental keys to limit exploitation and have a new gold sink.


The group leader will require vision, reveal and the correct elemental key to gain Guild Achievement points for a successful relic capture.


The element keys can be associated with the area the relic is in or, as is traditional with elemental items, opposite the area's element...fire vs ice...holy vs undead...etc.


All normal activities of relic operations remain the same.

Interesting concept to say the least. Perhaps this could be implemented on higher end relics (stam/stam gain relics)



trouble is only the stam gain relics are worth anything atm ,and some guilds seem to think they own them .Until the other relics become usefull again i cant see anything changing in the taking of relics .

for the non stam related relics, a 50% increase or even a double of the effects they provide (before empowerment) may make some of them tempting.


Maybe if after a certain time with no defenders the relic becomes abandoned ,but cant really see that this will change anything ,all it will do is clear out unwanted relics from guilds and make more unclaimed

It would clear out unwanted relics, aye, but to expand on this: Give the relics a week before they become un-owned due to no defenders, and in order to reset/stop the counter you have to have at least 3 active players from the controlling guild on it for 24 hours. The countdown would pause when the requirements are met, and reset after the 24hours.


sure, you could reset it and go about your way, but after a week, say someone forgets its there and *poof* no more relic.

#998167 relic capture medal

Posted by goolsby7 on 19 July 2019 - 15:10 in General Discussion

id like to throw in my vote for this.


Its been a while since we've had any medals, so that's a plus, but i also agree that it may bring back relic capturing.


I think the only problem would be the numbers. It couldn't be as high as the defender medal since there is an option to block people from starting a capture of a relic since its a guild thing. 


Perhaps we could have a guild medal/achievement for this instead of a regular medal?


Or even  time relate one :D something like "control a(n) [empowered?] relic X days"

#998163 Fallen Sword: Campfire Stories

Posted by goolsby7 on 18 July 2019 - 19:38 in General Discussion

Let me take you on a small journey. Come, sit here at the fire as I tell my tale.


Almost a decade ago (at the time of writing, the 27 of next month makes it officially a decade), I stumbled upon this world by means unknown to me. It has been so long that the cause eludes my memory. Early on in my stay within this world I met a wonderful woman under the name MLafou who was the leader of the now non-existant M.O.M. (Mother of Miracles). I was brought in and was greeted with warm smiles and welcoming words. Many years were spent within the halls of M.O.M. and I shall never forget them, nor do I wish to. They were some of my favorite years within the world of FS. We had a great many conflicts with other guilds, filled with many giant battles and many tossed words. All of it enjoyable and in good fun. We even began a smaller guild at the time with the intent to train those of lower levels into stronger players. The Rising Immortal Phoenix (TRIP). Though Im sure they will still deny this to this day as they have before in the past, but the past is the past and there is no need to fight about it. Eventually, as we aged, those of us who were younger became caught up in life outside this world and began to fade away. It was a sad sight, but it is the way of the world.


Sadly Nothing truly lasts forever.


After a particularly long time away I came home to find it in shambles. The castle grounds of M.O.M. were naught but empty ruins. Everyone was gone and I was alone. It was a truly sad day, and one i shall never forget. Many friendships were made in those days and some still stand strong. Even now I am still close friends with MLafou outside of this world and and happy for it to be so.


Without a home, I began to wander the world of FS once again, lost and alone with few that i had been with still around. One day, I met TERRORDOG, and i joined him in a venture to help raise a guild. This lasted a short while before I was given the helm and he moved on to other things. I myself am not a leader. I can take charge when need be But I do not prefer to keep hold of such a title. I to eventually moved on, leaving the small hut behind to join My current home and resting place, The Legendary Warriors Stronghold (LWS).


I had met our leader, Lapdragon, through TERRORDOG and had become friends quickly with her. When I had left the hut I found my way to The Stronghold. For years i have helped support my guild, build our walls higher, and teach the younglings the ways of this world we stay in. I can remember the old days, when we would set bounties upon our foes and oppressors to destroy them in force. The days of feverish fights between guilds in our attempts to rise it fame (we held second on the leaderbords for some time before we finally stepped down).


The fire is naught but coals at this point.


In all my years in this world many of us call home, I have witnessed the ups and downs, the victories and failures, improvements and downfalls, and met a multitude of people. I would not trade it for anything. I have made a great many friends, allies, and memories that I hold close and dear. I may not be here forever, but the memories will be. Along with those memories comes a story about a simple in world item. The Cerulean Rose. Many know it as a resource dropped by certain enemies, but it holds a special place for me and a few others.


With that, I leave you with the cause of my title withing the Stronghold.


Guardian of the Roses

"Be wary of where you step, for I am the Keeper of the Blue Roses. Step on one of those roses and I swear there will be hell to pay!

A rose is given to those who are kind at heart and pure of soul. Only those of the highest honor are deserving of this treasure, as it is the greatest sign of not only affection, but trust, faithfulness, and loyalty. A rose from a lover is red, to match the love shared. A rose from a friend is blue, to symbolize the hardships that they bear together, and not alone.

Behold, you are truly the greatest friend!"


Only 3 people have ever received this message and the rose that accompanies it.

#997659 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 05 July 2019 - 02:03 in General Discussion

I remember first signing up to help test an FS app when the idea was first mentioned by hoof, but it was well after 2012.  Late 2014 or early 2015.  And the first version was about a year in the making... idk what app you're referring to.

same here, took ages to even have a beta to look at, had almost forgotten about it when i got the email XD

#997647 rat damage

Posted by goolsby7 on 04 July 2019 - 16:42 in General Discussion

goolsby7 hits for 1 damage.


~~a blast from the past~~

#997646 Error Timed Out - website and app connection troubles

Posted by goolsby7 on 04 July 2019 - 16:41 in General Discussion

have'nt had any issues myself.


funny(?) thing is, on the occasional times i have an issue logging into FS, i can log onto sigma with no problem


Its been years since i played sigma. last time i tried to log into sigma2 my account was gone :/

#997645 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 04 July 2019 - 16:39 in General Discussion

MediaWiki is simple CMS. Idk how it can be so hard to repair it for devs.

You know the seagulls from finding Nemo? how they're all like "MineMineMineMineMineMineMineMineMine"?


well the cows are like those seagulls, except its "AppAppAppAppAppAppAppApp" XD


That aside, Id have to agree that it isnt hard to fix. but with so little support or apparent want of the wiki anymore they seem to definitely have lowered its priority to somewhere around GVG revamp and arena rework XD

#997644 Upcoming Creature XP Changes

Posted by goolsby7 on 04 July 2019 - 16:34 in General Discussion

in response on the SE "loophole"

Exactly. This loophole will be closed.

You can level on normal creatures, same as ever. SEs are not "levelling" creatures.

~ Grim


So, from what ive read, this will effect SE's and champions. Alright, thats all fine and dandy, i never even was aware such a "loophole" existed. and if this applies to regular creatures as well, then that seems kind of like a kick in the arse to someone who (as unlikely as it is) gets bountied by a bunch of people and gets deleveld past the 5lv mark, but hasnt left the zone they last hunted in.


yea, i get thats a pretty specific and silly example, but the point remains.


also, Id have to agree with an earlier post that this was rather sudden. It doesnt really seem like this was a big issue to begin with, and as far as Gexp goes, whats that got to do with anything? the only thing Gexp is good for is the leader boards (not that anyone pays attention to it). the highest level required for anything guild related is 50. 50. so its not like the guild exp has much if anything to do with this.


Granted, all of that aside this wont really effect me much in any way. I rarely get deleveled anymore (bounty system has become a bust long ago) and outside of hunting i do occasionally GVG or titan hunt, a splash of SE hunting for the medal and inventing items. Im just trying to figure out why the sudden change on something that supposedly has been going on for years.

#997570 Double XP Event Soon!

Posted by goolsby7 on 01 July 2019 - 15:41 in General Discussion

woot! just enough time for me to hunt today and have full stam in time to hunt for the xp event :D thanks BG .3.

#997550 Titan Epidemic

Posted by goolsby7 on 30 June 2019 - 05:38 in General Discussion

Yea, i understand that. [insert app statement here], that aside i just get bummed that they just seem like unique gear now lol. Unfortunately i dont see the hunting stopping anytime soon since some are after medals, while others are after the somewhat-still-valuable ones. *chuckles* but really im just beating a dead horse (cow?) at this point probably 

#997548 Titan Epidemic

Posted by goolsby7 on 30 June 2019 - 04:36 in General Discussion

ok, so hear me out.

First, I mean no ill will in any way towards how the titans were updated to allow them to spawn more often. It was a nice change.




Its caused a fairly large flood over time of epics in general. The seasonals are fine, as they hold their value and most arent common, or at least arent super common. Yet.


The problem with the flood is that: A) there are almost 2-3X the number of the epics (for each epic that isnt seasonal or invented) as there are active players at this point. B) Its destroyed pretty much all the value of most epics in the long run. and C) A lot of guilds are probably just building up a pile of "worthless" epics since they cant figure out what to do with them since they dont really sell often.


Granted, this mostly applies to any epics under i'd say... 3-400? most active players at this point are around 5-600+ imo, but i know there are lower level actives out there.


But the sheer amount of epics in general makes them kinda, well, less epic.


What ideas can we come up with to solve this problem? I know in the past people have suggested tier-ing epics, especially since the tiered inferno and steam curiass, but its been shot down repeatedly. and understandably so. but we need some way to recycle all these floating epics, so to speak. i dont really have an idea at the moment but i thought id at least throw this out and see what others might think.

#997547 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 30 June 2019 - 04:12 in General Discussion

i do see it as valuable to new players


if i was a new player seeing a broken-image, outdated, lobotomized game wiki...would be a turn-off for me


This was the main reason i wanted to fix it back when i first posted the repair thread. granted i wasn't the most active at doing so but i had life grab hold of me. 


EDIT: also, the UFSG has never had the forget stat bonuses and craft stats for gear, which was always useful for gear in general.

#997534 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 29 June 2019 - 03:47 in General Discussion

maybe the problem is specifically with the 'user log in' to make edits(?)

This is exactly what ive been saying.
from what ive heard, its been a known issue for almost 2 months

#997518 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 27 June 2019 - 05:42 in General Discussion



so this is what i get when i wait for it to attempt to load in.

#997515 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 27 June 2019 - 02:21 in General Discussion

That accomplished nothing and if your trying to say something could you just say it.

#997513 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 27 June 2019 - 02:15 in General Discussion

oh I remember my post, but i meant recently. I used to be able to log into the wiki and still edit stuff, but i cant even do that now.

#997506 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by goolsby7 on 26 June 2019 - 22:08 in General Discussion

someone was joking around about an inventor 3 and extractor 3 in world chat, and it gave me an idea.


im not 100% but does inventor 2 count on a failed invent?

even if it did, perhaps an invetor 3 could do something like the item drop buff (the one that re-rolls)



Inventor 3: "+.1% chance per point to not consume items and components when failing to invent items/potions" (edit cuz i forgot to add) would give a (or an extra) 17.5% chance to not consume items. could still hold similar to invent 2 on specific recipes/items unaffected by it

#997505 gold cost in bounty board

Posted by goolsby7 on 26 June 2019 - 20:29 in General Discussion

Sell the gold you would use for the bounty, use that FSP and have gold left over.  403,500 vs. 270,000.  Problem solved

as blunt as this is, it is a valid point *chuckles*

#997504 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by goolsby7 on 26 June 2019 - 20:28 in General Discussion

Definitely an interesting idea silent. Not only can lower levels get into the idea, but higher levels as well. would bring a bit o' life back into the game, and something else for EOC players to do. not much, but something!


as for the potion levels, if this were a daily type thing, i dont see them being to much an issue, as they arent exactly free to be just tossed around, and take time to get materials for in order to make them.

#997503 The wiki

Posted by goolsby7 on 26 June 2019 - 20:13 in General Discussion

Is it just me, or is anyone else unable to log into the wiki? i had been planning on going back again to try and do some long awaited work on it now that i have a smidgen of free time, but when i try to log in t cant seem to find the server or some nonsense...

#997502 PVP range

Posted by goolsby7 on 26 June 2019 - 20:00 in General Discussion

*returns to the forums once more*


As far as increasing the ranges, I agree with this wholeheartedly. Say what you will @Ringhal as you indeed have your opinion, but even if we get more active players (which has been steadily getting further from being possible over the years), it will be ages before they get anywhere close to higher levels for the actives in those ranges to actually have targets. True, ive seen some amazing players that have joined in the past few years that have either made it to EOC or high levels, but not through lack of playing the game nonstop and buying tons of upgrades. Realistically, the level range increases are only making it fair to those who still play and the game itself. Its been said plenty but ill say it myself as well. This is a pvp centered game, or at least it was intended to be.


I myself used to be a self proclaimed "leveler" for the longest time. and in a way i still am, its one of my main focuses besides inventing (that itself a dying art), and eventually the arena (i dabble in it time to time). Back when i was lower levels, around the 2-400s, I was pretty active in GVGs and other various pvp centered stuff. But with how targets are now, with so few active in the ranges im in now be it gvg, ladder, or just 'find player', it takes a lot of the joy out of it really. Like someone said earlier, its rare to see anyone active with gold on hand to even consider attacking for the sake of attacking. That used to be one of my favorite things to do, steal gold. Now? im lucky if i see someone with more then 100k active within my range. and thats pretty much the same 3 people at any given time.


My point being: something needs to be done, and the range extension is a good start.


There will always be people who "dont like" pvp or have the oh so dreaded "attack=bounty", but then thats what the ghost town of a bounty board is for.


as far as the topic of newer players:

and the way they were spoken to in global ,which is mostly the norm theses days ,except for a few yourself included  penny that want to help them . The rest just seem to ignore them or speak to them like cannon fodder


This, unfortunately, is all to true. And thats when you can get them to talk in the first place! But this goes both ways as well. Many a time have i gone to the new player tab, greeted an active new player and handed out some buffs, only to watch them continue on and ignore me as if i dont exist. Sure, i get a little salty and decide to not do it again for a while, but i try. 

#997501 I know its been a while but

Posted by goolsby7 on 26 June 2019 - 19:12 in General Discussion

I know its been some time since ive been to the forums, but is it just me or did the topics get trimmed like crazy? i could have sworn there were more then just 4 discussion topic areas. . .



EDIT: scratch that, i forgot the cows have separate forums so i wasnt in the fallnsword specific area XD again, long time XD

#997500 View buff pack in players profile bio

Posted by goolsby7 on 26 June 2019 - 17:01 in General Discussion

to somewhat add to this, perhaps the buff market could have it show if they have the buff booster active like they do for extend

#994341 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by goolsby7 on 13 October 2018 - 08:44 in General Discussion

( A )It would be nice to have partner buffs or something to bring player buffs to be competitive with composing and potions. Right now from what I can see a lot of the older buffs are far outclassed by composing and auction house potions that are generated by the game itself.

( B )Also why bother as a player even wasting the time to allot skill points since you are not going to ever use the skills to buff yourself or anyone for that matter.

( C )Since the player skill level will never go over 150 then it would be nice to have partner buffs for some of the sills like doubler or light foot that would raise them to be somewhat inline with potions.

( D )Partner buffs would allow the easy balancing of player skills to near levels of current potions or composing found in the game and it would mean that people would be looking for buffs from players more often the just going with composing or auction house potions.

( E )It would even allow for there to be ones that would affect potions or potions with them that could be made to affect the skills or other potions as they were used to bring potions on the auction house and produced ones to compete with some of the composing ones.

While the idea of partner buffs is interesting, I don't think this would work well. I'll explain in sections linked to those I marked above.

( A )
Again, I think the partner buff idea is interesting, but not for this reason. The reason we have potions at all is so we can have higher level buffs than 'normal'. Yes there are some buffs that are outclassed by the special potions in the auction house, but these are just an option and not a necessity. As for composing pots, not only are they limited to you or your guildmates, but they take a lot of time, gold, and resources to get to the high level mini-god pots lol. Not to mention the frag costs and gold costs of actually making the pots. Giving standard buffs even a small chance of being on par with these is basically spitting in the faces of people who've spent the time and resources to actually reach those points.

( B )
This section in particular, I find somewhat amusing. And that's because of how [redacted] it sounds. If people didn't use buffs at all, we wouldn't have the buff market. Sometimes you need a specific buff for your strategy or playstyle, and you invest skill points in it so you have it on demand. (Quest hunter I'm looking at you lol.) Tons of people use there skills, and saying otherwise is just nieve.

( C )
This section basically was covered when I spoke on section ( A ).

( D )
See sections ( A ) and ( B ).

( E )
We already have two things that do this:
Distill potions, to increase our potion levels.
And the composing potion that raises the level of skills you cast. (Which at Max lvl pot of 300 and a zombie brew, gives lv 192 buffs)

The latter requires high composing, yes, but that's a benefit of putting all the time and resources into that aspect of the game.

All in all I like the concept, just not it's current aim.

#994339 What Level Composing Are You ?

Posted by goolsby7 on 13 October 2018 - 08:11 in General Discussion

I'm still lv 12 XD I'm stingy and just make 20xp pots four at a time XD maybe 3-4 times a day. So I'll probably hit 20 sometime mid next year XD

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