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There have been 8 items by Thorsark (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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#940950 PvP Season changes coming today

Posted by Thorsark on 24 July 2015 - 11:46 in General Discussion

Please opt me out. Thank you.

#912464 What's coming in 2015?

Posted by Thorsark on 28 December 2014 - 11:54 in General Discussion

I am particularly interested in these tournaments.... Can't we have a tiny hint more about them?  Please, curiosity is killing Penny.   :P



Well, it only seems fair that the suspense waiting to kill others is killing you... ;)  :wub:

#912462 What's coming in 2015?

Posted by Thorsark on 28 December 2014 - 11:52 in General Discussion

One small tweak from FSH which would help hunting:


Make the "R" key both Repair all and Refresh the world screen. This was really convenient to hit mobs 1 2 3 4 R. Items repaired, and I can see the mobs popped up by AM.





#905171 Update v2.60

Posted by Thorsark on 27 November 2014 - 13:42 in General Discussion

When I choose an existing potion from the drop down on the main page, the create potion button doesn't actually create the potion

Yeah, same here. I picked an existing template, instead of starting the potion it just dumped me back to select page.


If I go through the "new template" and select an old template, it works.

#889609 Improving Composing for Mobile

Posted by Thorsark on 14 September 2014 - 11:49 in General Discussion

I'd like to keep this on topic if possible. While I realize scripting can be an issue, please start another thread ;)

#889304 Improving Composing for Mobile

Posted by Thorsark on 12 September 2014 - 03:00 in General Discussion

Okay, I admit it. I would use it on desktop too. All. The. Time. You caught me. ;)


...but it's still a solution to a real annoyance on mobile....

#888667 Improving Composing for Mobile

Posted by Thorsark on 07 September 2014 - 12:04 in General Discussion

Frankly, composing is a pain when using mobile. Too many steps. Way too easy to accidentally delete a template, or click "create and save as template" and get the stupid popup. Plus, I have to go back and redo things 3x now that I have hit level 20. And everything is slooooow relooooading eeevvverrry paaaggeee eeverryyy steepppp.


Luckily, there is a simple solution with a single new button!


Add a new "Collect" button for completed potions, simply "Collect potions and Remake"


The function of this button would do just what it said - collect all completed potions and restart the same template.

#888666 Update v2.50

Posted by Thorsark on 07 September 2014 - 11:58 in General Discussion

Many thanks to HCS for their continuing effort to improve the game. :)


With that said, the new quick buff window has a huge drawback that it does not show already active buffs as highlighted.


This was mentioned here before several times by dowuones and others.


PLEASE fix it if possible.


Also let me suggest that while you are working that fix, it will be great to have different colors for:


1)      Buffs bellow lvl 175 – This will help identifying buffs you or others have that are not maxed.

2)      Buffs at lvl 175

3)      Buffs above lvl 175 - This will help noticing if you forgot to drink some of your potions.


I believe that this color-code can be implemented at the same IF in the fix that checks for activity of each buff, so it shouldn't be a huge hassle code-wise.


Thank you kindly    :)



Describes the main problem well. HIGHLIGHT ACTIVE BUFFS on the checklist. You do not need two lists of buffs! It is purely a hassle to reference back and fourth between two different lists of 30-40 buffs.  HIGHLIGHT ACTIVE BUFFS like FSH.


While I appreciate the intent, this is a slower, poorer interface than the FSH one. Heck, buffs were the main reason I kept FSH active anymore despite being mostly broken.


The idea of having 3 colors for highlighting is great. Notice how well particular words stand out?

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