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#948488 PvP Ladder Rewards - what would you like to see?

Posted by jinks on 12 September 2015 - 21:13 in General Discussion

Moon, a few points.


I thought you were 3rd and we were 4th in Top Guild list?


My post wasn't majorly aimed at TED, it was aimed at HCS, I don't feel they know the game mechanics or individual aspects of their game enough to make sound judgement on the changes they consider and then implement.  They look at the views/demands/opinions posted on here and decide from that...my point was  those views are increasingly from members of TED of friends of.  You use this to your advantage, which I can't really blame you for.


An idea was posted around a long time ago of the community 'electing' a number of players knowledgeable in each aspect of the game to discuss updates with HCS before concepts and implementation. I was a fan of that idea, but it never got anywhere, obviously there would be possible flaws and manipulation of this as well, but its more likely to get us closer to a positive update than the last 5 or 6 have been.


As for your last point, if it didn't mess WaL's GXP up (I've been here since I was about 340), I would honestly take you up on the offer.  Other than a few instances of pot - kettle - black type stuff related to 'double-dipping' I don't overly dislike TED at all.

#948453 PvP Ladder Rewards - what would you like to see?

Posted by jinks on 12 September 2015 - 12:32 in General Discussion

I fully expect this to be deleted and I'll probably get banned...or horribly I'll get 'smashed'


HCS please stop giving TED absolutely everything they ask for.


They didn't want a change to the PvP ladder because they flooded it and smashed the crap out of everyone who joined (that in itself isn't against any game rules.)

When you changed it, they wanted it changed back because they wouldn't then be able to use their famed 'PvP' rules to bash anyone who looked at them sideways.

Then you gave sliding scales on Prestige, which I'm pretty sure they championed the idea of.

Then giving stam gain on PvP gear

Now making resources unbound because they have tons from the first point I made.


In short every update in the last 3 months has been pushed by them.


I liked some of the new PvP changes, I think you should have done Beta testing to work it all out rather than a wholesale change then when it was complained about by 'some' you changed it back totally rather than making any adjustments.


I guess some of the blame can be attributed to the rest of the community as nowhere near as many outside of TED and their friends post on here to give their opinion.  And when they do, multiple TED players attempt to disrepute the idea or views as swiftly as possible.


You're banging the remaining nails in the coffin HCS.


To everyone else, enjoy your game :)

#941317 PvP Season Update Completed

Posted by jinks on 25 July 2015 - 16:17 in General Discussion

Now you can opt in, bring back xp loss on rated attacks. Or give it a 'PVP' rating to win and lose...oh wait we had that before :/

Right now we're just trading invisible points with minimal gold loss but nothing else.

On the upside the board is busier than ever

#937263 Double XP Event Info

Posted by jinks on 25 June 2015 - 16:17 in General Discussion

So it's Thursday after 5, you guys have likely gone home now and no server capacity increase...looks like just before the event again then?

#936837 Double XP Event Info

Posted by jinks on 20 June 2015 - 20:41 in General Discussion

Please increase the server capacity and test early in the week, so any possible bugs are ironed out before you hit the Double Event button.


I recall you guys did something similar last XP Event at the same time you started it and it ruined the first 36 hours of the event so much you had to extend it.

#917965 Chompers and Dark Friends!

Posted by jinks on 02 February 2015 - 22:14 in General Discussion

For me , it's nothing to do with profit, I didn't participate in this event.

It's to do with doing something..do it right, or don't do it at all.

HCS run a business, they should stick to the timescales THEY set out, they should do what THEY say they will, ie release certain critters, not miss some and add others.

If you can be bothered go back and check the 2x event, I stated in there they shouldn't extend it much as it's supposed to be a limited bonus event.

People always try to spin negative comments into, you're only moaning because you can't make as much fsp...some people just care about the way the game is handled and run by its owners, who IMO do not seem to give it as much care and attention as they should.

#916533 New Content. 2426 - 2450.

Posted by jinks on 22 January 2015 - 14:06 in General Discussion

Any word on the updates to the game that have been discussed recently?

#915514 Development Update 8th January 2015

Posted by jinks on 15 January 2015 - 19:45 in General Discussion

Christmas Titans are still spawning?



#914872 Forest of Yule opens!

Posted by jinks on 12 January 2015 - 17:32 in General Discussion

So you extend them from the 5th to the 9th, then without actually announcing, just changing the original post, you extend them again to the 12th...then you forget to take them out?

Please pick a date and stick to it, people work based on the dates you supply, if you change them, that can affect things we do in game.


#914497 Forest of Yule opens!

Posted by jinks on 09 January 2015 - 20:31 in General Discussion

Are you guys going to stop the titans now like you said?

#914316 Super elites have died....

Posted by jinks on 08 January 2015 - 21:58 in General Discussion

I'm going to tell a story to answer this.

A long time ago, people came onto the forums and said, Cows, Cows, please do something to use all the excess LE and SE gear up that is cluttering the game and making everything worthless.

Cows said OK, we'll add a feature to the game called Composing, using all types of items for great potions. The Community rejoiced, old worthless items got composed and LE events and SE hunting increased in popularity, thereby increasing the worth of said items.

Then people started to realise these items were starting to get harder to come by and therefore expensive, so they came onto the forums and said Cows, Cows, please do something, we can't get LE and SE items very easily and without having to spend fsp.

Cows said OK, and they added Frag events, giving lots of extra LE and SE frags to everyone who took part, effectively reducing the prices of LE and SE items again, thereby reducing the popularity of LE events and SE hunting.

When people start to get low on LE or SE frags, they come to the forum and say Cows, Cows, please give us an LE event or a frag event so we can top up our frag bank.

Then people came on the forum and said Cows, Cows, please try to make SE hunting worthwhile again, because the items are so worthless no one hunts them........

#914272 (Another) Titan Idea

Posted by jinks on 08 January 2015 - 20:04 in General Discussion

double post

#914268 (Another) Titan Idea

Posted by jinks on 08 January 2015 - 19:56 in General Discussion

So now instead of needing 3000 kills to secure an item it would go back to needing to totally kill it?

I don't like the idea.

#914265 Development Update 8th January 2015

Posted by jinks on 08 January 2015 - 19:53 in General Discussion

Good stuff guys, keep it rolling :)

#914263 What do you guys do to make titan hunting bearable?

Posted by jinks on 08 January 2015 - 19:49 in General Discussion

I have a couple of things.
When I'm solo hunting I see how many kills I can get in a 10 minute period and then try beat it in the next 10 minutes lol.
Other than that, I listen to music as it seems to help time to pass quicker

I do this every time I hunt, and I tend to suck at beating myself, my reactions slow down the longer I hunt

#913625 What's coming in 2015?

Posted by jinks on 05 January 2015 - 11:09 in General Discussion

Getting back to the original post.


When you implement the fs helper functions, please take time to test the fs helper out first.  Adding some functions then banning scripts will cause so many issues.


If it wasnt for fs helper, I would have stopped playing many aspects of the game a long time ago. 


If you're unsure, open a thread so people can post what they use.  There are things in there that I dont think many others use but I find invaluable, like the Quick Links etc.


The other thing I'd like to see added to the game is an in game Guild forum.  Almost every other online game I've ever played has one, and it would help with a lot of communications in Guild.

#912260 What's coming in 2015?

Posted by jinks on 26 December 2014 - 21:11 in General Discussion

Sounds great Hoof, looking forward to a good year.


Also, Belaric's points are spot on, especially the script and buff 'tree' part of it....and the rest as well ;)

Sounds great Hoof, looking forward to a good year.


Also, Belaric's points are spot on, especially the script and buff 'tree' part of it....and the rest as well ;)

#911665 The Dragons Return!

Posted by jinks on 23 December 2014 - 17:24 in General Discussion

Thanks Cows :)

#911326 Terrible lag, Auction House broken

Posted by jinks on 21 December 2014 - 19:14 in General Discussion

Yeah, its now giving massive lag spikes, pages wont load, then it goes ok for a while, then another spike.

#911303 Terrible lag, Auction House broken

Posted by jinks on 21 December 2014 - 17:48 in General Discussion

Fair play to you guys for working all weekend to try to fix it, thanks guys.

#911263 Terrible lag, Auction House broken

Posted by jinks on 21 December 2014 - 13:39 in General Discussion

Hoping they are doing something, lag is less than it has been since the optimizations.

#911246 Terrible lag, Auction House broken

Posted by jinks on 21 December 2014 - 11:43 in General Discussion

Lets hope so Hoof, was hoping to Titan hunt in the next few days, but at the moment I can't even reply to a message, let alone move on the world page :unsure:

#911218 Why Can't I Control My Prestige?

Posted by jinks on 21 December 2014 - 07:54 in General Discussion

So 10 stam attacks should earn 1 Prestige on any attack and 100 stam attacks should earn 10 Prestige. Keep all the time allotments in place, so earning Prestige can be done only every 3 days outside of the BB. I'd also like to see Prestige earned from every single Ladder hit, again using the allocation of stam used in the attack.You have opted in and therefore should be rewarded for victories. My logic is thus; just like doubler stam usage has everything to do with game play. The more stam used the reward is earned. It's that simple.

I like all of this idea, and the original posted idea as well.

#911061 Forest of Yule opens!

Posted by jinks on 20 December 2014 - 19:08 in General Discussion

you get the star off the elite

Thanks, I figured that was it, but killed 20 of them and haven't gotten it yet, so wanted to make sure before roaming the realm for hours :P

#911058 Forest of Yule opens!

Posted by jinks on 20 December 2014 - 19:01 in General Discussion

Its still there, but all the new items and creatures associated with the 2100 quest do that in UFSG, which is a bit annoying as I can't find 1 of the components for the invent :(

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