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#937807 New lvl 49 wep buged

Posted by johndaymon on 02 July 2015 - 03:54 in Bug Reports

this is the roll I got not even in the same class I am mage not a ranger can you change the roll for me I dont feel i should have to pay to reroll it as it is not even a mage roll.

#937806 New lvl 49 wep buged

Posted by johndaymon on 02 July 2015 - 03:52 in Bug Reports


#935672 punish mages and rangers who use shields

Posted by johndaymon on 15 June 2015 - 14:49 in Suggestions

luke is not pure Mage he got 3 or more point in (proh) I am one of the only pure mage and I get killed by slip so I dont see how he is saying to nerf mage maybe if they nerf the prohmage witch is one of the hardist to kill in PVP lmao

#926928 Well in ICC I used Miasma at the same time as boss did her flash thing

Posted by johndaymon on 04 April 2015 - 03:44 in Bug Reports

and when I did I was still in the room but could not see any other players in my group or the boss 


#925602 New Quest Burning The Skies seem to be bugged

Posted by johndaymon on 28 March 2015 - 01:11 in Bug Reports

I got it it reset for some reson

#925601 New Quest Burning The Skies seem to be bugged

Posted by johndaymon on 28 March 2015 - 01:04 in Bug Reports

I am at the 8 out of 9 Escape from the Island! and I got to the portal and went in but nothing happened when I got to the other side.

#906508 being ported backwards

Posted by johndaymon on 03 December 2014 - 01:19 in Bug Reports

well in pvp I will be running and then it jumps me back to were I started running from and all other players do not .

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