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There have been 4 items by ozziepete (Search limited from 06-July 23)

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#974239 New leveling Realms!

Posted by ozziepete on 20 December 2016 - 22:09 in General Discussion

 Do I have to trudge thru 36 levels from 3094 (which portal of ways will allow me to get to), to get to lvl 3130 so I can start a hunt ? Please expand portal of ways to at least 3125 which has been content for months.

#974238 New leveling Realms!

Posted by ozziepete on 20 December 2016 - 21:57 in General Discussion

Ultimate guild still show nothing above 3076. Makes things difficult. Was hoping for its update to at least 3125 by now . Any chance of some info soon. Master realms and stairs would be a big present.

#965457 Daily Events

Posted by ozziepete on 06 July 2016 - 22:50 in General Discussion

Love the thinking. I loved someone's idea of reserve stam as a possible reward. If daily quest was a gather/kill type then you could end up using up a lot of stam. Competing every day might mean you end up with less stam than you had at the start of the week and so regular hunting would be somewhat reduced. I need to hunt to earn FSP's for new gear /upgrades. So for me reserve stam is best reward possible. Don't mind blowing some stam every day but would soon stop competing if it used up too much.

#964039 Login Problem

Posted by ozziepete on 05 June 2016 - 13:20 in General Discussion

Getting the failed to connect as well.

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