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#983797 Graphics Competition!

Posted by clock96 on 10 August 2017 - 11:11 in Graphics

I am in ofcourse :D

#983542 For Fun Competetion

Posted by clock96 on 05 August 2017 - 02:29 in Graphics

Exactly what I was wondering...but, GGT sounds nice. I miss it.


So, here are few things to think about - for GOTW:


1. we all start making graphics now and advertise the upcoming auction

2. by the end of Sunday* all auction pieces should be submitted to auctioneer (Mzzery I suppose)

3. all auction pieces shold have - GOTW auction - text on them

4. auction starts on Monday*, ends 3-4 days later

5. the auctioneer makes a new topic and reserves first 2 posts. First for auction pieces and second for bids

6. the auctioneer is taking care of bids, of course...duh 

7. advertise some more

8. make bids

9. auction ends

10. all artist are required to change the text on their auction pieces, to the buyers liking and send it to them (no, it is NOT the auctioneer's job)

11. the auctioneer now becomes a pot holder and a GOTW host.


* think the auctioneer should always have the final word regarding the schedule (availability and such)


1a. the GOTW host starts a new topic announcing the GOTW start, date and time, and the deadline for entry submission. Post the render or stock (a story even) and what are we suppose to make (avi, sig....)

NOTE: we can all write here whatever and have fun...don't forget to advertise

2a. after the entry submission deadline ends, the GOTW host starts a new official GOTW voting topic. Sets an end date too, and post the rules and regulations.

3a. Reserves first 2 posts. First for GOTW pieces, second for the tally

NOTE: No, we can't write here anything else besides our votes and CnC.

4a. GOTW host then posts all GOTW pieces in the first reserved post.

5a. all GOTW pieces should have -GOTW- text on them and will be only one piece per artist

6a. all participants can vote, but not for themselves

7a. you can give 15 points in total: 5 for the one you like the most and then 4, 3, 2, 1, or we can do it differently by giving just 1 point to the entry you like the most

8a. Only the GOTW host will know which piece belongs to which artist, hence artist can't upload their pieces to their existing image hosting site accounts.

9a. Pot can be divided to: 1st - 55%, 2nd - 30% and 3rd - 15%

10a. The GOTW host ends the voting, sums the tally and gives the prizes


All of the above can be used for GGT 2017, but with multiple rounds, longer deadlines etc.



Can't think of anything else right now...lol :P


Now, discuss it...

Sounds like a GGT then :)

#983493 For Fun Competetion

Posted by clock96 on 04 August 2017 - 02:30 in Graphics

The auction always used to be before the GGT to make a huge pot, a huge number of avis get sold in the auction and the fsps from the auction along with the donations made the pot, so you want to make this a GGT 9 and start making ads and preparing for the auction ? I am with MZZ hosting it (if she doesn't want to enter ofcourse) she would get the fsps from the auction and donations and make the themes for eah round but we need a lot of atists for the GGT (atleast over 10 to be fun) so we can start making ads in game about anyone wanting to participate and prepare for the auction

#983463 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 03 August 2017 - 13:48 in Graphics

Hey id like to get a new avi with a junkrat render (the one you PMed me)
Text id like to have my name involved, aswell as the quote "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" aswell as my guilds logo (can provide if needed)

was a little busy lately, there you go :)

#983284 Image hosting

Posted by clock96 on 29 July 2017 - 21:53 in Graphics

I can't see you sig :D

all of my old workvis still on photobucket, don't have time to repost them with new links actually xD

#983275 Image hosting

Posted by clock96 on 29 July 2017 - 15:32 in Graphics

I use imgur too, works good I think

#983197 For Fun Competetion

Posted by clock96 on 28 July 2017 - 17:58 in Graphics

So should we do it ?

#983169 For Fun Competetion

Posted by clock96 on 28 July 2017 - 06:39 in Graphics

I didn't mean prizees and such, or people to really judge us, its mainly just an idea for us artists to challenge each other, and enjoy each others art.

I don't see why we shouldn't :)

#983142 For Fun Competetion

Posted by clock96 on 27 July 2017 - 05:47 in Graphics

I think we stopped at GGT 8 that chagryn won and beanopoly went second and I got third but we could barely complete it due to lack of activity, that was 2 or 3 years ago, don't know if we can do another now, not enough artists, not even AoTW and SoTW anymore :( would be good if we can bring back any of these

#983022 PVP ladder improvement (small)

Posted by clock96 on 24 July 2017 - 15:14 in General Discussion

I think its a good idea actually

#982938 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 21 July 2017 - 15:03 in Graphics

You've come a long way since the beginning i think we both have, ill put in a order very soon but i want to pick the perfect render :). Keep up the good work my friend.

I would love to make you an avi :) take your time to choose it and good luck in your avi auction/shop I see a lot of great work there :D

#982923 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 21 July 2017 - 03:05 in Graphics

Hi clock96. I would like to purchase an avatar please.


Theme:  Bruce the shark from Finding Nemo


Text: fishboy95



Thank you!!

There you go :)



#982914 Hunting Setup advice alternative to the game wiki ...

Posted by clock96 on 20 July 2017 - 23:35 in General Discussion

There is already the one under levelling guides ingame, all that has to be done is that the one who made it should replace images by another image hosting site

#982913 What motivates you to keep playing?

Posted by clock96 on 20 July 2017 - 23:30 in General Discussion

Pretty simple and there is literally nothing that can beat it:-


Nothing more, nothing less, if I wanted friends, I have RL ones, if I wanted to do something because I have free time I would have gotten a job or anything that actually benefits me in RL not a game, PvP is the only thing that addicts me, I don't have time at all but PvPing and wanting to unlock new PvP sets, doing ladder, clearing/smashing bounties, anything other aspect I do is only because it will benefit me somehow in PvP

#982730 bounty xp

Posted by clock96 on 17 July 2017 - 04:26 in General Discussion

Yes Clock i know the rational behind the BB...its not the level loss that i am talking about im sure you must be smart enough to read that again , what i am saying is exp gain should not be awarded unless it is awarded for all aspects of pvp, level 2000 farming level 60 players for exp. Gold and FSP are award enough. I think this will ultimately be the nail in the coffin of the BB.

I think you have a problem in making people get your point but I got it and you are wrong, I don't want the xp limited to bounty attacks only, I want it through out every pvp aspect If its made right, and no there will be farming cause the xp gain will differ according to the difference in level between the bounty hunter and the guy getting cleared on board and the amount of stam used, so no it won't be abused very badly and actually what doesn't get abused in the game ?

#982729 bounty xp

Posted by clock96 on 17 July 2017 - 04:19 in General Discussion

Lol. And how often does that occur? And remember the outcry when they made it guaranteed 3 levels lost. Pvprs were a whining. ;-p

Well I am talking about the original purpose, what happens is in the hands of players though, I for one don't care if they made the BB take 10, it would have its pros and cons for everyone

#982700 bounty xp

Posted by clock96 on 16 July 2017 - 17:25 in General Discussion

I just see it as a reward for someone too scared to hit in their own level range, just my opinion, next is the issue of 9 hitting and leaving them to be farmed by others. the BB just turns into a EXP farm.

You know that this is the original idea of BB ? it's intended, to lose 5 levels, right ?

#982695 bounty xp

Posted by clock96 on 16 July 2017 - 15:03 in General Discussion

I 100 percent agree with this, PvPers are lway at risk of losing tons of levels and xp so why can't we gain some ? What will be the problem for levellers ?

#982694 GvG medals- Top rated GvGers/Dominants- Top rated Prizes

Posted by clock96 on 16 July 2017 - 14:53 in General Discussion

players who play now are afraid of competition, they think competition is bad thing lol

There is no competition actually, its just things that were supposed to be added to the game by default but they weren't and they will bring more activity when its added now

#982582 GvG medals- Top rated GvGers/Dominants- Top rated Prizes

Posted by clock96 on 14 July 2017 - 17:43 in General Discussion

This topic talks about a couple of things so please read all :)

GvG medals:
So, I think this isn't the first time the GvG medals idea get brought up but I think the talk about them has been for years now and as far as I can remember but still hasn't got implemented, I think GvG deserves at least 2 medals implemented, I mean even composing got 2 medals right after it was added to the game, so why not GvG ??! Its one of the main aspects in the game and adding medals to it will encourage players to get into it, I am not good at making detailed ideas and I am sure all of you guys can have more ideas but I made a couple of suggestions for new GvG medals (names are just examples)

The Sword: participate in "X" initiated Guild Conflict victories (only players who complete their 25 hits count towards the medal)
The Shield: Successfully defend "X" guild conflicts (participants with atleast 25 hits count towards the medal)
The Invincible: Complete "X" conflicts without missing or losing a hit regardless of the overall conflict result (only 25 hits if its an initiate and atleast 25 hits if its a defend counts)

-This was just an example that can be changed/edited afterwards.
-NOTE: Conflicts ending in a draw doesn't count towards The Sword and The Shield medals.

Top rated GvGers
Simply a top rated page that shows the top 250 GvGers according to the number of full (25 hits on an initiate and atleast 25 hits in a defend) Conflict wins.

Top rated Dominants
I always wondered why there is a top rated kill streak page but there isn't a top rated PvP ladder Dominance page that contains the top 250 PvP ladder Dominant players according to the number of hours on the first place spot, this will be the first top rated page that directly has a thing to do with being on the ladder only, maybe its a good idea ?

Top rated Prizes
This one is for all the top rated page aspects, so what does a player get from excelling in his aspect and be on the top rated page and climbing it hard to the top ? Other than his name listed in a list that rarely anybody check or know who is on it. Shouldn't there be a Prize for being listed in the top 250 ? A prize that is related to the aspect of each top rated page and that varies from top (1-10) (11-50) (51-100) (101-150) (151-200) (201-250) for example, the prizes can be determined by HCS or you can give suggestions ?

Maybe atleast one of these ideas can be useful ? I am looking forward to what you guys thinks and we can work together and have ideas to make this better, let me know what you think, thanks :D

#982558 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 14 July 2017 - 01:54 in Graphics

There you go, hope you like them :)







#982404 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 10 July 2017 - 02:51 in Graphics

A theme of your choice, animated or not, with my name: Devilson11 and my guild: Ground ZERO on it. I messaged you as well, we can discuss some themes there if you'd like.

I am done, however I made two versions, I like the first one more but will let you decide :)





#982360 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 08 July 2017 - 04:41 in Graphics

And here is yours :)



#982359 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 08 July 2017 - 04:39 in Graphics

https://planetrender...ithe.71718/fullCould I have this please with Becky and lws on please and thanks :)

Here is yours :)



#982307 Clock96 GFX Shop™ **REOPENED**

Posted by clock96 on 05 July 2017 - 17:18 in Graphics

hello, id like to place an order on an avatar, a pic itachi from naruto and text to say my name only please thank you !

There you go :)



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