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There have been 80 items by GoHalos (Search limited from 14-July 23)

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#825232 Help the upcoming Legendary.

Posted by GoHalos on 04 December 2013 - 17:26 in General Discussion

Need a new setup for leveling. Kellos is outdated and I'm still using it at this level. Shield & Rune need an upgrade damage wise.

#820013 Suggestion for future of Medals.

Posted by GoHalos on 15 November 2013 - 04:38 in General Discussion

I was thinking for the Medals after Diamond should be Platinum.. and then most medals will end there. But a select few will be able to be continued on but will have slightly different stipulations to earn them. For example say a player uses a lot of legendary items to achieve his/her fragmenter medal, they would then achieve a "legendary fragmenter" medal with it's very own unique appearance. Or say a player kills x amount of Malphas The Destroyers or x amount of Fuvayu Titans and the player would then achieve A "Destroyer Super-Elite Medal" or a "Tornado Titan Medal" with similar effects.

These unique medals could only be achieved if the highest tier of the medal has been completed. And the player would have to make a point to kill only that type of specific creature, use that specific type of item, or achieve whatever designation that can be thought of in order to get the medal they desire.

What do you guys think of that idea? Just came to me randomly. :)

#817476 Spine Chomper assault!

Posted by GoHalos on 25 October 2013 - 18:48 in General Discussion

More of the same...



#796721 Composing (Part 1)

Posted by GoHalos on 20 June 2013 - 13:37 in General Discussion

What about crafted items? Do we get more for those? (Sorry if that was listed, too lazy to read) lol

#796478 Everyone should read this. (Urgent)

Posted by GoHalos on 19 June 2013 - 13:34 in General Discussion

Mine was 8 days ago and you forgot why should I get u anything......come on......A Level 1700 begging.....Thought id seen it all....

Who said I was begging? I was bored, it was a light hearted joke. Don't take things too seriously, you guys. Lighten up. :)

#796453 Everyone should read this. (Urgent)

Posted by GoHalos on 19 June 2013 - 05:46 in General Discussion

It's my birthday sunday. What are you all getting me? :)

#795949 I need my original account unlocked, like asap..

Posted by GoHalos on 15 June 2013 - 14:10 in General Discussion


#795873 New Content. 1676 -1700.

Posted by GoHalos on 14 June 2013 - 21:21 in General Discussion

I didn't get the XP from completing the last two quests in the new content credited to my character..

#795839 Double XP Weekend!

Posted by GoHalos on 14 June 2013 - 18:34 in General Discussion

Hey guys I think it's safe to kill things.

oh and I'll let all you other EoC'ers be my testers and run through the content for me early. Let me know how many errors there are. :D

#795465 Double XP next weekend!

Posted by GoHalos on 13 June 2013 - 02:22 in General Discussion

I think 50 is a fair/reasonable number to expect to be released. Anything lower than 25 or so would be a bit of a let down in my opinion.

#795355 Double XP next weekend!

Posted by GoHalos on 12 June 2013 - 14:00 in General Discussion

How many levels of content are we getting exactly?

#794881 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by GoHalos on 09 June 2013 - 17:17 in General Discussion

Oh and Gutie, FFS and WAL have been on the top of Fallen Sword looooong before this game "abuse" was discovered. So I dunno where you come off with that comment. Very ignorant statement there,

#794875 Should we limit creatures you can attack based on Actual Level?

Posted by GoHalos on 09 June 2013 - 16:52 in General Discussion

Why don't the game developers just give us more content and things to do with our stamina? It's been how long since a content release? It seems to me your guys resources are stretched thin on all your other projects. A simple suggestion.. focus more on Fallen Sword before nobody cares about it any more.

#792037 Top 100's Global Quest contributor medal - missing !!!!

Posted by GoHalos on 29 May 2013 - 16:04 in General Discussion

Ummm I had silver qualifier, now bronze. -_-

#790140 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by GoHalos on 21 May 2013 - 04:47 in General Discussion

Global Booster showed up as the rage icon on the list of buffs cast on me, so I canceled it. You guys owe me 50k.

#789496 Open Letter: More Omacaz Pots was a BAD Idea

Posted by GoHalos on 15 May 2013 - 02:06 in General Discussion


Who wants to spend real money on a free game anyways. This stuff should be accessible for everyone if they want it.

#789495 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by GoHalos on 15 May 2013 - 02:03 in General Discussion

I didnt like the new buffs at first but some of them I am warming up too.

#789494 6 Year Service Medals

Posted by GoHalos on 15 May 2013 - 02:02 in General Discussion

And you sir, have been owned. Good Day!

#782094 Expansion of Bio Space Characters Upgrade?

Posted by GoHalos on 22 March 2013 - 19:07 in General Discussion

I'm all for this.. I've already had to remove "personal" effects from my bio in favor of listing buffs I'm selling.

:( boo.

I like the idea of having an in-game method for people to view the buffs a player has too. Not like.. LOVE actually. It shouldn't be too hard to do I'd imagine.. just take into account the skill points a player has allocated to a certain skill and have that available in the buff section of their bio. With Level listed and everything.. I think that's an amazing idea.

#782092 Quest item: Book of the Holy Light

Posted by GoHalos on 22 March 2013 - 18:57 in Game Content

I think the same exact thing happened to me. Must have a high save rate on the invent or something. I'm pretty sure you can toss it. You can always send in a ticket to get it back if not.

#782079 Global Event Rewards

Posted by GoHalos on 22 March 2013 - 18:21 in General Discussion

One for buffing would be awesome.
- Extend
- Reinforce
- Buffmaster

#782073 The Mentors and Minions of Dr. Morbidstein

Posted by GoHalos on 22 March 2013 - 17:59 in General Discussion

There are some people who will be stoked to see this, I'm sure. Not me as I've sworn off scavenging for life.

But thanks for the cave critters. :)

#782070 Supporting Eldevin = Killing Fallen Sword

Posted by GoHalos on 22 March 2013 - 17:56 in General Discussion

As the topic implies, discuss.

#782058 Level 1600+ skills

Posted by GoHalos on 22 March 2013 - 16:16 in General Discussion

Is this it?

Not impressed, at all..

I saved up enough skill points for 5 new skills.. I see ZERO that I want or need.


#781994 Name Change?

Posted by GoHalos on 22 March 2013 - 07:34 in General Discussion

Is it because it's spelled MEGAman, and not MAGA? :P

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