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There have been 20 items by BalianRW (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#796256 Tarran Waste (Plains) is broken.

Posted by BalianRW on 18 June 2013 - 02:00 in General Discussion

Ok, it was turned on after all.  I had no idea such an option existed, so there is no way I could have turned it on.  Did they turn in on by default when they added the feature?

#796251 Tarran Waste (Plains) is broken.

Posted by BalianRW on 18 June 2013 - 00:50 in General Discussion

Well, since I had no idea that there was even such an option, I don't suppose I could have turned it on, so I'm going to say no.

#795910 Tarran Waste (Plains) is broken.

Posted by BalianRW on 15 June 2013 - 04:43 in General Discussion

I was hunting today and got to Tarran Waste (Plains).  According to the Ultimate Fallen Sword Guide the primary creature there should have been the level 2111 creature the Taaran Stump.  However the map was completely empty except for a Titan.  I walked the entire map twice then ended up having to sub-level against the Shade Risen.  

#794011 How do I change my e-mail?

Posted by BalianRW on 06 June 2013 - 22:47 in General Discussion

What information do you need.  Neither my account nor my e-mail address have been compromised.


My problem is that for the last couple of year I have not been receiving forum notifications when replays are made to topics/threads I have subscribed to.  You all have tried everything you can think of on your side, so I thought I would try a couple of different temporary e-mail address (a different one from my current provide, and one from a different provider) to see if that can help shed some light on the problem.  Eventually I probably want to switch back to my primary.


If I understand you correctly if for any reason I want to change my e-mail from say my primary to my work or to my backup/secondary, I have to jump through a bunch of hoops?  I have never run into a situation like this even with sites that interface with my financial institution.  Aren't we going a little overboard with security for an online game?  What is the rational behind the extra hoops?



#793697 How do I change my e-mail?

Posted by BalianRW on 06 June 2013 - 03:32 in General Discussion

I've been looking around for a long time now trying to figure out how to change my e-mail.  So far nothing.  I guess I'm missing something obvious, but I can't find it.  Can someone help me please?



#790169 Global Event - Zombie Yeomen II

Posted by BalianRW on 21 May 2013 - 11:45 in General Discussion


#790000 Problem with Gmail. Need the notification e-mail address

Posted by BalianRW on 20 May 2013 - 00:59 in General Discussion

Is anyone getting notifications from the Forum?  All I need is the e-mail address that they are sent from.  Please.

#789864 Problem with Gmail. Need the notification e-mail address

Posted by BalianRW on 18 May 2013 - 04:00 in General Discussion

Yes, have checked Spam folder.  Nothing there.  I believe that the problem is that the HCS e-mail domain has gotten into the gmail ISP filter list, so the e-mails are getting dumped before they even get to my inbox.  I believe that if I have a particular e-mail address as one of my contacts, it will get through (even if it would have otherwise been dumped).  Recently I had this problem with my Disney Movie Club account.  I had lost my password and was trying to retrieve it by having them send me the temp link via e-mail.  Did this several time over the period of a week, and never once received an e-mail.  Then I talked with them on the phone and added the specific e-mail address as a contact, tried retrieving the password again, and within 10 minutes I had the e-mail.  I suspect the exact same thing is happening here.


So back to my original question.  Can anyone give me the e-mail address that the forum post notifications are sent from.   



#789846 Problem with Gmail. Need the notification e-mail address

Posted by BalianRW on 18 May 2013 - 01:35 in General Discussion

For quite some time now I have not been getting notification e-mails from topics that I have subscribed to.  I have recently discovered that I was having the same problem with another site.  I've recently figured out how to resolve the problem with the other site, and I would like to try the same thing here.  What I had to do was put the e-mail address that the notification e-mail was coming from (i.e. notification@forum.fallensword.com) in my contacts list and the e-mails started coming through.  What I need to know is the e-mail address that sends the notifications of new posts in subscribed forums.




#763972 Enabling the Fallen Sword Image Pack Guide

Posted by BalianRW on 16 November 2012 - 23:49 in Game Help

just got a message saying mine is out of date O_o...did i miss an update in the past hour?

I'm getting the same thing. I even "updated" (it was actually the same version that I already had) and I'm still getting this message. I'm using Chrome if that matters.

#761409 Oidhche Shamhna Dawns

Posted by BalianRW on 04 November 2012 - 00:25 in General Discussion

Don't need LF at all if you have a distilled AM500. It's a gauranteed respawn, you basically just sit in the same square and smash away at the same enemies over and over and over...

Where exactly do you get an AM500 pot, and how much do they cost? Remember that not everyone is rich like you. :))

They are free to win from global event: Posted Image

Ok true, but that is a HUGE waste of that pot.

#761371 Oidhche Shamhna Dawns

Posted by BalianRW on 03 November 2012 - 19:03 in General Discussion

Throw in Light Foot, Conserve and AM... this is actually not that bad of a deal.

Don't need LF at all if you have a distilled AM500. It's a gauranteed respawn, you basically just sit in the same square and smash away at the same enemies over and over and over...

Where exactly do you get an AM500 pot, and how much do they cost? Remember that not everyone is rich like you. :))

I do agree that the 25k isn't that hard to reach. If only hunting the x2 and 5x guys you can easily achieve 2.5 - 3 kills per stamina used (that includes walking and using the Ketchup pot, minus the doubler). So the 6250 drops to between 2k and 2.5k kills

#760847 Legendary Beasts Rise!

Posted by BalianRW on 01 November 2012 - 00:45 in General Discussion

I'll admit I haven't kept close track. Which 3 are the new ones?

#760842 Legendary Beasts Rise!

Posted by BalianRW on 01 November 2012 - 00:32 in General Discussion

All the new sets are attack damage. Any particular reason grim? ( not whining, just curious) thanks!

Most of the sets I've looked into are Attack/ Defense (not Damage). The lvl 925 set is ATK / ARM

#760524 Oidhche Shamhna Dawns

Posted by BalianRW on 30 October 2012 - 18:58 in General Discussion

If I recall correctly, the community has only once gotten to 15,000,000 kills. Upping that 100,000,000 just seems unrealistic in my humble opinion.

That's true, but the Community did not have creatures worth 2 and 5 kills in the last Globals, nor did they have 6 days. Bear in mind, these kill points will be multiplied by the Global Boosters too.

The Global Booster argument is null since it also uses extra stam. While it is true that SOME of the creatures give more than one kill credit, not all of them do. As has been stated, we have reached 15M kills only once and that was over 4 day span. If we expand that to 6 days and assume that ever kill was worth 5 we get a total of 112.5M. However only 9% of the creatures are worth 5 kills so it is going to be very hard if not impossible to attain that goal.

Using he same math 25k kills is equal to 3333 kills from the last global quest. However the same problem exists there as well.

#760449 Quango Island and Grimmnor Forest

Posted by BalianRW on 30 October 2012 - 15:23 in General Discussion

Any chance we could get these two areas open in the near future. It has been over a year for Grimmnor Forest and over two years since Quango Island was last opened.

They will open again in due time. Quango was open more recently than two years ago. Both these realms have been open this year. At this point in time, we are focusing on Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas.

Is there an announcement on the game site (with a corresponding post here in the forum) when these areas are opened? I was trying to see when the last time was (I guess to torture myself if I just missed it) but I can't seem to find an announcement for either of these.


#760404 Quango Island and Grimmnor Forest

Posted by BalianRW on 30 October 2012 - 14:24 in General Discussion

I must have just missed it.


#760340 Quango Island and Grimmnor Forest

Posted by BalianRW on 30 October 2012 - 04:27 in General Discussion

Any chance we could get these two areas open in the near future. It has been over a year for Grimmnor Forest and over two years since Quango Island was last opened.

#744754 Video Rewards that aren't videos

Posted by BalianRW on 12 July 2012 - 02:22 in General Discussion

And all the others redirect you a 3rd party site, which shouldn't be allowed/required.

#744211 Video Rewards that aren't videos

Posted by BalianRW on 08 July 2012 - 21:37 in General Discussion

It used to be that the "Video Rewards" were, well, videos. Now most of them are "Sign up for x", or click "y", etc. Can we please get rid of the video rewards that aren't videos.

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