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#987099 Christmas SALE - 1 fsp Closed

Posted by Calista on 07 November 2017 - 21:22 in Graphics

I miss making things for you... :P






You've done some of my best avatars still used today. <3    ( when I log in anyway =P  )

#987094 Christmas SALE - 1 fsp Closed

Posted by Calista on 07 November 2017 - 19:34 in Graphics

#2  BIN    Calista 

#980655 Suggestion - Player's Composing Level on Bio

Posted by Calista on 08 May 2017 - 20:35 in General Discussion

Honestly if you get to see how many SE kills I haven't done, or how many arenas I got pass the judges on, why not see how little I spend on composing as well? Nice idea for those who excel at this area of the game, and the ones worried about how little it is might be motivated to put some work into it.

#979597 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Calista on 16 April 2017 - 01:01 in General Discussion

That way the PvPers can have some challenges to PvP and a good test of their knowledge.



There lies the problem. Our knowledge means squat against the OP pots. No skill required anymore, just access to the right potions.

#979584 This AGAIN....

Posted by Calista on 15 April 2017 - 20:11 in General Discussion

503 Service Unavailable

No server is available to handle this request.


Failed to connect: Master Database []



This.  Multiple times a day for over a week now.

#979577 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Calista on 15 April 2017 - 19:58 in General Discussion

Most arguing to nullify the pots aren't interested in the competitive thrill. Pvp is used as a tool to punish. Not as a tool for a fun online battle of the willing. The pots turn a checkers match into a chess match and man do I stink at chess. Anyway, although folks claim HCS is the last word, they still complain so...

I really see very little cost/benefit for HCS to nerf. I think there are bigger fish to fry. Making the change is not going to bring back hordes of players. Might lose some



PvP isn't just used as a way to 'punish' players.


Bounty hunters are looking to be rewarded for clearing bounties. They have to pay to take the bounty;  pay for buffs and gear to be competitive; they pay in xp when losing; they pay in stam with each hit they do. The current situation with buffs where a level 750 can't be beat by someone in the level 2000 area makes it all the more not worth the effort.


Gold thieves are looking for gold, obviously. They know the risk and what to expect. They too are required to pay for gear, buffs, with stam, etc. Of course these days, most don't bother doing anything to defend themselves against gold thieves. More then a little frustrating when the bounty hunters can't be bothered with targets with ridiculous stats.


Guild smashers are defending their guild mates, by the means the game makes available. It isn't about 'punishing' another player, though that does come along with it. It requires a sense of 'team' play. We defend ourselves not to punish people, but to make it clear to others it is better not to hit us, for the consequences are not worth it.  Defense is our motivation, not punishment.  It requires the same costs as other pvp areas in the game,  gear, stam, buffs and gear.  There are few guilds left who go through the effort of defending themselves. It's hardly worth it going after targets with unbeatable buffs. (not gear, all buffs) 


The ladder is all about who can afford the highest level pots/buffs and who can run them the longest. There is no skill involved. The current situation with buffs is beyond obvious there.

#979442 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Calista on 12 April 2017 - 23:10 in General Discussion

It effects more than the ladder. Bounty board, gvg, straight pvp, smashing, etc.

#979438 YOUR Reasons for:

Posted by Calista on 12 April 2017 - 20:35 in General Discussion

PLEASE if you post in this thread do not comment on anything someone else says. I am asking for YOUR thoughts and reasons only. 




I hope everyone will answer these questions. And please remember: No comments about anothers reasons for their answers! Thanks and have FUN!  :)



Mods are gone, yeah. And for the record, I have no problem with PvPers. I partake in PvP myself occasionally. ;)

~ Grim


:o <_<  You broke the rules!!! 



hehe I kid, I kid. Please don't pvp me.  :P

#979420 YOUR Reasons for:

Posted by Calista on 12 April 2017 - 15:17 in General Discussion

1. Why do you play FS?  

Friends are the only thing that keeps me coming back.


2. A.When you play "your style" do you use buffs? Potions? A combo of the two?

    B. What level buffs/potions do you use?

PvP is my game style choice. Yes, I use buffs and pots. Unfortunately, I'm forced to use composed/ge high level buffs to have any chance to be competitive in this game style anymore. But prior to the introduction of such high level pots, I typically used as few buffs as possible. I hate feeling wasteful. Luckily I'm in a guild that feeds me what I need to remain relevant in this style of game play. 


3. If you use buffs or potions or a combo, why?

A combo, I guess.  I use as few pots as possible, but these days that doesn't work. Even with the high level potions it comes down to whose buffs activate, not skill.


4. Do you use Global Chat? Why or why not?

Rarely, usually only if someone is trash talking there. I think they got rid of them, but the player mods were a serious issue, and killed any type of fun the global chat was for me. Plus Grim isn't exactly a fan of those of us who pvp.  (no offense, Grim)


5. What aspects of FS have you played?

Leveling, Bounty Hunting, Arena, Ladder, Smasher, gvg.  I tried Titans but I end up cursing at the screen and planning guild wars against anyone else chasing the same titan. (and that was just the elemental titans :P ) Not to mention that the guide didn't tell me you had to BEAT the titan to get the item drop. Chased one for literally hours before someone took pity on me and told me where I was going wrong. 


6. Why did you choose to play these aspects of the game?

Leveling is a necessary evil if you want to be competitive in the game. The others because they seemed like they would be fun and presented the most challenge.


7. How often do you log on to FS?

3-4 days a week, sometimes more, sometimes less.


8. How long have you been playing FS?

Too long!    9 years according to my start date.  Though I have left for extended periods of time and returned a few times.


9. Are you in a guild? If so, why?

Yes, I'm in a top guild. My friends are there. I'm all about the team aspect of game play which a guild provides.


10. What level were you when you first joined a guild? (If you are in one that is!)

 Umm, pretty early on. Before level 20, I think.  I remember when it was a big deal that our founder reached level 200 and could cast doubler on us when we leveled.

#979292 It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

Posted by Calista on 08 April 2017 - 22:44 in General Discussion

PvP use to require skill, knowledge, and effort. I'd spend literally days making new sets to have the best stats I could. The OP pots have removed the need for anything but luck. You have to have the same OP pots going to even have a small chance of winning. But even if you have all the same pots going as a target, skill still has nothing to do with who wins. It's all about who gets the lucky buffs activated. Now it is just a weird game of Press Your Luck.

#976821 Max Stam

Posted by Calista on 17 February 2017 - 18:55 in General Discussion

Not everything is suppose to be easy in this game. Surprising, right?  Do the basics, you get basic results. Put in some effort and the reward increases. 

#976203 What's your favorite foods?

Posted by Calista on 01 February 2017 - 21:25 in General Discussion

My oldest daughter went Vegetarian on me, so I don't get to use it as much as I once did. Cranberry potatoes just don't sound nearly as good.  =P

#976200 What's your favorite foods?

Posted by Calista on 01 February 2017 - 21:14 in General Discussion

Crock pot meals rock.  Fast and easy.   Cranberry pot roast, an easy favorite. You literally drop a pot roast in the slow cooker, put some basic seasoning, and throw a can of cranberry sauce on top. Come back in a few hours, the meat practically melts in your mouth. 

#975275 Update v2.934

Posted by Calista on 11 January 2017 - 18:03 in General Discussion

I have changed my avatar for the day. Things are looking up.  :P   Thanks Hoof!

#975252 Update v2.932

Posted by Calista on 11 January 2017 - 04:46 in General Discussion

I can't change avatars either. Which is really not cool at all.  =(  

#974942 Bounty Hunting Ticket Flash Sales

Posted by Calista on 06 January 2017 - 05:20 in General Discussion

Of course, I just bought a ton last night, before the flash sale!  *grumble grumble*

#974684 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Calista on 30 December 2016 - 20:38 in General Discussion

Yeah, I was already starting to think along those lines. The bb has to be involved and I'm not sure how that would work with that much reduced xp loss. But I do think we can afford to make the xp loss minimal compared to the norm. There would also have to be a way to differentiate between event hits and regular pvp hits. No good to limit a guilds ability to defend its players outside of the event.

#974664 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Calista on 30 December 2016 - 16:12 in General Discussion

So what your proposing is for PvP loss to be lowered to as if we were losing the amount of xp as if we were level 25? Say somewhere around 100 xp per defeat? This would be consistent no matter what level you are.

I think with a minimal xp loss like that the community could live with xp loss occurring in the event. As you said this would then be consistent with how much xp is gained from killing global creatures (also consistent with the risk of losing to them as well since they are level 25 and when you lose that is roughly how much xp you lose)


Personally I think the xp loss should remain what it is normally.  Few will like that though. So yeah, I'm suggesting the xp loss during the event be minimal. Same as you see with xp gain when chasing critters for drops or whatever the event is. It keeps things consistent with how PvP is actually played in the game. And it helps people learn the basic mechanics of it all.



If it were this low, I don't think most people would care (you never know though, some get extremely annoyed by gvg hits) but how does this teach anyone that the xp loss is not too bad when it's tweaked down this low. Is that enough of the risk people are demanding?


Risk is important to PvP in the game. But also, it's fun!  Back in the day I ran a guild that didn't allow pvp. (few will remember it, but it's true)  Getting involved with bounty hunting and from there meeting so many like minded people in the game is what keeps me here. (love you guys!) I think most can agree that an event would let some people try it out and see what the hoopla is about. So if reduced xp loss is what gets them to try it out, awesome. So long as the event remains consistent with how it works in the game.

#974643 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Calista on 30 December 2016 - 02:51 in General Discussion

At least you are trying to come up with a solution that works but I have to disagree with the premise that the over events follow some existing game outline? Perhaps a really watered down version. Frag and chest events... You beat up on limited time and very weak critters. So if you consider that a leveling event, it's a really watered down version, no?

Weak critters that give you lowered xp gain? Ya mean like lowered xp loss in a pvp event? It's consistent with how the game actually works.

#974632 LE Sets with Temporal Shift Enhancement (Set Bonus)

Posted by Calista on 30 December 2016 - 02:03 in General Discussion

Sounds like it is an incentive to level up. Imagine that...

#974630 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Calista on 30 December 2016 - 01:48 in General Discussion

Any other event in the game sticks to the basic outline of how that area of the game is played. Every time something Pvp comes up, people want to change it. It never works. PvP is part of this game. Keep an event consistent with how pvp works in the game. Lowered xp loss, lowered cost for protection, the chance to 'opt out' using protection. That is going soft! But at least it remains in line with how pvp actually works in this game. We're not asking for a slaughter. We just want the game to remain consistent with how it approaches events for each area of the game.

Hcs needs to stop treating pvp like it is bad. The perception given by the repeated attempts to change it is exactly that. There is nothing wrong with it.

#974576 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Calista on 29 December 2016 - 02:39 in General Discussion

Lest you forget, protection was available before seasons started... I had it and was basically opted out of the carnage... Many didn't and complained... Actually, maybe lower price of protection before event to give folks an opt out before the carnage begins... that's not a bad idea.


So announce the PvP event 7 days before it happens, give players time to decide if they want to be involved or 'opt out' using protection. That gives players plenty of time to protect their xp. It wouldn't prevent them from being hit, but that is consistent with how pvp works in the game. 


As an added deterrent, make it less 'rewarding' to hit someone with protection on.  For example, make the protected worth a small amount of 'rating' vs someone active in the event. Those active in the event aren't going to waste time on those not worth hitting, (especially as they move up).  Basically how protection works in the game.


Run a 'flash sale' for the 7 days that the event is announced, make protection accessible to even those with small pockets. It's works similar to the reduced xp loss idea.  Keep things consistent with how the game works, but make it more user friendly for those concerned.

#974570 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Calista on 29 December 2016 - 01:31 in General Discussion

A PvP global event as suggested would be a great way, in my opinion, to teach people "how to react" (in the myriad of views on that). Way overdue.


I'd simply add that PvP protection (which I've never really liked but "get") could be allowed as an "opt out" since it has been engulfed by the game. 


I'd like to remind peeps here that wil was actually for an opt out of the GE in his post. I'm not nor see any reason for there to be one as long as all the current PvP rules are maintained.



A PvP event should work the same as it does in the game. So I could see PvP protection being used as a type of opt out. It would be the way for a player not interested in the event to protect their xp.  It would also have to prevent them from taking part as well. It's consistent with how the game actually works.

#974438 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Calista on 25 December 2016 - 20:35 in General Discussion

This thread is full of great ideas for what to use as incentives. Medals, rewards tied to what was used with the original seasons thing. Lots of ideas.

There are players who hate leveling. The events help get them involved. Some players hate titans, but they get involved for the holiday titans. Some players hate composing but get involved during an event. Do you really see any less for any type of event?

You are at risk to be hit at all times in this game. You are never safe from an attack. This isn't a change. This is a fact. In no other area of the game does an event remove the basic design of that area of game play. It's ridiculous to do it here.

#974432 PVP Seasons as a Global

Posted by Calista on 25 December 2016 - 16:31 in General Discussion

A xp global isn't introducing something new. It's showing how that area of the game works with nice incentives for those of us who prefer to skip it.

A composing global isn't introducing something new. It's showing how that area of the game works with incentives to get people to try it.

A pvp global needs to do the same. Give incentives to get people to try it out as it is in the game. Not something new.

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