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There have been 33 items by Kijjum (Search limited from 17-July 23)

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#936714 Last to Post is the Winner

Posted by Kijjum on 19 June 2015 - 15:10 in General Discussion


#936541 old scams collection (edited)

Posted by Kijjum on 18 June 2015 - 16:32 in General Discussion

10/10 would scam again

#936528 The Rock

Posted by Kijjum on 18 June 2015 - 15:26 in General Discussion

That's not the rock, this is the rock:


#936431 The Rock

Posted by Kijjum on 18 June 2015 - 04:31 in General Discussion


A wild worm appears on the microphone.

#932851 New PvP mode!

Posted by Kijjum on 17 May 2015 - 14:07 in Suggestions

Sounds very original. I like it.

#932729 Casino

Posted by Kijjum on 16 May 2015 - 15:43 in Suggestions

What about just a friendly card house? Or recreation area and you could win/buy decks of cards from the shop or vanity packs and just play different games without any currency being bet. Or you could do something where there's nothing at stake and players don't gain anything from it.

#932715 Casino

Posted by Kijjum on 16 May 2015 - 13:54 in Suggestions

Been mentioned in other threads, HCS do not have permission to implement gambling.

Permission? Would they need to put an age restriction on the game or is it all up to Hoof?

#932712 Casino

Posted by Kijjum on 16 May 2015 - 13:18 in Suggestions

How about a building in Eldevin City being used as a casino? This could be full of different card games or other mini games. This gives all players an opportunity to kill some time if they're not interested in doing anything else or even making some quick gold/ep. I think if the gambling is controversial we could just have a card house where players gain points, new achievements, or some vanity/items for winning.

#930061 12People in a group

Posted by Kijjum on 27 April 2015 - 21:34 in Bug Reports

Going to 40 man some dungeon?

#926809 Disable vanity in PvP!

Posted by Kijjum on 03 April 2015 - 16:24 in Suggestions

I don't think this will go through as they make vanity specifically for PvP


I totally agree with how wrong it is to hide behind vanity. You only show that you are weak and cannot win otherwise. Having to fool people in order to win is pathetic.

I wear vanity because it looks cool... I don't think anyone uses vanity as a tactical advantage, and if so, they must be hardcore going down to every aspect they can to win.

#924090 Flaming Skull missing neck

Posted by Kijjum on 18 March 2015 - 19:47 in Bug Reports

It's not a bug, see how you can see the blood and spine?

#914647 more inventory problems

Posted by Kijjum on 10 January 2015 - 21:08 in Bug Reports

I've actually lost a few sacks before, was weird I tried relogging and all that, could use some inventory rework.

#914620 Make Potions fit in Sacks

Posted by Kijjum on 10 January 2015 - 17:18 in Suggestions

Lunchboxes and beverage coolers!  :lol:

flasks, 3x2 coolers that carry way more potions, 2x2 lunchboxes for food :P make it fun XD

#913411 Account Trading Warning

Posted by Kijjum on 03 January 2015 - 21:12 in General Discussions

You can also protect your computer for free with AVG and avast! This is turning into an internet safety forum XD

#913405 Account Trading Warning

Posted by Kijjum on 03 January 2015 - 20:17 in General Discussions

Good to know I should never give out my info :P I thought these were happening from hacked Steam accounts or something to get their card info.

#913403 Account Trading Warning

Posted by Kijjum on 03 January 2015 - 19:48 in General Discussions

lol wtf?

#913396 Account Trading Warning

Posted by Kijjum on 03 January 2015 - 19:06 in General Discussions

:o How are they getting the card info?

#913317 Last to Post is the Winner

Posted by Kijjum on 03 January 2015 - 07:11 in General Discussion

Who has the most post ever? In all the mystic lands of the forums.

#913307 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by Kijjum on 03 January 2015 - 05:45 in Accomplishments

Damn, some heavy hits here. What's the world record? :o

#912757 Snowballs Cause Dismount

Posted by Kijjum on 30 December 2014 - 06:55 in Suggestions

Lol that could seriously annoy people XD but would be fun for some :P

#912597 Stuck "Authenticating" via Steam

Posted by Kijjum on 29 December 2014 - 04:43 in Bug Reports

Ah, thought it was just me, thanks Hoof <3

#912445 mini game mount racing mario kart style

Posted by Kijjum on 28 December 2014 - 08:36 in Suggestions

Haha I love it!

#912433 A View From Inside the Walls :)

Posted by Kijjum on 28 December 2014 - 05:48 in Bug Reports

When I get scared I always revert to my little hiding place in Betex Expanse (although nobody would ever willingly go there)
cHBBLc6.pngThe view from inside is a bit different and a bit scary

#911279 upside down launcher

Posted by Kijjum on 21 December 2014 - 15:05 in Bug Reports

lol that's weird did you try holding ctrl alt up arrow?

#910870 Coffee or Tea?

Posted by Kijjum on 20 December 2014 - 00:24 in General Discussion

I hate this question and refuse to answer.



Did something happen to you as a child involving coffee or tea?

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