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There have been 33 items by Kijjum (Search limited from 17-July 23)

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#910176 Coffee or Tea?

Posted by Kijjum on 17 December 2014 - 23:36 in General Discussion

I chose tea. It's sweeter to me. Also I'm not the best coffee maker :P


i picked tea because i drink it more often, in different incarnations


for my morning caffeine fix i usually go for a heavily caffeinated soda since a re-sealable bottle is safer than a cup of hot coffee

Right, you wouldn't want to spill steaming hot liquid all over yourself.

#910122 Coffee or Tea?

Posted by Kijjum on 17 December 2014 - 17:56 in General Discussion

Which do you enjoy more? Coffee or Tea?

#909660 Invisible object in TA

Posted by Kijjum on 15 December 2014 - 23:24 in Bug Reports

It's the token deposit :P I just wish I knew who you were... ya know, cause you covered your name and all.

#907167 Forums Suggestion *EDITED*

Posted by Kijjum on 05 December 2014 - 00:22 in Suggestions

Would be nice and simple :)

#903971 Theme Shop

Posted by Kijjum on 23 November 2014 - 22:43 in Market Place

Amazing themes, keep up the good work :)

#903902 Smarter PvP Matchmaking

Posted by Kijjum on 23 November 2014 - 18:10 in Suggestions

If they do end up implementing the dual build (one for PvE one for PvP) and some sort of gear system, I can almost guarantee 90% of the PvPers will spec some sort of magic build. I don't want to bow down to someone who wants to be a pretend wizard and pick an over-powered class. I want real skill involved like the game Chivalry, where you have to dodge attacks and swing at the right time. I don't want to have to crunch numbers to figure out who's going to win for sure, I want there to be a wild card so nobody knows for sure who will win. 

#903836 Smarter PvP Matchmaking

Posted by Kijjum on 23 November 2014 - 15:41 in Suggestions

Honestly they should just nerf everyone. It would be more fun with longer battles and having to think about what you're going to use instead of stun, snare, hit, next guy. It's boring. It really is. Then with the team matchmaking and unbalanced classes it just sucks even worse. I forget where but I think it was in some PvP forum someone said HCS doesn't plan on Eldevin being a PvP based game. If that is true then there is no point in playing the game :P just a more mature Club Penguin.

#903604 BUMP

Posted by Kijjum on 22 November 2014 - 16:24 in Suggestions

Maybe have a bump cooldown of 2-3 days or so

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