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#883686 Who is going to Host the new GGT & Who is going to Participate ?

Posted by volcom on 04 August 2014 - 17:12 in Graphics

GGT has been hosted by the queen herself, Cqinmi for a few years now. I don't see why that should change. Unless of course she is too busy this year or just doesn't want to anymore.


If that is the case, I may be able to host this year. I can't commit to it just yet as I have to see my work schedule first. 


But like I said, contact CQ first. She is great at this and has the respect and experience needed to efficiently and effectively run this event. 



#875472 Arena Update v2.48

Posted by volcom on 25 June 2014 - 14:25 in General Discussion

Is the token reward for runner up like what suggested in Arena tokens thread? or you changed it in your own way?


Yes that's something I'd like some clarification on.


Can we get the specifics please?

#875468 Arena Update v2.48

Posted by volcom on 25 June 2014 - 14:19 in General Discussion

Nice to see we are being listened to!

#873946 The Ladder is Broked

Posted by volcom on 19 June 2014 - 01:11 in General Discussion

Not to undermine what your saying mate but this is hardly the first thing that comes to mind when you think of how "the ladder is Broked". 


What about the deflect on ladder hits, bounty board farming for rating, the token rewards that are nearly worthless and many other issues. 


I do understand what your trying to say. But how about instead we make the ladder an aspect of this game that actually attracts many players. 

#869352 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 19 May 2014 - 02:53 in General Discussion

(raises his cane and shakes it at volcom)  You are a rude impertinent boy, but you apologize like a man.  For my part I forgive you.  It's not like the rest of us haven't put our foot in our mouths on occasion  and had to eat "sole food" :wacko:

    For my part I like the "old school" version.  It makes it much easier to police, and it also might save a pile of cummulative stamina.  It also might drag some of the obsolete gear out of the guild stores, as there are a few pieces out there with interesting stats when you use them without buffs.


Actually, I am a man. I won't say how old. Just old enough to be married and happily set in life. Old enough to have paid off all my college tuition and give 50% down payment on my house mortgage. 


But if I did come off as a "rude impertinent boy" I apologize.

#869344 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 19 May 2014 - 01:50 in General Discussion

1st and foremost, let me just point out, FFS would not be as hard to beat as you think. Most of their players ride in full epic sets while offline. No matter how well those are buffed, it is still easy to beat anyone in an epic set. I do give them a lot of credit though :) I learned a lot about GvG from W4W whilst I was at FFS.


As for the three different kinds of GvG Tourney Events


"No Limits": In all honesty, had I known there would be no limits on today's event, I would have gone all out too. This could work. Not my personal favorite idea but it seems a lot of people are down to do it so I withdraw my comments against it. My 2nd choice.


"The Dirty Dozen": I like the idea but this would be extremely hard to regulate. Lots of chaos would ensue when someone unknowingly or (pretending to be unknowing) buffed their guildmates with all the other buffs. So far this is my 3rd choice. 


"Old School": SOUNDS GREAT. Not easy to regulate but easier then "The Dirty Dozen". I think I did joke about doing a naked GvG event in the FS box at one point today but this sounds a lot better :) (sounds to me like someone is infected by the arena lol o.o) 1st choice and best of the three


These are all good idea's... but I do like "Old School" best (needs a different name though)... Maybe make it so only buffs lower then level 500 can be used or something like that... All these new buffs are kinda making it tough lol... But no buffs at all sounds great too.


Sorry if I came off as a jerk earlier... *mumbles* heat of the moment lol


Was fun. Can't wait till next time!

#869330 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 18 May 2014 - 23:58 in General Discussion

I understand your logic. 


Still, global pots and deflect being used is just ridiculous. Unless there is going to be an ACTUAL prize (say 500 fsp to the winning guild) I don't see the point in using them. 


I understand the whole "if you got it flaunt it philosophy" and in most cases I agree with it.


This however is not one of those cases. 


You are entitled to your own opinions though.


On another note, I agree 100% with BraveKath's point on sportsmanship.

#869326 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 18 May 2014 - 23:40 in General Discussion

Silent, now this is the kind of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM I was looking for.


You make solid points on everything you said however I still am not convinced that the ONLY advantage small guilds have is timing. Buffing up 40 players vs. 8 is a lot harder. We did buff all of our players but it was not an easy task. Think about it like this. We probably spent 15-20k stamina buffing our players today. Smaller guilds spent maybe 5k total or just bought all their buffs. 


But thank you for not attacking me senselessly and actually giving good feedback on MY suggestions.

#869321 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 18 May 2014 - 23:30 in General Discussion

Lies? Missed the part that was a lie. Let me know which one was.


TFS was NOT the ONLY guild that used deflect.

Like I said virtually every guild used it.

TFS was NOT the ONLY guild that used Epic (global pots)

LWS used it too

TFS was NOT the ONLY guild that was small and participated (in terms of active players)

Mithral Hall only has 9-10 active players and they too participated.

TFS was NOT the ONLY guild that talked smack.

LWS also talked smack and as did I. All in good fun. 

#869316 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 18 May 2014 - 23:22 in General Discussion

Actually, my suggestions do not SPECIFICALLY target your guild. 


TFS was NOT the ONLY guild that used deflect.


TFS was NOT the ONLY guild that used Epic (global pots)


TFS was NOT the ONLY guild that was small and participated (in terms of active players)


TFS was NOT the ONLY guild that talked smack.


How then am I TARGETING your guild?

#869305 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 18 May 2014 - 23:11 in General Discussion

LOL again you go for the insults. Thats okay. I still respect you.


As I mentioned in my EDIT, I DO NOT SPEAK FOR ALL OF ODP... Some of us were fine with how things went down. Some were not. 


Like I said, I'm surprised someone who is obviously an intelligent person can miss the meaning of the words MY SUGGESTIONS. 


I would finish the hits and return the favor DOM but as fate would have I have 0 targets in TFS. Hmm. 


Anyways, like I said it was a good effort by Brice... Just some kinks we need to sort out. 


And one more thing. You are speaking as if Rye is sole leader of ODP... Like I said before, we are ALL ENTITLED TO OUR OWN OPINION. I don't know if that concept is new to you but it's how its always been in ODP and always will be. 

#869299 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 18 May 2014 - 22:59 in General Discussion

LOL DOM I won't win a war of words with you thats for sure. If you will notice, I am not whining. I am giving suggestions on how to make the event FUN and FAIR.


To me bud, it seem's you are just mad that someone has the common sense to expose the advantage TFS holds over the rest of the guild. Tell me, how do you think KoFW and RA have such high GvG Ratings? A small guild will always hold an advantage over a large guild. 


You can attack me and insult me. I won't just shut up and not say anything. You are the one that seems to be whining about me speaking the truth. 


But yes, congrats on "winning" today. 



*** edit. I do NOT speak for my guild. These are MY suggestions and MY opinions. To say that I speak for all of ODP would be stupid because unlike some guilds, each and every one of us are ENTITLED to our OWN opinion. 

#869294 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 18 May 2014 - 22:43 in General Discussion

Lets see where do I want to start?


First off, I would like to thank Brice for his effort to bring forth a fun and enjoyable "Bloody Sunday".




What I saw and my suggestions for the next round (if there is one):


1) Deflect was being used by virtually every participating guild. ODP did not use it until we realized that EVERYONE else was using it. (Most of our players have deflect blocked anyhow).


2) MANY people were using epic (global event acquired) potions. These included SH 525 (with ZB 604) and all the ones that came along with that pot and the buffs in the Zorgrom Stash. This makes the target defenseless and the attacker near invincible. I suggest that such pots be banned from any and all future events. 


3) Although the smack talk was intended to be all in good fun, some people in the community did not appreciate it or took it seriously. In the future, leave the smack talk to PM's and not FS BOX posts. Some folks were annoyed by the "spam" we threw into the FS Box.


4) Create a bracket system. Guilds involved should have specific targets. They should know who to prepare for and who not to worry about. 


5) Either ban small guilds entirely, or create a separate "smackdown" for smaller guilds to compete with each other. I think we all know who I am talking about. The advantage these guilds hold over the rest of the participating guild is RIDICULOUSLY unfair. Think of it like this: They have maybe 5-10 people to buff EXTREMELY well and guilds like ODP have 40+ people to buff EXTREMELY well. When attacking and when defending, these guilds have the upper hand against ANY guild.


I know my suggestions will anger many of the guilds who participated or will participate in the future but I feel they are necessary in order to maintain a FUN AND FAIR competition amongst the best GvG guilds in the game.


IF I have upset you, feel free to message me in game and try to convince me WHY I am wrong. Do not just rant about how stupid my suggestions are without giving any constructive criticism. 


Congrats to The Firing Squad for "winning" today's Trial Run. 

#868140 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 12 May 2014 - 04:48 in General Discussion

31 people reading this and yet only 4 replies... COME ON PEOPLE GET TO TYPING AND GIVING INPUT :P


Hope I didn't scare any of you away :P

#868138 Guild vs. Guild 24hr Smack Down!!!! "A Storm is Coming...

Posted by volcom on 12 May 2014 - 04:33 in General Discussion



I've been having thoughts of a global competition amongst guilds for a long time and I'm glad someone has finally put the idea into words!


I am so pumped up already that I'm grinning from ear to ear while typing this (no joke). :D 


A few suggestions:


1) add a prize pot... I for one will put down 25 FSP to the victor guild ( how this would be determined IDK but we can figure it out...


2) DO NOT let guilds with less then 10 (TEN) ACTIVE members participate... (This is kinda iffy considering many of those small guilds are huge on GvG)


3) Add a side competition for those who are TRULY hardcore and want an ACTUAL WAR... I mean legit 100 stam hits that take XP and what not... The war would last for 1 week and the guild who takes the most levels from the other would receive 100 FSP (or something like that) from the losing guild.


LETS JUICE THINGS UP IN FS LAND FOLKS!!!! :)  ;)  :P  :D  :lol:  :( ^_^  

#867676 New Content. 2051 - 2075.

Posted by volcom on 09 May 2014 - 15:45 in General Discussion

Nice to see more content but can we also see some work on other issues such as PvP and arena? 



#863148 PvP: A Different Approach

Posted by volcom on 16 April 2014 - 04:56 in General Discussion

I'm going to cut quite to the chase, and you can hate on me for my opinion how much ever you please because its my opinion and I'm entitled to it. 


The only real way to "revive" PvP is to drop all the crap we added to the original PvP system. Yes that means a system where all players are on a universal ladder. I understand why you non-pvp players wouldn't like this but if you really value your XP so much, then you can buy PvP Protection just like the Cows intended for it to be used instead of whining and crying over getting hit for gold when you very much able to defend your gold and keep it from being stolen.


As of right now, it seems non-PvP players just want a win button so that they can't lose xp or gold. PvP is a major part of this game whether you like it or not. When the Cows introduced the new system, hundreds of players retired because it made the game boring and dull (many of them were PvP Players, notice how most of the 1000+ players stuck around after the new PvP system was implemented? And yet so many of the lower level, PvP minded folks just quit because the Cows ruined the one thing they did to have fun in this game.)


SO, in conclusion, my suggestion is, BRING BACK THE OLD PVP SYSTEM. 


Who knows, maybe some of the old-timers will come back and enjoy the game again. 





Disclaimer: If I have offended you (whomever you may be), please go to the game and find a bounty on me and smash me. Do not try to offend me by talking trash about me, yada yada yada. My post is not pointing at anyone in specific. It is just my opinion on how the game should be looking at PvP. 

#862650 My suggestion on reviving the Arena

Posted by volcom on 14 April 2014 - 05:41 in General Discussion

I actually feel that the opposite would be true volcom. By adding more arena moves it would make for a larger arrangement of combinations being used (assuming of coarse that the new moves were actually useful, unlike the poison and fire....). A larger arrangement of moves would mean that your moves can work specifically with a certain gear type rather than having a combat move set that can generically be used for several different gear sets. This would, in a sense, make it more likely for a novice to win an arena due to the increased variance of moves and gear customization, adding another level to the arena.

Nobody can blame "Epics" and "paying players" for arena wins, since the majority of epics are worse than the normal gear, and since legendary and crystalline items are at an all time low cost.. New moves could change the arena dynamics dramatically, unless of coarse you want to "dummy it down" by somehow making a player win by the roll of the dice. I feel that the customization of combat moves is what makes the arena stand apart from other "luck" based games... A good analogy would be slots vs. poker, whereas slots is 100% luck and poker is a combination of luck AND skill. This diversity is what keeps many of us interested in playing the arena and if it was any less diverse, I would not be playing the arena at all.

Currently, if you are using an attack/armor gear set then you are hoping your opponent is using a defensive gear set and you are also "hoping" that your opponent is not using an armor/damage set....etc.etc.etc.

What we need is a diversification of the combat moves so that it isn't so cut and dry, thereby reducing that "hope" (which is really just luck) of not being matched up with a certain player in a certain arena, and having it be more about having a good combination of combat moves, using moves that will enhance your specific gear type.

In reality, anybody could win any arena with a little luck (I've seen it happen when low level players enter an arena a couple hundred levels higher, and still win based on the above mentioned "hope"), or the classic deflect move that always seems to activate at just the right time, except when I am using it :).

I hope this makes sense.


I couldn't agree with you more that adding more moves to the arena would diversify arena strategy, etc. However, after a while, wouldn't you agree that some of the move combos would become dominant and everyone would be using them? Not only that, but more moves means more things for newer players to understand and the more likely they will get confused. Just my opinion.


As for the guild tag team match thing: I like the idea. Not good if guild gold is being used to join matches. 


Oh and I absolutely LOVE the idea of a clock on arenas. Would encourage a lot more people to join. Some of the numbers the post had didn't quite make sense but I'm sure that we could work it out.




Now. I'm sure we would all appreciate it if Hoof or BG would read through this topic and give us some feedback as to if any of our suggestions are even viable. If they can't/don't want to code a whole new part to the game, we can't really do much about it. If we could get a reply from the mods, would probably greatly increase the number of people who are posting their ideas in this forum. Or it could shut down the topic indefinitely. But I for one, would like to know what the Cows think

#861948 My suggestion on reviving the Arena

Posted by volcom on 11 April 2014 - 02:57 in General Discussion

I'm not sure, though. Making numbers is difficult. What about, the division only applies to the tokens and not for the items/gold??? Because if you put brackets for items and gold tourneys, that would make it unfair for some, I guess? The arena works by chances and no one surely wins at the point he joins the tourney. My point is players mustn't be bounded in joining arenas because they have lesser or greater wins. Everyone must be free to join tourneys because arena is like a lottery, they have the chance to win.


I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by "the division only applies to the tokens and not for the items/gold". Please explain? Would this mean there would be no brackets but there would be different token rewards for players?


The reason why I think a bracket system would be beneficial is that aspiring players won't be discouraged that someone with 100s of more arena wins than them will be the level of competition they will be facing. (Not sure if that made sense grammatically, but you get my point.


Assuring them that they will be playing against players that are at the same level as them will make the prospect of joining the so called "lottery" more appealing to them.


P.S. Joining arenas costs gold. The more gold we need = lower cost for FSP in Market. We need some way to create a gold sink, this seems as good an idea as any. (At least in my opinion). 

#861945 My suggestion on reviving the Arena

Posted by volcom on 11 April 2014 - 02:52 in General Discussion

Well I have 49 wins..... 45 were Novice wins for the moves... I would like to see some more moves added... The token Idea is great.. Some of my issues now is the high price to enter some with little return for the cost.... But I do still try a few now and then....


I understand why you would think that more moves would be better but trust me, the arena is already complicated enough as it is haha. More moves added wouldn't help make it any easier for newer players to try it out. 


There used to be a guide by Trackxyj (2nd in Arena wins, was first for a VERY long time) but for some reason when the cows started the new forum, his thread got lost in the process. I learned a lot from it even as a somewhat intermediate player. If I ever find the link to the google docs page, I'll be sure to post it in my bio. 

#861939 My suggestion on reviving the Arena

Posted by volcom on 11 April 2014 - 02:21 in General Discussion

I also am a Arena addict but I never win. I only won twice. I am in favor of the token system. 1-50 51-100 101-150 and so on just like Brice said. I also like the upgrading part. 


I was an addict as well up until a few months ago. I think making the brackets increase by 50 would be too tedious for not only the Cows but also for us as players. 


And as for Malphas's post. The bracket system would not necessarily slow down the speed at which players join arenas but rather it would make it quicker. The higher your bracket, the higher the prizes.


Let me clarify a bit. Players in lower brackets would be allowed to join higher level brackets. It would only be the elite players that wouldn't be able to join the lower level brackets.


Also, I understand that there aren't many players at 1000+ wins. I was only offering a hypothetical number. That should be discussed though so what would you say is a good number for the brackets? 

#861938 My suggestion on reviving the Arena

Posted by volcom on 11 April 2014 - 02:19 in General Discussion



Double posts :/ 

#861923 My suggestion on reviving the Arena

Posted by volcom on 11 April 2014 - 01:50 in General Discussion

Why hasn't this already been implemented??? It is a GREAT idea. I've seen various posts like this before and none seem to get much attention. Hopefully this one will get some exposure (considering we have on of the all time greats that started the thread). 


On to my thoughts:


Like I said, GREAT idea. It definitely could do for some refining and clarification though. 


First, my clarification request: Would people from lower brackets be able to join higher brackets? I.E. Would I, (in your definition an intermediate player), be able to join advanced/expert tourneys, or would they be reserved for the elite arena players? If they are reserved then I feel like it wouldn't be very fair to the lower level brackets. The same logic could work in vice versa but still, as you get up to the elite level, you deserve some actual competition lol. 


Second, how would the brackets be set up? IMO, a fair system would be the following:

Novice: 1-150 wins

Intermediate:151-300 wins

Expert: 301-1000 wins

God/Champion: 1001+ wins


Third, the token system is a good idea but it should not be limited to just personal upgrades. It could be that a player (ideally a guild leader or founder), wants to upgrade their guild. Or perhaps we could have a SEPARATE token reward system that would be for guild upgrades alone. This would encourage competition amongst guilds to tag arena sets and increase the competitiveness of arenas. MAYBE, just MAYBE, we could even have a guild ladder for collective arena wins. 


Your thoughts folks? Please explain what you would change about the idea or how you would improve upon it. Or if you don't like it, please at least explain why it wouldn't work or whats wrong with it. 


Just my two nickels.

#857746 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by volcom on 26 March 2014 - 19:45 in General Discussion

Can't bounty on bounty hunters? You must be kidding HCS... Kinda takes the BOUNTY out of the Bounty Board... You believe that this will help encourage people to bounty hunt? All its going to do is encourage them to get their free smasher medals (who almost everyone has now), even faster...


Plus, deleveling parties should always have the option for retaliation... 

#852764 G o t W VOTING THREAD :)

Posted by volcom on 02 March 2014 - 20:34 in Graphics

I vote for C ... amazing smoke effect and looks like they put in a bit more time than the other two contestants.

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