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#875334 Armor "weight" to effect haste/dodge/armor/defense/move speed. Also n...

Posted by thickenergy on 24 June 2014 - 23:16 in Suggestions

Those sorts of changes/additions would be wonderful.


I was going to Like your post, ernzor, but there seems to be a limit to the number Likes that can be done in a day. Just spent all mine in the 'chat mod' thread. <.<


So here's your +1. :)

#808896 Manners Maketh Man

Posted by thickenergy on 29 August 2013 - 01:54 in Suggestions

Nope, I understood. My comment was a general observation, not directed at you in particular, Kezza.


I doubt though that most rude people are rude by accident. They just don't care.

#808883 Manners Maketh Man

Posted by thickenergy on 29 August 2013 - 01:07 in Suggestions

This is a free-to-play, casual, browser-based mmo. If the rudeness quotient is getting to you now then your head is going to explode once the game goes live.

#808459 Boss balance

Posted by thickenergy on 25 August 2013 - 22:51 in Suggestions

I dunno. My experience so far says that you can either tank a boss or you can't, there's not much in between. Take the scorpion boss in Garai. Without a healer a tank pretty much has to kite the boss while others kill it because that poison is absolutely deadly to anyone that doesn't have a preposterous amount of health. If you screw up while kiting you're probably dead. To be clear, I'm talking about fighting the boss near the level of the instance. Soloing bosses at their level in this game is not an easy task, and it is already impossible for many of them. If you add in a bunch of other stuff to make them even more difficult to tank only the absolute most skilled players will be able to complete an instance at all without greatly out-leveling the instance.


I'm all for keeping things challenging, but without customizable difficulty settings a broad range of player skill has to be taken into account.

#808002 Some Temple moments

Posted by thickenergy on 23 August 2013 - 04:36 in Archived Bug Reports

The rocks can be dodged, but you'll still be hit if you are too close to the impact circle showing on the floor. You have to have some space between yourself and the impact circle to avoid the rocks. Being just barely outside of the circle isn't enough. 

#807013 Threat, Templar mixed build

Posted by thickenergy on 18 August 2013 - 03:00 in Archived Bug Reports

It's not that Impale is useless in terms of generating threat, but it's not going to do much by itself. High dps builds and healers generate too much threat themselves for Impale to really offset that. But like I said, a lot depends on what you're fighting.


One thing I've noticed is that there are a lot of people playing this game that aren't used to 3d MMOs. They aren't used to threat mechanics or how to manipulate them to their advantage. This is typified by the ranger or sorcerer who runs ahead of everybody else blasting everything in site, and often ending up a corpse as a result. Not that players familiar with MMOs never do that, but I've seen it far more often in this game and have talked to many players for which this is their first 3d MMO. I think there's probably a correlation.


Simply waiting a few seconds to engage so that the tank can get a little head start on establishing threat can go a long way towards group survivability. But I also consider it an individual responsibility to learn how to manage your own threat and keep yourself alive, particularly over the course of a long fight.

#806805 Threat, Templar mixed build

Posted by thickenergy on 17 August 2013 - 03:13 in Archived Bug Reports

Are you using Taunt?


Rangers generate a lot of threat because they deal a lot of damage. Even at level 35 with Defensive Stance, using Impale, the +25% threat generation talent, and a quickly recharging Taunt (10 secs), Healers and the higher DPS builds can still draw aggro away from me. Using Taunt helps to get things back in control, particularly on big bosses. A few back-to-back Impales can work on groups.


A lot depends on what you're fighting. In The Temple of Three for example, it can take a bit to get and keep the bosses' focus. You'll probably have to Taunt every time it's up. In other places and with other opponents they'll pretty much keep pummeling the tank w/o much effort on the tank's part.

#804256 targetting doesn't work on plagued beetles

Posted by thickenergy on 03 August 2013 - 21:42 in Archived Bug Reports

Squirrels and rabbits aren't hostile either but 'tab' doesn't have any problem selecting them. I think they may actually be the preferred target considering how many times I've been surrounded by a dozen owlbears, hit tab, and targeted a rabbit that wasn't even in range or on screen.

#801959 Dritten stuck in [34] Always Remember Your First

Posted by thickenergy on 24 July 2013 - 02:31 in Archived Bug Reports

I would be surprised if there's anyone who has done that quest that didn't end up dismissing Dritten or just losing him in general at some point. His A.I. is pretty borked.

#801406 [Implemented] Professions speeding up

Posted by thickenergy on 20 July 2013 - 21:23 in Archived Suggestions

It's not even an issue of crafting being 'painful'. That just tends to be the overall result in some people's opinions. What it comes down to is that if everyone can quickly and easily become a master craftsman, then they likely will do so. Which in turn destroys any semblance of a functioning economy in the game. You end up with far too much supply and far too little demand.


Whether this is a big issue for Eldevin I'm not really sure. Themepark games generally have very dubious economies anyway. But there have been mentions of an Auction House making it into the game at some point. If that's the case, then the balance of difficulty and time investment for crafting becomes much more important. 

#800698 crystal cutting quest - level 6

Posted by thickenergy on 15 July 2013 - 20:08 in Archived Bug Reports

I believe this is a known issue and should be getting a fix soon.


It usually a good idea, at least right now in beta, to take the quest then talk to the trainer again as if you were handing over the items. This will bring up the little window where you place the items so you can check on what the trainer actually wants. Just mouse over the blank item spaces.

#800586 Training Quest Reset

Posted by thickenergy on 15 July 2013 - 07:21 in Archived Bug Reports

Well, that's part of the problem. Maybe it SHOULD happen when you advance to a new repeatable quest, but it doesn't always do so. Sometimes when it does it has a very long delay in doing so.


If it's officially supposed to reset whenever you advance to a new repeatable that would be good to know so that I can leave that aspect out of my observations. Was it stated in an update post or something?

#800582 Training Quest Reset

Posted by thickenergy on 15 July 2013 - 06:26 in Archived Bug Reports

Okay, so I'm doing some weaponsmithing and as soon as I leveled from 5 to 6 the repeatable quest reset. No text in the general chat window, but I had talked to the trainer right before making the two items that leveled me. Then I talked to him right after and viola, quest was reset


I know this doesn't happen all the time when leveling as I've been checking. Seems unlikely that it was a complete coincidence though. It's also not so simple as leveling giving you access to the next higher repeatable quest causing a reset, as I've had it happen while still giving me the same quest I was doing previously or not resetting when leveling would change the quest. Then there's the random resets with seemingly no link at all.

#800479 Training Quest Reset

Posted by thickenergy on 14 July 2013 - 07:39 in Archived Bug Reports

Well, past midnight and none of the repeatable crafting quests I've done have reset again. These apparently random resets are pretty weird.

#800475 Training Quest Reset

Posted by thickenergy on 14 July 2013 - 04:23 in Archived Bug Reports

It looks like things may just be out of whack across the board. I started working on weaponsmithing this afternoon and did the daily quest. Now, maybe 5 hours later, the repeatable quest has reset. There was no message in general chat when I logged on that it had reset but when I talked to the trainer he gave me another weaponsmithing quest.


I know the reset wasn't related to logging off and on, as I got disconnected several times after doing the daily quest earlier today and the trainer wouldn't give me another quest. This has gotten to be one of the things I check regularly.


I'm wondering if the odd resets have something to do with increasing the level of your crafting skill, but that's just speculation.

#800464 [Under Review] Crafting XP proposal - it's a matter of time.

Posted by thickenergy on 14 July 2013 - 00:36 in Suggestions

If you're spending all day grinding out your crafting skill then you're not going to be leveling quickly anyway. In the early crafting levels it's very easy to stay ahead of the curve in terms of what you can actually use. It takes making around 30 or 40 items or so to reach level 5 in a crafting skill. Which is good for up to level 10 or 15 in adventuring levels, depending on if the crafted product is gear or a consumable.


The more you increase your crafting skill the more potent the rewards are from the daily quests. It takes fewer daily quests to level from 24-25 than it does to level from 2-3. So in the very early levels production quantity is a more important aspect. But you're producing very few items to see an increase in skill in those early levels.


Basically, you can do the same thing for hours on end needlessly and make the game feel like a grind or you can balance what you do during a play session. Keeping your crafting skills where you need them as well as questing, etc. all without any sort of grind. The crafting system in the game certainly isn't perfectly balanced but this whole grinding issue is a problem of mindset, not mechanics.

#800455 [Under Review] Crafting XP proposal - it's a matter of time.

Posted by thickenergy on 13 July 2013 - 23:11 in Suggestions

There's an easy way to level your crafting while gathering very few materials. Only raise your crafting skills by doing the repeatable quests. Spend the rest of your time doing other things, or perhaps gather materials and do the dailies for every craft.


As an example, I'm currently level 24 in armorsmithing. It will take doing the repeatable quest approximately 11 times to reach level 25. I can either go gather a handful of materials each day or make one trip for all the materials I'll need to do the quest 11 times. All I have to do is spend a very small amount of time each day, for 11 days, on my armorsmithing and I'll reach the next level.


Here's the thing. If you spend all your play time doing the same thing over and over endlessly, then OF COURSE whatever you're doing is going to feel like a grind. If you insist on leveling a crafting skill as quickly as you possibly can then that's on you. Nobody is making you do that. There are easier alternatives that don't require you to grind.


Just doing the repeatable quests every day, anybody can be a master craftsman in every craft in like three months time. With very little play time invested. That's without using XP potions. It doesn't get much easier than that. If you choose the path of the grind, that's your choice, but it's certainly not required.

#800439 Training Quest Reset

Posted by thickenergy on 13 July 2013 - 19:08 in Archived Bug Reports

When the Trainer reset at midnight I went from armorsmithing quest 8 to armorsmithing quest 9. I just logged on to do my daily crafting quest and I noticed the messages in general chat that said both armorsmithing 8 and 9 had reset. So maybe it's just armorsmithing 9 that's resetting oddly. I'll try and remember to check again at midnight tonight.

#800404 Training Quest Reset

Posted by thickenergy on 13 July 2013 - 08:13 in Archived Bug Reports

The repeatable training quests (for jewelry crafting and armorsmithing at least) have been resetting for me at 12:00 pm PDT. Tonight though the armorsmithing repeatable also reset at midnight as well. Can't speak for jewelry crafting as I haven't worked on it for at least a couple days.


So still some strangeness going on with the repeatables it seems.

#800402 Thread for Typos

Posted by thickenergy on 13 July 2013 - 07:47 in Archived Bug Reports

[24 Armorsmithing] Armorsmithing Quest 9


Trainer asks for chest and gloves, the quest text says chest and gloves, but the header and active quest text ask for chest and boots. Chest and gloves are what you're actually supposed to make.



#800355 [Implemented] Only one bank?

Posted by thickenergy on 12 July 2013 - 21:11 in Archived Suggestions

Design choices like that are made, for the most part I believe, because in a FTP game convenience aspects are usually monetized in some way. In this case it's the extra storage that's monetized. I don't have a problem with this as long as it doesn't get out of hand. HCS needs to pay the bills somehow, and if they have some reasonable monetization in an otherwise free-to-play game I'm certainly not going to complain.


FTP games walk a fine line between monetization choices that will result in profit and those that drive away their player-base. So far I haven't seen anything that seems too out of line to me.

#800346 [Implemented] Only one bank?

Posted by thickenergy on 12 July 2013 - 20:10 in Archived Suggestions

You may also want to invest some Eldevin Points in buying some large backpacks. That should greatly reduce the need to visit your vault as often.

#800341 [Implemented] Only one bank?

Posted by thickenergy on 12 July 2013 - 19:21 in Archived Suggestions

No, they don't all become available. The banks in Mythos and Illaneska don't allow you to access your storage yet. But you can access the banks in Nidaros and Roshaven. Once you've done the related quests you can also access your storage from the footlocker in your personal rooms in the Eldevin City barracks and the Arcane Sanctum. You can also use Eldevin Points to purchase Global Stash access items, letting you access your storage from anywhere.

#800150 [Implemented] thought of another sugestion... target party members...

Posted by thickenergy on 11 July 2013 - 07:41 in Archived Suggestions

There is a key +Tab command, but I can't recall what it is. Shift+Tab or Ctrl+Tab most likely.

#800046 Right Click - Destroy on useless drops

Posted by thickenergy on 10 July 2013 - 18:47 in Suggestions

I think an even better idea would be to not have these drop at all.

Considering that the vast majority of them aren't even worth salvaging for their vendor sell price, even at low levels, I have to agree. The only thing I made a point of picking up were the Old Boots dropped by the Crimson Macabre in Vestor Fields. One of the few 'trash' drops worth selling.


Unless there's a plan to make these items useful in some way, they don't seem to serve any purpose other than a very weak nod towards verisimilitude. Just out of curiosity, does anyone actually use the Soda Bread and Spring Water drops more than a couple times out of novelty? I can see how they might serve as an introduction to how food works in the game but that's about all.

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