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#975790 treasure chests

Posted by ironcire on 22 January 2017 - 01:06 in General Discussion

 Matt is onto something... I came to the forums to write a new post(but he has already mentioned it) about changing the icon color for chests to make them stand out more when searching, similar to how SE's are Bright Blue/Purple. I know this seems to trivial, but with the value that these treasure chest items are going for, and how rare it is to find them, they need to be color coded with a Bright, eye-catching color... Maybe bright green? This would help so much and keep our eyes from having to read every creature on every space to make sure we arent missing anything. This should have been instituted when chests were first introduced, im my opinion. 

#959554 Legendary Invasion!

Posted by ironcire on 20 February 2016 - 15:06 in General Discussion

Thank you very much for the awesome new LEs!! I have one small request, or generic feedback however; I always love new stuff, but if you look at all the new sets that were just put out by these 4 new LEs, their drops only take up 4 out of 9 possible slots... All four either drop a helm, ring, armor, or gloves. 


Why are we not seeing some more "interesting" combinations of sets? I'm tired of seeing the same ring/armor and the severely overdone Helm/Gloves combinations. Let's branch out and do something unexpected...  Shield/Ring, Amulet/Boots, Rune/Gloves, Rune/Weapon combos...  I think this would really give a lot more variety for setups instead of just replacing sets with slightly more powerful sets in the same item slots. 


Just my two cents... but I do appreciate you guys putting out new creatures, even if they didnt drop anything!  =)

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