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There have been 26 items by kisoku (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#1010407 Avatar Auction By - Kisoku

Posted by kisoku on 11 February 2024 - 21:19 in Graphics

AVATAR Auction is Complete all winners will be messaged for what they want the avatars to say. and for the auction payment! 

I am still looking for avatar ideas for the 2nd avatar auction. As soon as i get more ideas and get avatars made i will start another Auction thank you to those that participated. 

#1010296 Avatar Showcase & Store

Posted by kisoku on 26 January 2024 - 01:55 in Graphics

Updated my portfolio to better reflect current style as time goes on style may change slightly and wanted to make sure my art reflects the most recent appeal. 

#1010259 Avatar Showcase & Store

Posted by kisoku on 18 January 2024 - 20:36 in Graphics

Nice work




Why does my signature no longer show?


Thank you so much friend!! 




Looking for Ideas for the next auction, Got an idea from a player in the community and im going to from now on do auctions in segments. 

For every idea that i get that i can work with i will make 4 avatars in each category. Starting with Officially. 

Pokemon - 4 Avatars      [Will Update with Ideas] 

#1010252 Avatar Auction By - Kisoku

Posted by kisoku on 17 January 2024 - 21:06 in Graphics

Almightyxo 20fsp each on 2/8/10/16

Updated to reflect new bids!!!!



50 FSP [BIN] Slayer5678 on both 8 & 15! 






Dotaboys 50 FSP [BIN] #26 JujuPinky 


update 26, Dotaboys requested font from #5 for #26 love the idea and outcome. 

#1010226 Avatar Auction By - Kisoku

Posted by kisoku on 12 January 2024 - 21:18 in Graphics

26. 10fsp

Updated and thank you so much for your support!! 

Updated all current bids


And updated both Bought out images! 

#1010224 Avatar Auction By - Kisoku

Posted by kisoku on 12 January 2024 - 20:33 in Graphics

10 for #20

Updated and thank you so much for the support! 


50 on 27.InnerChainsaw and 50 on 3.Momo

Broooo thank you so much for the support and i deeply appreciate you! Message me directly with what you would like them to say and ill get them both sent over and posted on the auction <3 

#1010216 Avatar Auction By - Kisoku

Posted by kisoku on 12 January 2024 - 03:11 in Graphics

Kurapika 10 on 4,6,11, 9,22

10 on 4,6,11, 9,22


slayer5678 10 FSP 2, 8, 15

#1010215 Avatar Auction By - Kisoku

Posted by kisoku on 12 January 2024 - 02:55 in Graphics

Instead of doing 100 avatars in one auction i decided the best way to bring life to this forum is to do one monthly instead. Admittedly i was getting burnt out on trying to get 100 avatars in a timely manner and i think 25-27 is a very nice amount per auction/month Thank you for all support And sorry that i didn't provide what i initially promised. 




Min Bid:10 FSP [Minimum Required Bid]

Buy Now: 50 FSP [Gurante Avatar]


Begin Date: 01/11/24

End Date 02/11/24




Avatar Auction Begin:







2.DVAGum  10FSP Slayer



3.Momo     50FSP BIN Jude76!



4.YellowKnight 10 FSP Kurapika






6.SwordsmenOnePiece 10 FSP Kurapika



7. JuJuKakashi



8.Foxman 50 FSP [BIN] Slayer5678



9.MasterChief 10 FSP Kurapika


10.BigBangBakugo 20FSP Almightyxo



11.VengenceBatman 10 FSP Kurapika






13.DarkMagicianGirl 10 FSP Command






15.ToonRedEyes 50 FSP [BIN] Slayer5678



16.ChristmasElfLady 20FSP Almightyxo












20.Cheers Love        10 FSP Toji69



21.Sailor Moon



22.YodaBest 20FSP Almightyxo












26.JuJuPinky Dotaboys 50 FSP [BIN]




27.InnerChainsaw     50FSP BIN Jude76!


#1010169 Avatar Showcase & Store

Posted by kisoku on 04 January 2024 - 05:04 in Graphics

Not spamming just letting everyone know that checks the forums i will be working on a 100 avatar auction. This is going to take me some time to work on but id love ideas for the auction 

Shows, Characters, People, Ect that you would love to see included. 

#1010148 Avatar Showcase & Store

Posted by kisoku on 28 December 2023 - 04:43 in Graphics

Im using this as a place to showcase my art, and also do orders as well 

My Portfolio [Only recent art]




You may order or use this link just as reference to my Portfolio i will update it as i make more avatars that im happy with! 

I may not put every avatar i make up here haven't decided yet. 

Store prices currently:


1 Avatar - 7 FSP

10 avatars - 55 FSP

Lifetime avatars - 250 FSP

Lifetime Medium Guild avatars 450 FSP 
Lifetime Huge Guild Avatars: 800 FSP 

Guild Mini Easy: 2FSP [scale to difficulty] 

#1009502 Kisoku Anime Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 19 June 2023 - 01:00 in Graphics

Due to an unforeseen pc issue I had to reformat windows and reinstall and lost all my files auction will end now and I won’t be able to send avatars…. I’m devastated I’m really sorry guys

#1009474 Kisoku Anime Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 10 June 2023 - 15:45 in Graphics

#9 bin

Thank you so much for your support in both auctions my friend avatars made and posted and sent thank you!!!

#1009465 Kisoku Anime Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 07 June 2023 - 23:19 in Graphics


Welcome to the auction! And to the forums

#1009461 Kisoku Anime Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 07 June 2023 - 18:04 in Graphics

10 on 3 from KingKillz please

Updated thank you for your bid!!

#1009456 Kisoku Anime Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 07 June 2023 - 02:05 in Graphics

#12 Bought out my Bernkastel for 40FSP 

No longer avaliable and updated! Appreciate the support everyone!!!!

Bernkastel has just sent you 40 Fallen Sword Points.

#1009452 Kisoku Anime Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 06 June 2023 - 15:28 in Graphics

Chosenone6 Bidded on 

10 on 4,7,10,15,20,21 and 15 on 16

What a beast! thanks for the support chosen! 

BID - 10 on ( 4, 7, 10, 15, 20 & 21) BID 15 on ( 16 )

#1009449 Kisoku Anime Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 06 June 2023 - 05:08 in Graphics

1. Luffy1st: Bid 10 FSP -

2. Boruto:

3. SwordArt2ndSeason: BID 10 - Kingkillz

4. AnimeBuffMan: Bid - 10 Chosenone6

5.PinkhairGirlRedSuit: BID - 15 quorthon13


7.DrippingWithColor: Bid - 15 Command14

8.IchigoSunrise: BID - 5


10.HeyItsMeGoku: Bid - 10 Chosenone6


12.AnimeGirlSucker: Bought Out By Bernkastel 40FSP


14. Luffy2nd: Bid 5 098

15.TokyoGhoul: Bid - 10 Chosenone6

16. OnePiece: BID 15

17. AnimeGirlPeace:


19.Sakuna: Bid 5 098

20.JuJuKaisenKakashi: Bid - 10 Chosenone6

21.Deku: Bid - 10 Chosenone6




Avatar Auction:

Minimum Bid: 5 FSP

Buyout Price: 40 FSP

I did not get to make as many avatars as i wanted too for this auction, But im very happy with the results of the avatars.

This time i wanted to make sure that we had a good mix of anime girls and guys for more variety i know ive seen in other auctions where the ladies have been discouraged with the lack of options! I hope that i brought a good mix for everybody!

Auction Begins NOW

Auction Ends 6/30/23

If you buyout an avatar i will get it made up for you ASAP. I appreciate any and all support you guys send my way!


#1009436 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 02 June 2023 - 14:32 in Graphics

Thank you to everyone that bidded images will be sent out once I’m home much love!

New auction will be 30 images and anime themed. Be ready <3

#1009435 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 01 June 2023 - 13:46 in Graphics

Ill bid 5 on number 4 toga

Updated I abbreviated since I’m on phone to just DK appreciate the bid and support!

#1009432 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 31 May 2023 - 21:53 in Graphics

WERE BACK! and really rusty, But we are starting off a avatar auction i am getting my pieces together here:
Minmum bid 5FSP
Buy now 40FSP
1st. MiniPoolK7MYugR.pngzBenhyc.png Bid: 40 FSP Paingwin Bought now
2nd Avatar:DekuHQVQpzn.png Bid: 5 Soul
3rd Avatar: SpoodermanUjnNiwe.png Bid: 5 Soul
4th Avatar:TogafVdEAYk.png
5th avatar:Pokemon2okcIih.png Bid: 10 2119112
Auction will officially start on the 19th and end on the 2nd of next month
Due to me being out of state during the 19th i will not be able to send out winnings until after i get back around the 27th-28th so dont rush to send me FSP until then!
[Giving me time to get a few more avatars in time!]
My avatars are not text slaps and genuine work so give me some time the next couple days to add more before the 19th it may not be a huge auction but im starting small and depending on interest and how many people are still around ill do a bigger auction!
I got as many avatars done as possible
Bids may start on the 19th! Good luck to everyone and sorry that its such a small auction.

Updated with new bids sorry

#1009431 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 31 May 2023 - 14:34 in Graphics

bin mini pool

Thank you for the generous bid and the support avatar will be sent and posted soon

#1009428 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 30 May 2023 - 21:16 in Graphics

WERE BACK! and really rusty, But we are starting off a avatar auction i am getting my pieces together here:
Minmum bid 5FSP
Buy now 40FSP
1st. MiniPoolK7MYugR.png Bid: 25 Scamperdog
2nd Avatar:DekuHQVQpzn.png Bid: 5 Soul
3rd Avatar: SpoodermanUjnNiwe.png Bid: 5 Soul
4th Avatar:TogafVdEAYk.png
5th avatar:Pokemon 2okcIih.png Bid: 5 Arnita7
Auction will officially start on the 19th and end on the 2nd of next month
Due to me being out of state during the 19th i will not be able to send out winnings until after i get back around the 27th-28th so dont rush to send me FSP until then!
[Giving me time to get a few more avatars in time!]
My avatars are not text slaps and genuine work so give me some time the next couple days to add more before the 19th it may not be a huge auction but im starting small and depending on interest and how many people are still around ill do a bigger auction!
I got as many avatars done as possible
Bids may start on the 19th! Good luck to everyone and sorry that its such a small auction.

15 on 1!

Scamperdog DM me with a bid of 25 on minipool!

Updated to show current bids!

#1009425 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 29 May 2023 - 01:48 in Graphics

15 on 1!

15 on 1!

nice to see a former customer bid!!!!! I will update thank you so much

#1009416 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 25 May 2023 - 17:19 in Graphics

Nice work! I'll bid 5 on 2 and 3.

Thank you so much I will update your bids now!!!

#1009378 Kisoku Avatar Auction

Posted by kisoku on 19 May 2023 - 16:55 in Graphics

It is officially started let’s show people that the graphics department isn’t as dead as people think!

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