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#853685 Development Roadmap (Updated 7th Mar 2014)

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 06 March 2014 - 21:31 in General Discussion

GvG needs attention - simple moves can improve it so very much, and I see no harm in trying something that isn't a complete alteration of GvG as we know it now. 


How do you start - quarterly resets.  Every 3 months reset top rated list.  Why; because the top is stagnant, and upcoming guilds so far from getting close - it's downright discouraging.  


Reward the top at each reset; nothing fancy - just a little boost of RP to the tops - further increases incentive to compete.  GvGers are very proud, and little incentive is needed imo. 


                1st - 300 RP

                2nd- 200 RP

                3rd- 150 RP

                4th & 5th - 100 RP

                6th-10th- 75 RP

                11th-25th- 50 RP


Don't go introducing more gear to be made with RP - want to include some updated buff packs that are with the times = great (buff packs that support the fields from which the currency to buy them is spawned would be an amazing revelation - titan hunting + GvG friendly packs) - but don't overdo it on the rewards. 


New guild medals in same light of ones recently introduced to recognize outstanding achievement on guild scale would be nice perk too..they can in themseves do something small like the current "
Guild Achievements " do - can represent few different catagories - top dogs, top 5, etc. 


I think this is good base idea to try.  There is no harm that can come of it in my opinion.  I believe it will create a new buzz in game; and many would be shocked at what doing a little can bring to a dying field. 


Thanks for reading; feedback, suggestions, etc ~ Rye


Totally agree here. This solves so many issues with GVG and with Top Guilds. Most of the top guilds are ones with 1 active player. Those should not be there.

#851108 Arena tokens

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 22 February 2014 - 12:31 in General Discussion

Lol, just realized that this is the same 2 year old thread that i was speaking about in my previous post. :blink:


Glad to see that it is still alive and that it got so much positive feedback. I can already see the Arena Bazaar open where you can buy arena rewards for token :)

#851574 Arena tokens

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 25 February 2014 - 06:57 in General Discussion

hope we can get new things for Arena and Ladder too.



I agree with you 100%. I think titans are good, hunting is good, caves could be looked into (and they are sometimes.) Mostly, Arena and the PVP ladder need some work. Perhaps and IRC chat regarding arena when your time allows, HCS?

#851106 Arena tokens

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 22 February 2014 - 12:22 in General Discussion

I totally second that idea. It has been suggested before and it had positive feedback from Hoof. I think it was forgotten though, I hope it gets some focus again after sexy me +1ed it :P

#841491 Game Update v2.39

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 16 January 2014 - 20:22 in General Discussion

Make expiry 5 minutes too. 10 minutes is too long i think.
Make expiry 5 minutes too. 10 minutes is too long i think.

#841488 Game Update v2.39

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 16 January 2014 - 20:20 in General Discussion

Why not make it a double handshake thing.
Player A asks for package 1 from player B.
Player B accepts to sell player A.
Player A accepts to pay.

Not until player A accepts that he gets buffed and payment is made.

#791684 Composing - In Detail

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 28 May 2013 - 12:21 in General Discussion

You are just jealous cuz I'm sexier than you.

#791676 Composing - In Detail

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 28 May 2013 - 11:52 in General Discussion

Perhaps rare and unique items would give fragments that can be used to make gems that boost enhancements only.


LE and SE would give fragments that can be used to make gems that boost stats


Epic items would give fragments that would boost Stam gain or XP gain. (also needs a solution to the inferno hammer, steamwork cuirass, and the reborn elemental weapons. or maybe they would just rise in price and things will be normal again.)

#791675 Composing - In Detail

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 28 May 2013 - 11:47 in General Discussion

Composing could be the mod that FS needed. But, I really hope the rewards would be worth it. Honestly, I was hoping for something a bit different.


Same applies for getting fragments, but instead of making pots through them, you make gems. Gems can be attached to any item you want giving it permanent stat boosts, enhacement boost, or even maybe stam or xp gain, yet, that item becomes bound, and to unbound it, you have to destroy the gem attached to it.


The degree of boost that the gem would give is relavent to the amount of fragments used to make it, and the quality of those fragments. (you would need epic fragments to make a stam boost gem.)


I think this would have many people using lots of old gear all over AH to boost their current gear.

#791679 Composing - In Detail

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 28 May 2013 - 11:58 in General Discussion

Immagine what would boosting stats mean to arena and gear in arena. There would be overpowered items..

Doesnt have to apply on arena stats. lol

#791681 Composing - In Detail

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 28 May 2013 - 12:13 in General Discussion

I think that would be realy confusing..so i dont see that happening

Why would it be confusing? some arenas do not count forge bonuses. Relic bonuses and buff bonuses do not count, why would this be any different?

#829236 Hellforging Improvements

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 11 December 2013 - 14:42 in General Discussion

I honestly think that gold cost should not be touched.

It is unfair for those who already paid heaps to forge. Plus, a cap on cost is unfair when the reward is a percentage addition to stats. That means that the five forges on an item with 1000 attack and 1000 damage will add 500 attack and 500 damage to it, while a lower level item with half the stats would get half the bonus.

With this fix, instead of lowering the cost, we would have increased the reward to be propportional to the cost.

#845666 Game Update v2.43

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 01 February 2014 - 20:49 in General Discussion

On second thought, hoof, this update is good for new players. High competition dropped buff prices a lot. On that side,i like it. But i m afraid of he future. It did kill the market for the active high level players. They cant sell buffs that cheap (stalker for 45k gold now) so the buffers are mostly inactives on auto. But still, it has a good side.

#845284 Game Update v2.43

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 30 January 2014 - 21:11 in General Discussion

Hey Hoof. As much as I appreciate the recent efforts u guys have been putting into FS lately, I think this exploitable auto buff update could really destroy FS.

I agree with the reasons u had to introduce this, in the first place, but I think there is a minor tweak that would limit possible abuse (by setting limits to 100 and going on autorefresh):

Make the limit 1 instead of 100. So now the buff is autocast once. Yet, when used, the buffer gets a message similar to this, with a refill option:
Player x has purchased your buff package abcdefg for 1 FSPs. [Refill Buff]

If buffer misses refilling his buffs here, he can still refill them in his manage buffs page.

This way, a player on auto refresh would only be able to sell a buff once (fix the ability to list the same buff several times).

Just crossed my mind, but perhaps make refilling buffs cost gold, and gold cost increases with buff level (by buff lvl i mean 1200 buff or 1600 buff)

I hope my idea makes sense and cheers to u guys.

#845308 Game Update v2.43

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 30 January 2014 - 22:38 in General Discussion

Hoof, I agree that this update has its good aspects and I think I know why you think it is applicable. But honestly, I dont think it was hard to find buffs before. Though this update allows lower level players to compete, which is what I like about it. But I really think there is a harmful part about it.

Most of us play FS for the friends we made here. This game has an amazing social aspect. I would rather we do not introduce a new system that decreases this aspect. If it was up to me, the fshelper "find buffs" should also be removed. I used to add players who sold fair priced buffs as enemies so I can use them again. I made good friends that way. Players used to advertise their cheap buffs in order to sell. Now it's just like AH except you cant even bargain for a cheaper deal. So this, in my humble opinion, helps destroy an aspect that made this game so good.

I know a lot of work was put here mate, but I do hope you consider the points hat many players are pointing out in this thread.

Regarding the possibility to script that, anything can be scripted, but scripting is against the game rules, while auto refresh isnt. This update allows any player to "legally" abuse the system. (I think autorefresh should not be allowed anyway)

Again, thanks for putting more efforts in this game and I hope you do consider the suggestion I made in my previous reply. Might be a good gold sinc too.

#784220 Beginning Zone Changes

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 10 April 2013 - 04:04 in General Discussion

Guys, I had hidden 12000 FSPs in a corner in Fire Chasm. Please send them to me when you come across them ;p

#781449 New Skills

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 14 March 2013 - 17:11 in General Discussion

Good to hear. New buffs have been long awaited. I hope they are spread across the leveling tree too. Lower level players could enjoy something new too and EOC is not so easy to achieve.

Also, I hope this will happen soon guys. We really miss seeing something new around :)

keep up the good work.

#843704 Mouseover Update

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 24 January 2014 - 23:17 in General Discussion

I am using firefox 27 on windows 7.


when i put my mouse over an item, it starts to load the mouse-over screen then that screen flashes and disapears. Then when I move the mouse away and put it over the item again, it works.

#849910 New potion bazaar pots

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 17 February 2014 - 17:18 in General Discussion

I was just thinking that we could add some nice new buffs in the form of potions to the special section in AH and in potion bazaar. These could form a good gold sinc.

Potion name: FS Energy Drink
Buff name: Energize
Buff level: 100
Buff duration: 120 minutes
Description: while the buff is active, player gets an extra 1 stam gain for every 100 points in skill.
Potion cost: 50,000 gold minimum bid in AH and potion bazaar goes according to AH bids as usual.

Potion name: Richman's Energy Drink
Buff name: Ubergize
Buff level: 200
Buff Duration: 150 minutes
Description: while buff is active,and at every stam gain (tic), player spends 50,000 gold and gains 1 extra stam for every 100 points in skill.
Potion cost: 50,000 gold minimum bid in AH and potion bazaar goes according to AH bids as usual.

Potion name: Potion of Rejuvination
Buff name: Rejuvinate
Buff level: 150
Buff duration: 30 minutes
Discription: when buff is activated, all skills' duration currently active on player are extended by 0.05% per point.
Potion cost: 100,000 gold

#849922 New potion bazaar pots

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 17 February 2014 - 18:49 in General Discussion

Numbers could be changed. I didnt do the math. Or maybe durations could be increased.

#851429 50 FSP Avatar contest

Posted by Jonah Tebaa on 24 February 2014 - 08:21 in Graphics


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