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There have been 33 items by DarkWillie (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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#845816 Hunting Map Titan Kill Count

Posted by DarkWillie on 02 February 2014 - 18:05 in General Discussion

Totally! We have the personal counter for our kill count on the global events... this should be doable... even if it is just a personal counter for the titan.

#835368 Santa as Finally Arrived to Graphic Town

Posted by DarkWillie on 28 December 2013 - 20:33 in Graphics

Sorry :( I dropped in on you a few times to see if I could figure something out (totally forgot about the sack people darn it!) and just settled on something warrior-ish... I'm not a big fan of anime either so I feel ya... here's the stocks... I tried to track em down in planetrenders but couldn't so uploaded them to my photobucket







#835304 Santa as Finally Arrived to Graphic Town

Posted by DarkWillie on 28 December 2013 - 14:23 in Graphics

Thanks Patnov! Lovin' it!

#829156 Christmas Exchange

Posted by DarkWillie on 11 December 2013 - 05:59 in Graphics

As busy as I am this time of year, I'd like to get in on this... please count me in :)

#826930 2013 Grand Graphics Tournament Round 5 Theme

Posted by DarkWillie on 08 December 2013 - 06:34 in Graphics

Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us!

#823927 GGT Voting Round 4 -- Ancient Deities.

Posted by DarkWillie on 01 December 2013 - 19:59 in Graphics

Wow... nice work all...


Group 1


A - 8 well thought out... excellent compilation of images which seem to blend very well... text could have been a little better

B - 8 I really like this piece, and I like what the artist has done with it


Group 2


A - 10 Great use of the render... well placed and love the depth that the background gives to it... great text!

B - 7 nice piece, not amazing, but I can tell some work went into it


Group 3


A - 7 Love the idea and well executed... not sure how many people have tried to look at lightning close up, but I'm sure that is what it would look like up close and personal... I took a point for the text though :( something this cool should have text that reflects it... also the background leaves something to be desired.

B - 8 great use of the render and c4d... love the text... could have done more with background as well... got to admit, I did not care for it at first but the more I looked at it, the more I liked it

#821881 GGT Voting Round 3 -- Black & White with a Touch of Color.

Posted by DarkWillie on 22 November 2013 - 13:18 in Graphics

Just quick notes for votes... will elaborate if time permits... just don't want to miss my chance again...


Group 1

a - 9 excellent!

b - 6 I like it, but the image is a little blurry


Group 2

a - 8 I really like this one

b - 7 Excellent work as well, the other just appealed to me more


Group 3

a - 6 I can appreciate the work but I don't care for the image

b - 4 hmmm...


Group 4

a - 7.5 Good work... well layered

b - 7.5 Not my favorite piece but cudos to the artist.

#818644 GGT AUCTION -- Featuring pieces from many of FS's finest avatar/signature...

Posted by DarkWillie on 05 November 2013 - 23:36 in Graphics

I think the only thing I won was the #66 sig... I like the way the artist put Grand Graphics and then the GGT behind it... for my text I would like DarkWillie with DW behind it please.


23:37 05/Nov/2013
Ignore ] You sent cqinmi 5 FallenSword Points

#817815 GGT Voting Round 1

Posted by DarkWillie on 29 October 2013 - 00:38 in Graphics

G1 -

 a - 6 - It gets the idea of the theme across, but I'm not really feeling the effects used to blend the images together, they still seem like separate images to me. Text could be better, and possibly positioned differently.

 b - 7 - Theme is represented well, I like the colors and the blending... I'm not real keen on the Eiffel Tower image swirling around with the clocks. Text fits well


G2 - 

 a - 5 - very blurry, I get the point, but it would not be apparent without knowing the theme... no comment on the text :(

 b - 5 - very simple, text is very plain and poorly positioned.


G3 - 

 a - 2 - looks like a render slapped on a background with text slapped on it... I know what it is, and where it is from, but I'm still looking for the reindeer (I think it is the text that is causing that though).

 b - 1 - wow :( wow... wow... yeah, so I used tineye on this one and my fears were well founded... 1 image faded over another with the main character erased around and text slapped on it. If you are going to do that, at least do some tutorials for the text from youtube and make the text look good.

 - I'm feel bad for giving marks so low in this group, and I'm sorry if I have offended either of the artists here :(


G4 - 

 a - 9 - big Back to the Future fan... very good representation and love the effects... the text speak for itself! Cudos!

 b - 6 - nice effects, but the background lighting should be higher (when looking at the lighting on the characters). probably would have given higher marks if I could give more than 15 per group.


G5 - 

 a - 8 - Nice lighting, nice text... very clean and very clear! (Just wish I could read the little stuff lol)

 b - 7 - Very well done, love how you added the car in the back! too bad you had to be in the same group you two... very hard to split the 15 here.


G6 - 

 a - 6 - nice effects... not feeling the colors as much, but well blended... nice text!

 b - 6 not sure if this has to do with time travel or not, I like the effects though.


G7 - (how many groups are there!?)

 a - 6 - The theme is clearly represented here, My only issue is the character doesn't blend in with the image itself... looks too much like a render pasted on a background. Text is good and background is very well done :)

 b - 7 - I have to say that the only thing I don't like about this one is year of the future side... 31,440 my head is spinning lol!


2 notes to the artists... 


1. I read the voting and understand that I have 15 pts to distribute between the 2 entries and that there is a max of 10 pts to be awarded to an individual image so if I didn't distribute the 15 pts its because I'm old school and am awarding pts based solely on the 1-10 scale.


2. My votes are not an attack on you personally and are merely my opinion (as uneducated as it may be)... please don't take offense.

#816225 GGT AUCTION -- Featuring pieces from many of FS's finest avatar/signature...

Posted by DarkWillie on 14 October 2013 - 02:27 in Graphics

5 FSPs on 28, 33, 46, 57, 63 and 66

#816222 Patnovs AVI Auction 13.10 to 19.05 (SOLDOUT)

Posted by DarkWillie on 14 October 2013 - 02:16 in Market Place

BIN on Raphael please - DarkWillie as text

#815761 So who's entering the GGT this year? :)

Posted by DarkWillie on 10 October 2013 - 03:24 in Graphics

Looking forward to this GGT... wish I could play, but work is insane and only gonna get worse the closer we get to Christmas... as long as aa keeps us updated, I will stop in and vote though... good luck to all and looking forward to the auction!

#796259 Jsustin's Auction Hut

Posted by DarkWillie on 18 June 2013 - 02:14 in Market Place

3 on 4 and 3 on 9 please jsustin

#782287 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 25 March 2013 - 02:39 in Market Place

01:07 25/Mar/2013
[ Report | Ignore ] aaaboy says: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=109066 id like to bid 1fsp for #7 and how much is it to BIN?

#782286 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 25 March 2013 - 02:38 in Market Place

auction goes through the 25th... sorry uhsword :(

#782275 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 25 March 2013 - 00:28 in Market Place

thanks for the bid... updated :)

#781974 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 21 March 2013 - 22:55 in Market Place

21:58 21/Mar/2013
[ Report | Ignore ] Stoiki2000 says: 1 fsp on 5 avi in http://tinyurl.com/DWGFXAviAuction

#781728 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 18 March 2013 - 03:36 in Market Place

02:48 18/Mar/2013
[ Report | Ignore ] iron300 says: I would like bid 3fsp on 1,4 and 10

#781724 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 18 March 2013 - 01:34 in Market Place

01:33 18/Mar/2013
[ Report | Ignore ] adky3 says: ill bid 1 FSP on #2 in you\'re auction please.

#781400 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 14 March 2013 - 01:00 in Market Place

Kinda like this...

Posted Image Posted Image

The color will change to the fallensword game background when you upload it there... I will put it on so you can see.

#781305 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 13 March 2013 - 03:05 in Market Place

01:55 13/Mar/2013
[ Report | Ignore ] JetPerfect says: Can you do number 8 with an invisible background if you know how to do that? You know,,, just the ridic? And my name at the top. Thanks. If not,,, no worries.

03:01 13/Mar/2013 To JetPerfect: yes, I can do that... you want to buy it now with no background?

#781303 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 13 March 2013 - 02:55 in Market Place

Thanks for bidding :)

#781187 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 12 March 2013 - 02:34 in Market Place

00:09 12/Mar/2013
[ Report | Ignore ] yomama123 says: may i place a bid on #10 for 1 fsp please :) really need a new avi and i really like yours :D

#781186 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 12 March 2013 - 02:33 in Market Place

23:58 11/Mar/2013
[ Report | Ignore ] kryo13 says: ill bin 6 if no one else has.

#781066 Avi Auction - ENDED

Posted by DarkWillie on 10 March 2013 - 22:52 in Market Place

These are the current bids and bidders

1. BIN - iron300
2. 1FSP - adky3
4. BIN - iron300
5. 1FSP - Stoiki2000
6. BIN - kyro13
7. 1FSP - aaaboy
9. 2FSPs - pure12322
10. BIN - iron300
11. BIN - jzaz

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