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There have been 34 items by RedFinn (Search limited from 23-September 23)

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#994120 Restart the game on a new server but keep the old aswell.

Posted by RedFinn on 20 September 2018 - 16:50 in General Discussion

haha what can i say, i was a rebellious kid lol  :ph34r:



#994116 Restart the game on a new server but keep the old aswell.

Posted by RedFinn on 20 September 2018 - 14:21 in General Discussion

Also, I got this awful name when I was like 11/12 yo and I thought the ingame name was a username so got stuck with it lol 11/12 years later and a part of me dies every time I see it so would love a new name on a new server lol. irrelevant but makes me laugh

 Arent you supposed to be 13 to start the game lol :P

#994044 anyone cant log in?

Posted by RedFinn on 17 September 2018 - 13:44 in General Discussion

That's just it. It wasn't the game. This is not a problem that originates from HCS.

~ Grim


But it only affects on FallenSword? 


I am not going to try "Please hold, customer service is busy at the moment" phone calls to my ISP just because I cant log in to one website. I will just go to other websites. Thanks.

#994032 PvP Toplists

Posted by RedFinn on 16 September 2018 - 21:26 in General Discussion

Well didnt they once remove all prestige off us, and give a silly pot in return?


If they are going to put a toplist, or a medal for prestige after that, I will be very disappointed.

#993991 anyone cant log in?

Posted by RedFinn on 14 September 2018 - 11:09 in General Discussion

Couldnt log in via mobile all day at work, I actually had to do real work!



#993713 Bit Coin Payment

Posted by RedFinn on 23 August 2018 - 13:24 in General Discussion

I wouldnt go there. 

#993480 Join us on Discord!

Posted by RedFinn on 14 August 2018 - 19:44 in General Discussion

didn't the cows used to skype with players? or was it IRC


i'm trying to remember the reason why they stopped 


too busy, i guess


Dunno about skype, but they hung out in FallenSword IRC a few times, when it was up and running.

#993476 Join us on Discord!

Posted by RedFinn on 14 August 2018 - 16:28 in General Discussion

I didnt know we needed another platform for our posts to be ignored and ideas/opinions to be ridiculed by fellow gamers.


But thanks!

#993453 Done with PVP.

Posted by RedFinn on 13 August 2018 - 14:10 in General Discussion

What is this PvP everyone keeps talking about?

#993287 Done with PVP.

Posted by RedFinn on 31 July 2018 - 17:42 in General Discussion

But... but... I WANNA!!!!

#993286 EOC Bottle-neck

Posted by RedFinn on 31 July 2018 - 17:37 in Game Content

Problem is, I can't understand what's wrong about losing xp and gaining it ag



I suppose many of the EOC are forced to do just that, which kinda sucks.. I guess. Dunno, never been there. Bur hey, at least they get their pretty medals!

#993267 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by RedFinn on 30 July 2018 - 14:32 in General Discussion

Accidentally posted 🤚


#993265 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by RedFinn on 30 July 2018 - 13:39 in General Discussion

Hows this going..? ;)

#993202 Done with PVP.

Posted by RedFinn on 27 July 2018 - 05:58 in General Discussion

Although, I also did about 150-200 GvGs, without a single loss in a combat, so countering the "2%" is not that hard, as been pointed earlier in this thread. Just takes more (and not even that much more) effort than finding a high defense set.


I personally enjoyd PvP/GvG more on those occations when I had to actually think about what I was doing, and not just click-click-click my way through.


Dont do that much anymore though, but thats not becuse of 2%.

AHM The Evil Dead guild offers great many tips for pvp/gvg and will set you on your road to success!  :D

Also this.

#993199 Done with PVP.

Posted by RedFinn on 27 July 2018 - 05:22 in General Discussion

True, the "2%" might not exist at all, could be more like 3,4%...


I once did about 5000 hits and got 3,4% if I remember right.

#993168 Fix game already!

Posted by RedFinn on 26 July 2018 - 13:32 in General Discussion

Hi guys,


Everything appears to be working as normal today! Sorry for any inconvenience caused.  ^_^ Is anyone still experiencing issues?


~ Zue

I have great many issues, but thats between me and mu therapist. Thanks!

#993167 Improving Gvg/Pvp

Posted by RedFinn on 26 July 2018 - 13:27 in Game Content

Not everyone uses helper, mind you.

#993102 Medal Progress

Posted by RedFinn on 23 July 2018 - 15:35 in Game Help

Cow math, good luck with that  :D

#993008 Its almost Friday, quality thread time

Posted by RedFinn on 19 July 2018 - 16:17 in General Discussion

If only I could be as optimistic about the app as some.


Having spent 10 years on the game, and doing pretty much everything there have been to do, nowadays I dont do much else than level. Everything else has turned, well, stale and uninteresting.

I believe the app might bring in some new players, just not so sure they will want to stay.

But, lets hope for the best.

Dunno if I will be around to see that though. We will see.

#992563 Epic Quest Line - The Fallen Sword Cube

Posted by RedFinn on 26 June 2018 - 18:32 in General Discussion

Hey, how you doin'?

#991659 gvg

Posted by RedFinn on 27 April 2018 - 11:23 in General Discussion

Look on the conflict page....it tells you when it ends!!   :rolleyes:

You dont have access to a conflict page if you leave a guild :P

#991657 gvg

Posted by RedFinn on 27 April 2018 - 11:04 in General Discussion

There must be a way around this for players who had no idea what they were getting into?

I want to join a new guild and it wont let me and I have absolutely no idea how long it will take?

Not like its going to take a year. Its a day, at max. 


But I agree, a counter would be nice. For folks that need it. 

#991425 Thieves in the Night I

Posted by RedFinn on 16 April 2018 - 14:31 in General Discussion

Grim forgot his password, sorry folks.

#990999 The Header

Posted by RedFinn on 29 March 2018 - 13:24 in General Discussion

I just tried to login to the game and got this:


Fatal Error

The script encountered an unrecoverable error and is unable to continue, this error has been logged. Please contact us with a copy of the information below plus any additional information you have that may help us address the problem.


2018-03-29 13:23:51



#990902 That Friday feeling

Posted by RedFinn on 24 March 2018 - 13:25 in General Discussion

Thank Pekko we have beer atleast!

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