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#865633 Crafted Small Accuracy Elixir

Posted by Vladimir00 on 28 April 2014 - 06:16 in Bug Reports

The Small Accuracy Elixir has the exact same effect as the minor elixir (5% increase, when it should be 10% with small). The buff you get for taking the small elixir even says "Minor Accuracy Elixir".

#858322 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by Vladimir00 on 28 March 2014 - 03:25 in General Discussion

As an add-on to my last post (apologies for the double, but I didn't want to add to an already massive wall of text),
If you're really serious about breathing some life back into the Ladder and Bounty Board, here are some things you can do that will actually help:
1. Make all PvP hits count toward the smasher medal, not just ladder and BB hits!
2. Fix the thievery enhancement (seriously... my worst takes have been with 100%+ theivery).
3. Nerf Deflect... or at the very least, make Anti-Deflect a lower level buff.
4. Add some new token rewards (including potions).
5. Add the option to spend some of your PvP prestige, rather than all or nothing.
And finally, the most important one of all...
6. Get rid of the stupid PvP ladder opt-in system! Bring back open PvP Ladder!
Opt-in killed both the BB and the ladder. With fewer people getting hit after resets, a lot of bounties ended up going away... and the ladder became an absolute joke. I tried opting into my band, and have recently been earning tokens for doing absolutely nothing. I can literally leave for days and have a bunch of tokens waiting for me when I come back.
It's just sad... what happened to all the chaos and excitement of the open ladder... when you didn't know who would jump into the fray at the last minute, or whether or not those hits on random players would come back to haunt you in the form of a competitor taking your bounty? Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was so, sooooo much better than the current snore-fest. Come on!
That last one will probably never happen, but hey... a guy can dream, right?

#858317 Titan Update and Bounty Board Feedback

Posted by Vladimir00 on 28 March 2014 - 03:00 in General Discussion

Okay, I'm a bit late to the party, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents.


The titan update seems like a good one. I hardly ever titan hunt myself, but anything that would make it harder to cheat gets a thumbs-up from me.


PvP ladder hits being un-bountyable? Okay. I don't think it would really make a huge difference, since few people do this anyway, and the ones who do are typically laughed at and used as hourly chew toys... but it makes sense since the ladder is opt-in, and I suppose there's an off chance that it would encourage more people to participate, which is always a plus. The ladder is dead right now.


Bounties no longer being able to expire? Meh... don't really care either way. It was never something that made any sort of difference for me. I suppose it would prevent high level players who want their bounties to expire from taking clears personally (like some have mentioned). I've never had any problems with this, but if others have, I guess it could use tweaking.


Then there's this...


Furthermore, we are thinking that anyone who takes a bounty cannot be bountied for taking it. This would mean being a Bounty Hunter would no longer be more damaging to the Hunter, making it a viable part of the game again. However, we would like constructive feedback regarding this.
No! Nono! Nnnnnno! Bad Cows! Bad, bad Cows!
There are so many reasons why this would be a terrible idea. It would allow just about anyone to accept a bounty and smash indiscriminately... with no fear of reprisal. Smasher medals would be utterly meaningless since there would be no risk involved in earning them, mercs (people who smash for extra payment) would run rampant... again, with no fear of reprisal. Players would be free to accept a bounty that's already being cleared, and give up whenever they want.
The rampant smashers and mercs would result in more levels lost, further discouraging PvP. Also, counter bounties against random smashers or participants in a guild war comprise a significant number of the bounties on the board. Eliminating these bounties would just kill the BB even deader. Like many have already pointed out, the problem isn't that there aren't enough people willing to take bounties. If anything, it's the exact opposite. There are too many BHers, and not enough bounties to go around.
Not to mention the enormous discrepancy this creates between the risks associated with Bounty Hunting versus normal PvP. In normal PvP, I could theoretically lose 5 levels just for stealing 10% of a level and some gold. Heck, if Deflect kicks in, I could lose 5 for taking absolutely nothing! That almost never happens, but as someone who has chosen to PvP, I accept the possibility that it could happen.
The same goes for bounty hunting. I accept the possibility that I could be counter bountied and smashed... even for a 10 stam clear. Again, this rarely happens, and I wouldn't be very happy if it did (and would probably counter bounty the smashers in that case), but I accept that it could happen.
Why are you proposing to coddle the Bounty Hunters by eliminating risks that a lot of us are perfectly content in taking in the first place?

#851631 Fleeing the Nest

Posted by Vladimir00 on 25 February 2014 - 15:52 in Suggestions

Maybe, though there is already another quest in that level range that requires weaponsmithing (Assisting the Watch).


...which I frankly can't stand, because weaponsmithing is such a pain to level. It levels at about half the rate of armorsmithing (requires twice the materials for the same xp), and in some cases, theres actually a net loss in money when you sell the items you craft.


Plus you need weaponsmithing to make some of the best weapons in the game, so it's not like the skill would be useless if players weren't forced to level it to complte quests (as is the case with other professions, like fishing).

#851628 Viridian "No-Heal" Debuff is Broken

Posted by Vladimir00 on 25 February 2014 - 15:43 in Bug Reports

Im pretty sure you need to cast it on the guy that need to be healed. Not the healer.

If the debuff is on the healer, it doesnt prevent him/her from healing.

But if the debuff is on the tank, it prevents the healer to Heal the tank until someone used sernity on the tank.


Oh... I'll have to test that next time to find out if that's the case. For some reason, we were under the impression that the spell was cast on the healer and rendered the target unable to heal, not cast on the tank and rendering it unable to be healed.

#851432 Viridian "No-Heal" Debuff is Broken

Posted by Vladimir00 on 24 February 2014 - 09:15 in Bug Reports

...Well, that, or Serenity is broken.


Okay, so I was doing the lvl 25 "Under the Sea" arena with some friends, and when we got to the final boss, our healer had some issues.


Now, we already knew that the boss could cast a spell that kept the healer from healing, but I was told in the past that the buff could be removed with Serenity. Well, after we wiped, my healer told me that she cast serenity on herself 3 times (I even cast it on her once when I saw that she still wasn't healing). Apparently, the debuff icon went away when she cast serenity, but the debuff itself stayed and she still couldn't heal.


Is this a bug, or did the developers decide to make the spell immune to Serenity? And if they did... how do they expect a bunch of lvl 25-30s to beat the boss with no heals?


I'm also curious if the to3 version of Viridian has this bug as well, since I'm not high enough to attempt that dungeon, yet.

#829451 Hellforging Improvements

Posted by Vladimir00 on 11 December 2013 - 23:50 in General Discussion

Isn't that the whole point of those items anyway ? - they were "designed" to be heavily skewed so the hell-forging should reflect that too ?


I thought about that, honestly, since it would make sense for a weapon "designed" for damage to become stronger in that area as it is improved... but for me, I'd prefer the consistency of increasing and distributing the overall stats.


Since Hoof plans on keeping the +5, +10... etc. system for lower level stuff, I don't think it would be ideal to use two systems that distribute their stats in completely different ways, as that could lead to some odd results.


Besides, improving other aspects of a piece of equipment to compensate for some of its weaknesses makes just as much sense as focusing on its strengths.

#829345 Sigmastorm Revamp

Posted by Vladimir00 on 11 December 2013 - 19:35 in General Discussion

Well they asked in a poll if people would support the game again , so thats a good sign, however we have been disapointed in the past .Would be nice though .


Hate to say this, but the guy who made that poll wasn't HCS staff... so I wouldn't get your hopes up.

#829333 Hellforging Improvements

Posted by Vladimir00 on 11 December 2013 - 19:03 in General Discussion

It would work more like the current system, but be more worthwhile at higher levels that way I think. So basically working out the total item stats, multiply them by the percentage and apply them evenly across the item (or use the old calculation if that works out to be more - which it will at lower levels).



One thing you'll have to decide is if the system should take the item's current craft level into account (meaning items with better craft level have more total stats, and therefore benefit slightly more), or if it would just assume either "perfect" or "uncrafted" for anything you forge, and go off of those numbers.


If the forge bases the bonus stats on the item's current craft level, the hell forge bonuses could actually change if the craft level were improved (unless they're "locked" once the item is fully upgraded, meaning it'll be important to craft before you forge). I'm also not sure whether or not the "epic craft" buff would have an effect on this.

#829313 Hellforging Improvements

Posted by Vladimir00 on 11 December 2013 - 18:31 in General Discussion


That actually makes more sense I think - that would make the example look as following (working out the increase based on the total stats)


Upgrade 1: (+5 / 1%)
Attack: +906 / +905
Damage: +2732 / +2731
Upgrade 2: (+10 / 2%)
Attack: +924 / +923
Damage: +2750 / +2749
Upgrade 3: (+15 / 3%)
Attack: +943 / +941
Damage: +2769 / +2767
Upgrade 4: (+25 / 5%)
Attack: +964 / +997
Damage: +2790 / +2803
Upgrade 5: (+50 / 10%)
Attack: +992 / +1067
Damage: +2818 / +2893
That seems reasonable... :)



Yeah... that way you're not having to use a different system for each stat.

#829296 Hellforging Improvements

Posted by Vladimir00 on 11 December 2013 - 17:52 in General Discussion


Using a perfect crafted Pounamu Warriors Retribution as an example, here are how the Hell Forge bonuses look currently and how they would look with the new system:


Non-upgraded stats:

Attack: +887

Damage: +2713


Then the Hell Forge bonuses would look as follows (Old / New):


Upgrade 1: (+5 / 1% split)

Attack: +906 / +891

Damage: +2732 / +2726


Upgrade 2: (+10 / 2% split)

Attack: +924 / +896

Damage: +2750 / +2740


Upgrade 3: (+15 / 3% split)

Attack: +943 / +900

Damage: +2769 / +2754


Upgrade 4: (+25 / 5% split)

Attack: +964 / +909


Damage: +2790 / +2780


Upgrade 5: (+50 / 10% split)

Attack: +992 / +931

Damage: +2818 / +2849



Looking at it like that - I don't think it works splitting the percentage. If we look at this again without splitting it it would give the following:



Upgrade 1: (+5 / 1%)

Attack: +906 / +896

Damage: +2732 / +2740


Upgrade 2: (+10 / 2%)

Attack: +924 / +904

Damage: +2750 / +2767


Upgrade 3: (+15 / 3%)

Attack: +943 / +914

Damage: +2769 / +2850


Upgrade 4: (+25 / 5%)

Attack: +964 / +931

Damage: +2790 / +2849


Upgrade 5: (+50 / 10%)

Attack: +992 / +986

Damage: +2818 / +2984




Oh... by "splitting the percentage", you meant increasing each stat by 5% at level 5. That actually isn't the same as increasing the total stats by 10%, then splitting them. I was thinking it would work something like this (To keep things simple, I'm just going to assume these are at level 5 instead of listing the stats at each level)...



Non-upgraded stats:

Attack: +887

Damage: +2713

Total Stats: 3600


So just increase the total stats by 10% (360), and split those points between the two stats to get:


Attack: 1067

Damage: 2893

Total Stats: 3960


Increasing each stat by 10% actually increases the total stats by the exact same amount (360).


Attack: 976

Damage: 2984

Total Stats: 3960


The only difference between these two options is that the second adds 360 points by adding 89 to attack and 271 to damage, while the first splits the points evenly and adds 180 to each.

#829264 Hellforging Improvements

Posted by Vladimir00 on 11 December 2013 - 16:06 in General Discussion

Im seriously confused about hell forging, Ive just looked at the current system, and cannot for the life of me work out how it is worked out.


I used FS Calculator to work out what the stats should be for fully forged Pounamu Warriors Retribution, and its different to what it actually shows in my BP.


Did Hell Forging already get changed once?


The explanation on the actual forging page doesn't make sense either, it says +50 stat points, plus +1 stat point for each 50 levels.


That works out at +82 for a 1600 item, but the actual increase is 105 (which appears to be a total of each level gain)


Can anyone explain it for me?


It should come out to +210 for a lvl 1600 item. The bonus is +1 per HF level for every 50 levels, so if you forge everything 5 times, you're getting +5 additional stat points for every 50 levels. 1600/50 = 32 x 5 = 160 + 50 =210.


Given the total stats of those items, that's an increase of a little less than 6%.

#829151 Hellforging Improvements

Posted by Vladimir00 on 11 December 2013 - 05:32 in General Discussion

I like this idea for the most part, but there's one small problem... SE sets.


Changing hell forging from a set number of stat points to a percentage-based number of stat points would benefit most equipment, but when it comes to gear with huge set bonuses, but very small item bonuses, the benefit is practically nothing... so no one would bother to forge those sets.

#824847 Asaharas Gold sink thread

Posted by Vladimir00 on 03 December 2013 - 23:33 in Accomplishments

Forgot about this thread for a while...


******* lost 6244297 gold of which TWRhino stole 4683223 gold


******* lost 4253996 gold of which TWRhino stole 3190497 gold


Same guy, too. :P

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