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#937149 PvP Seasons refugee camp

Posted by Tlingit on 23 June 2015 - 23:25 in General Discussion


#937144 PvP Seasons refugee camp

Posted by Tlingit on 23 June 2015 - 21:56 in General Discussion

This is me and PvP, I'm on the inside.. *nodnod* I sure am. lol   :)



PvP to me..jpg



PvP me 1.jpg


This is  in Colorado, USA.

#936401 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by Tlingit on 18 June 2015 - 01:28 in General Discussion

Double post. Bleh.

#936400 PvP Seasons / Bounty Preview

Posted by Tlingit on 18 June 2015 - 01:25 in General Discussion

My eyes are crossed and I have had to take several deep breaths with all this reading.


I am a leveler ONLY and one of the guilds potion makers.


I do not and will not take part in PvP as it would cost me 6 mil + that I've spent on PvP protection so for. Just one hit and it's gone baby gone.


Prestige is not important to me as evidenced by the fact I still have the points from my first two years, or so, of play here. Started in Dec. 2008, I did.  I really do need to use it, I'll try to remember it for this coming 2x dub event.  Really I will try.


As to why a leveler hates PvP, read my bio. LOL That tells the story of my hate very well.


All this is  going to cost me is my hard earned gold, either stolen or spent to repair gear after hits, and the stress of all that brings with it.


I play the game because I it. I like rubber necking my way through each and every zone. I  look at beasts, relics, gear, in an ever changing rainbow of color and variety.   Things move too. Guess it's not for everyone from the posts I've read though.


I'm the shaman story teller, always looking for the next story to tell.


Sing for my breakfast.

Dance for my lunch.

Tell a story for my dinner.

It doesn't cost much.


#934023 POLL

Posted by Tlingit on 29 May 2015 - 21:35 in General Discussion

To many of anything slows down the movement of the whole.  In this case the bigger the data package you send, the longer it takes and the slower it goes.  Lag sucks.

#934021 Code Update 2.705

Posted by Tlingit on 29 May 2015 - 21:27 in General Discussion

I will not be downloading the FSH in this life time, probably not in the next one either.


I've looked at, and looked again and again and again.


Guess I'm going to have pull up another screen just to look at while I hunt, that sucks.  I don't like half screen set ups.


I wonder how many people know what a canned hunt is?

#934019 Legendaries haunt the realms.

Posted by Tlingit on 29 May 2015 - 21:16 in General Discussion

Yes, I think so too. 

#934016 Legendaries haunt the realms.

Posted by Tlingit on 29 May 2015 - 20:55 in General Discussion

Now if I had more stam and more gold in the bank, and did not need to make potions for the guild, I could farm for Slayer.


Thank you BigGrim.

#934015 Member selection for GvG.

Posted by Tlingit on 29 May 2015 - 20:47 in General Discussion

I like that idea.   Makes more sense than all those low level players in GvG guilds. Those guilds were a pain.

#932672 Darksun Reborn II

Posted by Tlingit on 15 May 2015 - 23:49 in General Discussion

My base stam is 5738 + epic gear.  :) I made potions the other day and my bank account was down around 21k.


I had to have one of my friends send me the gold to buy a level 200 global booster. 


Then I went hunting around through the chests I have  and decided to crack open a pretty extravagant white egg followed by a  visit to the buff shop. 


With everything in place and working properly I checked out the global doubler by smacking one of each beastie. The dragon gave me 5 kills and the destroyer gave me 25 kills. 


Then I found me a sweet place with two destroyers and one dragon. I killed and refreshed in the same spot, mending gear when needed.


I guess this is how it's supposed to work, bottom line is, this is the best event kill total for me ever.


I qualified with 23815 kills.  :)     I am very happy.


Thank you BigGrim and thank you all admin. lol

#931435 Most confrontational topics...

Posted by Tlingit on 07 May 2015 - 19:50 in General Discussion

This thread is full of laughter, mainly mine. lol

#931041 Suggestion Thread(s) Cooldown

Posted by Tlingit on 07 May 2015 - 00:54 in General Discussion

This made me laugh. lol


It would not surprise me to learn that some days the admin feel like slapping the features of some faces but would never admit to it.


This sums things up pretty good.



#930552 FSP and Gold Upgrade Links in Upgrade Menu

Posted by Tlingit on 01 May 2015 - 20:27 in General Discussion

I guess that means, my like to see,  will not be seen.  Ah well. I the other, used to be ability  too. That would be very convenient indeed. LOL

#930389 FSP and Gold Upgrade Links in Upgrade Menu

Posted by Tlingit on 30 April 2015 - 20:48 in General Discussion

I don't mind the layout of the those two sections as they are, although I use gold more than FSP.   There is something I would like to see added to that.


  I would not mind the ability to buy upgrades with gold the way I buy buffs in the shop, spending gold right from my bank instead of withdrawing it first.    I consider that on par with an auto pay feature. :)


That's the way I would prefer to buy PvP protection, 3 mill out of bank is better than 3 mill in hand. lol

#930157 Development Update April 2015!

Posted by Tlingit on 29 April 2015 - 02:08 in General Discussion

LOL Do you know how long that prestige has been there DC?  I was given a guild a loooong ago called Shadows Demons. I did do some bounty board hits for what few guild mates stayed awhile.  I finally gave up and joined The Enchanted Garden. Did a few bounty hits there for Trailman too.


Those never go away unless they are used. I guess I should make an effort to remember to use them, but they are not important to me.



I have never done a PvP hit on a player in this game. I have no plans to start in this lifetime either.


I will watch the changes and save my gold, depending on what is rolled out I'll probably put up PvP protection and play the game the way I want to.

#930150 Development Update April 2015!

Posted by Tlingit on 28 April 2015 - 23:57 in General Discussion

No, Will. I am not a fan of PvP in any form.  Player verses Player means just that to me. Not what I've come to understand here.


And if you mean being on a list of players that someone can select names from to kill without really even looking at the player,  yes, FS is unique.  That list is the cage, for the canned hunt.  Not nearly enough work to get the kill.


I don't hold a lot of gold, only some when I hunt.

I don't wear a lot of epics, I do like to gain stam though.

(edit) I should add this too. Epics give something I like as much as stam. They give experience gain per hour. lol


I've been in a few relic wars. Thanks but no thanks, there are some people that get way to mad over that, and delevel.


I still say, remove the list of names. That would make it more sporting by a long shot.

#930137 Development Update April 2015!

Posted by Tlingit on 28 April 2015 - 20:35 in General Discussion

I have played a lot of games in my life  and this is the first game I have played where PvP is set up like this.
I feel like a hog tied animal in a cage waiting to be killed.
I would not mind a larger range of levels if PvP were REAL PvP not this canned hunt I see here.
Remove the list of names a player may chose a target from and let the hunt for game begin. No name on any list to use for fast kills. When a player is offline for 30 minutes their name vanishes and they can  not be hit.
You come find a target to kill.  That's PvP as I know, it as I played it when I tried it. I didn't like then, won't like it now but I won't complain about it much either.

#930068 Development Update April 2015!

Posted by Tlingit on 28 April 2015 - 01:35 in General Discussion

This is on PvP. As a leveler, I do not PvP. I play other aspects of the game. I'm a maker of potions for my guild. I hunt, I quest, I explore. I do not PvP.


There are 4 options open to me as a leveler when hit by a PvP.


I can hit back. That makes me a PvPer and that's not going to happen.

I can put up a bounty and have the player come back at me all upset and bent out of shape with lots of dire threats.

I can complain and either get ignored or hit lots of times. Also asked if I want a 100 stam hit next time.

I can ignore all hits and roll over like a pooch for no good reason. You probably know the reference.


This is on the BB.


I quit putting up bounties for several of the reasons listed above.

Some players here are so vindictive it's unreal.


I've been told time and again, it's only a game don't take it seriously.  Only thing is, for being a game some people sure get bent out of shape when things don't go there way.

#927632 Triple Shard Event

Posted by Tlingit on 08 April 2015 - 20:44 in General Discussion

@ Grim, Thank you for this. :)  I'm collecting them.

#920489 please extend pvp attack range

Posted by Tlingit on 19 February 2015 - 01:05 in General Discussion

When I first started playing this game, I joined a guild called, "Shadows Demons," founder was SirHatchet.  If you look him up and also look at my join date, you'll see just how long ago that was. lol Lordy it's been awhile.  SirHatchet's cousin made a guild and he left his guild to join the other guild,  making me founder of his guild. I worked hard to build that guild, very very hard.  I ran afowl of a child bride, her hubbie and his friends.  They all hit me so hard  and so often, taking level after level off me, I nearly quit. The founder of their guild sent me several pieces of the Carnage set, and I worked to get the rest of it.  In time my guild become a sister guild to, Trailman's "Dream Weavers," but I still could not keep players in my guild to help it grow. One day I was offered the option to join Roseadrine's guild, "The Enchanted Garden," I dropped my guild and joined that guild. In the fullness of time I came to the guild I am now in.  I am a bit puzzled as to why the level range would need to be increased.


I do not want to see the range of attack increased for it does not bode well for me, and others like me, that have been on the recieving end of the beat down.  No one has to agree with me, for this is my opinion, how I feel and why I feel the way I do. I enjoy the game now, more than I ever have.   I get hit now and then but it's not to bad, it will be interesting to see if the hits increase now that I've posted my opinion.

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