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#927707 Auction Mailbox Time limit Solution???

Posted by Yarakumi on 09 April 2015 - 16:30 in General Discussion

Pardoux said it would be like BP which is not like what i meant.

Let me describe my ideas which i don't think can be abused. Please reply if you have an idea of how this can be abused  :)



Auction House Backpack:

-1 Auction House Backpack for each Auction House Slot or pay for each slot until 100 is reached.

-Cannot store items in Auction House Backpack.

-Item stays in the Auction House Backpack until the item is retrieved by the owner.


Other alternatives:

-Fills your backpack with auctions items before filling Mailbox.

#927694 Auction Mailbox Time limit Solution???

Posted by Yarakumi on 09 April 2015 - 15:22 in General Discussion

Auction backpacks yes! You should have 3 or more Auction backpacks and pay 10+fsp's for extra slots which can be upgraded to 100 like the auction house upgrades. This can only be used to retrieve items from your auction backpack but not store items in it. :)


Rocknoor and Pardoux it might not be a big problem for you two but im thinking of all kinds of people. As i said.. some might have internet problems once in a while and some might forget things easily and alot more. It's not like BP at all Pardoux because it is used to keep the mailbox items safe from vanishing.


There are so many things that can prevent you from getting your items back in time and that's why i would like to have a better solution to this rather than 24 hours before you don't see your items any longer.


I don't understand why we should not change the way Mailbox works! 

#927424 Auction Mailbox Time limit Solution???

Posted by Yarakumi on 07 April 2015 - 17:30 in General Discussion

24 hours is plenty of time to retrieve your items.. but what if you forget or a problem shows up and you cannot retrieve your items in time?


There are quite a few people who have problems with the internet connection which can be annoying if you can't get your items in time. Also there are a few people who can forget things very easily....

These are just a few examples i came up with but i forget things easily which can be annoying.



What if we could pay a fee or put the auction items in some kind of Auction house slots which can hold up to a number of 10 or more items if we forgot or a problem occured when the items went to mailbox and the time expired? 


Please comment what you think of this and other solutions to this problem :)

#924484 High Quality Avatar Shop Animated/Regular

Posted by Yarakumi on 23 March 2015 - 09:43 in Graphics

If people don't agree with my prices so they can just visit someone else :) I I understand that my prices are kind of too high but if i lower them then it's not worth much and i might get too many customers . I spend hours on my work so i only want a few who are realy interested in my work :)

#924423 High Quality Avatar Shop Animated/Regular

Posted by Yarakumi on 22 March 2015 - 09:12 in Graphics

Welcome to my shop!

I create both Animated and Regular avatars and i don't ever stop until im happy myself!


Cannot see PNG Animated Avatars?

Get Firefox or APNG on Google Chrome.



Regular library: http://s1349.photobu.../?sort=3&page=1

Story Library: http://s1349.photobu...nemis8511/story



Price depends on time and quality.

The listed prices below are common prices.


Customers (Common prices)

  • Regular Avatar - 10-20+
  • Animated Avatar - 25-50+
  • Regular edit on existing avatar - 5-15+
  • Animated edit on existing avatar - 15-40+

Close Friends or Guild Members

  • 30% off on all avatars
  • Free regular avatars


How To Order?

If you want a realy complicated avatar then i would suggest messaging me on Fallensword.


If you are not sure what you want then you can provide me with as much information as possible  :)


You can order on this topic or message me on Fallensword.

To order here you must answer these questions to avoid mistakes.


Character?(Main object/charcter):

Theme?(Dark Themed/Light Themed/Rainbow Themed):

Text?(Explain Text/Size/Position/Visibility):


Payment?(I will reply if the price is not fair):

Other(What i should know before starting):

Ideas to make this post better is much appreciated :]

#866980 Avatar Shop By Yarakumi

Posted by Yarakumi on 05 May 2014 - 15:55 in Market Place

Hi! Welcome to the shop of the Amazing Yarakumi and he's beloved onions.


I make high quality Animated/Regular Avatars for fair prices and i never stop until the customers are HAPPY with the avatar > :)

Im a realy persistent guy so if im not happy myself then i will keep and keep going until im happy myself :D


I am realy easy to chat to because i love chatting with people and by chatting i get more ideas of how the avatar is going to be so the customer is happy with it :D


Here are examples of the prices for an avatar but might be changed ;)


Price depends on time and quality :]

Avatar Regular 10-25 / Avatar Custom 25-50+
Animated Regular 25-50 / Animated Custom 50-100+


This link shows you what i have made so far to my customers :)

If you cannot see animation on some of the newest avatars please click on the picture to open a new link and if you still can't see it then download Firefox or APNG on Google Chrome.





Theese are some of the best feedback recieved from my customers :)


-Best Feedbacks-

1Bruno3 : Rock on bro... But what I do love about you and your work is that you are willing to listen to ideas and think that simply because it wasn't your idea or what not that somehow I'm disrespecting you as an artist. I will for sure be coming back to you bro for future avis... No worries

Kurama1574 : WOW... You're awesome lol

Lellarell : WTF? It's more than perfect! *_____*

XcaitlynX : :) Thanks a million <3 best 15 fsp I spent hole game :3


Cobblepot : that is so awesome and the whole guild name is really awesome man i will pay u tons

#863541 Image FileSize Is Too Low.

Posted by Yarakumi on 17 April 2014 - 21:56 in General Discussion

Well it would be alot easier to make avatars if they could make it possible to upload gif files aswell :o

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