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#804849 Suggestions for titan hunting

Posted by kotiboh10 on 06 August 2013 - 20:08 in General Discussion

I can't do this with you right now.

Look we both stated our opinion! I just stated some of my suggestions no need of fighting about that, ok:)?

#804838 Suggestions for titan hunting

Posted by kotiboh10 on 06 August 2013 - 18:58 in General Discussion

What?!?! No! Having more players hunt a Titan does not make the supply decrease.. it simply slows the process of acquiring the Epic... the supply is still increasing!

There would be less secured epics. That means more TKP epics. I know the amout wouldn't be that much lower but hey... It's smoething! lol


I think Titan hunting is the least broken aspect and development resources should work on other areas that need more attention. As a matter of fact, I love seeing so many different guilds securing. The playing field has been leveled and those that can dedicate 2-3 hours deserve the drop. My 2 cents

I agree titan hunting is not broken, But still making suggestions doesn't hurt nobody right:D? Maybe cows will look at this and use 1 or 2 suggestions and maybe non of them so yea.. :D

#804835 Suggestions for titan hunting

Posted by kotiboh10 on 06 August 2013 - 18:44 in General Discussion

First off, not as many players hunt Titans because they are lazy or they just don't want to.


Secondly, making the Titan jump around even more makes the time to secure the Titan longer, you are contradicting yourself there.


And finally, this will not make the supply lower, it will just slow the process of getting the Epic... the supply is going to continue to rise....

I didn't say that.

Yes but with more players it wouldn't get secured that easly. But that's the problem. Titan hunting lost it's popularity. I remember hunting on the old map when 10 or more hunters came to 1 titan, now if you're lucky there are 3-4. So baysicly jumping around WOULD be good if more would hunt a titan. So I guess you're right, this idea issin't that good.


Like before to lower the supply make more players titan hunt. Look at the home page. Almost every titan gets secured. If there would be more players hunting a titan not so many titans would be secured therefor lowering the supply.

#804833 Suggestions for titan hunting

Posted by kotiboh10 on 06 August 2013 - 18:26 in General Discussion

Ah, I get it! You don't want to put any work into getting an Epic from a Titan, that makes sense now. 


Supply and demand, buddy. High supply with low demand makes prices drop!

I said the complete oposite! Just read the first post again. I want more players to hunt 1 titan making it harder. And making a titan jump around more uses more stamina and is harder to track. 


That's why make the supply lower:)

#804831 Suggestions for titan hunting

Posted by kotiboh10 on 06 August 2013 - 18:14 in General Discussion

The new map was created to speed up and not have to reload at every movement.. it also LEVELED the playing field because one can only get 1 kill every few seconds or so.


Stamina is FREE right? So basically the FSP to make off a secured Titan Epic is free. Why are you complaining?


And I have no problem with the Epics losing their value due to increasing supply and decreasing demand, makes them more affordable to everyone.

Yea I get that you're right but like I said in the previous post titan hunting is just slow. You go on one locaion and sit there 10 sec. Maybe make titans jump around more? Lower the amount of kill to force the titan to move?.

I just see it like this: the item name is EPIC so it theoreticly should be a very hard to get and should also be more valuable.

#804830 Suggestions for titan hunting

Posted by kotiboh10 on 06 August 2013 - 18:09 in General Discussion

I do not encounter any problems when Titan hunting, so I personally do not think it needs to change.


Also, are you saying you want to be able to secure a Titan in like 30 minutes?  :huh:

Personaly I think securing titans is just WAY TO EASY beacuse of the low amount of players hunting the titans so in my opinion it needs a change. But this is jsut my opinion so yea..

I'm not saying that I jsut want it to change. Back at the old map there was no delay time, but there were more players hunting it so it was just so much fun jumping here and there . Here you just click on 1 spot of the map and just wait until you get there and then just clikc wait wait wait wait click wait wait wait wait click. Titan hunting is just to slow in my opinion.

#804827 Suggestions for titan hunting

Posted by kotiboh10 on 06 August 2013 - 17:45 in General Discussion

So I am a titan hunter and I have some suggestions to improve it. We all know how titan hunting got slow with the new map and the delay time for killing titans. The new map took all the skill from titan hunting and the moving is so slow. Even if there are 3 hunters from the same guild it still takes 2 hours to secure 1 titan even if no one else is hunting it. So that is another problem. Since it takes so long to secure it many players decide to just not titan hunt and level or do something else so titan hunting got non-competitive which makes easy secures which leads to many epics which there again leads to lower prices on the items. Then again this leads to players not hunting titans because the epics aren’t worth that much again. It’s a never ending circle. Hope you all understood what I wanted to say.
So here is what I want to suggest:


1. It would be great if titans were rotated or how should I say it.. They should be the same as super elites. Remove some titans (maybe half of them) and don’t make them spawn for some time. Like a half year or something. This would lower the number of titans spawning so more people will hunt the other titans AND it would also increase the prices on the existing items which would lead for more players to titan hunt again.


2. When titan hunting refreshing the page with “R” and/or “0” is just annoying. If you could just remove this and just change this it would be great.


3. Just change the positions where you attack  the titan or player because when hitting a titan and it changes location, if there is another player on that location, I always press the attack player icon/message player… It’s just so annoying.. Also move the Info box for the titan more to the right/left since I sometimes keep pressing this instead of the attack box!


4. When titan hunting I always want to check how many kills I have so if you could make the Scout Tower a side feature on the place where the FS Box  and the other features are. Since there are many titan spawned at once you could just select what titan to display. I know you could just split screens or something but still it would be a great feature.


5. Make more recipes that require epics (especially the lower level epics). It would increase the prices on epic and it would encourage more players to hunt titans again witch will make it harder to secure and a increase of the price will follow. Maybe like with the Upgraded santrok you could invent and upgraded chocker (then again it would increase the stats to much so maybe change the stats from attack armor to defense damage). But the invent chance would be as low as possible. Lowest of any recipes? Just to make it more spicy.


6. I don’t think this would be good but I’ll still mention it. Maybe lower the chance for each titan to spawn. It would decrease the amount of epics on the market and kind of increase their price. But then again if you would remove half of the titans (if they would be rotatable) and the chase to spawn would be lowered, the amount of titans would be to low, so that’s why I don’t like this idea of mine hehe.


7. Don’t make so many titans spawn at once. Like last time there were almost 10 titans spawned in some hours. That splits the titan hunters over the released titans, making less players hunt each titan which makes it to easy to secure titans ( that is one of the reasons that decreases the prices of items). Maybe make a limit of the titans out?


8. Titan kill top rated? Like top players. Not just top rated of all time titan kills but also for last week/month maybe?So I am a titan hunter and I have some suggestions to improve it. We all know how titan hunting got slow with the new map and the delay time for killing titans. The new map took all the skill from titan hunting and the moving is so slow. Even if there are 3 hunters from the same guild it still takes 2 hours to secure 1 titan even if no one else is hunting it. So that is another problem. Since it takes so long to secure it many players decide to just not titan hunt and level or do something else so titan hunting got non-competitive which makes easy secures which leads to many epics which there again leads to lower prices on the items. Then again this leads to players not hunting titans because the epics aren’t worth that much again. It’s a never ending circle. Hope you all understood what I wanted to say.

Please let me know what you think about this and maybe leave your own suggestions:)

#804802 Magic Circle (Audience Chamber)

Posted by kotiboh10 on 06 August 2013 - 15:37 in General Discussion

How do I get to this area? I want to do  Gate of the Abyss (Epic) quest but can't find the area..

#801633 Viper Strike Longsword

Posted by kotiboh10 on 22 July 2013 - 17:26 in General Discussion

So I destroyed this sword and now I can't continiue the epic quest.. What should I do:D

#801625 World Map Errors

Posted by kotiboh10 on 22 July 2013 - 16:55 in Game Help

This is the bug. And the relic and   Traders Outpost keep flashing every second. I used CTRL + f5 and restarted chrome but still nothing.


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