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#800562 Another Guild falls victim!

Posted by PreyDragon on 15 July 2013 - 00:03 in General Discussion

The funny thing is they actually kept me in just to show and tell me that they sold off all the epics and other rare items, sorry but can't even talk anymore im that angry.

#800560 Another Guild falls victim!

Posted by PreyDragon on 14 July 2013 - 23:54 in General Discussion

So, you've no friends, family or neighbours that could let you use their pc for a min or two to log in ? 


All guild founders know that if a guild founder is inactive for more than 30 days, a mutiny can occur to replace the founder with someone more active. 


As I said, I sympathise with your loss, but this is not the cows fault ... You didn't log in, even for a second to reset the counter, a mutiny occured and then the person who took over, presumably, cashed you out. If anyone, it's him that you should focus your anger on :)

I told them exactly how i thought, sadly some of my friends do have a computer, just no internet or my friends have internet but only own a ps3.

#800556 Another Guild falls victim!

Posted by PreyDragon on 14 July 2013 - 23:44 in General Discussion

Hang on - you couldn't log on for 2 months ? - no friends have a pc you could use for 30 seconds ? - there's no library within reach ?


Sorry for your loss, but to blame the game mechanics when, I'm pretty sure there's plenty of options you could have taken, is unfair ... 

Sorry but i work 6 days a week and do very long shifts. i only get sunday off, most places are clossed sundays in the UK. Please don't think that you know better.

#800555 Another Guild falls victim!

Posted by PreyDragon on 14 July 2013 - 23:43 in General Discussion

I find that those group of players are rather sad if they have nothing else better to do than ruin this game for people who actually have worked so hard. Sad thing is that you keep seeing this time after time and HuntedCow are the ones who are letting the thieving ******** get away with it.

#800547 Another Guild falls victim!

Posted by PreyDragon on 14 July 2013 - 23:30 in General Discussion

Well i find myself in the same area as those others who have lost their guilds, 2 months ago my pc broke and had no way of getting onto fallensword, when i returned i find my guild Change of Heart in the hands of a new founder, new members and now i find myself having lost everything, all my money spent in this game, thousands of fsp gone,titan hunting and inventing, all down the drain. How can HuntedCow studios continue to let this ruin players enjoyment of a great game, Im disgusted by the game mechs here. No other game would let players do this. Im really angry by how players can loophole and get away with doing this.

#779365 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 21 February 2013 - 19:30 in General Discussion

Will we see Ancient items get implemented after composing?

#778213 Upcoming Buffs!

Posted by PreyDragon on 13 February 2013 - 22:28 in General Discussion

The list is as follows :

1. Buff enhancer: for every 50 points in the skill it adds 5 points to the buffs cast after. Would not work with Merchant or Treasure Hunter. (Potion only maybe?)
Love this

2. Armored Strike : 0.1% per point chance that your armor stat is reduced to zero and your damage is double

3. Brute Strength : For every 50 points allocated in this skill, your enchant item abilities, fury and berserk buffs are increased by 10 levels.

4. Trendy : +0.03% per point to all stats for each common item worn
Don't see many people use common items but this might change all that

5. Pride : Add duration epic potion every medal in player's bio.

6. Block : small chance that a player will take 0 damage in a combat round
Ok but make this activate only once per combat

8. Armor booster : +0.05% per point to your armor for each complete set equipped.

9. Gold foot : 0.05% per point Chance to consume 1000 gold instead of 1 stamina while moving.

10. Encouraging talk : 0.2% per point increase in mercenary stats when hired.

11. Warcry : 0.2% per points increase in group stats. (Only PvE)

12. Immobilise Titan : +0.1% per point chance for titan not to move.
Must be potion only

13. Buff Master II: Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Fury Caster enhancement by .1% per point for half an hour.

14. Swift Strike : .1% chance to strike first when another player initiated the fight (pvp)

15. Perfection : buff to give a chance of a craftable item being crafted perfect when invented.
Need this

16. Deft Hands : At level 175, has a 10% chance on doubling the effects of the thievery enhancement. Master thief will not be affected by this. (pvp only)
Do we really need this?

18. Allied Frenzy : (Assist really needs some tweaking) .A chance Assist will work with a player within +/-100 levels from you.

19. Heavy Weight : Adds 0.1% Damage per point when having a certain amount of gold in hand. (suggest 1000g per level).
Good but the gold needs to be abit Higher

20. Lady Luck : chance for a double roll on RNG for an item drop. Does not fire if conserve or death wish activates. Does not mean 2 drops are possible. Just an extra chance at getting a drop.
Worth a try

21. Divine Glory : Holy Flame style buff for demon classed creatures.
Let's burn some demons

22. Short Circuit : Ignite or Holy flame style buff for Mechanical and Golem classed creatures.

23. Artful Bandit : PvP buff for the attacker, 3x gold stolen if MT does not fire, 2/3rd reduction of normal xp loss to target chance of causing no xp loss. Always fires when cast, annotated in log message to the target. If the target does not lose xp they may not bounty the hit. Chance of the no xp loss is based on level of buff.

24. Quick Attack : Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the First Strike enhancement by +0.2% per point.
Wow 1st of my suggested buffs exact to skill name and description ^_^

25. Greed : Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Master Thief enhancement by +0.1% per point.
2nd of my suggested buffs exact with the skill name and description, game could really do with this

26. Hardened : 0.05% per point chance to prevent your opponent activating Shatter Armor.
3rd of my suggested buffs with the exception of buff name as orginally said Metal Armor but Hardened sounds much better ^_^

27. Anchored : 0.05% per point Damage is added to HP.
Not sure on this

28. Guild Berserker : Increase the effectiveness of first strike, nullify or etc enhancements in GvG only.
This could be fun or annoying

29. Guild Saboteur : Decreases the effectiveness of the deflect, last ditch or etc buffs in GvG only.
Same as above

30. Croak : 0.2% increase to max green skin slayer enhancement
Don't think we really need this one

31. Cloudy Inventor : Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Master Inventor enhancement by +0.2% per point.
Good addition

32. Cloud Crafter : Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Master Crafter enhancement by +0.2% per point.
Another good addition

33. Epic Craft : +0.5% per point increase to Craft stat bonuses.
Also another great addition

34. Shield Wall :+0.1% per point to your defense for each complete set equipped.

35. Guild Buffer : x% of chance to spend 50% stamina buffing guild members.
Some players buff guild members to lose stamina but i can still see alot of people finding this useful

36. All For One : 0.1% per point increase to the SE set bonus stats.
Very happy now to see the 4th skill that i suggested with the name I came up with aswell excellent.

37. Titan Slayer : +0.2% per point reduction of damage, attack, defence and armor to Titans.
Must be potion only

38. Vitality : +0.1% per point added to your HP for each complete set equipped.
5th skill i suggested and glad to see it

39. Precision Strike - grants an 0.1% increase per point in XP gained when the hit that kills a monster is less than 10% more than what was needed. Rewards precise tuning of gear to monster.
Interested in how this turns out

40. Precision Hit - grants a 0.1% increase per point in gold stolen when the hit that defeats the target player is less than 10% more than what was needed. Same general idea.
Again interested to see how it turns out

All in All very happy to see all of them get added, Also very pleased to see Grim and Hoof picked 5 of my suggested buffs :D

#777195 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by PreyDragon on 05 February 2013 - 23:50 in General Discussion

Any news update on the new buffs grim or hoof?

#776198 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by PreyDragon on 31 January 2013 - 22:58 in General Discussion

Erosion linked with Smite

why? Smite should be linked with SA/SK if anything, not Erosion. Erosion is its own buff.

People have some weird reasonings behind linking buffs :(

It's because they are in the defence skill tree, you cant link offence skill tree with defence skill tree because they are seperate buff areas.

You have been here near enough as long as I have and you should already know this.

#776195 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by PreyDragon on 31 January 2013 - 21:27 in General Discussion

Grim could you please link up more skills in the skills tree please. You have left skills linked at levels 700. you can link up more skills e.g. Extractor linked up with Extractor 2, Erosion linked with Smite and Extend linked to Reinforce.

#775208 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by PreyDragon on 24 January 2013 - 23:25 in General Discussion

Mirror Force - % chance per point to Reflect a skill back at the oppoenent. So for example if someone activated Shatter Armor on you and you have Mirror Force buff active, this will give you a % chance to deflect Shatter Armor skill back to your oppoenent. This could even work against Hypnotize on creatures aswell and even other enchancements like piercing strike.

#775016 Cave Event Requests!

Posted by PreyDragon on 23 January 2013 - 16:58 in General Discussion

maybe a couple new LE's that require other non used LE items and also drops components(ex. requires parts manchrusa set or some other sets).

just my opinion


#775015 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by PreyDragon on 23 January 2013 - 16:55 in General Discussion

Okay. Time to start reading through this.

As I do so, I'll continue to post, see which buffs sound interesting and see what you guys think.

Wish me luck! :mrgreen:

I have my fingers crossed that one of mine gets picked :D

All the best reading and noting buffs down grim :)

#773582 New Skills / Enhancements

Posted by PreyDragon on 14 January 2013 - 04:06 in General Discussion

Some others i thought about:

Vitality - +0.1% per point added to your HP for each complete set equipped.

Master Mind - Increases the chance to successfully brew a potion. Good buff for this new potion brewing composing idea.

Last Turn - 0.03% chance per point that upon death, Both players stats will be reduced to 0. Only the weapon stats will now count for both players and you shall attack back your opponent, If your attack defeated your oppenent then this combat will be declared a draw. This skill will not activate in the same turn Last Ditch was activated. pvp only

#771843 Return to Xinderoth / Karthak etc

Posted by PreyDragon on 05 January 2013 - 05:07 in General Discussion

I think HCS has already started doing this by form of Epic quests, going to old places back in the low levels with the Sword of Eagle. I hope that the new batch of Epic quests will spread out throughout a whole bunch of past levels.

#771841 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 05 January 2013 - 04:55 in General Discussion

Hang on, if I'm reading this correctly...

An Ancient item would be a disposable item (much like crystalline), have no stats of its own, require existing Epics to create and provide a player with a permanent buff. (while the piece is worn)

Are people actually thinking this is a good idea?

Edit: Unless this thing rolls out with a Deflect 1000 I can't see it being very popular.


I think Ancient items were better discussed as Single stat items, Remember these will be non repairable and you want to be able to use them for much better use in PVP, GVG, hunting and even arena - why not even make Ancient Titans where you are required to have at least one Ancient item equipped in order to hunt them. Since non repairable this will always keep them rare and much wanted :D

#771089 Santork Returns!

Posted by PreyDragon on 30 December 2012 - 02:56 in General Discussion

Fiery Santork set sucks for crafting I just blew 200 fsp and still have both items at excellent. yes my Master Crafter is at 100% ,Either I am totally unlucky or there is a problem!

This is why we need a new Craftsmanship buff at level 1600 - Increases the maximum percentage (above 100%) of the Master Crafter enhancement by +0.1% per point.

#770972 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 29 December 2012 - 11:23 in General Discussion

Hoof don't forget to add these Ancients to your Things to do list alongside Composing :D

#770661 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 28 December 2012 - 02:53 in General Discussion

If it increased thievery, master thief, and/ or elite hunter enhancements I could see it being used ALOT. IE: boosting enhancements above 100%, to lets say 150% ( when used accordingly with the proper equipped gear/ enhancements.)

I think if it had the ability to increase % of all enhancements up to a max of 150%, I could also see these being used alot aswell.

#770654 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 28 December 2012 - 02:34 in General Discussion

Well maybe some enhancement like : Swift Blade - A very small chance that you get two consecutive turns in a combat.

Double Attack :D

#770644 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 28 December 2012 - 02:23 in General Discussion

I think if it gave some form of crafting bonus, it would never get used in combat and hence never lose any durability :)

true indeed :lol: , I think Ancient items will be best known for their single stat use. No other items have this, so this alone will make them Unique in itself.

#770634 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 28 December 2012 - 02:13 in General Discussion

Hoof would you be happy to have Ancient items both be single stat focused and also have a new Unique enhancement only available to Ancient items?

I think that would make sense. They would need something unique to make them differ from Epic items.

Well this is just an idea, but why not have this made as an enhancement to Ancient items instead of making this as a buff.

Master Mind - small % chance that when an item is invented successfully - it will be made already perfect crafted(If items have crafting).

#770626 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 28 December 2012 - 01:25 in General Discussion

Hoof would you be happy to have Ancient items both be single stat focused and also have a new Unique enhancement only available to Ancient items?

Also could Ancient Creatures have a new enhancement called 'Ancient' - small % reduction to all opponents item stats that are non Ancient items, Kind of like a reverse duelist enhancement but for Ancients. There is so many stat boosting buffs out there that this little enhancement could make a good challenge.

#770523 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 27 December 2012 - 13:46 in General Discussion

Hoof, any thoughts on a time decay item?

You mean like once it has been equipped, it's durability will start ticking down?

I don't like the idea of a time decay, I don't think many players would spend ages to obtain an ancient item to lose it in a short space of time.

I think the better option would be to make these Ancient items unique by focusing on 1 stat e.g. gloves could be attack, amulet could be HP, weapon could be damage, Armor for Armor etc. Make them non repairable and give them a higher % of losing durability compared to crystalline items.
I also like the idea of having Ancient items have a special unique enhancement only available to ancient items only.

#770443 Ancient Creatures and Items

Posted by PreyDragon on 27 December 2012 - 01:39 in General Discussion

While i was thinking that pretty much all of the old SE items are near enough worthless nowadays, we need a new idea to cycle them out.
Ok my idea goes, why not invent a new form of creature called an 'Ancient'. HCS can spawn these creatures throughout all the realms and use the same coding as chests currently are in-game. These creatures will drop recipes, resources(To keep them rare and worthwhile finding) and use all of the old SE items in order to cycle them out, in which to invent a new type of item called an Ancient Item. (Stats still to be discussed). Ancient items will be regonised by the colour Brown.

Next question is how should these Ancient items work?
* Should we have them give better stats than epics
* make them non repairable or repairable
* Should Ancient items only be single stat items only(they are Ancient after all)

Feedback Appreciated

I really like this idea :D

Thanks Hoof :D

Also how would you like to see Ancient Items work regards to the questions.

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