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#844694 Eldevin Basics Guide

Posted by Akadria on 29 January 2014 - 15:29 in Game Help

If i'm level 8 can my skill in prospecting go on level 9 before me ?

Yes, skill levels are independent of character level.

#845013 Eldevin Basics Guide

Posted by Akadria on 30 January 2014 - 10:39 in Game Help

Can you explain Rested XP??? How does some one use it.. I have like 22% now...

It just makes you gain more experience when you're playing and doing your usual things.

#823454 Thread for Typos

Posted by Akadria on 30 November 2013 - 18:11 in Bug Reports

The item called "Mandreke's Wifes Amulet", should be an apostrophe in the word "Wife's".

#821849 Thread for Typos

Posted by Akadria on 22 November 2013 - 09:25 in Bug Reports

I'm doing the quest "Gesturing", "Speak with Oswald in Othalo", the dialogue box that starts with him saying "I'm all out of ideas..."


There's a sentence "Then comes the dancing, so show off you're best moves!"

#845776 GUIDES: Quick Links To Player Made Guides!

Posted by Akadria on 02 February 2014 - 12:04 in Game Help

This should replace the "useful information" sticky thread. That one is a little, um, biased.  :ph34r:


And do we have a FAQ thread anywhere?

#844637 Web Content Pack

Posted by Akadria on 29 January 2014 - 11:03 in Game Content

daaaaaaaaamn O.O


I mean, thank you!


To organize work with this on the Eldevin Wiki, there's a project page here, for editors who want to help out: http://eldevin.wikia...rtal/Image_Pack

#830144 Regardings bot problem!!!

Posted by Akadria on 13 December 2013 - 09:57 in Suggestions

No captchas not ever, please. Captchas ruin everything.  :(

I'd hope there's some technical way to detect simple bots without annoying real players, and making it slightly more convenient for people to report other players who they suspect of botting. That should suffice for the time being.

#831019 Regardings bot problem!!!

Posted by Akadria on 15 December 2013 - 10:10 in Suggestions

although I don't condone bots if you completely eradicated bots this game would die off. No one can name a successful mmo that has no bots.

Lies and slander!

#851958 The state of end game Crafting & The Economy

Posted by Akadria on 27 February 2014 - 12:32 in Suggestions

I'm gonna quote something I said in the Prestige Points thread:

Like has been said in other threads, levelling crafting skills should be more rewarding, and one way to do it could be... well, something that rewards prestige points (more than just the level-up-in-any-skill daily quest), and maybe rewards something else too (or a choice of different rewards including prestige). I got the idea that maybe (on higher levels?) you can craft certain items that will not be usable/equippable by players, but you can sell it to NPC factions who require the stuff -- like the Eldevin Army might need a certain style of armor pieces and equipment (the silver-green stuff that they usually wear), and the Arcane Council might have a demand for Arcane Council-style robes and stuff, etc. Being awarded Prestige Points for this makes sense since you're directly working for the factions. Though of course it shouldn't be too easy, which is why I'm suggesting this for higher crafting levels, also the grinding can be slowed down by having a limit to how much demand the factions have for the stuff, so they're not willing to buy an endless amount of things every day. ... Just a fleeting idea.laugh.png

#851954 Prestige Points

Posted by Akadria on 27 February 2014 - 12:11 in Suggestions

Summary of my opinion: yes, totally agree there should be more/better/different ways to acquire prestige points, and yes, totally agree that getting the prestige vanity items should be a LONG-term goal that takes dedication and hard work, so you're not gonna see 50% of players running around in full prestige sets, because that would suck.

Maybe something similar will be back with every special event? Like cracking eggs at easter!


Also I, for one, cannot play during holidays. Not easily, at least. So what of the players that face the same problem as I, and cannot acquire prestige points easily during the holidays?

The winter event lasted for three weeks (18 December to 8 January), and I assume other events will also last long enough so everyone who wants to should be able to find some time to participate. 

In fact, if professions could acquire more prestige points as well it would take less emphasis off of dungeons and leveling. 

This! Like has been said in other threads, levelling crafting skills should be more rewarding, and one way to do it could be... well, something that rewards prestige points (more than just the level-up-in-any-skill daily quest), and maybe rewards something else too (or a choice of different rewards including prestige). I got the idea that maybe (on higher levels?) you can craft certain items that will not be usable/equippable by players, but you can sell it to NPC factions who require the stuff -- like the Eldevin Army might need a certain style of armor pieces and equipment (the silver-green stuff that they usually wear), and the Arcane Council might have a demand for Arcane Council-style robes and stuff, etc. Being awarded Prestige Points for this makes sense since you're directly working for the factions. Though of course it shouldn't be too easy, which is why I'm suggesting this for higher crafting levels, also the grinding can be slowed down by having a limit to how much demand the factions have for the stuff, so they're not willing to buy an endless amount of things every day. ... Just a fleeting idea. laugh.png 

I like this idea, however, what about players who do not complete quests? I know of a few, who would rather grind dungeons than touch quests, again.

People who don't do story quests don't deserve nice things. tongue.png

Yes it's only vanity, however if the set was available "easily" it would make some casuals less interested in purchasing vanity, since they'd be content with their free easy-to-obtain set.

^Good argument.

That was not an option when lev 40 aoe mages hoarded the lev 15 spawn the entire time. Events won't do it because the bored max lev, fully geared (obsessive compulsive) players ruin it for the casual players.


That's not true. During the event my level was too low to venture out of the level 10 areas so that's where I was grinding, and I don't remember there being a time where I couldn't find a place to grind in peace. Server-hopping was necessary sometimes, but like after the first ten days or so the whole event area started getting more empty of players, and I could do as much grinding as I wanted to.


Not saying that it wasn't often a challenge to get a good spot, I remember Jack especially being a nuisance quite often.  :lol: Frying ten lvl 10 snowmen in the cave in one second with his leet lvl 40 skillz, so there wasn't much left for me. When I ran into him I just hopped servers or grinded outside of the cave.

#829918 Foraging to Alchemy processing

Posted by Akadria on 12 December 2013 - 19:49 in Suggestions

Who said all the professions have to be equal?  :blink:

#837052 Equalize supporter and non-supporter vendor prices.

Posted by Akadria on 03 January 2014 - 09:15 in Suggestions

Damn, I had no idea. When did this happen? It must have been recently, right?

I've been adding "sale price to vendors" information for items in the Eldevin Wiki, but since I'm a supporter then my info is incorrect -- I noticed just yesterday that the value of some item had increased noticeably since the last time I checked.

Well that's my tragedy, not having the correct info. I don't mind the extra money though. :P I don't have any input right now regarding the situation.

#853108 A tweak on the Pass/Greed/Need system

Posted by Akadria on 04 March 2014 - 16:14 in Suggestions

IMO, 'Need' should simply be disabled for Gems, Remnants and Flakes.  That would deal with 90% of the problem, not require a lot of talk-talk for random groups*, and it's easy to code.  If you want to give one of the above to a particular group member, then everybody else should "Pass" on it.


(*Or maybe disabled for LFG-mediated random groups only.)

Or this, yeah. Pass and want for gems, rems, and flakes; pass, want and need for equips.

Drop "greed", it's confusing to everyone who isn't familiar with the system.

#852951 A tweak on the Pass/Greed/Need system

Posted by Akadria on 03 March 2014 - 17:50 in Suggestions

There's no need to make it overly complicated. In fact it could be made simpler, just have two options: 'pass' and 'want'.

#851326 Ability to return to Forbidding Isle

Posted by Akadria on 23 February 2014 - 15:36 in Suggestions



I just got there recently and wondered about the same thing.

#842581 Community Fishing

Posted by Akadria on 20 January 2014 - 16:24 in Suggestions

...Maybe you'll catch a creature up to your level (to prevent botting).  

 Eeeheehee. +1


Posted by Akadria on 04 December 2013 - 09:39 in Suggestions

i got a small bag from a quest early on.. think storage is fine for free players

That 4x4 bag is quite useless, let's be honest. I put my pickaxe there, no room for anything else.


Posted by Akadria on 07 December 2013 - 09:27 in Suggestions

You can store 16 sacks in a 4x4 bag so essentially it is a 176 slot bag not including double space stacks such as wood, which would take the total space to 186 if in one sack and 336 if in all 16.


So in reality that small 4x4 bag is capable of holding 336 items, lol.

Sorry, I meant the recruits bag, it's 2x2. My mistake.

#857140 Eldevin Army/Mage Quests

Posted by Akadria on 24 March 2014 - 05:18 in Suggestions

The storylines contradict each other because they weren't originally meant to be available at the same time; I would rather have these contradictions rather than being limited to only one of these story lines per character.

#853103 Option to hide helmets/hats

Posted by Akadria on 04 March 2014 - 16:02 in Suggestions

especially as a mage with those ugly hoods  :angry:


a ha ha 

Like the crafted metal and leather helms are any prettier  :lol:


As said above, you can buy an invisible hood (and other invisible clothes...) from the Loyalty section of the Eldevin Market.


You could also equip a paper hat (if you don't have one, I think some people are still willing to give those away or sell for cheap), or if you can then buy some vanity head equipment with EP. I bought a bandana, at least it claims to be a bandana but it's just wrapped around your eyes, with holes for eyes so you can see, it's pretty much the same or even cooler than the invisible hood.

#853245 Option to hide helmets/hats

Posted by Akadria on 05 March 2014 - 07:42 in Suggestions


Take off head as wall around




No, you can't take off your head.

#853180 Option to hide helmets/hats

Posted by Akadria on 04 March 2014 - 20:06 in Suggestions


FYI, I happen to have a extra unbound yellow paper hat that I really don't like - those things are bag hogs, and they don't look all that good, IMO.   I'll give it to anyone who asks me for it in-game.


The yellow ones kinda look like golden crowns, if you use a little imagination.  :lol:

#853523 World Chat player Mods

Posted by Akadria on 06 March 2014 - 10:50 in Suggestions

Totally agree, there should be chat moderators. Choosing them could be a little difficult in the beginning, but voluntary moderators are nothing unheard of.

#852384 Please Remove the Illuminati Reference

Posted by Akadria on 01 March 2014 - 07:24 in Suggestions

(Certain) people see "Illuminati references" everywhere because the supposed Illuminati use shiptons of very common and/or old symbols/references.  :lol: I've read quite a bit on this topic, not just saying this as a random guess. There's a lot of debates to be had here but this forum isn't quite the right place so I'll keep it short. Magic plays a large part in the universe of Eldevin so it makes sense that some occult symbology and meanings will be borrowed from the real world.

#856421 Pets and Emotes

Posted by Akadria on 19 March 2014 - 13:46 in Suggestions

I completely disagree with this idea! Not only from the perspective of loss of value ( I have multiples just like Mongo that I paid plenty for) But also from the stand point of role playing and character building. I consider my alts to be separate. I build them all different. Equip them different. The only sharing they do is with the skills,items and coin/EP that are not bound. Even if the sharing of those were eliminated, I would not be to upset. If I like and use a particular pet or emote everyone gets one. Would be a pain to have to run to the vault every little bit to return them so another alt could use. Needing only one pet/emote for all alts would drastically reduce the amount of EP/gold that I have spent with other players. Because that is what I spend the most on. Vary rarely purchase components from other players. Unless I have a special need for an item.

What do you mean by having multiples? Do you have the same ability (emote/pet) learned by more than one of your alts, or do you just have multiple scrolls of the same thing? If it's the scrolls then it's simple, you can sell them.


What do you mean your alts share skills? That's not even possible.


Pets and emotes are abilities, not items. You wouldn't have to keep putting them through the vault. Scrolls are items, abilities are not, and what we're saying in this thread is that emote and vanity pet abilities should be shared by alts of the same account.

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