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#867840 so gear/weapons in inventory get dmg upon death...

Posted by Akadria on 10 May 2014 - 12:20 in Bug Reports


so I posted a thread in another section and was mentioned on there maybe it's a bug.

I don't know if it is. I"m new but thought I'd post here in case it is and the devs read this section mostly.


I noticed gear and weapons that may be in my inventory lose points upon death etc. 

I"m not sure how this works. I know we lose durability from our stuff upon death, assumes we do from usage for the items were are wearing too but I noticed if I have gear/weapons in my inventory that it has also lost durability to it.


I noticed this when I died and went to repair stuff and an item or two from my inventory was in the repair section too.


seen this several times so I know it's not gear/weapons that needed it.


I don't know if it is intended to be like this or a bug or something so reporting it as a bug.



If you're sure you hadn't used those items at any point then yeah, they should not lose durability.

#857140 Eldevin Army/Mage Quests

Posted by Akadria on 24 March 2014 - 05:18 in Suggestions

The storylines contradict each other because they weren't originally meant to be available at the same time; I would rather have these contradictions rather than being limited to only one of these story lines per character.

#856889 Quest starting locations need to be obtainable from Quest Journal

Posted by Akadria on 22 March 2014 - 06:56 in Suggestions

Or it could be left up to fansites and such (like this forum) to help you locate quest points that you really can't find on your own. To have it all available in your quest journal might be a little too easy. The Bulletin Board quests already point you towards new quest locations in places you might not think to visit on your own.


The Eldevin Wiki quest articles will all have their starting point listed (example), but most quests don't yet have articles...

#856421 Pets and Emotes

Posted by Akadria on 19 March 2014 - 13:46 in Suggestions

I completely disagree with this idea! Not only from the perspective of loss of value ( I have multiples just like Mongo that I paid plenty for) But also from the stand point of role playing and character building. I consider my alts to be separate. I build them all different. Equip them different. The only sharing they do is with the skills,items and coin/EP that are not bound. Even if the sharing of those were eliminated, I would not be to upset. If I like and use a particular pet or emote everyone gets one. Would be a pain to have to run to the vault every little bit to return them so another alt could use. Needing only one pet/emote for all alts would drastically reduce the amount of EP/gold that I have spent with other players. Because that is what I spend the most on. Vary rarely purchase components from other players. Unless I have a special need for an item.

What do you mean by having multiples? Do you have the same ability (emote/pet) learned by more than one of your alts, or do you just have multiple scrolls of the same thing? If it's the scrolls then it's simple, you can sell them.


What do you mean your alts share skills? That's not even possible.


Pets and emotes are abilities, not items. You wouldn't have to keep putting them through the vault. Scrolls are items, abilities are not, and what we're saying in this thread is that emote and vanity pet abilities should be shared by alts of the same account.

#856383 Need GM Look at this, Flame surage proc kill's npc

Posted by Akadria on 19 March 2014 - 10:26 in Archived Bug Reports

This happened back in beta! I managed to kill a resurrection priest with my aoe. :D

You have the right to remain silent...

#856376 Need GM Look at this, Flame surage proc kill's npc

Posted by Akadria on 19 March 2014 - 10:01 in Archived Bug Reports

So you confess to the murders?  :ph34r:

#856373 Much Needed in this game

Posted by Akadria on 19 March 2014 - 09:57 in Suggestions

1) Quest Chain Guide with links

2) Character Build Guides (with possible hybrid builds)

3) Crafting Table Guide w/ resource suggestions to level each tier

4) Price Guide (kept updated weekly?)

5) In-Game Mail system with shipping and COD capability


1) what's that?

2) what's that?

3) what's that?

4) what's that?

5) what's COD?

#856370 Pets and Emotes

Posted by Akadria on 19 March 2014 - 09:54 in Suggestions

Yeah, I'd like that too. There's no way I'm gonna pay for the same emote or pet twice, so my alts pretty much have none, and the coin flip emote and goblin pet etc can only be obtained by one character anyway. :( Should be account-wide, really.

#855598 Emerald Bird aggro range

Posted by Akadria on 15 March 2014 - 14:04 in Archived Bug Reports

Hate those birds.  :ph34r:  Quick to anger, leave bleedy scratches, and aren't even skinnable.


Though it is amusing that the plagued seem to care more about friends then most Crimson.

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

#854117 PvP health potion needs a buff

Posted by Akadria on 08 March 2014 - 14:04 in Suggestions

Didn't even know these existed. Where do you get them?

#853978 Make cooking recipes more fair

Posted by Akadria on 07 March 2014 - 19:01 in Suggestions

All +Ranged foods require fished and farmed items, and fishing and farming are the most tedious of gathering professions. There's no logical reason why rangers should be eating fish that much, it'd be easy to switch some recipes.


I'm a ranger and I've been levelling my cooking, I can make +20 Melee and +20 Sorcery foods using raspberries only (plus purchased components), but for +20 Ranged food I need 2 bass and 2 onion and 1 pepper for each. That's crazy. :( Don't even want to think about Cooked Mackerel...

#853525 Conserve game system and be more friendly for free players

Posted by Akadria on 06 March 2014 - 10:54 in Suggestions


but also create additional storage space (bank) for each extra character on account,

with ability to share this space betwin all characters on the same account.

It's called the bank vault.

#853523 World Chat player Mods

Posted by Akadria on 06 March 2014 - 10:50 in Suggestions

Totally agree, there should be chat moderators. Choosing them could be a little difficult in the beginning, but voluntary moderators are nothing unheard of.

#853245 Option to hide helmets/hats

Posted by Akadria on 05 March 2014 - 07:42 in Suggestions


Take off head as wall around




No, you can't take off your head.

#853180 Option to hide helmets/hats

Posted by Akadria on 04 March 2014 - 20:06 in Suggestions


FYI, I happen to have a extra unbound yellow paper hat that I really don't like - those things are bag hogs, and they don't look all that good, IMO.   I'll give it to anyone who asks me for it in-game.


The yellow ones kinda look like golden crowns, if you use a little imagination.  :lol:

#853109 No more Ugly Armor!

Posted by Akadria on 04 March 2014 - 16:17 in Suggestions

I believe that it's due to the Eldevin engine currently to keep resources low and as the game gets better so will the graphics.

Plenty of outfits look cool already, so it's entirely possible. Have you seen the level 30 ranger set, though? It's almost as ugly as the basic crafted equips.

#853108 A tweak on the Pass/Greed/Need system

Posted by Akadria on 04 March 2014 - 16:14 in Suggestions

IMO, 'Need' should simply be disabled for Gems, Remnants and Flakes.  That would deal with 90% of the problem, not require a lot of talk-talk for random groups*, and it's easy to code.  If you want to give one of the above to a particular group member, then everybody else should "Pass" on it.


(*Or maybe disabled for LFG-mediated random groups only.)

Or this, yeah. Pass and want for gems, rems, and flakes; pass, want and need for equips.

Drop "greed", it's confusing to everyone who isn't familiar with the system.

#853105 No more Ugly Armor!

Posted by Akadria on 04 March 2014 - 16:09 in Suggestions

I agree, the level 30 rare crafted ranger set is just plain ugly. I have all my vanity slots full so it doesn't bother me too much, but yeah, since it cost a buttload of rare materials then it should look as expensive as it is.

#853103 Option to hide helmets/hats

Posted by Akadria on 04 March 2014 - 16:02 in Suggestions

especially as a mage with those ugly hoods  :angry:


a ha ha 

Like the crafted metal and leather helms are any prettier  :lol:


As said above, you can buy an invisible hood (and other invisible clothes...) from the Loyalty section of the Eldevin Market.


You could also equip a paper hat (if you don't have one, I think some people are still willing to give those away or sell for cheap), or if you can then buy some vanity head equipment with EP. I bought a bandana, at least it claims to be a bandana but it's just wrapped around your eyes, with holes for eyes so you can see, it's pretty much the same or even cooler than the invisible hood.

#853059 Calling new players

Posted by Akadria on 04 March 2014 - 09:49 in Suggestions

It's probably a better idea to invite your friends through facespace and email and such things, to invite people from other games may be frowned upon by the owners of those games, sometimes they even have explicit rules not to mention other games in their forums and private messages.

#852951 A tweak on the Pass/Greed/Need system

Posted by Akadria on 03 March 2014 - 17:50 in Suggestions

There's no need to make it overly complicated. In fact it could be made simpler, just have two options: 'pass' and 'want'.

#852384 Please Remove the Illuminati Reference

Posted by Akadria on 01 March 2014 - 07:24 in Suggestions

(Certain) people see "Illuminati references" everywhere because the supposed Illuminati use shiptons of very common and/or old symbols/references.  :lol: I've read quite a bit on this topic, not just saying this as a random guess. There's a lot of debates to be had here but this forum isn't quite the right place so I'll keep it short. Magic plays a large part in the universe of Eldevin so it makes sense that some occult symbology and meanings will be borrowed from the real world.

#852141 Help Mode

Posted by Akadria on 28 February 2014 - 16:53 in Suggestions

Sorry Frozen I don't understand this part "20 + level I pass himself instance Boondocks Remnant, 30 + will also be held Vault."


If you could clarify would be great :)

You can solo Boondocks when you're level 20+, and 30+ you can solo The Vault.


I tried soloing the Vault today but ran back before the first boss, wasn't sure if I could make it.

#851975 Help Mode

Posted by Akadria on 27 February 2014 - 14:42 in Suggestions

I had issues finding a group for Ohdar so I could complete it at least once to get rid of the quests, so it took a while, I think I was level 30 when we finally finished the whole run. But, what I want to say is, you can leave the group quests hanging and go do other stuff, not being able to complete the group run quests doesn't mean that you're stuck. Even not getting all the remnants/equips doesn't mean that you're stuck, eventually you'll need to get new armor anyway so they're not that important (until, like, To3 or TR, I don't know yet). I've never had a full set until level 30, and level 30 sets for all classes can be crafted in full, no dungeons needed. I'll be wearing this stuff for a long time now. :D (Digressed from the topic a bit, sorry.)

#851958 The state of end game Crafting & The Economy

Posted by Akadria on 27 February 2014 - 12:32 in Suggestions

I'm gonna quote something I said in the Prestige Points thread:

Like has been said in other threads, levelling crafting skills should be more rewarding, and one way to do it could be... well, something that rewards prestige points (more than just the level-up-in-any-skill daily quest), and maybe rewards something else too (or a choice of different rewards including prestige). I got the idea that maybe (on higher levels?) you can craft certain items that will not be usable/equippable by players, but you can sell it to NPC factions who require the stuff -- like the Eldevin Army might need a certain style of armor pieces and equipment (the silver-green stuff that they usually wear), and the Arcane Council might have a demand for Arcane Council-style robes and stuff, etc. Being awarded Prestige Points for this makes sense since you're directly working for the factions. Though of course it shouldn't be too easy, which is why I'm suggesting this for higher crafting levels, also the grinding can be slowed down by having a limit to how much demand the factions have for the stuff, so they're not willing to buy an endless amount of things every day. ... Just a fleeting idea.laugh.png

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