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#974685 Destroyed by higher level players

Posted by MaximusGR on 30 December 2016 - 20:42 in General Discussion

I d like to complain about a very annoying "feature" of the game, the fact that there is no level restriction on PvP attacks. I log in regularly trying to grow as much as I can, today for no apparent reason someone with power 20 TIMES higher than me destroyed my base and killed off all my troups..what could 40.000 tier 1 and 2 do against 80000 tanks and jets? How can I defend against that? 


Secondly, I made the huge mistake of spending a few bucks to buy high level troops to kill aliens more easily, and they are gone forever. Does it make sense to buy something that can simply be taken from you within seconds? If they dont refund them, I ll make sure not many more do that stupid mistake through every media possible (Steam and game portals)/ "Hey there is a game you can donate to grow faster and a very high level player will set you back and leave you with nothing!"


Thats all for now

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