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#992709 Icons not loading

Posted by Sadiablo on 07 July 2018 - 01:02 in General Discussion

It makes me wonder, how threads can stay active about problems hindering players for several months at a time and be totally ignored. But within just a couple of minutes in another forum section they get instant attention.  The problem doesn't get fixed mind you, but the thread gets attention suddenly. 


I generally don't like to make comparisons, but... if this were any other online company, you could legally request compensation for lack of service. Here you just get scolded lately and then go back to being ignored. 

#992236 Icons not loading

Posted by Sadiablo on 10 June 2018 - 06:00 in General Discussion

Yep, all the icons are broken almost. I saw a couple low level angel icons, but other than that.. it's all knackered. Maybe by christmas they'll remember the game exists and fix that  :P

#992235 My Anniversary

Posted by Sadiablo on 10 June 2018 - 05:32 in General Discussion

I will forever be nostalgic of the community that gothador once had. When the bovine gods actually showed us attention and the population thrived. Yes, there were games like Everquest out there and others that were coming to life, but I remember.. when Tabula Rasa and Guild of Wisdom were in their prime and we had radio nights with Jinxeth doing DJ and we would all kick back and run after stuff from an invasion.  All while trying to Dodge Morbid or Sephidroth. 


Those were some great times, and I will always be thankful for the day I met you OG. One of the most wonderful people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. And others that I got to know pretty well like Nyarlathotep and Nibbler and Mystical. There were some incredible people here, and while I cling to that nostalgia it leaves me a little forlorn as well knowing that those people have moved on to other things and we'll never share the joys of exploring the realms and doing things as a group/family. 


It's bittersweet in a way, but I also remember the fun I would have talking to Capadocious and Morbid and Gallowmere after coming over here from Vampires!. But now it's as you said darling, phantoms in an old empty Mansion more often than not unfortunately :(

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