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#999126 Some questions

Posted by darkempathy on 01 November 2019 - 10:41 in Game Help



I played the game literally years ago and got about 90 or so levels in. A recent discussion elsewhere reminded me of Gothador, and I decided to give things another try, particularly given I'm visually impaired and screen reading tech has improved over the years making the game screen rather easier to navigate. 


I know there probably aren't as many players around now, but as the game is still going and I enjoy questing and exploring why not?


firstly, I was disappointed to see a lot of the old gothador links went bye bye, but the wiki seems very complete. However, I do have some questions that aren't covered. 


Firstly, platinum. Where do I get it? apparently it's needed to buy skillpoints. There are some mentions of it on the wiki, but nothing on where it can be mined or otherwise put together. 


Likewise, I am not entirely clear on how spells work. 

Do I need to use the create spell function to get better spells? or do they come with the class, since right now create spell creates things that are pretty cruddy, and the spells I have aren't really that good, or do I just need to grind away.


secondly, there doesn't really seem to be a way to  gage what equipment I can get to where and what is better than what, since while the wiki has all the information, its not in the best order. 

EG I am using some pretty amazing gear I was given years ago, like a psycho criss and amulet of destruction, but I have no boots and only basic armour and shield, which obviously isn't a good thing, yet I'm not entirely clear where to get better armour and shields. Do I just need to wander around and check shops? And if so, where would be a good place to start?

I have supported status, and am now a monk, hurrah! so can get to other realms. 

Any information much appreciated.

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