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There have been 12 items by Ultimecia (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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#842331 Gold Sink

Posted by Ultimecia on 19 January 2014 - 10:16 in Suggestions

overall just easy to make gold in this game, not just for 40s... I had over 1kgold before i even go to level 35. once i hit lvl 40 i was sitting on almost 4k gold...

#839626 Terenul Rosu - Balsaur Bug

Posted by Ultimecia on 11 January 2014 - 02:39 in Bug Reports

raven sell me a full TR set then if its tradable. Ill pay well ;)

#838003 Crafted Weapons / Armor / Jewelry - Dungeons and Items

Posted by Ultimecia on 07 January 2014 - 08:04 in Suggestions

Has to be more than 1 way to get the flakes and remnants though. Running the same easy dungeon mindlessly over 100 times is not fun.

#837470 Life Steal on Hit doesnt work as supposed?

Posted by Ultimecia on 05 January 2014 - 12:33 in Archived Bug Reports

Been like this for a while now. Logging off resets it.

#837272 Terenul Rosu

Posted by Ultimecia on 04 January 2014 - 08:06 in Suggestions

this goes for everything dungeon, lol. i got sick of it after like 8 runs and im not even close to being finished. It would be nice if they worked on the boss drops and widen the loot drop range a bit... getting the same 1-2 loot from bosses is very lame. make the whole set drop and not just gloves.

#836229 Getting a buff when soloing a Dungeon.

Posted by Ultimecia on 31 December 2013 - 03:50 in Suggestions

+1. I for one have been level 40 for a very long time and have not been able to do the level 35 or 40 dungeons due to lack of players. If this was implemented, it would be great. I could FINALLY get my endgame set.

#833728 Health Leech on staff not applying to spells?

Posted by Ultimecia on 22 December 2013 - 06:35 in Bug Reports

thank you humbum.  mods can kill this thread now.

#833631 Health Leech on staff not applying to spells?

Posted by Ultimecia on 21 December 2013 - 23:04 in Bug Reports

staves give magic dps tho.

#833630 Health Leech on staff not applying to spells?

Posted by Ultimecia on 21 December 2013 - 23:02 in Bug Reports

And im attacking with the weapon. I have it equipped. It's not leeching from anything other than when I auto melee with staff, while my Essence leeches from auto range AND magic...

#833627 Health Leech on staff not applying to spells?

Posted by Ultimecia on 21 December 2013 - 22:57 in Bug Reports

Why tho it doesn't make sense. I can leech from my essence using magic, bit not staff....?

#832603 Health Leech on staff not applying to spells?

Posted by Ultimecia on 19 December 2013 - 04:48 in Bug Reports

the one on my essence works just fine. Leeches for both essence ranged attacks and spells. but the one on staff only leeches on melee hit which isnt used by mages, is this intended?

#824401 Server will restart in 15 secs? Really?

Posted by Ultimecia on 02 December 2013 - 22:47 in General Discussion

Never have I played a game where they warn you 15 secs in advance before they shut down server. You guys should really work on that. At least give us 5 mins... But the standard in most games is 15-30 mins warning. Was actually in the middle of a boss fight.

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