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#922763 Player Barracks

Posted by lester on 08 March 2015 - 00:29 in Suggestions

forget lvl 48-50 content  add a level 30 dungeon most people quit in that level range because grinding quests for 10 levels is very repetitive.

#920753 Better TA system.

Posted by lester on 20 February 2015 - 11:11 in Suggestions

No support,


TA would be so inactive.. people enter to gather resources quicker, if people like myself didn't kill these people everybody would have max level in skills.


If there was one spawn point people would just sit at the spawn point so nobody would ever be able to enter anyway.

Thanks for killing them, you've done eldevin a good deed.Added a death timer so if you kill the person camping spawn point you have 1 min to go to your spot and prepare.Also note there is no mounts so if you go deep enough you can kill them as they struggle catching up.

#920751 Better TA system.

Posted by lester on 20 February 2015 - 11:04 in Suggestions

The reason they are going there to gather as opposed to greenreef itself is because items stack too 999, you gather slightly more items per gather which in turn means more xp per gather and reduced gathering time.


The is a HUGE incentive and reward to gathering in TA and the risk is that if you do not pay attention as you have outlined you may die when a pvp player comes along.


I see no fault with the above risk/reward system


The only issue with TA is the imbalance between high level and low level players - even with the boost to stats to low levels, they lack the talents/skills to defend themselves 1v1 which is why you often see grouping occuring.


But I am going off topic and will revert to:

I like the idea of mobs/items/tokens presented but not the whole revamp of TA  ;)

It is supposed to be a pvp system but it is one where it only benefits pvpers that can use the resources they obtain from gatherers,which is a assumption hcs made that every pvper also does crafting.

EDIT:Thanks for the input.

#920749 Better TA system.

Posted by lester on 20 February 2015 - 10:45 in Suggestions

I quite like the concept of the mobs, tokens and weapons outlined.


I think this would be a cool idea to add to a sister island rather than completely removing the current TA system...


It would be nice to have a couple of islands with different concepts or themes whiles still being open pvp.

Problem with that I want to limit the amount of PvP locations at this current population.The current TA system is broken.The reason why people are complaining they are dieing is because it feels way to PvE, you are gathering resources, having a chat with other gatherers while gathering your own plants,the risk/reward system is PvE based, and even the map looks PvE based it reminds me of green reef isle .I'm sure if you change the theme of TA to be more dark and twisted the players will rethink what type of zone it is.

EDIT:I would actually love if the nodes are removed all the players will go back to farming resources out of TA and then pots will be in higher demand ,weren't people saying that crafting skills are pointless to train? This solution kills 2 birds with 1 stone. 

#920745 Better TA system.

Posted by lester on 20 February 2015 - 10:04 in Suggestions

Take Out:


  • Take out all of the gathering nodes and take out mounts being enabled.
  • Take out the random spawn points.
  • Make the map more dark and twisted, it is way to sunshine and rainbows to be a pvp map.
  • EDIT:and Mounts!


Add In:

  • 1 spawn point which people enter and it is a safe area.
  • Then add a tiers of the map starting from 1-X amount.
  • Fill in these tiers with low level monsters to high level monsters the higher tier of the island you go.
  • Make it so you can only aggro one mob at a time.
  • Give all these mobs a chance to drop weapons and TA tokens that show up in your inventory.
  • People who initiate combat (Started Combat) will receive a indicator preferably a skull on top of their head meaning all items are dropped on death ( I'm speaking about the weapons and tokens you get from the mobs) people who never initiated get to keep 30% of their items on death but drops all of their tokens(Obviously the weapons that are kept are ones that sell the highest to vendors)
  • You can redeem these tokens to buy items that include but not limited to potions,gathering resources and class gear that has a set bonus of doing 15% more dmg to players.
  • I would like to keep this place single target only just because if i'm killing a monster and someone attacks me and i respond with a AoE arrow and hit someone else , I will also be skulled.

Why do this? Because the current TA system is on the assumption every single pvper is a high level gatherer , I'm not a high leveled gatherer so i have no use for these trashy resources clogging up my inventory.With this system both parties will obtain something they can use tokens for.



  • Add a teleporter in the lower part of the wilderness to be teleported further in to the wild for faster travel but the teleporters must not be close to any group of mobs.Edit:The teleporter to access the deep wilderness quicker must also cost tokens obtained from the mobs to use in order for people to save tokens when they enter TA , so they would risk something.So if a pker wants to kill someone who just finished off a mob ,the guy can just run to the teleporter and teleport to the deeper part of the wilderness meanwhile the pker if he doesn't have any tokens won't can't catch up.
  • Add a attacking level difference of -5/+5 per tier of the wilderness you're in(This may vary depending on how many tiers your adding.)

#920666 TA Idea

Posted by lester on 19 February 2015 - 20:59 in Suggestions

First of all TA is mostly PvE , be honest what are you most likely to see people doing there? Killing ? I wish, no they are usually running around collecting PvE mats and tokens with their mounts which is another thing that i don't agree on being implemented in TA, which is something that was brought into the game to travel from location to location in the PvE world and is enabled in TA something ya call "PvP".


Shoot if mounts are enabled in this heavily "PvP" dedicated island why not enable them in group pvp? I'm guessing group pvp is "More" then TA


And for your idea, no.I want them to lose as much as possible and if they cry about it good kill them again ,shoot make a video out of it.

#918417 PVP Related Suggestions

Posted by lester on 06 February 2015 - 15:00 in Suggestions

If by updating meaning taking out the resources and removing the mounts;then that's a good start.

#917009 Level cap on PvP

Posted by lester on 26 January 2015 - 04:20 in Suggestions

It has been requested by many,and I agree.The level cap for entering PvP i believe is 10-45, new players trying out pvp will totally give obliterated if there is a lvl 45 in the match.Players joining Eldevin for some PvP will see the imbalance of a poorly made pvp system and if pvp was their sole purpose for joining the game that is one less player Eldevin could of gotten.


The argument.

 Many argue that this would be a bad idea at the games stage as it is now because of the low population of pvper's and you won't get any pvp matches in.I believe if there is a level cap ,low level players will join pvp and increase the amount of pvp matches that there is,and truly give new players a feel of pvp.If you simply fix the fairness in levels you will attract pvper's of all levels to queue up for it.


The Suggestion.

A level cap system that consists of a 9 level gap meaning different matches for players that are level:

10-19,  20-29  , 30-39,  40-49


Why 9?

Simply because dungeon sets are given out every 5 levels so for example 10-19 the max dungeon set will be vault dungeon gear which is level 15 and is balanced through the 10-19 range.


The sooner this idea is implemented the sooner new players can experience pvp.

#910187 Dungeon Queueing

Posted by lester on 18 December 2014 - 00:11 in Suggestions

How about a system in which you can create a party and select which roles you would like to join your party.Then when someone selects a role if it meets your requirements you can accept him into your party.

#909946 Dungeon Queueing

Posted by lester on 16 December 2014 - 21:27 in Suggestions


#909557 Hope you put in as a set the armor that the evil guy is wearing in the introd...

Posted by lester on 15 December 2014 - 15:32 in Suggestions

When I first played this game I figured there would be a quest to join the crimson macabre which needed crimson reputation points.Figured there would be a faction war between the crimson and eldevin.There would be land that if you cross you are targeted by the enemy faction.

#909006 Player Battlegrounds

Posted by lester on 12 December 2014 - 16:12 in Suggestions

Would be a big improvement.

#909004 Minddrages discussion: a topic that has never been approached!

Posted by lester on 12 December 2014 - 16:04 in Suggestions

So,you pay fp to upgrade your gear.If so then no,we need less reasons to not train crafting not more.

#907272 account bound items from pl/daily dungeons

Posted by lester on 05 December 2014 - 12:16 in Suggestions

Nty the rest shouldn't be character bound,I actually would like a market for dungeon items in the game.

#905447 My hat 100 feat in the air

Posted by lester on 28 November 2014 - 02:24 in Bug Reports

100 feat? That is one finger on my  screen. :P

#904830 Eldevin Arena

Posted by lester on 26 November 2014 - 02:33 in Suggestions


I mean really,you know something is very useless  and ignored if the new players never talk about it.

I suggest you make the arena a side activity for people to do instead of questing to level up.

Use a token system for Arena to cash in for gear, pots and etc.

I believe the last time i did arena the chest only gave one item.

Update it, its like how TA was with durability loss on death(Pointless to do)

#904378 Christmas Event Suggestion

Posted by lester on 25 November 2014 - 06:23 in Suggestions

Also those ice bosses were really pointless to kill, I'm expecting them to turn them into another Argent Wolf system,in which you put the candy canes in a gift box and it spawns the ice elemental.

#904370 Make Valor account wide

Posted by lester on 25 November 2014 - 05:13 in Suggestions

Basically what the title says.I like to play Queue pvp on many of my different characters.But the way the HCS sets it, you make it so you have to play one character only to save up for vanity items.Making it account wide makes it so we can have fun playing different classes in pvp while still earning a vanity reward.

#904046 1 Year Anniversary 30 th novmber

Posted by lester on 24 November 2014 - 04:55 in Suggestions

Everyone is teleported to TA with no escape or log out button, they must fight to the death, losers will get their account deleted,and only one shall be victorious.


May the Hunger Games begin. 


#903928 Thieving Thought Out

Posted by lester on 23 November 2014 - 19:48 in Suggestions

Had this idea since eldevin launch still agree.

#903341 Invite while in Dungeon

Posted by lester on 21 November 2014 - 21:57 in Bug Reports

Doing a Rumble Grotto dungeon, randomly get a invite, accidentally click accept.You leave the party and then you get kicked from the dungeon, please fix this.

#902318 better raids

Posted by lester on 19 November 2014 - 21:05 in Suggestions

Didn't have time to explain wrote it in my lunch break.There should be hordes of mobs before the final boss, then you fight the raid bosses elite gaurd, then on to the actual raid boss.There should be things like healing crystal or better yet crystal that if you don't kill in a certain amount of time explodes and deals damage to the whole raid group(Just throwing this out there, this can prevent DPS from just afking and letting the healers and tank do all the work.) Mobs should spawn in bulk towards random players(Don't make them spawn out from the boss since it is very easy to deal with if that happens) 


The bosses should  drop unique crafting materials that are needed to create weapons with a powerful enchantment for example-Poisons do 20% more dmg and such.


The battle ground should be filled with players with specific roles basically.

#902200 better raids

Posted by lester on 19 November 2014 - 16:12 in Suggestions

I suggest that you add raids that actually feel like one.Add many huge packs of mobs before facing the boss .Upon killing the boss weapons and armor will drop as well as special runes that give special effects to weapons and armor like snaring and such.

#902173 My List of Suggestions and Complaints

Posted by lester on 19 November 2014 - 15:08 in Suggestions

It's ethier people complain that Eldevin sells gold to its players for them to gain money to help the game or players complain that chinese are on the servers and take the players money to help themselves.


You can pay money for the game buy EP and sell it to players and get gold, this will not hurt the economy in any way.

The buying of gold in shop is pretty pointless, so taking it away would actually benifit the game.


It also won't hurt HCS's income since players still have to pay them for EP and sell it to other players.


In this way it makes everyone happy.

#902168 Dungeon Queueing

Posted by lester on 19 November 2014 - 14:50 in Suggestions

Make it so when you queue for high level dungeons , it makes you select a role(Healer,DPS,Tank)

Then it finds  a healer,2xdps,tank and notifys the players that a group has been found while  showing the roles of everyone else before teleporting.The queueing in this game is very pointless because you get teleported to a dungeon not knowing whos who and find out your going to do a level 45 dungeon with a full dps party, basically wasting everyones time walking/teleporting back to what they were originally doing.

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