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There have been 17 items by Qao (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#843027 Gaining XP towards account level, from my capped lvl 40 character

Posted by Qao on 22 January 2014 - 14:07 in Bug Reports

i have lvl 31 and 90 % ;p 

#841096 My way to improve game

Posted by Qao on 16 January 2014 - 00:57 in Suggestions

Qao hoard gold, then say "Noooo we don't want people to hoard gold and ruin economy like this". Actually Qao don't want other to be as rich as her.

Used 70% of this gold for my gems. 

#841095 My way to improve game

Posted by Qao on 16 January 2014 - 00:53 in Suggestions

And again cry from the annoying guy;). U guys doing noise like  I plvl'ed half Server meanwhile i plvl'ed 3 persons to  30-34 level. All this 3 persons join our community 2-4 weeks after server starts. I give them also some basic knowledge about the game and advice about quests and build of characters what they may like and i'm happy to see them everyday  because they didn't leave game due to the large advantage of other players. So i dont feel guilty... even if it's legal now.

#840815 My way to improve game

Posted by Qao on 15 January 2014 - 02:34 in Suggestions

Funny how its players who are lvl 40 that want the money reduced...think about the lower level players that don't make much money spending what they do get on crafting mats, repairs or trying to buy items from other palyers.


I want gold gain reduced only on lvls 30-40 to keep property economy. ;)

#839278 My way to improve game

Posted by Qao on 10 January 2014 - 12:50 in Suggestions

"It is sad that fools are so sure of themselves and wise people so full of doubts."


                                                                                                Bertrand Russell

#839257 Dc when u try open forum in new tab

Posted by Qao on 10 January 2014 - 11:05 in Bug Reports

for sure there is some progres after last patch we have now new content... report bugs 

#839250 Dc when u try open forum in new tab

Posted by Qao on 10 January 2014 - 10:41 in Bug Reports

this whats happens each time when i try open forum in new tab


#839034 only half Hp from hp on hit gems

Posted by Qao on 09 January 2014 - 21:35 in Archived Bug Reports


#839007 My way to improve game

Posted by Qao on 09 January 2014 - 20:38 in Suggestions

updated ;)

#839006 Exploration Achievement - Broken Shore

Posted by Qao on 09 January 2014 - 20:36 in Archived Bug Reports

I reported this long time ago

#838452 My way to improve game

Posted by Qao on 08 January 2014 - 11:55 in Suggestions

Thx for reply but i need more sugestion ;)

#837255 My way to improve game

Posted by Qao on 04 January 2014 - 04:04 in Suggestions

its fine i need more coments here and suggestions. And im wondering when some ppl will get party at lvl 39/40 to do Tr dungeon. ;) 

#837122 My way to improve game

Posted by Qao on 03 January 2014 - 17:07 in Suggestions

I make my post in points so everyone can put some rage on each point ;) or creatively comment on another solution.


First stage community:


1. Guild and guild house. It will unite the people and certainly bring old players. In addition suggests the possibility of expanding the guild house by using gathering materials.

2. Weekly mini active events, best if u need whole party for them or some ressorces to bring profit to hard working crafters :)

3. Forum events with small reward system.

4. Daily login bonus with random bufs like killing exp, gathering or simple gold coin. Duration of this buf shuld be based on character level(lower lvl bigger bonus).

5. Mentor system to help low lvl player's and hold them in game ;)


Economy ( here i don't have much knowledge but...)


1. Remove npc what sell ressorces or rise or raise the current price.

2. Remove potions from shop or rise or raise the current price.

3. balanced gathering exp in some proffesions

4. Random craft bonus for items should keep busy crafters too.

5. The speed in making gold is too fast, we need something that will stop inflation and reduce our gold resources at higher levels, this problem should not touch the players below level 35. with my skills and gear i have i can make 150-200G per H with drop potion. So I propose remove drop potions, or reducing the values of green items in lvl range 30-40+.





1. 1 vs 1 arena system. After teleport to arena its should remove all bufs// blessing player got. Fight to 3 wins, also we should put rating board.

2. (hotfix)  balanced combat, length. Put some pvp resistance.

3. Good daily quests at Trapper's Atoll ( open pvp map ) to give some open pvp fun for us ] : >

i got plenty more ideas but need to put my minds together, and w8 for lvl 45 cup ] : >



1. Wardrobe for vanity items 

2. Anti-bot verifications

3. Pet ability to pick up items 

4.  OFC auction house

5. Mail system in game

#833929 Archivments Bugs

Posted by Qao on 22 December 2013 - 23:17 in Archived Bug Reports

I will post here all Archivments Bugs what i found 


1. brokenshore dont count to Explore archivment

2. Already Neon and Elaes post in but Shade kills dont count to archivments and legendary kills

3. Combat Archivment: Untimely Death 

4.  i shuld get few reputation archivments already seems all are buged 

5. Rokfoot faction kills dont count 

will be continued.. ;)

#833927 mythos school house

Posted by Qao on 22 December 2013 - 23:10 in Archived Bug Reports

I have same problem when i have pet with me just unsummon pet if u have it and its fine ;)

#833803 Quest what are buged tilt lvl 40

Posted by Qao on 22 December 2013 - 15:27 in Bug Reports

(fixed quest send u to wrong npc but whole quest working THX to RAVEN ! ) Book : Electioneering ( lvl 22) Quest: "Change for The people" stage 4/6 npc dont give quest 

Book : Service to the Council (lvl 38) Quest: "Chasing inspiration" stage 2/9 u cant use quest item ( HOT FIX NEED ) its pain in ass when u get msg from the quest over time !

Book : A Crmison Threat  ( lvl 38)  Quest: "A state of panick" stage 5/6 quest spawn 2 elit mobs one of them is imposible to atack


Its all so far after last update, and please fix this quest Chasing inspiration as FAST is posible.

#833116 Maelstrom - Buggy since Xmas event

Posted by Qao on 20 December 2013 - 13:10 in Bug Reports

its happening on arena lvl 40 when u have same mobs like event one.

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